Damn, imagine working out for your wife and she does the exact opposite.
Damn, imagine working out for your wife and she does the exact opposite
Are they married yet? Or is it a cuckold open relationship?
also rule 9 fag
How soon until Arin cracks and embarrasses his long lost love of cock?
Married for a while now, probably a year.
she cucked him while they were dating and left, he was so beta he begged her to come back for a year, she did and made him give up all his dreams of being an animator so now they're both fat and make videos for 10 year olds on youtube
its too late for him to get his chin back it seems
eceleb needs baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
I feel bad for him. Eventually this is all going to come crashing down around him and he doesn't seem like the type to deal with that sort of thing wrong. Especially after his little animation he released of him basically worshiping her.
check em
For how long were they married? A year? Two years?
It really shows how women stop caring for their body immediately after getting married.
Longer than that. I think they got married while Jon was still on Grumps.
actually the more i look at this image the more they look like the couples you'd see waiting for a bus on the shoulder of a fucking freeway
i shouldn't give a shit about some e-celeb fuckup but it baffles me they consider themselves respectable looking, let alone respectable enough to appear on camera
christ just look at the fuckers eyes
in arin's defense he seems pretty self-aware of how much of a disgusting slob he is, and knows that the only reason he can get away with it is because he has a pretty great job
what's her name fucking disgusts me though. i actually unironically like game grumps but i'll never understand the appeal of her. it's like when your good buddy marries a total fucking minghag and you want to ask him why but you know he'd just say "you just don't understand man she's so great"
its going to crash down on them because they're living a very unstable life, eating off of the whims of young children. Soon, the well is going to dry up, and being fat pieces f shit, they're going to have zero back up plans or skills to fall back on. Not even animation will save him, as he's probably rusty to the point of being useless now, and the life on an internet cartoon drawer barely gets you enough to eat every day.
Meanwhile, at the Bain residence.
gotta look good for when he dies so she can go with chad
wow, the tits don't get smaller!?
even if she really was great, i'm convinced the moment you give any girls a ring they just lose their fucking minds and enter their primitive state
don't give bitches diamonds.
that's the exact face that all the hillbilly white women that date niggers have around here
Mark my words, the new dick is going to be several shades of melanin darker and wear a pharaoh-stripe condom
shes doing everything to not think about john being dead shortly.
I have a similar thought whenever I see a guy with an ordinary build next to some woman who weighs at least a good 50 pounds more than he does.
how optimistic
She's getting ready to go out and find his replacement.
Nash, she's actually a huge bitch. At that convention that they did in Britain she made numerous jokes about his cancer, because it was the only thing she could do to get a reaction out of the audience.
Arin is a beta male who married a FAS whore
alright then, it's pubes will be in the shape of an ankh
i think her kind (not johns) has cancer too if i remember
daym that nigga woke as fuck!
"working out"
Arin now has experience owning and running a multi-million dollar entertainment company with something like a dozen employees. He'll be fine.
I'm confused
Polaris does all the work for him and they have animators lined up to work on the music videos he's too lazy to do.
Arin isn't running shit. He's the guy who gets to reap all the rewards while everyone else does the work.
They haven't been with Polaris for a while now and you're greatly overestimating how much work polaris actually did for them.
he has autism
Fun fact, when women get remarried they statistically get pregnant almost immediately, about 1 year into the new marriage. John and her have been together for several years, and yet he still has no legacy to speak of, having poured all his money and care into a child that is not his own. He's essentially a cuck, and probably sees nothing wrong with raising another man's child.
IF they've managed to keep some of that money stored away, it can be used as as good starter capital, but the world of showbiz is a fickle one, and if they fade into obscurity like they inevitably will, no actual production studio is going to be interested.
Right now their brand and appeal is their appeal, if it loses interest from their target demographic, its trash.
Right now a studio could milk them for money, if they lose their status, they have no experience that a production house would even consider. The most he'd be able to do is maybe say the daily video game news at gamespot's official youtube or something.
Shows how much I pay attention to them in the first place.
Either way, Barry has been doing all the work and they got another editor as some point, meaning there's even less shit for Arin to not do. If Arin was actually doing any of the work for them, we'd see one Grump episode a year.
Not to mention that, from the sounds of it, they are in a very materialistic relationship. Arin has a very childish, beta attraction to her, while she is all about the attention and money.
You're missing the point. He doesn't have to be an entertainer. He's past that point. He has the experience and connections needed to put on a tie and go to work behind the scenes if things fall apart for his company.
What exactly is the beta's process of determining whether a woman is attractive or worth marrying? Just looking at Suzy I can tell that he at least suppressed his penis' opinions of her.
Well I dunno m8, by projecting their insecurities and mommy issues perhaps? Since they're betas I'd assume they would be looking for a domineering woman, her being ugly or manlike jacks her even higher on the list due to his cuck fetishes or something.
Do you honestly believe Arin knows what he's doing? Barry does all the editing, Suzy handles the finances. Do you know what Arin does? He sits in front of a microphone next to his jew friend and tell shit stories while trying to be funny for multiple hours, then have Barry cut it up into 30 minute chunks and release them once a day. He sits there, plays (or watches a game be played) and leaves.
Now, atop and look at what I just wrote, and look at your own. They are both assumptions with no basis. You believe he can singlehandedly manage a company, but have zero evidence of what work he actually does.
Im gonna be unbiased and objective here.
Arin is , as well all agree and know, a faggot and unlikeable. But this unlikeable faggot got rich from milking retards from his youtube videos. He has been getting a lot of cash for six years now.
Enough cash for him to be set for life. Even if he has to sustain the alien
the alien will stay with him for money
and if she leaves he'll have even more cash
you don't know how divorce in america works do you
Yeah it's called marriage
Was I the only one who cringed at all the Brexit jokes at cox con?
This is a fine example of why 3D is not worth it. You put in hard work and sacrifice and the woman does not reciprocate nor appreciate.