What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

WHO is cursed? Dracula? Belmont? The zombies?

These dubs


Your stupidity hurts me


I haven't played the game, that's why I am asking

But you didn't tripfag

Then why don't you actually play the fucking game instead of asking stupid questions?

I can tell you're new here

I've seen Game Grumps play it, and at no point did they shed more light on what it meant.


[quote=10610493]>Set sometime after the events of the first installment, the player once again assumes the role of vampire hunter Simon Belmont, who is on a journey to undo a curse placed on him by Dracula at the end of their previous encounter. With Dracula's body split into five parts after his defeat, Simon must find and bring them to the ruins of his castle to seal and defeat him.[/quote]

Thanks! You can close this thread now.



You almost gave me a heart attack, you asshole.

This was one of my favorite games growing up.

You're still posting on Holla Forums and playing games.
You didn't grow up at all


i don't remember this very well user, you'll have to help me squeeze the memories out. something to do with 4chan being down?

Holla Forums has the shittiest memes. Except baneposting

even then they're just quoting a batman movie, it's a Holla Forums meme only because they are the only ones looking up movies and someone else would've come up with it if they didn't

So it was bait all along.