I don't understand. The Nazis didn't really kill six million jews...

I don't understand. The Nazis didn't really kill six million jews. And since that is proven to be the case via the Leuchter Report and other sources, I can't think of them as any more racist than your average American at the time. They were on par with everyone else it's just that they were more fanatical. Everyone was racist back then, including asians and blacks.

So why the hell are Nazis demonized in vidya? Don't give me any shit about Jews, I know they played a major part in it, but the public chooses to believe their trickery, they don't have to fall for it.


>>>Holla Forums

The answer should be obvious.
Real talk though, why aren't there more Italian fascists in games?

Publishing houses in the West are all Jew-controlled, and if there's anything a Jew loves more than money, it's the Holocaust.

Another reason is [CURRENTYEAR] Germany; if your game has swastikas anywhere at all, or if the Germans of the 1940s are portrayed as anything less than cartoonish supervillains, it's illegal to sell it in Germany. There are enough gamers in Germany that it's a market the publishers really can't afford to ignore. Hence you get silly stuff like the National Socialist flag using the Iron Cross instead of the swastika in various war games.

I'm bored so I'll respond to this honestly.

The SS wore all black, with red patches (two colors now associated with evil) and skulls on their uniform. Despite the uniforms themselves being stylish, they simultaneously looked cartoonishly evil. Add the death camps they ran (whether you argue these camps were actual death camps or not, an extreme majority of the population believe they were, and that includes game developers) and losing the war (typically losers get demonized more than the winners, whose acts get swept under the rug for the most part).

All these together make for a recipe for a reusable villain archetype.

Never mind that the Iron Cross is a more German symbol than the swastika ever was.
Why did Hitler feel the need to rip off a currynigger symbol when his own nation already had one anyway?
And why did he rip off curryniggers instead of some group of europoors?
Polite sage for Holla Forumsshit.

Because their the easy victim and because its popular, because its popular therefor they are the easy victim.

After the fall of the third Reich the Nazis were declared humanity's #1 enemy as a scapegoat, because the 3rd Reich was the most fronting example of nationalism, which is and was the real target.

The Nazis had to fall because a strong Germany was a threat to the powers that were and a nationalist Europe was a threat to global investment. Still to this day.

Because Italians didn't try to make their own economy and making your own economy marks you for death/salting of your nation by jews.

Not games. Back to your containment board.

Get this, during the war the jews told us that there were no concentration camps. Only death camps.
We investigate about half the camps before we stopped investigating them.
Now half the death camps are listed as concentration camps.

Reported for blatant non vidya Holla Forums whining. Kill yourselves nazi scum.

Because they don't get talked about a lot nor propagandized compared to Hitler/The Germans.

Because germans are cucks now

That's because the majority of germans killed in WW2 were killed AFTER the war had ended, over 50 million germans were rounded up and killed off. Cleansing their gene pool of actual men before the jews began brainwashing their youth into self hate.

That actually kind of makes me upset

The jew will cry out in pain as he strikes out at you.
Forget the six million.

Well it's not like German genocide wasn't a (((coincidence))).

Well they deserved it goyim, after all they are the ultimate evil.

Variations of the swastika predate India by a long time and were found in Europe.

Sure thing buddy.

Is leuchter report really reliable? It doesn't sound like it.

It's hilarious how comically evil Nazi uniforms are.

Your IQ must be quite low

This is a well reasoned answer to a dumb fucking bait question


maybe hitler was secretly a good guy and just got framed for everything they SAY he did?

just think of all the crazy things our government is capable of, and maybe you start to think, this is kind of a recurring theme right? this sadistic and violent genocidal style that our crazy government seems to have better fits the events that they claim to have taken place under the rule of hitler. remember the saying

"the winners write the history books" well what if our government/ our gov including other govs all part of the globalist agenda just did all that concentration camp stuff or planted it after the fact so that hilter would go into the history books as "one of the worst bad guys ever" so they could scape goat that illustrated historical character that they possibly made hitler out to be, even if hitler may have actually not done any of those things?

what if hitler is made as this bad person in history that everyone should look down on as the worst bad guy ever because it was possible that he was secretly one of the really good guys who got the closest and realized what was going on with the whole world and was going to save everyone better than anyone had ever managed to saved everyone before, not from "da juice" but rather those fake jews that pretend to be jewish while the boring usual oyveys and rabbi babbis in the population get major scapegoated so that nobody ever notices who is really controlling the show?

I mean look at this.

I can't remember US politicians going on stage and blaming all woes on a single ethnic group.
I also can't remember the US detention camps being known to work its prisoners to death.

It might have not been 6 gorillion but even the most conservative estimation still places the deathrate somewhere around 500k. I guess the Sowjets were better at killing people in camps but nobody disputes that Stalin or russians are assholes.

Sage because this isn't actually vidya and just a poorly disguised attempt by a Holla Forumstard to drop redpills.

Also, using that metric, Archduke Ferdinand was the single most righteous person in history since he kept going with the public appearance after two fucking attempted bombings.

For a more recent example of that, Syria comes to mind. Right before the clusterfuck that took place there happened, Assad was nationalizing his banks and refusing foreign loans. So basically refuse international (((organizations))) having a leeway into your nation or at least force them to work only on your terms and you need to be ready to get raped in the ass.

Also to the OP: The Nazis were all about national and racial unity. Like you said, there is no difference in mindset to everybody else at that time, they were simply the ones who took the idea to its logical extreme the fastest. Their enemies were a tribe of similarly-racialist people who are used to sneaking in into other societies and never integrate, instead manipulating the host society for their own ends. Since the subversive faggots were the ones who survived, history got written by them. I'm not going to say that the Nazis were all nationalistic saints though, an organization that large is still bound to have some shit members.


Also Mussolini seemed to be more concerned about playing the long game, he avoided direct confrontation with Jews politics wise and economics wise, Italy even sheltered some jewfugees at the top of Hitler's purge. Still didn't save him from being hung on a lamppost. The Jews probably considered these facts though, and decided not to demonize him as much.

So are you saying that there are white people who learned social engineering from jews and turns out they like it even more than jews themselves?

he was against the centralized banks

Because Il Duce was just a more retarded Hitler.

Who woulda thought?
No, the Iron Cross isnt more German. The hakenkreuz is the oldest Germanic symbol. The oldest "swastika" found in Europe is 40k years old and was carved into a stone in what is now Poland.

Only the word swastika is Indian. But the nazies didnt call it a swastika, only ignorant fools like you do. They called it what our ancestors called it, hakenkreuz.

They didnt steal shit from curryniggers. It was always a European symbol.

Maybe dont run your mouth if you dont know history.

Jews are actually guilty of all the accused crimes though you raging cuck