REMINDER: If you disagree with Trump, you disagree with Holla Forums

I know it is often said that Holla Forums is not one person. But in these times of chaos our God Emperor needs our unconditional support while he navigates the multidimensional chess board. The time for dissent is over. We must become one person. A unified voice against shills, shitskins and libtards.


You guys doin this because of the Huma emails or is there some other major victory for us that y'all are trying to cover up?


I'm doing it to make you cry, moshie.

Pol has always been a Trump board.

Hey y'all this is Shanteh and he told me yesterday his Irish girlfriend bought him a St. Paddy's day MAGA hat and now all he wants to make America great again. Can we all hear it for this BASED MAGApede?

Are you still posting this pasta you pathetic shariablue shill? Holla Forums has always been a MAGA board. We meme magicked the election, and we will save the white race with Trump and Kek.

Hell yeah.


Trump is an avatar of Holla Forums get it right
Holla Forums is the living will of KEK

spelled wrong.


Reported shilling.

Confirmation that the wall is funded and thousand bonus ice agents already signed in.
Also it's midday in Tel Aviv so the kikes are having a quick lunchtime shitpost before getting back to banking.

Hell yeah. Get those fucking shills!
The wall just got 20 feet higher

I'm really beginning to understand what shills look like. I don't understand the point of it though? Trump is president, Hillary would have been a nightmare. These threads do nothing to further debate on actual issues and most of us see right through them. Please stop or contain it to one "Trump is a Zionist puppet" thread.


Trump is not a zionist puppet. Trump is the last hope of the white race. Anti Trump is code for Anti White.

Lurk 2 more years before posting again.

Shut up kike.

fuck off t_d

Trump is the White Race.

Trump is God

How do you stand to look at yourself in the mirror. Faget.

Shills, the thread. Amazing.


They're not here to push a narrative anymore. Like all leftists the only thing they can do now is disrupt and obstruct. Leftism, and Social Marxism is in it's death throes and all they can do is throw a fit and thrash.