Mueller: Russians Worked From Social Media Platforms & Need to be Investigated

Overtly trying to take down alt-communication outlets. Are we taking bets on how long it takes before Holla Forums is officially mentioned in this "investigation"?

Throw ideas out as to best strategy to ruin this guy on the very platforms he seeks to destroy for his handlers.

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article link:

Chyort voz’mi! Hopefully they won’t fund us here, comrades!
Let ‘em try


Original article is on bloomberg

Dudes been running this investigation for 6 months and theyre just now getting to this point? Jesus fucking Christ, fuck the wall, lets sink money into social media investigations that won't tell us anything we don't already know.

Ayyyy another 'Kike Likes Pizza' story.

You know, I'm almost sure at this point they may not even know on the standard Senate/congressman level that 8ch Holla Forums did it all.


you know what would be funny, if they actually believed that it was russia. shouldn't have used all those russian vpns to run my twitter botnet :^)

On that note, run a parallel investigation on JIDF and Hasbara troll shekel funding. We wanna see what these kikes are up to.

So, if it's even legitimate, it's basically "how dare you 'russians' have an opinion and voice it on public social media". It's all an attack on info sharing.

Is this it? Is this the federal hook to nationalize social media for governmental surveillance purposes?

They're talking about the altkike and Digin and Mueller is fucking right.
The altkike are Russian Bolsheviks,at least the (((funding)))

That was obviously the entire point of "Russian meddling" narrative. They've wanted to shut down the internet for a long time since it breaks their monopoly on information.

The best strategy is to associate his prior affiliations to hillary and comet comey. The more he speaks the tighter his noose gets. Let him name us , he doesn't have the testicular fortitude. We have the truth.

Wonder where russia got this idea anyway.

Get ready for the robot propaganda machine


Blame it on reddit

Russian VPN are simply the cheapest. That's all. Wonder when they get it.

Here's an article about how a single mention by Justin Bieber got Matt Lauer 40,000 new Twitter followers in 15 minutes:


They never dare mention us by name. If they mention us by name, people will look us up and learn we're right.

Haha. After getting shadowbanned on Twitter, I bought hundreds of Twitter accounts from some Russian site like for around $5 to shitpost on Hillary's twitter. I never imagined it would lead to old man Mueller thinking I am l33t Russian hacker. What an idiot.

Please link to store, I would like to buy some

Oh you summer child.
They'll fuck off right back to their pleb site and tell other normies how the alphabets are afraid of bunch of nazi scat fetishists that masturbate to loli anime on their fiji egg carving forum.
Remember when was the last time the chans meddled in alphabet affairs? Got pissed on pretty badly.

Not all of them will. The jews don't mind mentioning anybody by name but us. The jews fear Holla Forums.
As you can see its pretty cheap unless you want verified accounts. Whatever marketing company Hillary used to get fake likes probably uses this too. All stupid Mueller discovered after seeing all the accounts with .ru emails is that Russians offer the best prices for bogus accounts.

Do you know how to post on all the accounts simultaneously?

No, I just used one or two accounts per day for fun. I was thinking of looking for a script to do that so my posts would reach the top but I assumed they would all get shadowedbanned. Losing several dozen accounts per day is too expensive for me.

So yeah, 50,000$ is all it takes to sway 4 people, who attended some rallies, who then proceeded to ==SAVE AMERICA==

Fucking line breaks

Hello CIA.

I read that the only time Obama ever used the nuclear hotline in his eight years was to threaten the Russians the morning after pizzagate started.

What if Pizzagate was actually real and someone fluked into noticing codewords and it was such a longshot that the illuminati thought the Russians knew everything and they were using Holla Forums to make it look incidental? Right after pizzagate they threatened an all-out cyberattack against Russia and talked about kinetic strikes.

Holy shit I was just thinking wondering how the fuck someone made the connection between the podesta brothers and those madeleine mccann suspect efits and I remembered the user who posted it had a Russian flag. Really makes u think…

Between this and Trump's tweet regarding the London attack, I think they're really trying to push for turning the Internet into Television 2.0, where the powers that be have control over all information that gets released to the public. If everyone used the internet more as a library and archive instead of another form of television, people would see the connections and be much more afraid of the recent trends. However, most normalfags would probably get initially pissed, but then cool down and accept it shortly after (or idealistically, start to actually fight back).

In the meantime, we all need to do what we can to prepare and improve ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually.


If this is all they have, this shit is over. He wouldn't go public with this if they had anything better. I wouldn't be surprised if Mueller is studying Pepe memes at this point.

Mfw we'll be one step closer to fulfilling our destiny as Umman Manda.

Still mad we shared your MLP fanfiction with everyone, CIAnigger?

Lets say, for the sake of argument, someone said something and bought ads. How many years in the slammer are we looking at?

Facebook must be banned for our security.

I….I used a vpn with Russia during the meme magic friendos

gives me a heckin concern

Dude they're dumbass fucking boomers who dont give a fuck about electronic security because they dont understand it.
Podesta got his email phished, TWICE
Hillary thinks smashing phones with a hammer makes data unrecoverable or something.

The people in power today are in power because they inherited it im so fucking surprised the entire thing has not already crashed down, the powers that be are incompetent as fuck.
Obviously it's the puppets that are incompetent, not the jews behind it all. But theyve fucked up a lot too.

If we got rid of rights, shit like this would have never happened.

They actually can't completely shut it down, the reason for this is that people get very testy and anxious once they're off the tube for about roughly 1.5-3 weeks. Soon they'll get to agitation and start lashing out finding alternatives to distract themselves from their own minds wandering in boredom. From this point people will seek out another human fucking being to talk and socialize or start getting a hobby. I've seen it with my mother when the power was out once, and she only watches TV.
If this happens en masse it's basically an instant revolt and political upheaval.

Another big zilch form this doddering old hack. A company in Russia bought Facebook ads. If only Hillary Clinton had thought about advertising on the internet.

Of course this is going to be used for some idiotic legislation that Trump will happily sign.

It's already nationalized though. Facebook is a CIA operation, that's how it got started in the first place. Why go public that?

Find some of the children he's fucked.

Look, it's a phoney investigation and he's a leftist shill. Just look at who he chose to assist him. So he has to throw those cunts a bone and with there being nothing there, 'further investigation' is the move. It's like faceberg saying *maybe* 50k of ads were bought by Russians. Which is a joke there. You can spend more promoting ONE post very easily. It's all political and he's a piece of shit so there's no way he's saying, sorry folks, nothing there. Especially after months and millions of dollars of tax payer money spent.

not gonna investigate shareblue shill farms though

so, shitposting against hillary is not ok and foreign influence.
having lobbies representing foreing nations, who demand american represetatives to pledge allegiance to them, it's perfectly fine.

as long as one knows…

ha, noice

Mueller and his team of Hillary donors probably already know this is the kind of thing that went on, and are selectively ignoring it.

There's no way most congressmen don't know that this is the place in space. If the CIA monitors this place and gives it the prominence it deserves then they'll know all too well. I'm probably giving too much credit to these dumb fucks anyways.

I'm laughing so hard. I wish it was true so we could get those rubles from Putin but in the end we did it for free.

Just cut off internet providers to the middle east.