Something worth considering here, bear with me. I've had talks with some actual thinking niggers, real life and online. Meaningful talks where there's possibility for a great movement.
They feel strongly that both of our races could do with BN/WN parties. Anyone who can, should suggest they march for something like that. Imagine establishment faces when each race, black/white go and yin yang on their asses. I'm positive nobody would even know how to fight that. I know it's unpopular, but I can live and let live with nigs. Once they realize they've been had by Jews that claim to be white they'll get pissed (and do when they eat your red pill). I've had this resonate with quite a decent handful. I ask of them, let your people know because it's probably the only way we live peacefully. Most nigs do want their own party, our goals are dead on the same.
You find those smart, and vocal ones and they'll see what's going on. When you explain that we want essentially the same thing, no fucking mixing, and always tell them Jews aren't White. And also that the masons run the system from PD to judges, it's the problem, we can fight that together. Those nigs don't trust those kikes either (when some were stuck in the synagogue riot night 1, it was truly the most funny thing I've seen ever, they gassed the Jews twice, literal gas, then profanity. Oy Vey! An example I can share from high school in a rough city. In history class a very based negro stood up during our fiction teachings of the civil war. He whipped a book out and proceeded to red pill the whole class about the civil war. Mein neger! He had no issue with any flags, and btfo of some SJW that was on my kikebook. I sat back and died laughing, he ate her for lunch. He defended the rebel flag shocking her Pence style lol.
There's time and place for true dialogue. It's not at these rallies, soon as antifa sees any unification, they bust it up. Point that out. I swear, when you tell them the real deal it clicks in place. Find forums look up lipstickalley forums, it's essentially a black stormfront, with tons of forums. Their conspiracy board is where you can speak
In closing, please think about this plan, mostly because it works. I didn't start really looking at the pizza til they were discussing it, they have fears for their children. Again, we want the same thing. I do think that's our [both, after us the negros are next] only chance, we must march with negros, unified. Set up two nice block rows of nationalists. Nobody's paid, we're on the same page, with a very based group that agree we should preserve our races, that's it. People are waking, got to strike while the irons hot. Once you get past emotions, and they understand preserving our race isn't racism, it's purely natural, and we shouldn't be shamed for the natural feelings and instincts. "You help us, we help you". I'm just thinking how that would look. Hundreds marching together, each side proudly displaying their flags. Antifa would have to fear that goys! Those black nationalists will boot a face as quickly as we would. Media would all be at a complete loss, shitting themselves. We should meme it hard. It's worth it if it saves two races that are actually fine with being community neighbors, with the goal of saving their race. We each have a set of skills, combine the forces. If the world wants us mixed, show then militant mixed.