I got a copy of Deadly Premonition for the PS3 and have just finished the lumber mill where the murder took place...

I got a copy of Deadly Premonition for the PS3 and have just finished the lumber mill where the murder took place. It's going to pick up from here after I meet with the town, right?

It does, but I cant stress this enough, if you expect it to pick up gameplay wise it doesnt unless you go out of your way to do sidequests.

The lumber mill is the most boring level. The game only gets more wacky from there.

The gameplay remains shit until you go do sidequests to get infinite weapons and even then it only gets bearable.

Okay, I'll make sure to do sidequests. If I could handle the ones in Nier, these should be okay. There isn't a big emphasis on time management, is there? The game has the clock going, but no calendar (that I've noticed), so I just have to wait for the window to open up each day.

Start collecting bones and getting those Infinite Weapons.

Some characters can only have certain quests done when at specific times of the day or night, same with shops so keeping cigars to pass the time is useful.

And despite what it says on the screen, there is no punishment for chosing not to do the main story missions.

Cool, thanks for the tips user.

Man to this day I have no idea what to say about this game. The only thing I can say for sure is that if there was every a thing as "pure vidya kino," this would be it. It's the only game I could describe as perfect yet the biggest ass turd I've ever touched in my life. Is it just me? I think the SJWs are wrong, something like this would be the next stage of evolution for vidya, not walking sims. Deadly Premonition is what Death Stranding will TRY to be. I STILL have no idea why fuckers aren't talking about it to this day, if there was ever one piece of human creativity that could be used as an example of real, high art, it'd be Deadly Premonition. Maybe I'm just shitpost, who knows.

The game at least has some fans and notoriety, Dark Dreams Don't Die is the one that needs more coverage

He just needs to get better so we can get more D4

The game definitely has that feeling of something that was one guys pure vision and no one stepped on his toes or forced him to compromise in making it, but unlike something like the Star Wars prequels the vision was actually good.

Except for all those gun section that were mandated and not part of the original game

It only gets worse. The only good part of it is the start for aping Twin Peaks's mood.

In my opinion, I feel like the gun sections compliment the game. It's pretty clear that the game was created to question what makes a video game good, and those shooting segments hit it right on the head. They fit in perfectly the the awkward driving segments. The game is really just a weird beautiful trainwreck. Idk, I hate shitting on an artists vision but it feels like the right thing to add to a game like DP. It'd be too uneventful without them. Imagine shenmue without fist fighting. Idk. This game makes me question my fucking existence and video games in general.

Deadly premonition is a purposeful trainwreck that created high art.

Hope he gets well soon. I'd hate for D4 to end on a cliffhanger.

Thankfully so. The lumber mill is the low point of the game, especially the QTEs.

By the way, spend time investigating on your own. Many sidequests lock you out when their time is up.

You can skip 99% of the combat in the game, either by running or using invisibility.

user we need to move on…

I will wait forever if I have to.


This is Jim Sterling level bullshit. Deadly Premonition looks and plays like an obscure PS2 game.

But is the story great? Yes. Does that change the faults in the gameplay? No, but we're not autistic and we can keep the two things separate. Like Michael Jackson being a good singer and a predator pedophile.

Fuck off, the story was the same quality as the gameplay.

Well shit, I uninstalled pretty much after lumber mill. From what I gathered here, I got punished for not taking enough bullshit before (maybe) it gets interesting.

it hurts

If the game doesn't keep you playing past a certain point, just don't play it. People either love that game the entire way through me or they hate it and simply don't like any of it.
I got in on console because on my shit older PC it ran like hot garbage. Probably the best decision I've ever made in my life, even though they all run at the same framerate.

They really fucked up the PC version. It's amazing that it didn't get taken off Steam/GOG considering how goddamn buggy it was.

To add on to

iirc some quests require rainy weather, which you can affect with an item, or by waiting it out.

Why'd you get it for the ps3? Did you not know there was a PC port?