Why does everyone pussy foot around and just not call the "alt-right" for what they fucking are? Fascists

Why does everyone pussy foot around and just not call the "alt-right" for what they fucking are? Fascists.

We all know the Alt-Right are Fascists, you only need to look at the Daily Stormer, halfchan Holla Forums, Holla Forums Holla Forums, The_Donald to see that, so why not just call them fucking Fascists instead of legitimizing them as the "alternative right"?

Other urls found in this thread:


Amerifats have always been nazi sympathizers.

They try rationalize the hatred of poor people and minorities because they agree with it to a degree.

Because SOME of them are legit not facist and have no idea what facism is about (merging of corporatinos and state) but just legit think there is a conspiracy against them and white people in America.

Because they aren't nationlist socialists.

Why can't they ever learn?

Because every single time we call someone "Fascist" who isn't historically linked to Fascist parties, we sound ridiculous and we remind people of Alan Parker.

And people like you who yell "Fascism" whenever someone tells you not to smoke inside their store are to blame for that.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. All these excuses for these racists and fascists because Amerifats identify with them.

Notice how this nuanced consideration is never extended to liberals, SJWs, anti-racists ect

To say "alt-right", is to say "jewish nazi", the terms means as much as there being a secret cabal of nazi's ranging from ultra-gays like milo yiannopoulos to true hitlerians, all being somehow part of the same spectre, like how nazi's believe communism and capitalism are both jewish plots originating from the same grand plan.

What alt-right means then, is the creation of a conspiratorial frame around people who have existed for decades, not a new movement or ideology.

It's an even better rhetorical cudgel than "fascist". You should be happy.

It's not a contradiction. There were Jews that helped the Nazis. It wasn't out of fear always either but just as often greed.

Just because milo was gay doesn't mean he wasn't stoking the fires of fascism.

There are black people racists against black people. And men that buy into female supremacy

But what then, is the alt-right other than an incorporation of people like sargon of akkad and neo-nazi's into the same spectre?

Your post consists of truisms that aren't relevant to a discussion of the alt-right, or you must believe that it is a neo-nazi ideology with all those lumped into it who are not neo-nazi's being either self-hating or greedy.

If you act or work in the interests of fascists

then you are a fascists

The fact that in your heart of hears don't really believe it is a distinction without a difference.

And all these people you named, fuck em. If they associate with fascist causes and groups they're going to get lumped in with them.

They're not kids, they don't get all this pained consideration they demand

This means that Holla Forums is fascist.

Holla Forums brings users to Holla Forums, bringing users to Holla Forums keeps hotwheels from deleting Holla Forums, hotwheels not deleting Holla Forums is in the interest of the fascists from Holla Forums.

This is what being one-dimensional word thinker does to a person.

I want newfags to leave

Because most of them don't even know or follow the actual theory behing fascism (yes it does exist), there are similarities but they are not fascists stricto sensu.
There is no a strict ideology uniting them beyond Brown people out.

A farmer growing food is creating something a fassist can eat, which is in fascists interests. Therefore, farmers are fascists.
Not nuking Amerca is in America's fascists interests, therefore pacifits are fascists.

Someone being for absolute freedom of expression is allowing fascists to express themselves therefore he is a fascist himself.

They aren't fascists, just proto fascists who may or may not idolise hitler and the nazis based on idealist reasons.


if you mention the term "alt-right" on Holla Forums you're called a TRS shill

You need to use different talking points from progressive liberals to be differentiated. If you use the same arguments and profess the same beliefs, how are you different?

Boy, I sure am behind on all this hip new lingo the kids are talking about.

therightstuff.biz, Holla Forums hates it because they aren't allowed to shitpost trump and anime memes on there

Some posters on leftypol sympathize with fascism yes.

Uh 8 chan is a storm cuck colony. Hot wheels material actions are fascist. Yes that makes him a fascists, setting up an entire chan full to the brim with neo Nazis isn't something you can fucking do on accident

Germans knew about the holocaust but rationalized just the same way you did, with bullshit hair splitting.

I reported the Jew but I didn't physically put him on a train, I'm not a fascist.


ITT: Amerifats try to rationalize their willful and knowing support of fascism isn't fascist.

So spooky

More triggered Amerifats. Seriously why do you guys hang out on leftypol. You find out you were Jewish or something

You're aware you're using the very Holla Forums's logic as "If you're not racist you're Soro's shill" right?

No I'm not. I said knownly and willing supporting or empathizing with fascists makes you fascist.

People just get triggered because they flirt with fascism but don't wanna be labeled it.


Not all of them are fascist.
Alt-right is pretty much just re-branding of the right.

In the current economic system we live in, there is either liberal centerism on the left or fascism on the right.
I'm tired of liberals calling themselves left wing, that's only true in comparison to fascists - but their whole ideology is only a stones throw away from fascism.

Anyone who calls the alt right, and the far right American public, anything but theocratic and fascistic, is a liberal. People as such should not post here, do not have the rights to post here. They should be banned.
I'm serious. It'd solve the American far far right apologia we always have

Define far right

If you can't see what the American far right looks like you belong in the category of "should be banned for quality control"

If you want to get really technical, much of the alt right isn't fascist because they don't support the ideas of Giovanni Gentile nor do they support National Syndicalism. Rather most of them are for ethnocentric protectionist capitalism.

I'm concerned that you're just describing the average Trump voter rather than alt-right faggots.
And that sounds an awful lot like you're a liberal to me.

What is there to confuse. The American far right is unrecognizable to its past standards, and is fascistic. If you disagree with something so mind numbingly simple, you just shouldn't try at debating the ethics of the American far right. They are ideologically homogenous.

If you disagree you're too stupid to post here, should be banned

Anfems, not even once

I never suggested such. There are a multitude of reasons Trump is president, many of which involve the far right in America taking control of the Republican Party and making its standing goal fundementalist Christianity and social Darwinism.

The far right is the far right. Don't see it? It's easy. Don't respond. Don't hit post.


Define fascism.

You leftypolsters really have nothing to worry about.

Holla Forums as part of the altright are simply kosher conservatives.

They imagine themselves to be Not Socialists but are delusional in the extreme.

No genuine Not Socialist would have anything to do with an admitted avowed zionist Jew lover like Donald Trump much less believe that voting in this Jew controlled two party system staged WWE theater styled farce is going to do anything at all to change things for the better of whites in this country.


Citizens of leftypol do you not understand that one of the leading figures whom Holla Forums and the rest of the alt right admire is literally both a Jew and a homosexual?

Once you understand that and that politics are completely rigged in this country and controlled by Communist Jews you leftists here should feel a lot better about the present situation.

No, your puppet didn't get put in the presidential puppet's chair and thats gotta be sad for you in a way but understand that its really all just a spectacle and that the leftist policies and politics you all here love are going to be carried out regardless of whether the puppet in charge has the D or R next to their name because both have the Jew behind them and only the Jew truly runs this show.

Because it's big tent white nationalism and not all of them are fascists?

The alt-right contains fascists, but it also contains neo-nazis, and racist libertarians and primitivists and blah blah blah.

It's the far-right equivalent of a leftist non-sectarian solidarity movement.

The two uniting values are:
White nationalism
The Joo Query

This probably means that like leftist non-sectarian movements it will probably fall apart into infighting the moment they achieve any of their goals. 8/pol/ already hates TRS and Daily Stormer.

Holla Forums hates Milo and they often disavow the term alt-right for this reason.

What you say is true about the rest of the alt-right though. We often forget that 8/pol/ isn't really all that representative.

Oh, so that's why wage labour, private-property, and price-systems are still used in the economy.

Basically Nepotism but on ethnical level.

Nationalise business whose owner you do not consider to your own ethnic creed, and give it to the capitalists you do.
If you have social benefits, make sure only people who you consider to be ethnic kin have access to it. If your ethnic kin capitalists approve them, of course.

The pretense of traditional America still exists but no one should make any mistake over what the Jew's end goal is for America.


"Fascist" or "Nazi" is always the go to slander word however against one's hated political opponents whether its Dems or Repubs flinging out said snarl words in question because the Jew mass media has made these words well known in the public consciousness through 60+ years of anti third reich propaganda.

Anyway once the Jews get enough muds and cruds in America to overflow the toilet so to speak they can bring in their Chinese slaves and get their full Jew World Order Communist dystopia or so they believe.

Then there will be no more room for "pretense".

Ernst Röhm was also a Nazi. Didn't stopped him from supporting the Nazi party. Didn't stopped the Nazis from getting rid of him, once the useful idiot stopped being useful.

And that's how Milo's fate plays out. Then the only thing he has are the non alt-right folks at GamerGate.

Top Kek, as they say.

Well, thank you for the funny shitposts, I guess.

Err you're welcome I guess?

Anyway I give up trying to figure out why image board users declare even posts filled with useful/informative information as "shitposts"?

I'm going to chalk it up to my getting too old and no longer fully understanding the memes of the youth and how they can change rapidly without a moment's notice.

I have learned nothing about what you think Communism is, only that you think it's 1) Jewish because lol Communism means a supremacy of sorts, they tryna fight muh white nationalism 2) contains particularizing elements of capitalism because why not it's a conspiracy anyway and if the data doesn't match the theory we can just manipulate the conclusions!

Perhaps it's merely that yours have remained so decrepit and staid others move by you with sublime agility.

How many people have walked by this war memorial and not seen the symbolism?

Fasces and axes, yo.

Fasces are a common symbol dating back to the Roman Empire. They're displayed on a lot of older architecture throughout Europe and America.

Where are these ones? I can only find it related to the Abraham Lincoln memorial, but these are not the fasces that are found there under the arms of Lincoln's statue.

Keep huntin them witches son! Burn em alive YEEHAW
Thats so close to "if you aren't with us you are against us" Mr. Bush.

the alt right is pretty loose and diverse tbh

libertarians, paleocons, tradcons, paleolibs, ancaps, "turdpositionists", national syndicalists, Nazis, monarchists, fascist republicans, neoreactionaries, pagans, Catholics and atheists

I briefly had an alt-right spell last year but I snapped out of it. Their humour is pretty edgy which draws people in.

ROME you fucking faggot
Read a book instead of getting your politics from punk rock lyrics

Show me the book where the monuments specific location was revealed to you, not just that the concept has origins there.

Yes, they are fascists or "turd position" or whatever trendy shit they want to dress it up as nowadays.

Unfortunately, fascist has been so overused as a pejorative for anything someone doesn't like politically that it hardly has any meaning now when we have an active and growing(?) movement of literal fascists everywhere in the West. It's a cry wolf scenario.

Just mock and belittle the anime nazis as much as possible. The pendulum will swing back soon comrade.

More Amerifats rationalizing their fascist sympathies.

Just look at how you're framing it, as though fascism is like liking coke instead of Pepsi.

It's not, it adovocates the slaughter of people to keep capitalism going.

When there was slavery there were abolitionist that used products made by slaves. Didn't make them hypocrites.

But plenty of people didn't care or supported it cause it's a nesscary evil. If you read the writings of those people they were pro slavery. Not only that by being that way they allowed slavery to perpetuate long after other countries abandoned it.

Sorry all you fuck wads that frequent alt right shit on this board are going to be remembered by history as backwards hicks who apathy and implicit acceptance of fascism kept the world a miserable shithole for far longer than it needs to be

They are already called that and worse and it makes no difference. The usual suspects have been leveling such accusations on anyone who disagrees with them for so long that they have become meaningless.

If you retards didn't overuse the word and apply it as a broad brush to everyone who held opinions to the right of yours, people would still take it seriously as an accusation.

Sorry guys, you can't piss in the bed and then complain about having to change the sheets out.

you'd also have more of a leg to stand on if you didn't call Twitter purges of retards CULTURAL MARXIST CENSORSHIP!!

You're welcome to go back.

Alt-right is a politically correct way of saying fascist.

its not about calling them it for their sake, it's about letting people know what they actually are.

I am extwemewy twiggehed by dis fwead! You shiplerds need to wespwect mah pwonouns! I seph-identify as awtenative-wight, awl who dewegitimize me aw evoe opwessohs!

Enough with all this flim-flam "they aren't really Fascists" bullshit.

We are on Holla Forums. We have to deal with these faggots and their "Day of the Rope", their Autism Level charts from the thirties saying blacks are inferior, their antisemitic conspiracies and authoritarianism every single goddamn day.

Saying the alt-right is not Fascist is like saying water is not wet.

But I do.

I was going to argue against labeling them fascists, but just happened to catch an interview on NPR where some alt-right guy explained he wanted to establish a "safe space" for white identity, had no problems with swastikas, and was for the creation of a white only ethno-state.

So I guess they really are Nazis (and right-wing SJWs) after all.

so this is the new bogeyman since the election is over and they cant use "CTR" anymore?

Uhh, excuse me? I am NOT a fascist. I am a neo-reactionary monarcho-capitalist, thank you very much.

I don't think 4/pol/ does. 8/pol/ is much more extreme and unwelcoming, by its very nature it cannot be the 'heart and mind' of a movement, it always seeks to be at the fringe.

if you think that then you aren't looking closely enough. Every movement has heterogeneity.

Lol what. 'Some alt-right guy' can't be taken to represent the entire ideology.

4/pol/ just has a hundred screaming Nazis jump down your throat when you post something goes even vaguely away from their very specific ideology.

8/pol/ will permaban you for it.

Lol it doesn't legitimize them at all.

Most normal people think of fat fucking smelly losers when thy hear "alt-right."

OMG Top kek


ITT ^^^^

the altright is a spectrum, just like calling somone a lefty, not all lefties are commies.

as far as i'm concerned the alt-right agree on one thing, they dislike/hate everyone that isn't white.
they don't all agree on how to solve the "problem"

the Alt-right is idpol, no one would argue with that.
and like all idpol it's not only retarded but also dangerous

the core of Alt-right ideology is "white vs everyone else". this is the only constant in the movement.

if you think that some racist prick isn't representative than you should lurk more on alt-right forums

It was this fine fellow:


Seems like a pretty prominent Nazi perfectly legitimiate alt-right intellectual.

Interesting how great socialism quotes come from dead people, old crazy people and dogs.

There is no "alt-right". There are fascists.

If you wouldn't feel comfortable calling the person you're talking about a fascist, then don't call them "alt-right". The term means the same thing and adds no value.

Not really, there's a fair amount of white supremacist lolberts and ancaps within the alt-right. Actually, I'd say that's their uniting principle: white supremacy. Other than that their a weird conglomerate of fascist, neofascist, reactionaries and lolberts.

According to Holla Forums lolberts/ancaps/etc. are also fascists, though.

Not necessarily, but the white supremacist ones are almost always ready to jump on the fascist train if it means the preservation of capitalism. Ones from liberty are more tame.

oh yeah, we always secretly loved nazis and the axis, must be why we firebombed innocent civilians then set the nazis up for warcrimes, cause we secretly like them

"do you sir have a problem with this political symbol that has absolute no relevance to politics since before you were born?"

"uhhh no????"

"what if i told you it represented an ideology that holds similar worlds views?"

"….what problem?"

In what fucking universe do you idiots think people should have opniona on swastikas one way or the other? its a fucking joke, the only people who use the swastika in serious active manner are fucking prison gangs

does someone really need to explain to you the nihilistic enjoyment in reveling in other peoples ridiculous and absurd reaction to benign actions

Yes and people will assume you disagree with them. That is the damage that has been wrought.

How does one get this ignorant?

There was widespread nazi support in the US before 1938

WWII started in 1938. US didn't enter it until 1940 and only because of Pearl Harbor. US public didn't give a fuck about nazi atrocities until Nazis threatened the US.

You believe all the propaganda ,bullshit history channel fake ass history. There was a draft for the first year of WWII.

The same reason you cannot call anyone a cheater in an online game forums even if you provide incontrovertible proof of it.
The game companies condition their playerbase to react with disgust and knee jerk react to it denying the cheating, instead blaming the victim.

Look at TF2 and CS:S , they were aimbot-infested shitholes yet the general valve-supported consensus was that they had "mad skillz" and you were just jelly, no bans were handed even in the most egregious of cases.

Until a study found that apparently , yes, like 40% of the playerbase was cheating in one way or another, "Wooops we made a bug in VAC! Fixin' it now!"

Similarly any mention of fascism is met with ridicule and Hitler comparisons.

That's because actually, fascism is retarded and full of retarded people. It is not like video game cheating, but you did a good job of pointing it out with this mouth breathing analogy

Listen. Just don't try at politics. Don't. It'll be less angry for you, and best yet, you'll avoid getting angry over things that you shouldn't even be mad about. It's win win win

Stop talking

the Alt-right anti-intelectualism, i'm pretty sure they'll burn books like the nazi did.

Yes, if it makes you feel better, many SJWs aren't fascists either, they just legit think there's a conspiracy against them.

Actually, anyone can post here. We're not on reddit, hon.

There are multitude of reasons Trump is president, one of the most prominent being liberals thinking pointing at him and screaming "raysheest! faysheest! kkk!" will be a convincing critique of his platform.

you just sold me on facism

How is class not a spook the same as race and nationality?

Oy vey, dese anti-semitic bastids! Why doesn't the media just call them Nazis? They definitely haven't been doing it for the past two years nonstop.


The left in a nutshell:


because it's based on your material relations to the means of production rather than subjective perceptions on people's skin color or the geographic location of their birth/residence

some are. doesn't matter cause if you call the normie ones fascists, they'll think you're being hysterical and if you call the actual fashies fascists, they won't give a shit.

Maybe instead of arguing over their label you could actually look into why alt-right is actually shit in terms of their beliefs. Or you could continue with your namecalling crusade. See where that gets ya.