You know at this point i'm starting to think that Holla Forums is more heavily shilled than fucking Halfchan. Can't have a single decent thread without it descending into retarded Drama or e-celeb faggotry. This board is now more about a tug of war over whether or not Trump is a Kike or not than actually have discussions or doing things. Hell when was the last genuinely fun thread? Fucks sake we haven't had an esoteric Kekism thread with actual discussion in forever. Now this place more resembles some butthurt (((alt-right))) discussion forum than the fun place with actual original humor that it used to be.
You know at this point i'm starting to think that Holla Forums is more heavily shilled than fucking Halfchan...
lurk 2 years before posting.
There are more "manned" shills here. Cuckchan is literally bot software running on a loop to start threads.
Fucking kill yourself D&C disinfo shill.
You are everything wrong with this board.
Promptly leave and never come back.
I guess I hit a nerve.
You can't even have actual discussion on this fucking board because of ad hominem faggots like you.
The ironing is delicious.
yeh probably
>you are adding to it by posting this shit thread instead of going to >>>/polmeta/
Sage and report.
But that's wrong. e-celeb cancer gets gassed on sight and retarded drama is very easy to avoid. You could start a fun thread if you wanted to, but no, you're just here to consensus crack and slide the catalog. Reported.
Yeah, the volume has gone up and down since the election, but I'm not sure anyone really took us seriously before last November.
Don't change shit. Continue shit-posting, continue meme-magick against (((them))).
You posted this thread before you faggot.
Fuck off and slide something else.
You didn't even look in the catalogue did you, nigger.
Fuck off and lurk 2 years before trying to even shill.
Fucking hell, the gall of your faggotry is ridiculous.
Memes and jokes are how you fucking win an information war you useless fucking cunt. Why do you think (((they))) have utterly dominated comedy while using people like Jon Steward and Colbert to brainwash young people? It's because when somethings funny your mental defenses go down and it becomes much easier to accept/consider ideas that you would have never considered before.
Mcfucking kill yourself
1. Look through the catalogue
2. Bump the threads you like
(Bonus points for pissing off shills that were trying to slide them)
3. Remove that cock from your mouth and stop being a whiny faggot cunt.
Fuck, forgot to sage.
What are you going to do about it?
And your solution to this was to start a fucking faggot cancer meta-thread, further lowering board quality?
I hope everybody you love fucking dies.
How to deal with shills.
whining isn't a solution
OP, I'm sorry but you're a loser. I mean, not specifically because you sleep with teens, because you *target* them.
I mean don't get me wrong, I used to be like you. And truth be told I'm with a 17 year old girl right now, my thing is virgins. I'm not special, the thing is you should just stop *caring* about the age. That's my philosophy. I look at a girl and just judge how attractive I find her, and ignore whether she's 25 or 14.
See I realized one day part of why I was targeting teens was because I was a little intimidated by girls my own age. I expected they'd want older men, expect more of me, be more intelligent than me. But that was really fucking dumb, and none of it's true. You know how they say "women are like children"? It's true. None of the girls in their 20's I've slept with have thought or talked any different than the teens. And I know how this is going to sound, but *some of them* are better at conversation than their teen counterparts. I know, I know, but you have to talk to them between ejaculations, especially if you're not just looking for sex. And teens these days are annoying as fuck. I fucking hate tumblr so much. I've dropped girls just for using terms like "bae" and "fukkboi". Even the one I'm fucking right now, as smart as she is, you know what her fucking hobbies were before I found her? Watching let's play videos, slender man, five nights at freddy's, and Sonic the fucking Hedgehog. Don't get me wrong, I love her, and I'm improving her a lot, but I'm saying that's the light end of what you can expect if you try dating teens. She has GameGrumps hoodies and draws fan art of Markiplier.
The girls in their 20's? Same mindset. They still want to be treated like children, they still want to be talked down to, they're still dumb as fuck in some ways and smart and others, but for example, last 26 year old I fucked? She was obsessed with Star Wars and Fallout. And she had a freaking kid!
Well if you're not retarded you usually don't click on shit threads, I guess the point has to be driven but certainly people that are more seasoned straight up ignore that shit entirely, not even responding to it.
In fact, me explaining this is going against what I am saying right now.
Hi, Shariablue, i see you bumping shitty threads to push down the good ones.
Tactic noted.
just give up with this kike board.
/polk/ is what Holla Forums used to be.
it's time for a mass migration.