Trump Names Antifa

Trump says recent antifa violence justifies his condemnation of both sides in Charlottesville

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You could've posted the original article and screenshot of said article, but here it is anyways.

Trump really is the God Emperor.

This. It wasn't only violence from the left and poor decisions from the cops. No. It was the White Nationalists fault too for daring to leave the house and then daring to protect themselves when they were getting attacked by brave anti-fascists who love America. MAGA

Almost forgot. Don't even get me started on that beautiful slender girl who was murdered by that Nazi terrorist, she was a real American hero.

So many threads trying to distract from the amnesty deal. Anything that allows illegals to stay is amnesty. There is no compromise to be had.

pic related

user, people change their minds. He might have gotten new information that shows
Mexicans as being good for our economy.
Everyone wants to hire more border patrol, but who will we hire to do those jobs? With every American now making 7 figures in offices, we need to import workers to fill those border patrol jobs.
I can't believe you don't understand 3D chess by now.

your memeing irresponsibly and may wake up one day to a son that looks a lot like your "best" friend

yeah that poor girl who had a heart attacks to the reporters wiating 5 minutes before the car approached while both protest and antiprotest were 4+ blocks away

What the fuck are you talking about, nigger? You don't believe that Trump naming antifa is a big deal?

We should tear down Robert E Lee's statue and put hers in it's place.

Oh yeah, Antifa is the real problem and not the almost 1,000,000 illegals on which Trump is attempting to compromise. Nice priorities.

From the article:

So glad he condemned antifa. Almost as based as based stickman.

The fact that Trump didn't blame antifa entirely for is the problem but considering he's officially back stabbed all his supporters it doesn't really matter what the man says anymore.

Like Trump said. There was violence on both sides. Mainly on the Neo Nazi side, which is why he needed to sign that resolution declaring KKK Nazi freaks a terrorist group.

The endkikes have changed strategies. Report and ignore.

So when ANtifa attacks a Jew like Ben Shapiro, that's when Trump comments? Wow, how wonderful. Can't wait for all those based dreamers to be granted citizenship, it's not amnesty after all, he said so.

Kill yourself, cuck.

If they stay here for a while and get a good job, why shouldn't they be considered Americans?
This country was founded on immigration. It even says it on the Statue of Liberty. Can't get any more American or based than that.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.


No, it's not a big deal, you pathetic fuck. He just signed a bill that was approved by all 100 senators condemning white nationalists. He's a piece of shit, and now he's throwing you table scraps while he gave Chuck Schumer the whole ham.

Oh it's about Ben Shapiro? That's even worse.

Report yourself, faggot.

No it isn't. He was clarifying his previous comments regarding Charlottesville. That should have been clear from the OP.

He signed a "resolution", which means fuck all.

At the very least Trump naming antifa will cause more people to become aware of their existence, which is definitely a good thing.

Are you feeling the dissonance yet?

Why is that a good thing? Are you dumb enough to think Antifa are an actual issue? They're pawns, they don't mean a goddamn thing.


Entirely false. Violence was virtually nonexistent until Antifa arrived. The "Neo Nazis" were barely a fraction of the Alt-Right people that were there to begin with.

Why are people so content with Trump fucking up?

it's satire, fam

Its amazing all these shills black pills turn to redpills when you look at them.

Keep it up, it shows that a nerves been hit.

Ya got me.

That shit was added later.

Uh, no, honey. My based Jamaican history professor told me that the founding fathers were based black men of color, and that America was always a melting pot.

How can you say that? They had tiki torches.

Antifa stands for anti-fascist. Fascist means Hitler and Hitler was like Darth Vader and Voldemort, so obviously Antifa were the good guys there.

This. Black people built this country and it's a damn shame they haven't gotten their reparations. Think of all the good that money would do in places like Detroit where racism is literally starving the black community.
Trump supporters stand in unity with the black community. ✊🏿

This. Looked a lot like a lynching to me. And that's not fashy at all. That's something a Nazi would do.
Did you see how they all cut their hair like Hitler?

Correctly identifying antifa by name, rather than a nebulous title like "Alt-Left" is indeed a good thing and an important step in potentially bringing about an end to their terrorist activities.

I do believe that antifa are an actual issue. You're free to disagree. ;^)

Black people are natural conservatives and most whites are just gay cucks, I mean, antifa is like totally white, do you see BASED black antifa? I don' think so, bro. I'd rather have a based black man breed my daughter than some lame antifa white boy, that's for sure.

This. All the emperor needs to do is merely mention their name and the problem is solved. His words are so powerful that I bet they all become based like us and vote for him in 2020.

Same user:

True. Just like Trump said in that Howard Stern interview, my daughter would definitely date a black man.

THIS! I'm really glad that he named those anti-Semitic antifa terrorists. They tried to shut down /ourguy/ Ben Shapiro! That's the sort of stuff the Nazi Stormtroopers did in Weimar Nuremberg, you know? I heard about that on Rebel Media.

I think he could be setting the stage for some big moves. Remember Clanton ratted out everybody he could remember.



Do I seriously need to post this image in every thread you endkikes come to shit up?

I'll believe when he signs a resolution condemning the left's lapdogs like antifa, or when cucked jeff sessions actually files charges against literally ANY of one of them.



So was this even a real attack? There are obviously some injured but maybe that's just part and parcel for a good psyop.

Everyone has named them. Wake me up when he lifts a finger to do anything about it.


A plea deal.
The government wants this to happen so they can permanently remove the 1st and 2nd. "For our safety" of course.

Bumping this thread makes Shariablue very buttflustered.

Take his coat


Looks like we've got some antifa ITT

Damn! There's no need to be this asscastigated, Shariablue.

Fucking ace. Screwed the msm, lefties and republicans over, as per usual

shills are now trying to shield antifa

You mad bro?

I don't think it's necessarily meant as a distraction, but yeah, antifa is insignificant compared to Trumls cucking on immigration. I say we just move past it and focus on redpilling whites, even taking advantage of trumps cuckery to show them that democracy is not an answer.

Checked but it's a bigger deal that he essentially signed into law a ban on white people doing anything more than laying down to die. Antifa's going to fuck itself don't worry about that. It's rank and file are idiots. Now it'll be the establishments turn again to wipe us out. It's law. Trump can safely throw antifa under now.



Except that resolution wasn't a law or legally binding in the slightest.


Already happened a while back at a rally.

So why does it matter now? Did he call them communists? Did he draw attention to the fact that they are communists for every knuckle dragging retard who calls them "fascists" in a semitic deflection from the rampant marxism/socialism/communism in the U.S.? Unless he does that, with frequency, to a large audience, people will remain unaware of genuine threats to their nation.

Why don't we just call them Semite supremacists?

You sure its not Holla Forums? Or Holla Forums? Or reddit? Or mat?

>Right after signing a piece of legislation wherein he sided with Establishment politicians to say White Nationalism was evil domestic terrorism because a landwhale had a heart attack after a loud noise while marching illegally in the street as a Communist - but if you bring it up you're a {shill} bro!




Just different kind of goons, still goons they are.

You know if all the shills repeat the same exact talking point, it's kind of fucking obvious isn't it? Also nice facebook tier reaction image that would never be posted here.

Open season

It's the truth, cuck. Accept it.

You seem a little bit upset.

Seeming mighty Judaised, there, user.

It's Matt Forney, you ignorant shill.

Commies actually don't have First Amendment rights anyway according to settled law.

Come on antifa, don't worry. I'm sure it'll all work out just fine.



Obviously they don't mean to convince us, this is an utterly pointless gesture. This is the narrative they are going to use to convince the normies that even the President is worried about those crazy Nazis.

While it doesn't do anything with any force of law, (((they))) also know this. So what's the real purpose?

As a propaganda pretext.

Yeah but it's shit propaganda because the papers can't help but sit there repeating all day that Trump just went back to saying 'both sides' and that Antifa were violent assholes. Any effect it would've had was undermined and dismantled by Trump's comments the next day.

Congress has no idea how to do propaganda, only kikes care what their stupid resolution says on paper, the public cares more about what Trump is actually saying.