Aryan Man and Nature

Nature is Beautiful.
Every living thing is interesting.
No matter where I live, how far from the population densities where you see more strange than known faces daily.
I always yearn for those places in the wild where the sounds of machines and the grind of humans isn't near.

Share stories of finding peace when you are calm and see the beauty of life all around you, nourished by the sun.

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I took mushrooms and went into the woods once when I was younger. I remember laying down looking straight up through the weaving pine branches and suddenly they began to expand and contract around me like a Chinese finger trap. Getting gently hugged and squeezed by happy trees was comfy af.

Honestly, one of the best things you can do, especially if you're stuck in a concrete jungle, is find a green patch somewhere near a tree and dig your bare feet into the earth. It'll trigger something in your racial memory that instantly grounds you. Try it.

Jews disagree:

Everyone on Holla Forums should've read this, jews hate nature.

God truly is the greatest composer.
The greatest composers aim to compete with the purity of nature, but like the speed of light, it is unobtainable.

I have a huge boner for big forests, and have wandered inside some of those many times in a row. Everyone who wants to destroy the forests and their biodiversity for the sake of, well, anything really, is an enemy to me. It takes a twisted and neurotic mind to try to wipe out something so beneficial and beautiful as pic related. I may be exaggerating but that's exactly how I feel about all nature in general.

People should also realize that a forest that consists of very few types of plants/animals is already a damaged one. The exact opposite of a forest in terms of biodiversity is a field of one type of tree specifically planted for being used for furniture/paper/tools etc.

I feel the same way. I love almost everything about nature except motheefucking mosquitoes. Literal vampires that give nothing back to nature. Fuck mosquitoes.

Jews disagree because if they actually practice the science of nature, they'd have to classify negros as a different species. Nature means nothing to their agenda.

Hunting with traditional weapons is also a way to admire nature.
If you bring a gun into the forest, you are spitting into the face of nature, but if you bring down a deer with an arrow or a boar with a spear then you show reverence and respect.
And always make sure you waste NOTHING from your prey and bury what you can't use so it returns to the forest.

>mfw cheap nature calendars contain more beauty than the entirely of the (((fine arts))) combined.

Obligatory thread for realizing how much kikes kvetch about nature and pagan reverence for it:

Ya should all start reading Linkola if you haven't already and stop buying the fake "muh climate change isn't real" kike narrative.

The greatest happenings to come are environmental and ecological.

No, they hate nature because they find it barbaric and something to be subdued, rather than something to be part of, which is why nature hates them back.

Thanks for posting that.


Muslim Turks aren't familiar with nature outside wandering around trash and swimming in sewage pipes, so that shouldn't surprise you.

What else did you expect from the shitskin that so desperately hates books and self-improvement?
Watch as he comes to shitpost here screaming MUH BOOKS HURRRRR to further prove what a sad mockery of the human species he is.


what the FUCK why is this thread anchored? the mods are going to cause an exodus of all the good posters to >>>/new/


You're like a copy of the Holla Forums BO. I can't wait for your chimpout when you piss everyone off and write up some autistic post that no one reads because you're too retarded to realize no one gives a fuck about you.

Holla Forums moderation everyone

get some fresh air mods

This thread is sliding the hot topic shit like North korea provoking the world.

Remember when Holla Forums wasn't just /newsplus/?



This autistic micromanagement is a little irritating.

I love nature myself, trekking is one of my favorite past times. I've trekked in the Himalayas, Hawaii and Sweden most prominently. I really want to trek throughout Germany and visit the sacred sites like pic related.

We could do without parasites.

Anyone else get these deep philosophical feels?

thx for all the responses guys
glad im not alone