Jews have an average IQ of 115 and 30% of them have genius tier IQs

How is this possible when they have so many mental illnesses and pretty much every jew is so inbred that they'll never be able to marry another jew that isn't their cousin? How did it get to be this way?

Is the statistic fake? Why is it listed in every single statistic apart from israel's own statistics, which could be due to non-ashkenazi jews?

Is this the origin of the meme where intelligent people are schizophrenic and insane?

Other urls found in this thread:



I'll take jewish tricks for $300 alex

How would having reddit spacing change what I'm talking about? This isn't a reddit topic at all you cocksucking nigger.

Also reddit spacing isn't just having a single space inbetween paragraphs you paranoid autist. I am honestly just very tired of this shit meme.


They have a social infrastructure that promotes the development of intelligence.

Just because your culture makes you smart doesn't mean it makes you good. In fact jews also have many features that are quite evil.


I don't see how it promotes it any more so than white normalfags

Reddit cunts have the mental capacity of a child. Reddit spacing is making a new paragraph at the start of every sentence, which is what you are doing. Fuck outta here, cancer.

fuck off shill

It's a meme OP. At this point they could be telling normalfags they have an IQ of 6000000 and normalfags would believe it.

Because it's all fake and just typical projection like they always do. And in this case, it's their supposed IQ levels with fancy statistics, numbers, those lines that go up and down, and more. And of course it wouldn't be complete without (((shillbots))) and paid (((experts))) now would it?

Not your safe space reddit cunt.

Like pottery.

Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of 108-112. No other Jewish group has a high average IQ.

Watch and read:

It's a test for how jewish a person is. Go take an iq test and then ask yourself if scoring high on this is your idea of true intelligence.


Almost forgot. Mandatory webm.

Go back.

1. Only Ashkenazi are reported to have a high average IQ.
2. It is statistically impossible to have an average IQ of 115 AND 30% of their population at IQ 130+.
3. Stop typing like you're on reddit. You're not. Either lurk moar or go back where you came from.

I hate this bullshit. I understand why it's necessary to take notice of how people type in here, given the infiltration from several groups. But I've always typed like that, since forever, and now if I do I'm suddenly reddit.

I prefer the larger spacing, it separates trains of thought accordingly since you can't format letter spacing here, like in the pic.

It's a retarded forced meme. Ignore it.

Adapt or die nigger.


Sandniggers are genetically indistinguishable from kikes and have an average IQ of 80 - borderline retarded - like their closely related wildlife in Africa.

I wasn't your Language Arts teacher. I take grammar as seriously as racial purity.

lel they have to have something to make up for the literal hundreds of genetic defects throughout their line, right?

Time to spoonfeed the newfag.
Gee, I wonder.

Holla Forums when chinks or jews score higher than whites on IQ tests: IQ doesn't really measure intelligence! It's all a jewish trick! They're cheating!!!

Holla Forums when whites score higher than negros: Blacks are stupid, don't deny science liberals!!!!

Get the fuck out.

IQ tests weigh their different components differently when calculating the final score. They happen to heavily favor verbal and language skills, which is why Asians and Hebrews appear to have higher scores, their cultures just happen to promote linguistic skills. The muh Asians are so fukken smart meme is just that, a meme.

It's literally true though, this happens every time it's discussed

But that's not true. And they are cheating. Point being, that's not the argument - Whites and East Asians are two of the highest scoring clades in existence. US Whites have an average IQ of 102-105, which is on-par with the top-scoring East Asian nations.
The real criticism is that East Asians are behaviorally different to Whites - they are largely on-par as goes cognitive ability, but not in other categories. You can't deny this.

Blacks are stupid. In fact, in the US today (wherein the US Black population has an average IQ a full standard deviation above their native African kin, due to the US niggers' average 20% European admixture), there are as many (~10-12%) Blacks who exceed IQ 100 as there are Blacks who are sub IQ 70 (which is legally and medically retarded).
You can't deny this.

Found this comment looking for example iq questions for op.

You're a liar and a coward.

Pick one and only one, sciencekike.

But east asians don't have high verbal scores you idiot

israel has heaps of arabs and non-ashkenazim

This is what Down's Syndrome victims' parents tell them.

Congratulations on quoting a comment from a leftist nigger.

That's a common leftist talking point. It isn't true.


The thing about that is, we know niggers are retarded before the IQ tests.

Exactly. Not all Jews have high IQ, you admit that at least.

Only the Ashkenazi, supposedly… But then, there's so few of them, and they're so rife with genetic abnormality.
Anyway, point being, you acknowledge that only the Ashkenaz are reported higher. True? False? Doesn't really matter. Higher cognitive ability at the scale presented does not explain the trends we see.

Besides, what's it net them, really? There are almost as many European geniuses in the US today as there are Jews, or any kind, in the entire world.


Holy shit, Holla Forums is full of ignorant shills. Listen up, OP you faggot, the stat is correct, but it doesn't tell the whole story.

Roughly 1,000 years ago, a few dozen Jewish families settled into new digs in Upper Bavaria, between the mouths of the Rhine and the Danube. There, shunned by their Christian neighbors, they married each others' children and began to concentrate their germ lines into a pretty narrow funnel. Occasionally, one of the boys would bring home a shiksa, and once in a while the shabbos goy servant boy would get the rabbi's daughter pregnant, but in general the gene flow was restricted.

Something else was happening too – within this community, a high premium was placed on "scholarship," which in this context means learning three dead languages and a super-sekkritt translation of the Talmud. This wasn't easy, so only the top quartile of the bell curve could do it. Their reward was unlimited sexual access across the ghettos they were confined to. In an age before contraception, this meant that the Ashkenazi Jews (for it was they) had accidentally set up a Darwinian conveyor belt to funnel the smartest genes into the next generation with an almost infallible instinct.

When you take a limited gene pool and cull it of the stupids, then run it like an IQ-seeking machine, for the better part of 50 generations, it's inevitable that the median IQ for the whole group will rise above the mean for the surrounding population. Because of the inbreeding, this was of course accompanied by a laundry list of horrible congenital disorders. Seriously, look up the list of potential birth defects a baby can have; two-thirds are almost exclusive to Ashkenazim.

This population whiled away the first few centuries in its inbred shitholes, steadily growing smarter and more neurotic (ever notice how few niggers need therapy to work through their crippling self-doubt? This is the opposite of that). In addition, their cultural narrative was of being special, of being "chosen" to rule the gentiles who were so mean to them. For anybody else, this would have been an empty revenge fantasy, but when the democracy craze hit Europe, the Jews got their chance.

From the middle of the 18th century, one "enlightened despot" after another let the Jews out of their pens and loosened up the restrictions on their community lives. The freed Jews, already avaricious, vengeful, and good with numbers, eschewed honest labor and took up banking and trade. Loan sharks who had made their living from illegal usury in a Jew-filled ghetto burst out upon unsuspecting goyim like an invasive species of predator. The honest Germans, stout Dutch, slightly dim English, and blustery French had no defenses against this Semite greed and cunning. And it's for damn sure the Jews had no inconvenient attacks of conscience along the way.

At every step, the European Jew remembered the ghettos. He always preferred his fellow Jews for sweetheart deals and promising jobs, once he made his own fortune, and he never shied from ripping off the gentiles he despised. This was the age when the Rothschild Bank was founded, and by the end of the 19th century, it had tentacles in Berlin, Vienna, London, Paris, New York, and Madrid. At the same time, the Gilded Age finance empires were rising in America. At first, the Jews were secondary players to the Dutch and German and Anglo multimillionaires (such as Rockefeller and Morgan), but by the 1920s, they ran Wall Street (Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers) and the New York Mafia (Meyer Lansky and friends), which meant they also had politics covered in the most corrupt state on the East Coast.

Their schemes were largely successful. Wherever they met a wealthy, industrious gentile, they used their superb verbal intelligence – honed across centuries of selection for men who could parse the Talmud down to the last nuance – to talk their way into vast power and riches. When even the Germans noticed their influence, they again used their above-average storytelling talents to concoct the holohoax, all with the long-range goal of making criticism of the Jew into something shameful down the road.

Planning decades ahead and anticipating outcomes is the mark of high intelligence. Yes, the Jews have paid a terrible price in mental and physical health for their gifts, but look at the rewards they've won. Never, ever, – EVER! – underestimate the Jew. Look at how they have already twisted Trump's White House to their will. All at once, as a body, all of the Jews in the world except that faggot Milo launched attacks on the more redpilled advisers, until only that nice Jared Kushner fellow had influence. Now, Trump can be praised in the media like a good little goy, because they think they've got him.

Decade-long schemes. Conscious National Socialism. Violent destruction of the enemy. Clear-eyed knowledge of what must be done for money and power. That is your enemy, user. If you slip up and forget where he comes from, he'll be the last enemy you ever curse as your more virtuous fellow gentiles drop you from the scaffold.

Gas every last one of them. They all carry the taint.

East asians have a slightly higher amount of cortical neurons and the genes that correlate with IQ are slightly higher in their population

Source on this?

Why wouldn't I? Because everyone who disagrees with you is automatically a jew?

You sound like one of those ignorant normalfags who thinks that >implication indicators came from 4chan, and not Usenet and email quoting.

See: Jared Kushner.

>In [[1998]], Charles Kushner pledged $2.5 million to {{Harvard University}}, and smaller amounts to Princeton and Cornell; in 2001, he gave $3 million to his alma mater {{New York University}}.

>Its other vice president was his maternal uncle, Richard Stadtmauer, then vice chairman of Kushner Companies.

>In 2004, Charles was arrested on charges of tax evasion, illegal campaign donations, and witness tampering. He was prosecuted by then-U.S. Attorney Chris Christie, convicted, and sentenced to two years in prison.
>In 2006, Stadtmauer was indicted on lesser counts, also by Christie.

My IQ is 178 and not Jewish explain that

Because you seem very disingenuous, hence why I previously called you a liar and a coward.

Cool? Doesn't change the fact that, for example, China, engages in rampant manipulation of data.
I don't deny East Asians have high IQ though, probably higher on-average than Whites… But, by a relatively small degree - less than 1 SD.

Of course, the issue with East Asians is not their cognition - its their other traits. Doesn't necessarily make them 'lesser', in any way, mind you; merely, it makes the 'different'. East Asians and Europeans have different inherent predispositions as regards behavior, and thus, as regards culture.
There's nothing wrong with that, and it doesn't interfere with my narrative in the least.

All known data on the subject.

Here's a source, for example, demonstrating some of the variations.

Your fallacious comment is self-refuting. One way or the other.:^)

I like you.


Consider the following:
Relative to Whites, Blacks exhibit an average cranial capacity about 5-6% smaller than Whites, Asians exhibit an average about ~1.2% greater than Whites.

Relative to Whites, Blacks exhibit an average cortical neuron quantity about 3.5% smaller than Whites, Asians exhibit an average about ~0.7% greater than Whites.

Even if one is to argue that Asians are cognitively superior to Europeans - a very real possibility, mind you (granted, cognitive ability is VERY important, but it is not the sole trait of import either) - the variation in such is minimal by comparison to the variation between Whites and Blacks, nevermind East Asians and Blacks.

Which is no surprise really.

Does 102-105 mean relative to the overall american population, which is filled with vast amounts of low-IQ blacks and hispanics?

Israel's IQ is smaller than Turkey…

Holla Forums criticizes the jews a lot, but it often shows that he doesn't know them at all.
This is sad because it means that most of Holla Forums don't really understand the threat that jews pose for everyone and why they are so good at destroying everything.
I'm not picking on you in particular, this is a general thing that I wish it would stop. You must know your enemy even better than yourself if you want to know how, when and why to fight them. Otherwise you are just a dumb baldie with nazi tattoos.

Anyway, jews have two things white people don't have:

1. religious studies that will keep them in check and force them to read, write and speak a lot. This improves brain development. Meanwhile white people only have shitty schools.

2. A strong community that will work to make them succeed. If you, as a jew, have potential or a good plan to improve your life the jewish community will make sure you will succeed because the community knows you will help jews back. Also jews want other jews to get the most powerful position there are in order to protect the jewish people. This means a jew can actually study and improve and do things. Of course if you are on a path of improvement since you are little, and then even in the adulthood you more or less continue, in general you will have people who have a good iq.
It is really hard to completely fail in life as a jew, because the community has your back. It's all about opportunities.

Meanwhile white people have nothing, but smashed families, unfair competition and a shitload of powerful enemies in and out of their own race. I mean, even white parents often don't help their children because "they need to do it with their own strength". Of course they have less chance to work, improve and get at the same level as the jews. We are not gods, just people, and we need to help each other too.

I am white, and I want white people to have great lives. The only thing whites can rely on today is shitty self-help books for lone wolves and memes to ease the pain. It's sad that we have so little when we also face so many enemies. Imagine what we could accomplish if we were to set up a system similar to the jewish one, to help white people succeed in the real world and in the community.

No, its the White American population. The American population as a whole has an average IQ of ~98, IIRC at least.

There are vast amounts of non-Whites that drag things down, but, not enough to really move it that far end of the day.
Here's a more interesting question though:

Are there any Southern Hemisphere-derived peoples whose modern incarnation exhibits an average IQ over 100?
I suspect cognitive development is associated with evolutionary factors associated with environment - namely, climate. Its just so much easier to survive in an environment that gets very hot than it is one that gets very cold, in the overall at least.

It isn't possible. Kikes are barely above niggers IQ-wise. Like all the fake memes they invent about themselves, high jewish IQ is a complete fabrication.

1 seems sketchy, if I'm honest.

2 is much more appropriate to the context at hand. What you are trying to say with all that yammering (no offense) is that Jews have not been deracinated. That's really all there is to it - Western Whites have been totally deracinated, they don't consider in-group in the context of race.

That's really what it all comes down to - in the last century or so, largely due to Jewish influence in the United States, and the expansion of the US media machine through military action across the globe, the Western European people have abandoned utterly any concept of racial or ethnic solidarity, which has been demonized with many terms, such as 'nativist', 'racist', 'discriminatory', etc.

I don't understand what you mean, how can white americans have high IQs relative to themselves?

The statistic is fake, yes, or rather misleading. It came from a sample of 13 Jewish people, it's not statistically significant. They have an edge in verbal IQ because of how their religion was structured. The average IQ of Jews in Israel is 103.

We all know niggers are the real and original Jews



You're not very bright either it seems.

White Americans have high IQs relative to the entirety of the US population. Its pretty obvious. If you're struggling with these concepts, you can go here and learn:

The same reason shillary was 98% sure to win.
If the kikes control the media, of course they will fluff their own numbers up.

The smartest inventor of all time was Tesla and he is not a kike.

I asked you if it was relative to the US population, and you said "No, its the white american population"

Then you said america has an IQ of 98, so I was wondering where exactly they get the average from.

Saw it mentioned in an article, can't find it atm on my phone. Wealth of nation's says 93 iirc. So it's in the ballpark. 113 is a bit much still.


And when I say "relative to the american population" I mean if you set US IQ to equal 100, and then stating the white american IQ relative to this average

That question doesn't actually make any sense.


From the US population. Do you not understand what 'average' means either?

Interesting. I would have expected higher, but, they do have a lot of sandjews.


Why would you do that?

yes, things have gotten worse for white people and many institutions that used to help whites succeed are not as spread as they used to be, like local churces, masonic lodges, big families, etc

But the jews have always had a great sense of community, their bond is really strong. The jew knows he must give preference to other jews, without other jews even having to speak a word. It is implied. This is not something white people see, but it's something that let jews get the best jobs, the best schools, the best deals, etc etc

You reddit spaced twice in your post :^)

Well what population do they use to find the average IQ

It can't be white americans, because you say their IQ is 102-105

It can't be all americans, because you say their IQ is 98

Yes it does make sense, I was under the impression that white american IQ was the definition of "100"

You said white american IQ was 102-105, so I asked if you meant "102-105" relative to the american mean, which is obviously lower than the white american mean.

Exactly, deracinated. A deracinated people will invariably exhibit a diminishment of the communal aspects of social behavior, because they've ceased to see each other in that context.

Basically, Europeans have been mind-fucked into having no in-group. Every other group has an in-group preference, and can and do say as much, openly and loudly.
But Europeans? No, you can't. Its racist. Or nativist. Or xenophobic. Whatever.

Point being, Western Europeans are not allowed to have a racial/ethnic in-group preference, and the aim derivative from that has been elimination of ANY in-group recognition, hence stuff like "one race, the human race, maaaaan". Everyone is your in-group goyim! You can show no preference! That's discrimination!

… Meanwhile, all other groups continue to espouse an in-group, and a preference therefore, AND further, they utilize hostility against Europeans to solidify their in-group preference, while also attacking Europeans for any sign of in-group preference on their behalf, to the point they equate ANY demonstration of even vague or arguably in-group preference with 'Nazism'.

The entire US population.
Yes, and that's incorporated into the overall.

Again, you don't seem to understand how averages or statistics work, so go ahead and follow that link I gave you. You'll get a better grasp on things. As it stands, you just kinda sound like an idiot, and I don't feel like teaching you Prob/Stat for free so you can get wtf I'm saying to you.

Average IQ = 100 by definition
If the entire US population is your population by which you are defining average, then the average american IQ would be 100.

No, no, no. That's the overall White average - generally speaking, European populations tend to hover right around IQ 100 in terms of their average.

Which it is.
Makes no sense.

Think of it this way, maybe it'll be simpler for you.

Let's say you 100 people. This represents the entire US population.

Let's split it into approximate thirds - 33, 33, and 34, for a total of 100.
The US White population is about 2/3 of the population - let's call it 67 for the purposes of our little demonstration.
The rest is muds, 33.

Now, let's use the US White average IQ (102) and the US Black average IQ (85) for our two categories.
(67*102) + (33*85) = 9,639 / 100 = 96.39
Thus, as you can see, a White population with an average IQ of 102 and making up ~2/3s of the total population, alongisde a non-White population with an average IQ of 85 and making up ~1/3 of total population, can generate an average IQ for the total population of ~96.

If you don't get it at this point, you need to take a course before you ask any further questions.

No, WHITE average IQ is, by definition, 100. The system was devised with 100 as the baseline because it was devised in the context of Whites - at least, initially. Upon exposure to other clades, who took exception at their subpar scores, other tests were created to ensure there was no 'bias' in play. The results were invariably the same.


The ratio of areas shows blacks to be 6.1 times more likely than whites to fall below the boundary for retardation, and 53 times less likely to be gifted.
> … In 1959, AAMD set the IQ threshold for mental retardation at < 85. The civil rights movement of the next decade forced psychologists to rethink this boundary, because half the African American population fell below it.
> In 1973, responding to this concern, AAMD (by then AAMR) changed the threshold for retardation from IQ < 85 to IQ < 70.
The boundary moved south by one standard deviation!
The proportion of blacks below the threshold instantly dropped from about 50 percent to 12 percent.


These differences were statistically significant and were replicated across all three databases.
> More extraordinary was the finding that all 14 alleles differed between Blacks and Whites in a way that would predict that Blacks would be less intelligent.

Therefore the probability of the first 14 alleles examined all favoring Whites would be a mere 1 in 16,284.

">Well what population do they use to find the average IQ
The entire US population."
by this I meant "set" the average IQ

I see you mean 100 is the average worldwide white IQ

I already understood this, it is pretty obvious by the fact that I said the average IQ of americans is lower than that of whites.

Thanks for the info user. Very enlightening stuff


Indeed. Hence why all this 'relative' shit made no sense - its not 'relative' to anything, its a value.
The 'set' average IQ was set in the creation of the IQ measurement system, which focused upon Europeans, and thus their average was set as the baseline, 100.

But that does not mean that ALL White populations ascribe to this, after all, its an average.
Ireland has an average IQ sub-100, IIRC, and has since before the island got filled with mud.

Americans, on the other hand, exhibit an average of 102-105, above the European baseline… Quite frankly, all data suggests that, contrary to the claims of many Europeans and others, American Whites are amongst the most cognitively advanced clades of European peoples anywhere on the planet, and are on-par with the largely-homogeneous East-Asian nations that espouse similar averages.

And, again, though Europeans were utilized as the baseline stock around which the measurement system was devised, exposure to other clades long-ago prompted examination of the methodology to excise any 'racial' or 'ethnic' bias in the measurements - many don't even require literacy or even a written language in the test itself at this point. Even despite these changes, the outcome was the same, the results were the same.

You seemed to be struggling with it.

The people posting Israel's average IQ are forgetting that number includes a lot of Arabs. Ashkenazim really do score higher on IQ tests than the white average, though there's a whole lot of reasons not to take that too seriously. For one, if you break things down by religion upper-class white Christian denominations like Episcopalianism do about as well as Jews.
Also, IQ tests are designed so that men and women have close to the same average scores. This means that cognitive abilities where men show an advantage over women, such as spatial reasoning, are de-emphasized in IQ tests. Jews are also deficient in spatial reasoning (note that the only famous Jewish architects are modernist incompetents who can't build functional buildings, see Peter Eisenman: ). This means kikes' scores on IQ tests are inflated.

And, of course, there's the giant deformed elephant in the room to address.

As most long-time Anons know, and as this thread demonstrates, only Ashkenazism are claimed to have a high average IQ. Well, guess what the Ashkenazism are also known for?

Severe genetic malady.
Like, seriously, its something like 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 Ashkenazi Jews are carriers of the genes for SEVERE heritable malformation.
We're talking Tay Sachs, cystic fibro, etc. Bad news.

Let me put it this way: Its so bad, or at least, got so bad, that the Jews had to launch huge genetic testing efforts, and every Ashkenazi Jew is strongly-urged to get themselves a genetic screening before attempting to reproduce. Basically, they're a genetic dead end - without constant upkeep via advanced science, they're a dead race.

If that's what they've paid to get an IQ slightly higher than that of Europeans and East Asians, does that seem a viable avenue of leverage, a 'good genetic trade'? I don't fucking think so.
I swear, if their IQ IS actually higher, its like the Ashy kikes made a deal with some dark power to boost their intellectual abilities, at the expense of their long-term viability as organisms.

If you had meant that white americans have an average IQ of 102-105 when you set the american mean to 100, then it would have been "relative to the american mean", which is what I meant when I asked.

For example, you could say that whites have IQs of ~120 (don't know the exact value) relative whites 100 years ago because of the flynn effect, all I mean by "relative" is that if you norm a test on a different population, 100 will mean something else. I was operating under the assumption that 100 is derived from the white american mean, you said the white american mean was 102-105, so I wondered if that meant "relative" to general americans. I was always confused as to how they normed the tests, because I couldn't find it with a quick google search, so I just assumed they used the white american mean. Looking through Richard Lynn's book now, he says "these IQs are calculated in relation to a british mean of 100". Can you see why I would wonder if it is "relative" to a certain mean?

They're also prone to suffer from insanity.

Retards like you get FILTERED.

No he didn't.
Can you even count, you mongoloid? His paragraphs consist of 2-3 sentences.

I become more and more convinced that the Jews are this world's equivalent of Skaven.

Keep it up Moishe, you'll watch your family burn first.

Wew. Fucking lyrical.

The tests are structured to play to their "strengths."

They tally up stats from Ashkenazi Jews. Even then the kikes are still being extra selective with the stats.

Never trust a kike to tell the truth.

Israel actually has standard European IQ.

Anyway, this thread is pointless, if jews weren't smart they wouldn't be so good at scheming.

The thing is they tend to have higher verbal/banter/peddling IQ, while whites have higher IQ in shit that actually helps build a nice society

That's assuming the stats don't include beaners. The FBI counts all latinos as white in crime statistics no matter how shitskin their tone.

they preserve traits better by staying parallel.
Their spatial IQs are actually inferior, which are both related to testosterone and manual labor.


Bullshit. They're good at scheming because they've had millennia of practice, not because they're ridiculously intelligent.


that question is too vague
does the order matter or not?

Finally some sense regarding the orthodox Jewish lifestyle and the advantages it brings to their young men. Simply put, these dynamics and others are an important component of why the Jewish people have had so much human accomplishment vs. other races they are by far #1 overall. Well done Holla Forums there may be hope for you yet.

Just in case user thinks I'm merely shitposting. Fairly extensive research frankly favorable to yt men btw has been done that affirms it.

"Disproportionate Jewish success in winning scientific and cultural awards is a reflection on both their abilities and their team strategy. Both the Academy Awards and the Pulitzer Prizes have a large contingent of Jewish voters who have from an early age been taught to favor their own….
Jews are especially prone to join the governing bodies of any social organization in which they participate, and thus would tend to increase their ability to recognize and reward their own in their respective professions. Additionally, the Jewish-dominated news and entertainment media consistently elevate their own for praise and recognition". [24]

This networking process is well illustrated by the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Jewish terrorist Menachim Begin who would not have received such a prize if it was not for the support given to him by the global news media. The role of the news media in promoting Albert Einstein as the epitome of Jewish scientific genius is an example.

What is (((lying)))


Kim Dotfuckingnothing

t. reddit shill
