I've seen discussions about the northwest front here before and the consensus i saw was that people suspect it to be a...

I've seen discussions about the northwest front here before and the consensus i saw was that people suspect it to be a honeypot, which i feel inclined to agree with.

i certainly don't trust it. but the idea itself isn't bad.

maybe we could even buy some land and build a lodge on it or something for the poorfags. it seems to me that we need to be doing something more than posting on the internet, and having that kind of community seems really healthy anyway.

or maybe we could do something more decentralized? just like a "move to this general area, vote this general way" kind of thing?

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If you're serious about upping your game then consider getting involved in politics. Getting your foot in the door is alarmingly easy, just volunteer come election time, and afterwards ask about staying on. You can meet and even bantz with the candidates, their staff, donors, everything you need to run yourself. I don't want to give too much away so l'll just leave it at that.

I'm in the area although in the worst place. Seattle Though being in this den of degeneracy really defines my hatred of the left, the nihilists, and the degenerates. I met a few people through Holla Forums but it was a one and gone thing. Soon after I met them 1 at a restaurant and 2 I went to a Trump rally with, they dropped all communication. We tried to communicate through Tox but no one logged on to that anymore. I plan to move out of Seattle when possible somewhere more north possibly around Everett or Bothell although Bothell seems to be full of condescending folk who scoff at those who voted for Trump but I been talking with people about policies versus people politics and been getting people to see my way on a few things.

If there could be a set county we wanted to move to I will see about if I could look for a job transfer nearby as Nordstrom has stores all through the state.

I tried to volunteer during election time and I got sort of involved with the Trump campaign although because i couldn't get the time for phone banks so they dropped all contact with me.

I sent a request to volunteer for republican party just to get my foot in the door and never got a reply from them besides the donation emails.

and be victim to the same cycle of donor-fellating crap all our candidates are subject to now. it doesn't have to be that way

i'd rather have a grassroots, not astroturf start. but you need people for that

I'd like to start a parallel to PNW on the East Coast, more specifically in ME,NH, VT
additionally, and this is the crucial part, we must obtain control. How do we do this? we copy the South African Broederbondue, and practice nepotism, join the police and promote /our/guys to higher positions, get into education, gain influence over the curriculum and make it /our/curriculum, as for politics I see two options. One, is infiltrating both the republican and democratic parties, whichever is better suited to the norms in the area, we tell /our/guys who to vote for. The other is create a new political party for this region. Or a combination of both


Why not ALASKA ?

Cheap land, too cold for niggers.

2 cold 4 me
sorry, I like my wheat fields fam

also, I remember someone posted some facts about Harold Covington a little while ago, pretty much every WN movement he's been apart of has failed miserably I'd almost say he was a harbinger of failure, but when he tried to connect John Hinkley Jr. to the American Nat-Soc party after the failed assignation attempt, Im convinced he's controlled opposition

A honeypot? It's just the idea for all white nationalists to move to the PNW. I don't think it's a honeypot, I just think it's a stupid idea rooted in Cascadian Nationalism rather than practicality. And the "splitting Montana just to make it muh Greater Washington-shaped rectangle" is dumb too, why not take the whole Montana and Wyoming too? There's no precedent for dividing Montana and those states are more easily salvageable than fucking Washington or Oregon anyway.

The New Hampshire-Maine Front would be far more practical than having Seattle as the capital of a theoretical white ethnostate.. The region is like 95% white, has plenty of gun-toting right-wingers, with the only pozz and nons being concentrated in southern NH and southwestern Maine along the cost. More manageable than anywhere else, anyway. And the total population is low so any Holla Forums colonization is going to stretch further than the PNW.. Seattle alone has higher population than NH and Maine combined.

what is this fascination with winning through politics?
you really think that getting together with a bunch of dudes who are all politically national socialists or even more right wing will be able to outpromise faggotry better than the established politicians can?
Being a politicians means going up to people and offering to suck their dick for less than the other guy.
after all the shit the sytem has forced on people,you want to jump through MORE hoops? fill out MORE paperwork? Socialize with cocksucking politicians and their cocksucking lackeys?
No, the system is shit. It's time to drop out and be pioneers, buy someland and have Holla Forumsacks move on because you enjoy the company sure, but there is also the matter of numbers.
If you were to become a real threat with two busloads of anons, who is to stop kikes from moving in 200 busloads of niggers and libshits? democracy is a jewish scam, don't walk in and expect to beat the house. Even winning the fucking presidency wouldn't be enough

Two of these threads in one week. Kind of telling.

There's been a migration of WN to the PNW for 10+ years. Some people or orgs there are doubtless fed tools, but the Northwest migration is decentralized.

As someone said above, I don't entirely see why Alaska isn't better.

Try it. Watch what happens. You'll get Waco'd.

The idea is actually pretty bad.

A few hundred people spread across 4 states is going to accomplish what?

You'd need to concentrate into one state/town to get any real level of power.

They've been working on this for years and do they even have a single mayor position?

At best Harold Covington is an egomaniac with an average IQ. The whole thing is a larp.

You're better off moving to a swing state and working on getting illegals deported while getting pro-whites into office.

I believe this is our best idea to date, it's not even primarily about "voting", but rather forming White communities ready to take advantage of the inevitable balkanization.

NorthEast could have a better chance if you assume that the US will never break up and that we can gain power politically. If that doesn't work and there is a breakdown though, the NorthWest is the superior geo-political choice of the two.
The shitskins & commies in the N.W. cities wouldn't last 1 year without gibbs, the population difference won't matter for long if there is a balkanization in our future.


Ive met Holla Forumsacks irl. For the most part, it was underwhelming.

I've fucking told you fags in every thread that the PNW is now full of sandniggers, niggers, and every mystery-meat shitskin you can imagine. It was an alright place to go for "White flight" back in the 80s/early 90s, but not anymore.

Every WN group has been a failure so far

Everyone in this thread needs to read this. You are all very uninformed.

what were they like

not that guy, but I discovered three of my friends who were also Holla Forumsacks, wasn't aware prior
pretty average for the most part except we all have a more health centered mindset, you know we lift and avoid shit food
One of them is in Army basic, he gets autistic about soy and xenophobia estrogens, won't touch a receipt, lol

Guy that redpilled me to Holla Forums and natsoc was from Washington State

Off Topic If you went by the identity Fade Awayz at anytime quote me I miss you


Yeah, the only "white flight" that's happening now are traitorous californians fleeing the ship they sunk, and coming here to do the exact same thing again.

I pray for nuclear war, it's the only way we're gonna get a proper purge of all the cities.

Yeah, the only "white flight" that's happening now are traitorous californians fleeing the ship they sunk, and coming here to do the exact same thing again.

I pray for nuclear war, it's the only way we're gonna get a proper purge of all the cities.

To be fair, all effective overtly nationalist leaders are dead. Occasionally by other people in the scene who receive shockingly short prison sentences. Nationalism is basically the only thing the IC and law enforcement is actually serious about suppressing. 'White Sharia' is stupid for obvious reasons, but if you wanted to start a nationalist group, couching it in Islam would probably result in the feds ignoring you (since they're the main promoters of salafism and jihadism)

HAC's resume is pretty cringey. SPLC interviewed his brother, and HAC doesn't come off as a strongly principled guy. That he's in the open, known to the NGOs that punish racially-conscious wrongthink, and not dead or in jail probably means he cooperates with law enforcement enough to stay out of trouble.

His books outline his basic plan:

I can get the first step, but I don't think there's any kind of coherent plan after that.

The Freestaters are also in NH. I don't know how many libertarians actually moved there (I'm assuming almost none), but they could probably be redpilled.

NWF does occasional banner ad buys here and some of their affiliates are regular Holla Forums users, so, unsurprisingly, they shill here.

If the Holla Forums mumble server is an accurate sample of anons, this is the breakdown

kids 16-20: 20-40%
young adults 21-25: 20-40%
oldfags 26-35: 40-60%
Gen X and boomers 35+: