Why did the Japs steal our aesthetics?

Why did the Japs steal our aesthetics?
Why don't we use them anymore?

Don't ignore what's right in front of your face.
We have had Jewish aesthetics pushed on us for the last 30+ years and the Japs stole everything we once considered holy and made it fucking gay!


Because they use them better. They might as well belong to them now.

Wanted to join winners. Asian thing/parasite thing. Tried to make things german, then azn.

Religious shit is that exactly. Fuck off. You da theif.



Fuck off gook


Island nation is always the answer/justification.

In this instance, you could say this is a combination of them never having proper neighbors and imitation being flattery. If Japan started copying something Korea did, Korea would call them out, but Sweden and Europe are so far away, and so foreign, they 1) Can just cherry pick all the really nice stuff 2) Everyone will think it's adorable.


Nightmare alternate bizarro universe confirmed, I guess.



Japs just love novelties. The town will be different in a couple of years.
I work with japs, share the office with japs and have video conference with japs every day. They are odd fellows with rigid customs and an inexpiable fascination for toying around with new things, interacting at a superficial level. Hard to explain.

Korea would call them out because they're a bunch of whiny babies and most of their culture is stolen from the Chinese or Japanese in the first place.


this is some next level bullshit

Eastern Christians are all pretty insane.

Of course they had to retcon Jesus into being Japonese.

This is true.

I bet Korean Christians are pretty pants on head retarded too. Christianity always adapted itself to the region in order to gain over the locals though.

He became a weebo and got himself a 2D waifu instead of some used up ex-whore that stood idle while he was getting nailed to a cross.

Those who have gone through the 7 ecumenical councils are still less insane than american christian though.

The only play I can reliably find good western artwork anymore are art threads on Holla Forums and Church. Not most protestant churches, they have a funny definition of "idolatry"

da fuck is this? didnt the nips killed all the christians?


All cultures must be destroyed to give rise to the ultra individualism imo


quads of lies.

(((They))) did through manipulating American military forces. Nagasaki had most Christians in all of Nipland when it got bombed. The more you know.

Because it's a superior aesthetic. The bigger question is why we don't use it as much, and the answer being that self-hating cucks are the ones designing most big games (and movies, comics, etc.) in the west these days and actually appreciating western culture is a bad thing to them.

No one is more Japanese than Jesus Christ.

Sweden doesn't have culture. Do these japs live in a nihilistic void?

Holy shit. They did western culture better than actual western countries do.

Dude what.

They treat it like a freaking disneyland tour.

Find me the bible passage that state's Jesus' race.

protip: it's that way for a reason

You tried.

Jew is not a race, you pretentious juvenile.



Thank you for correcting the record.

Ο Θεός να σώσει τους πιστούς

Excellent point, sure showed me.

I don't know, user. I find it cute.

da joooooooows

We don't use them because the game industry has been taken over by cuckhold faggots and SJWs

I also like it. I mean at least someone is doing it.

The same reason japan makes MMOs that have flying WWII japanese battleships which you fight in literal mech suits while under fire from inter-dimensional laser beams as a fucking anime opening plays as the BGM.

It's cuz they're fucking japan and they'll do whatever the fuck they want to do.

Because we didn't deserve them anymore after failing to heed Hitler's warnings.

Pls stop baiting retard.