This happened 30 mins ago. Why isn't there already a thread on this?
Bunch a links:
This happened 30 mins ago. Why isn't there already a thread on this?
Bunch a links:
Other urls found in this thread:
Holla Forums is undergoing the largest series of coordinated raids in a year or more.
Worse: anons are taking the bait
BASED Islamobros trying to make England Great Again. MEGA!!
inb4 perpetrators are "Asian"
Either allahu or (((ISIS))) is trying to distract us from something like the new Huma emails.
We need to declare war on Syria now. This is an attack by Assad. He must die for this. MAGA.
Because its part and parcel of living in a big city
Holy fuck I didn't even think of that. BASED
Assad gassed his own people. We should be helping the moderate rebels in Syria.
This is some of the worst shilling I have seen in years. Lurk a bit more before you try again.
Hi kikes. Youve missed the first post.
Even ISIS is better than Assad. We should kill Assad and then use ISIS to defeat Russia and kill Putin, then we can tackle ISIS. 4D chess.
Is this really the best shareblue can do nowadays? Sad!
Literally meanwhile, in France…
I bet if you took ISIS and brought them here and gave them a nice house and a job, they would be no different than you and me.
That's what these racists don't understand. Get some real life experiences, fellas. Sometimes I think you guys watch too many cartoons.
The wall just got 10 feet taller, shill!
Another day in Londonistan. Such a vibrant and diverse city!
Part & Parcel :^)
Sometimes I almost feel sorry for Mexico when they have to pay for it. 😆
I know. I bet if you took some ISIS members in a synagogue they'd be no different from you or me, just ordinary schlomos.
Expect a lot of bots talking about London's Trump.
It's like T_D but somehow more retarded.
Anti Trumper! Anti Trumper!
Because like the rest of the third world Arab countries no one cares when they blow themselves up.
There is at least 4 different guys doing this simultaneously, they are pretending they are from Reddit.
Anti-Trump is a codeword for anti-white. 💯👌🏻
It's funny because these people claim to be 'liberal, progressive and tolerant' all while they help hide the crimes of those attempting to murder and maim whilst also doing their utmost to make sure they go unpunished, and have more opportunities to cause harm.
How they can think they are are the good guys I'll never know. At least with JIDF they are supporting their own tribe, even if to the detriment of the rest of the world. These 'liberals' are just sadistic psychopaths with no empathy for anyone.
Some bloke on LBC London talk radio who was on the carriage just now explaining how it wasn't a terror attack, some workman's paintpot exploded.
The news will surely depress all the jews that occupy this board, but at least they can relax in the comfort knowing their Mossad has plenty of false flags to come.
You can get back to shilling for Trump and trying to divert attention away from jews on all your other threads here.
Britbong here.
Probably muslim terrorists tbh. I don't live in London and news media is not saying anything.
I do wonder why the shills are everywhere today. Is there something in the Huma emails that they want to hide? Are they worried Trump is about to fuck over spics and get wall funding at the same time? Have they figured out what Bannon is upto?
Are you some kind of cunt?
Nobody has ever shilled for Trump here. He is simply revered with the respect a man who has done so much for the white race deserves. Trump has done more for the white race than even Hitler. MAGA.
If you listen to the local radio you'll hear testimony of passengers explaining it was a workmans paintpot exploding.
The shills are the one's promoting neocon kikes and zionist puppets here.
Bannon is a kike and Trump is the jews puppet.
I bet the "paint" was red
I am really curious as to what has made shills like this so butt blasted. I want to make it happen every day. Their blood pressure must be through the roof.
God, you people, give it a rest. At least try to tailor your shit to the thread topic.
Er, expect the last few years every day endlessly shilling for every neocon kike in world politics that is.
Why are (((you))) still here?
Election was last year, your jew won, the best thing to do is now slither back to Tel Aviv and accept your Chabad Lubavitch paycheck, quietly.
We beat you during the primaries and during the election, we'll beat you now. Trump now and forever. MAGA.
t. raidcucks
Fuck. When will it be Her Turn™ bros?
My comment was a direct response about the workmans paintpot exploding.
My info is accurate and not just another jewish hasbarat shilling for more isreali wars
I know. These anti-trump raiders are pathetic.
Thanks for telling us your angle, raidcuck.
Pic related
This quality thread brought to you by:
nice dubs faggot
Sure thing rabbi
>Why are (((you))) still here?
Kek, no really what was it.
Was it the steam forums? Did you get triggered by the nigger posting on your latest blacked game? Are you taking the CNN lies straight to any forums you can find because you cant shut them down? It is truly fascinating the levels of autistic ass mad lately.
Don't worry. The anti-trumpers will pay for this soon enough. Anti-Trump is code for Anti-White.
The only people that can possibly still be for Trump here are fucking Likud zionist kikes.
I am a legitimate Trump Supporter who has been here since the first exodus and I am sick and tired of you anti-trump raiders. Holla Forums memed Trump into becoming President and will meme him into God Emperor. And you can't stop us.
Go back to endchan kike.
They think they can overload the habbeningmen.
That penis is pretty fashy.
Somehow every thread is being derailed into a "Trump" thread. How stupid do these people think we are?
There was no islamic jihadist terror attack, there were no Mossad operatives around the train at the time…
However there are dozens of other threads you can shill for jews or their neocon ZOG puppets.
Sadiq Khan, like all other 'British' MPs allowed to stanbd is a zionist lackey like all the rest
London’s new mayor makes Holocaust memorial his first official function
I am smiling ear to ear watching you and your fellow shills desperation. You can feel it slipping away can't you. You are losing the country. Were you part of the now officially recognized terrorist group called antifa? Maybe it was the revelation that Bernie gives no refunds? Is that it? Are you still mad about Bernie? That was your own party that cucked him. Not that he walked away with nothing $$$
It's either kikes shilling for the ZOG Emperor or kikes pretending everything that goes bang is an islamic terror attack.
You'll know a real terror attack by the lack of jew victims and the jews on TV telling us it was never isreal behind it.
You are the same as
You are both Anti-Trumpers. Nothing you say can change that. You are anti-american and you will be rounded up with anti-fa.
Image pictured was the paintpot responsible for the latest islamic jihad attack…
Does this trigger you Mohammed?
The Christchan author is an honoraryan in my book.
Where is the goon that types AH HHAHAHAHAHA after every sentence. Is it his break time? I see you are the MAGA at the end of every sentence shill. Did you get tired of typing MAGA?
run vigil.exe
run islamophbia.exe
I have a foot pedal that automatically pastes "MAGA" for me. Protecting the God Emperor doesn't have to make your fingers tired.
As if that's possible, SHILL! 👌🏻😂
There he is mr Hahahaha.
I have little to no interest in sandwogs and what they do in their own country.
Perhaps it's time to remove the kike from all corners of the Earth for good and allow them to continue in their own homelands without the jew infestation.
You have to go back.
does anyone give a fuck about Londoners anymore? they deserve this. no one from london cares about anyone outside of their pozzfield.
Tbh non-americans are subhuman and don't deserve to be saved by the grace of god emperor Trump
That's why Mexicans and BASED Arabs need to become American citizens.
Oh, so you're THAT faggot shitting up other boards. Kill all skinwalkers.
reported, nigger
Based MAGApedo God Mods are on my side not your shareblue shill.
Strange, isn't it? How you can smell a kike through a computer and note genuine anons. It's like seeing beyond the veil. They are scared because I am behind them.
Loose lips sink ships, faggot. Stop teaching shills how to be better shills. Just look, laugh and move on. If you must comment, just say samefag and keep it moving.
Why wouldn't you want a better shill? It's not like it's going to make them true or honest suddenly. Nothing better than a good sparring with a creature that is destined to lose anyway.
This. We need to give the world amnesty so they too can feel Trump's love inside them.
A yid is a yid.
a strange influx of pro-trump shilling recently
inb4 'neo-nazi' suspect, probable national action member gets arrested
they said ID card was found at the scene, seems fishy as fuck
Those aren't actual Trump supporters, you realize. I am not married to him but there is some actual chess going on. It's hard for niggers to see anything beyond their face. Still, anyone being this obvious is a cryptokike.
Not those urban youths with unclear motives again
The best way to guage how you are doing is how many shills try to muddy your goodness. The turd in the punchbowl. The eternal kike that seethes and never feels anything like true jubilation.
This user gets it. The rest of you just don't understand 3D chess.
It's not like I'm telling them anything except what they cannot stop being.
top kek
is defending illegal niggers and beaners chess?
exit dreamworld, user
Sticky request and shill purge requested
Keeping them out of prisons and on a path back is not bending over. I'm not sure you understand that a sword has two edges.
Shariablue pls go.
No, they're just not kikes.
Amnesty is a thing they grabbled all over and now they see how it worked against them. Just like every thing they attempt against the white man.
Actually explains a lot.
You already got the first post. I don't see a raid.
Neither of those things are true. I can just from the way you type.
Why would you ever bet on someone pretending to be retarded? Look at what you are actually dealing with.
You don't believe our BASED Paki-English gentleman friend is excited about Trump MAGAing by granting not-amnesty to our BASED dreamers?
going by what i've seen on Australian mainstream news so far: zero evidence of an explosion
the only thing they show is a plastic paint bin with a small fire
zero evidence of any scorch marks, or that there was an explosion of any kind. Imho, another drill/fake load of bullshit at least from what i've seen so far.
I don't understand why everyone is so mad. He's not giving them amnesty. He's only saying that if they stay for a while, they become legal citizens. What's wrong with that?
So much this.
If you were on Holla Forums for the last year or so, and you said anything negative about Trump. You were banned, while the thread were filled with retarded sycophants sucking his kosher cock like it was candy. We're blowing off some steam right now, not because we're glad we were right about Trump, but because we're really fucking angry the mods didn't listen to a goddamn word we said and were so smug in their ignorance.
I hope the mods aren't actually shills, and they're just autistic morons. I guess we'll find out for sure rather soon. No one can defend Trump in good faith at this point, it's just not possible to do.
I told you, you can talk all about them while they're right here.
those pesky krauts up to no good again
Why are you talking about Trump in a London bombing thread? How retarded are you? Shut the fuck up and focus on something that is relevant.
*cough* all from today *cough*
Here's a spoiler of what happens here. Mayor of London says he condemns hate, and a bunch of Muslims hold a prayer circle somewhere. Cucks on facebook change their profile pictures, and then a week later Sandniggers kill some more white people. We've seen this happen enough times to know this will only strengthen Islamic control of England because just like America, the UK is ran by anti-white Jews.
So, quick rundown? How many dead, injured, etc?
Literally the same images and titles used on cuck chan too.
I'm convinced that they're bot-assisted, humans can't be this dumb.
Oh, and the news says not all muslims, and condemns hate as well. And then they talk about how white people need to stop being bigots.
Another spoiler, there are no democratic solutions to planned genocide by the standing government.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.
Great thread you goddam niggers. This place is so full of retards even happenings are impossible to talk about.
BBC says passengers were injured + possibly people got burned. So fuck your paint can fake news.
*cough* Threads were legitimate *fart* Mods are fags *cough*
So Muslims set off a bomb in London? Next are we going to have a thread about a bear shitting in the woods? There are no democratic solutions to large groups of people trying to kill you.
Zach, does this sound familiar to you?
This is clearly the work of the insane dictator assad, who uses chemical weapons on his own people!!!and kills babies!!!
He has been pushing for war with our peaceful countries for decades and this is the final straw.
The government should use nukes on Assad and kill him and his family so no one else grabs power!!!
I was talking with my rabbi the other day and even he agrees. The time for talk is over.
If you make several threads about the same thing before the previous one fills then of course the thread will get anchored. Now can you stop trying to make this thread about Trump as well
Fuck off kike. I'm not going to explain this one more time. Make something good for society and kill youruself.
Muslims in germany, france and another socialistic countries have free houses and "job" but i didn't notice asimilation beetwin them and white. Nice try schlomo shill.
What is there to talk about in this thread that isn't related to the complete and total corruption of all governments in western nations? The only reason Muslims are here in the first place is because our kiked leaders let them in. If we had real leaders they'd all be deported or killed.
Spot on. But. Really, what is there to focus on that wasn't apparent. Part and parcel for being in Londanistan.
I dunno what's going on in this thread but I sure do hope all my fellow nagas remember to help the brave leftists protect the big banks and their religious puppet invaders from criticism, and never ask too many questions about the Rothschilds or judaism because noticing mafias is racist and racism is worse than coordinated mass murder.
Paul is bored of peace. Halal Harpsichord! 14/π
americans are so fucking utterly stupid and ignorant of the rest of the world it is astonishing.
'asian' means pakis and indians in England. In English, the English language, not your butcher third world english-as-a-second-language-to-mexican.
There simply were no chinks in England from 1950 to 1980, and even now there aren't many. What there were, was Caribbean negroids and Pakis of all varieties, as those were the colonies.
The only chink colony England had bothered with, was Hong Kong, and either they were too rich to every involve themselves in normal circles, or were too poor to find their way out of the slums.
That the US and Canada has allowed themselves to be injected with the gooks they'd been bombing for decades, is their own fault.
Fucking idiot.
come on
fullchan is owned by freemasons and funded by new york kikes you faggot, why do you think they banned people for criticizing their freemason buddy?
Media is completely unprepared. This was an actual isis attack.
I'm pretty they're european shills. Just filter and move on.
Do they know a likely device design yet?
whites in US are 60% ethnic german you retarded faggot, leaving europe doesnt revoke a european mans european status
It was the Joker, he left his calling card.
I always keep my id in the wide open top pocket of my shirt while I'm running around blowing up places.
Just the other day, my birth certificate and passport fell out of my back pocket while I was driving over some people in a busy shopping area, so I'm trying to be careful.
No wait. Nooone died and bomb was made in a bucket.
It's a false flag
Every time I see her face now, all I think is
Remember after the Grande attack there was an internet shillstorm on Twitter and even cuckchan claiming the attack was a balloon popping or a fucking speaker "blowing?"
Now we're seeing the same thing here. It's a false flag, it's a bomb in a bucket, it's a real bomb, blah blah.
At least they're not claiming a light bulb popped but what the actual fuck.
One other point, whenever the media state that ISIS took responsibility, then we know for sure it was a Mossad attack.
In this case it's a workman's paintpot that exploded, as seen here.
Endless streams of kikes non-stop shilling their shit
They're really doubling down on (((pretending))) to be retarded suddenly. Curious how that just washed in, isn't it?
Yeah, they always seem to minimize happenings. Sure looks like just an accidental paint bucket exploding. It's being treated as terrorism.
You mean MECCA
make europe communist caliphate again
someone make a petition on change.org to rename friday into bombday
A Jew did something degenerate? Lol why have a thread. Clintons murdered somebody? Lol why have a thread. Niggers chimp out? Lol why have a thread.
Why have threads at all, eh Moishe?
what did you mean by this?
Unless something physical comes from these threads, they are worthless. We can't shitpost our way out of a genocide.
MSM is getting their narrative together. I would not be surprised if its some white supremacist with mental health issues. Equally wouldn't be surprised if its kebab. Funny (((how))) these attacks have ramped up since we voted Brexit.
(limited check)
*newfag are taking the bait
Most peculiar of all is that after 20 years of dozens of islamic jihadist terrorist groups created around the world (Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Nusruh, ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood etc), not one zionist jew politician has been got, no jews have been harmed and not one Rothschild, Marxist or neocon property or business has been touched.
Just goys slaughtered in every single terror attack, everyday worker-class drone goys just going about their business.
ask an aussie about gun control some time
They were trying to claim it was a random work accident. Just like the concert was just a balloon / speaker explosion.
Looks like the device caused a fireball but didn't explode.
really makes you think
Must have been at least a bit of force for there to be juice outside of bodies. Disgusting creatures dealing in technicalities.
They are in wrapping foil fetish?
Are you female or retarded?
What kind of paint explodes? I don't know much about paint, but I don't believe I've ever come across explosive paint before. Please bear with me if this is a stupid question, I'm just a bit confused, like to explode and send a fireball blasting outwards surely something would've had to have been under pressure, implying maybe some kind of gas with some kind of ignitor?
Appreciate anybody helping out the slow kid here.
Muslim paint.
I don't even know what they were trying to say with that line. It was in a couple of the early reports.
I guess if the can is under pressure from whatever volatile gasses form in the paint it could burst. I doubt it'd be a strong enough bang to hurt anyone.
It would be physically impossible for a jew to leave an exploding paintpot on an underground tube train… Only about 5 people use the London underground per day, every one of them an islamic terrorist
Just impossible.
Pretty based in the way the ZOG Emperor will protect us from the terrorists by shutting down any criticism of kikes online.
The most important thing for fighting terrorism is to shut down the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack
0 confirmation this was kikelam attack
Shady as fuck.. or training exercise for jidf or shareblue or whatever is the newest "thought police" company
Tbh it could be some muslim. When they do it effects are pathetic. Mossad and Gladio operations like Bataclan have big kill counts.
PART AND PARCEL, infidel. Part and parcel
maybe you should stop being so islamophobic
Why would a muslim leave a bomb on a train knowing that not one jew or ZOG politician would get harmed.
Muslims, unlike jews, dislike jews immensely and would target jews if their organisation was legitimate.
Why don't any of these 'islamic jihadists' ever target jews, ever?
implying that kebabs dont explode naturally
Jews and muslims have worked side by side to destroy, conquer and enslave Christians since the very beginning. Whether muslims realise that they are essentially just the unwitting pawns of jews is irrelevant; they've done it so many times that we really need to just consider them the same enemy. Remove them all.
History of jewish terrorism
Every single jewish false flag attack throughout last century (of which there were 100s) was a jew blowing up a goy and trying to pin the blame on their enemies to get their slave chattel class Golem to kill their enemies.
If it even happened just once, we'd have a reason to be suspicious, only it's happened 100s of times every time a jew omitting the act and blaming it on arabs for Ameriyanks of Britbongs to kill in revenge.
point taken.
I live in barcelona, and having been here when the truck of peace mowed down all those people at the ramblas, even if I was sure at the time that the event actually went down at the hands of a muzzie, roughly a month later, I think:
I don't know. I'm starting to believe most of these "attacks" are psyops with crisis actors. The few last ones in europe, I mean. So that means, yes, jews jewing to gain support for more middle-east wars, pushing for an EU army, cracking down on free speech, etc.
I definitely do not believe -anything- that comes out of the msm, even if it theoretically happened down the block from me.
Yes, but what combustible gases form from paint? That's why I'm confused by people talking about an exploding "paint pot" as it were actually filled with paint. Actually looking at the pics of it, it seems like there might've been something placed inside the paint bucket. But everything about this suggests a sudden release of highly pressured flammable gas, which isn't caused by any paint I've ever heard of.
motherfucking traitor.
WHAT? what do you mean the charge didn't go of?? Saifur Rahman you stupid fucking idiot. return to mosque at once. Diyya will be severe
That's the point. It's literally impossible, but the media / twitter / shills ran with that as an early line.
The same way they were claiming the bomb at that concert was just a speaker exploding.
If you or I went to the local Barclays bank and threw a brick through the window.
Dozens of hi res CCTV images of you would be on the local news from every angle, being white it would be on national news.
Not one single Mainland European terror attack has released any images of any event proving what the jewish media said happened actually ever did.
Not once.
< he implies that kike false flags and natural kebab explosions cannot coexist
watcha false dichotomying, rabbi?
it was claimed by witnesses at the concert it was a balloon bursting, in a building filled with hysterical girls, and like all other jewish false flags, no evidence has since ever been presented in the media.
Video embed
The hospital which received the 'casualties' had been practising for this event the previous month
he says a lot of stuff on twitter, most of it is just misdirection to feed the press. remember the trany ban? same idea.
I'm identifying you gaslighting kikes as the lying jewish cunts as even Jesus Christ had identified you.
I wonder (((why)))
trillions of dollars in defense, they're all crammed into this tiny ass room with a 20" TV.
I'm more likely to be killed by a drunk driver than a terrorist. I'm not concerned about drunk drivers.
Why should I be concerned about this?
He says "loser" because he's too afraid to say "Islamic" terrorists, his Jew handlers think it might reflect badly on mass Islamic immigration into white countries.
Yet not one of them has so much as harmed a hair of a kikes head, instead they elect to murder worker class goy drones who no politician could ever give a fuck about.
The last politician to be affected by terrorism was when a IRA bomb blew up Lord Tebbit;s wife, back in the 80s
Yes, spending hundreds of billions of dollars to keep all of these people here to give them an education. The sully our genetics. To take away the jobs of less educated whites or lower their pay. And then to send them to college where they will learn cultural marxism is good. That being anti-white is good. Where voting democrat is good. Checkmate commies, Trump just one this for the white race!
Oh, hahaha, of course I'm forgetting the other politician where a 'white nationalist' was fitted up for kilkling that Labour MP Jo Cox, a bit like when that jew, pretending to be a 'nazi' goy run over that woman in a car, which turned out never even hit her.
Still the nazis are being blamed for both Jo Cox's and that fat bird in Yanksville.
Here's Jo Cox's family, deeply upset over the latest 'nazi' murder of their mother/ sister/ wife
I grow to hate this fat fuck more evryday.
The "haha terrorists are dumb losers haha" narrative is pure libshittery. Yea, the guy who willingly blows himself up and is celebrated as a hero by his friends and family must feel like a total loser
Shills are sure buzzing early today.
No he calls them losers in front of millions of people to discourage them.
Its the opposite of what the media does which is to turn these terrorists in to mini celebrities.
He calls them islamic terrorists as well. Hes one of the few politicians who is happy to use the term.
Not just Trump, but other fashy goys like Gert Wilders, Le Pen, Tommy Robinson, Pam Geller and even our most heroic super-bad-based neocon jew Ezra Levant of Rebel Media goes so far as to name the true enemy, who control the banks, the media, our legal and academic institutes and even Hollywood, islamic terrorism, especially islamic terroism conducted by Mossad kikes.
Hey hasbarafag you filthy islamic paki shitskin you will removed from Europe soon. How does that make you feel?
probably because they're all open or cryptokikes
Samu Al-Hayidd strikes again
Why would I care about you a jew posting pictures of pakis and muslims?
I only care about (((you))) jews being here on Holla Forums in the first place.
This is the power of Paki inbreeding. Again hasbarafag you will be kicked out of Britain you parasitical welfare scrounging paki subhuman.
No doubt kebabs have tried some terrorism ob thier own, like the ones who set a car (and themselves) on fire and crashed into an airport, well, the bollards outside an airport.
Which story overshadowed it's contemporary, the one where somebody made a suicide bomb vest out of cheap fireworks and mildly scorched a Mcdonalds toilet, staggered into the street and was arrested.
checked. Hasbarafag will be deported.
How can you a jew, deport me from my white homeland?
You can only increase your mass immigration of 3rd world muds into Europe, but you cannot deport me or any white, kike.
I'm okay with that
Western civilisation was destroyed in 1789. Now its (((western civilisation))) and they want to destroy white race. Destruction of current anti white civilisation would be good for us
Thank you for accepting my request, mods
Jesus Newspeak is real
clearly a mentally disturbed paintpot of color. Must have suffered racial pressure by white supremacists.
You know when a jew like (((you))) appears and complains about me calling out (((you))) kikes, calling a white person online, not white, has literally no meaning or effect to my existence.
In person, you couldn;t possibly do it due to the self-evident nature of my whiteness, in person I'd just squash you like the cowardly kike you are.
english doesnt appear to be your first language. nowhere in what he said does it say the internet should be shut down. maybe you should fuck off back to reddit?
he calls them islamic terrorists. he calls them losers because they are. giving them a childish insult accomplishes 2 things. it de-legitimizes them and the glorification of what they do as in the opposite of calling them monsters. like equating antifa with children throwing tantrums instead of calling them thugs. it also helps to remove the glorification by calling out the real stereotype of the type of people that defect to isis (outcasts that want to be taken more seriously).
Hasbarafag is a confirmed islamic shitskin.
He is either that guy (@verdserv) (kiketube.com/verdantservant) or someone associated with that channel.
Or some kike left it on the train to blame on either 'nazis' or 'islamic terrorists'.
When the attacks injure kikes and or jewish businesses, then you can safely assume it to be a legit islamic terror attack.
Until such time, we can carry on being suspicious that no jews (yet again) were harmed in this event.
Probably because you are a spazz
You do realise that not one single user here would find criticism of you jews offensive or unwanted on this board.
You do realise that every single legitimate goy that ever posted here, hates you.
The fact you have swarmed on Holla Forums and hijacked every thread here does not make you any less detested.
I can't wait to watch you and your kind burn alive.
be a little less obvious.
full auto was banned here in 1996
semi auto was highly restricted at the same time.
Right to arms was replace with licenses and registration.
Basically after this the only firearm a typical person could get their hand on was a bolt action rifle or a double barrel shotgun, after getting a license and a police check. Even a lie turned into an intervention order is enough to forfeit your license and your guns.
recently the penalty for having unlicensed gun registered gun became a mandatory prison sentence.
After over 20 years of serious firearm restrictions and 2 previous amnesties, 64,000 gun were handed in in the latest amnesty in a 6 month period.
this means that after over 20 years of restrictions and controls, criminal had over 64,000 firearms whereas the general public was largely disarmed.
Of course firearm crime is at an all time high.
In 2012 the last vestige of any implied right of freedom of speech was removed. So just 16 years after the snatched the guns they snatched away your right to speak your mind without punishment.
Dont fuck up the was this place did.
I would guess some Lebanese racemixing residue. With a neckbeard and a shitpile of overused tissues next to him.
saran wrap to protect the burns from chaffing and infection. read a book nigger.
That goes without saying, you're a jew, shilling for your jewish agenda on Holla Forums, getting BTFO by a goy calling out you kikes.
Of course you as a jew want all whites dead, that is ostensibly what Holla Forums was first created for, to oppose your genocidal plan to destroy all white nations in the West.
maybe you should go fuck a goat.
You are not White you filthy inbred islamic shitskin.
Yes. But then, so are you.
By presenting clear indisputable evidence (((you))) jews are hijacking Holla Forums?
You've got a long wait ahead of you, goy. Your people are going to go extinct, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Why are you, pretending to be a goy while posting jew created mixed race porn, in response to your jewish colleague here on Holla Forums?
not detailed ones, that's for sure.
And these psyops are sure working.
I see three endgames in sight: Hate-speech laws intensified to 300%, promoting further interventions in the middle east and probably also trying to start a civil wars in europe so as to install a total NWO government (not even zog anymore) once the crisis has normalized itself due to military intervention.
Lebanese half subhuman confirmed. You have been sucking at life since birth.
Maybe we will go extinct one day, but not before trampling your ashes into oblivion.
Filthy hasbarafag islamic shitskin you will be slaughtered like the subhuman paki pig you are
Oh look it's that brown gooklet maldraw aka Malaysian Mike posting nigger dicks again. Kill yourself maltard
I have posted clear proof you and your jewish hasbara team are swarming on Holla Forums right now, shilling your shit.
All you and your jewish friends here have done is call anyone attacking you jews, a muslim.
That is precisely what you jews post on every Breibart article.
Yes it is me, using the open source Opera browser it assigns a new IP each time I close and reopen it.
Again you are a jew, complaining about anons proving you jews are liars.
Why do you hasbara kikes post such gibberish, endlessly shilling for kikes yet seem to think a single goy will fall for it?
Its faggots like this is why we can't have nice things. We're not going to fellate your ZOG emperor faggot. Go shill your cult of personality bullshit elsewhere. Trump has been nothing but a very disappointing stepping stone.
With Jews You Lose
Holy fuck how long have you been shilling for goddamn shitskins you absolute retard ?
Hey hasbarafag why are you shilling for channels run by islamists? Are you an islamic shitskin by any chance?
Seriously just say "Muhammad was a sodomite child rapist"
and I will stop making fun of you I swear.
You should have seen how hard he chimped out in the Islam redpill thread it was hilarious
yes goy de-legitimize the legitimate terrorist threat
im[plying any Holla Forumsack ever saw trump as anything other than a means to an end and that any of the oldfag Holla Forumsacks ever trusted him to begin with
thanks for the repeated b&s, (((mods)))
fuck off kampfy you weeaboo faggot
Isn't the baby demonstrating a far greater intelligence by understanding how to skip the entire puzzle?
He's so obvious I am almost sure mods just let him post for the lulz.
All I have ever done here is expose (((you))) jews
The only thing I have ever 'shilled' for are legitimate white nationalist movements that are denigrated by you kikes.
All you have ever done here is swarmed every thread harassing any goy not falling for your jewish lies.
Why would I give a fuck about mohammed, islam or any sandwog?
I only dislike any 3rd world mud (((you))) kikes sent here to destroy my people and our nations.
The blame for each and every nigger paki and mud is at your door for sending them all here
the amount of shilling itt just proves even more how this a total false-flag psyop.
Every single one of your combined posts [03f368 - 8d4d48] , is presenting jewish lies as facts and promoting and pushing a jewish agenda.
While arguing like kikes
All the while pretending that jews never have ever conducted false flags to be blamed on their enemies for us to fight.
Checked. It would if the baby wasn't trying to put a square in a circle first.
Checking those.
Truly no-one gives a fuck
Four kikes, all talking amongst each other, gloating that videos exposing criminal international jewry haven't got a lot of views.
Don;t worry there are countless thousands of videos, from 911 to the present day exposing the litany of your crimes, viewed in their millions before you get jewtube to lock the view count.
Can any of you jews explain why you are posting on Holla Forums, openly gloating about you jews disrupting the movement and this board?
I see nothing in the catalog about the stabbing
The new normal, UK.
Just the new normal.
more MI5 domestic terrorism
You mean in Paris ? No one injured so no happening I guess. But make one if you want. Not sure if it will grasp interest but give it a try.
Underrated/underchecked post
How do you not know the answer already? We’ve proven it multiple times.
Oh look another jewish false flag. Well colour me white and surprised.
Shouldn't you be making another Football Lads Alliance thread, mountain dew?
so are there any actual details yet? or has the thread been successfully derailed?
The terrorist attack. There are 50 other threads up right now discussing complete and total corruption of all western governments yet you choose this one? You are a shill. You are attempting to change the subject of a thread.
Thats because you are shills. They also delete civnat shilling. That doesn't mean the jew secretly wants the races to be divided because race mixing is the jews greatest enemy.
I still maintain Trump is a lone operator being heavily subverted by kikes as we speak. You don't get kikes ruining all credibility of their most effective platform for no reason. This is not how subversion has ever worked.
Shit where do I click "like" to help these guys out?
Don't be. Just don't be surprised when the niggers and jews show up at your door with bloody knives.
thots and prays to everyone.
Pray for Pakistan
We throw our German names away, we are the kikes of USA. You are the goys folks, we are the boys folks, we're makin' whoopee.
Get rid of the jewish puppet governments and media propaganda and we can send the muslims home. As long as there's jews they will keep coming. Guarantee there would be a distinct lack of (((terror attacks))) once you get rid of the main problem, the jew. But yes I would remove all the muslims and africans from my country if I could. But I can't because the jews say so.
This, in a nutshell.
While the jew as a control network exists in every one of our nations, no matter how you deal with each and every one of its social ills it inflicts on our societies, they will only keep on replacing whatever you put an end to with double of what you threw out.
Or it could be from the new resolution bill that the moderation teams keep trying to suppress the news of.
This is from today. It's getting to the point where I'll have to add a folder just for allahu attacks in France and I'm certain most cases don't get media coverage.
Stop shilling for shitskins hasbarafag.
I wasn't even aware of the attack at Chalon-Sur-Saône. Holy crap.
Love how you can tell the character of those "women" with just a glance to their feet. The mud is feminine, the nigger a man, and the Jew weak.
we need to do something about these fucking losers
This thread turned into another course…
Who the fuck is that hasbarafag that I keep reading of, some leftie muzzie apologist that uses cheap reverse psychology?
Just read his messages (id: mostly 8f8d5f in this thread but he samefags as shit) and learn to recognize him.
Woefully underrated OC
I see what you mean about that person. A very autistic roach who constantly uses "No, you!" as some argument. Bathetic.
Wow. The US president tweets and Brits fall over themselves trying to correct his wrong think.
Seriously, you filthy brass necked kikes will not win, all you are doing is demonstrating your brazen shamelessness on here
Classic MIDF
lmao halfway through reading the fucking thread I had forgotten there was an improvised explosive attack in London. Well done boys, if you're not shills you should look into that kind of work with how easily you pulled this thread off course over fucking nothing.
Again? God, you're one high class sack of asperger. Screeching like some lunatic, having that pseudo-intellectual mindset, thinks that the world revolves around him. The level of "sticking to the narrative" is almost to the point of a sjw's mentality that it's impossible to take you seriously.
Who are you talking to?
Less safe for Muslims, I totally agree. Someone shoot this enemy faggot and reclaim your city.
Who else, 8f8d5f
I'm at work and can't start a proper thread. I'm hopping in the first sticky I see to ask someone to start a kampfy thread for the upcoming St Louis happening. Cop acquitted in Dindu case. Happening imminent. I'd like to come home to a nice kampfy thread.
Grab the popcorn
Someone filming on the media people preparing for some live coverage. Prepare for some possibilities of staged "Modern Muslims" condemning the attack.
Ive seen you post that so many times, yet ive never see it apply even once.
Tactical NAMALTS
Does anyone else have photos of her at the scene?
Hey at least the Muslim mayor condemned the attack. But I wonder why he can't prevent them. Perhaps he should build more mosques for appeasement.
Also don't buy into the "moderate Muslims" crap. The radical ones don't grow on trees. They're raised, educated, fed and protected within the "moderate" communities. The terrorists are merely the moderates who aren't concerned with self-preservation if their Kill/Death ratio is over 1. Fuck all Muslims.
He made the police to spend their resources and time on "Radical right-wing agitators" on social media.
And the suspect is…
They deserve it and more.
Your not wrong it's because they don't want to say Muslim but it's not obscure or archaic, it's the standard was to refer to anything brown. If it was American media they would be using 'middle-eastern' as if it might be some yazidi or Coptic Christians.
Stay calm and keep drinking your tea lads.
But wait, there's more.
So five events in one day?
London hirers a muslim mayor.
Islamic terrorist attacks increase.
Officially London has had 5 muslim terrorist attacks in less than 6 months.
So Britbongs should expect at least 1 muslim terrorist attack per month and more as the liberals and muslims vote in more muslims to positions of power that embolden the muslim population.
Holy fucking shit, some fag posted 2 days ago on 4/b Dont be in europe tomorrow.
Oh, now i get it. You're autistic. Only an autist would be obsessed with "dubs".
I fucking hope you're were joking just now.
Clearly a Jew was behind this meme.
No, one of our crawlers flagged the post. Thought it was larping. Or maybe it was Unit 8200 trolling.
Reminder, the London police are worried about Trump's tweet to the point May had to mention the tweet during a phone call with Trump earlier today. They have terrorists running wild but the focus right now is on the vicious Trump tweets.
You guys are alright. Don't go to Western Europe tomorrow.
well, that, but I was mainly suggesting of you lurking in 4chan and in Holla Forums…
inb4 archive it - Nothing to archive. It's just an image at the moment.
You know sometimes that blackpill is just a little more tempting … oh well, just wait for the crusades.
You hear that Christ Cucks, You deliver one crusade and I will accept one lord and savior.
Either use the site correctly or kill yourself, newfag.
lol shill harder, kike
…please let it be a cis white male …please let it be a cis white male.
It's just workplace violence.
Shill harder.
Canada's already doomed but I'll try to save her anyway:
Actually, shill, it's a great anti-meme, as shit is an immediate turn-off for mostpeople.
This thread is fucking awful, holy shit.
So newfag/agingfag here (been lurking for 1.5 year, posted maybe once before).
Is it just me, or has there been a steady decline in discussion? I noticed myself coming here less and less.
Why the fuck am I even posting this? I'm going to go do something productive now.
No, you're not the only one.
Yes, returning to reddit and attention whoring with your double spaces sure is productive for you.
this is what happens when kikefy and the freemason funded mod team delet any thread that could possibly spur on any intellectual discussion; the board has been intentionally dumbed down over the past few years.
It's about 90% jews and leftypol shouting hasbarafag and pretending to be Nazis or football hooligans.
There's very little critical thinking, discussion or debate leading to the discoveries that made Holla Forums always right. It's probably (((trs))) tbh.
T_D literally reddit, has been raiding this place.
> It's probably (((trs))) tbh.
theyre cucked faggots but they arent retards like the shit thats been flooding Holla Forums over the past coupel of years
Stiff upper lip and all that.
stop responding to kike slide shit-posts, report and move on idiots
Not so fast!
Great job to whoever did these.
Almost first post of hasbarafag:
4/4 on the grid. So either you're a newfag and you have to lurk 2 more years, or you're hasbarafag himself trying to cover its tracks.
Fucking hell. It's happening again.
top kek
It's a sticky, fucktard.
Yes, it is getting difficult to talk about anything here. I suspect the people doing most of the shill accusations are just shills shilling shills, and they do this - simulate arguments and conflict - to discourage people from posting and sow doubt, as it often happens that someone can make a perfectly decent post and then get a series of replies saying "ur kike shill" etc etc without addressing the argument - if you're aware of it it's easy to avoid but if not, it can be easy to be tricked into discrediting something by sheer virtue of peer "review" without even realising it. It can also be a bit more subtle, but suffice to say if someone came here for the first time right now and looked at this thread, they'd think we're just write-off retards when this is all they can see.
It's pretty rough right now but I hope people stick around despite it. Let's not let them win.
Kek, you're right. Amazing how quick things played out.
The fuck is wrong with you?
Checked. I'm seeing dubs everywhere
And? He's derailing the thread and sliding real posts you fucking retard.
I went to bed last night thinking ZOG is going to sacrifice Hawaii again. Wake up to see Londoners struck. Guess its part and parcel.
Well oil based paints, solvents etc. can combust as they tend to get hot. There's a reason most wood/paint shops have metal storage and waste bins for those items. If he tossed his rags into the bucket and closed the lid this kind of shit can actually be accidentally explodey. Could be a dumbass of peace.
Fucking a shitlog nigger dick IS scat related.
In times like this I'm glad burgerland only has niggers and commies
OC from last night do not steal
Basically just don't fall down and you can defeat a negro, especially going for the side of his neck. Further:
fucking altruism
Notice how as soon as the fight ends the white (possibly Hispanic) man stops attacking and helps the nigger to his feet.
If the situation were reversed I guarantee that the nig would have continued to pummel him.
jesus just fucking give him a light tap and he'll land on his ass
You didn't even try, nigger, no (((You)))'s for you
God damn it man you're gonna kill the guy by letting him fall like that. If they're down, let them stay there until they can get up on their own. Just roll them onto their side so if they throw up it won't just clog their throat and choke them to death.
It's there for everyone to see. No damage, no injuries, no fear, no terror.
Kvetch on, kike.
Close up of the "bomb".
Fking hilarious. The bucket didn't even burst, no damage to the fittings surrounding it.
The Kikes are becoming very lazy because they know Joe Goyim public will lap up whatever the "celebs" tell them on morning TV.
This should be unstickied, what a joke.
looks like its made from fucking christmas decorations
in other news, the sun rose today
miracle in london today. I saw what seems to be a native Brit who looks fuckable. Also, why won't the London ZOG release the paki's name?
Ah, she's just under the weather. She probably has nobody to cheer her up.
gay sex is good
I'm all for free speech, open forum, etc, but this is just blatant trolling… This is what mods should delete, but instead those USELESS FAGGOTS ban people who criticize trump.
notice the paint on tht one ladies back at around 11 seconds?
bet ya tht paint bucket was hers.
basically, paint inside paintbucket heated up due to being on a train, turned into flammable gas, built up pressure inside the bucket, built up until it cracked open the bucket lid, gas already past ignition temperature, soon as bucket cracked open it reacted with oxygen and ignited blasting the lid off and scorching everyone. It was a fuckin accident and 'ISIL' claimed they did it so it must be legit, what fucking bullshit n its so obvious too. who the fk builds a bomb with a plastic bucket in the first place, especially a kind of plastic that's not designed to withstand pressure. ISIS Taking credit for accidents, media pushing fear, now we have military instead of police in london #completed it
First of all Jew, faggots go into the bog. Niggers get hanged and miscegenation is an egregious act which only the fire can fix, like that goddess Heith who was burned in the hall of Hor.
Where the fuck do you come from? Such a strange way to reply to a shill.
When the finns work on a meme they sure know how to get it right
And now our parliament is full of lesbians we're never getting them back.
Is religion of peace confirmed?
What did they mean by this?
t. Dinesh D'Souza
Also this is why you don't fight on fucking pavement. Six feet down is all it takes to die or at least get the brain d-d-damage like we just witnessed from would-have-been-NASA-scientist Jamal. And for the record, everyone in that video is trash who should be turned into fertilizer.
Is this supposed to be racist or something?
She's a jew crisis actress, the head bandage is literally fucking ridiculous. You would never see that, it would be done in an ambulance (if at all) and she would be on her way to hospital not wandering around the street for photo ops.
Yes (((ISIS))) or "so called Islamic State" as the Bolshevik Brainwash Conspiracy call them, have claimed the attack.
It's bullshit.
im hearing mention of crisis actors meaning another falseflag. doubting anyone actually died or were hurt in such a case as has been clearly proven times over before. every now and then they actually kill a few, but rarely imho.
No One Died At Sandy Hook
On The Topic Of Crisis Actors
Numerous videos about the hoax have already been removed for violating their policy on "bullying and hate speech".
As in: You're not allowed to say hate facts or criticize us goy, we're the government. We're just doing our job, controlling what you think.
Not sure what posting this video is supposed to prove except that both sides are morons for fighting on pavement
It proves they want to distract from the posts relating to the manufacturing or terror and consent.
What's happened in relation to the incident? The (((primeminister))) has committed to putting more armed police on the streets.
It's sad that the Kikes know that all they need to do to get up the blood of right-wing men and dispel any incredulity relating to their staged "terror" events is to popularize a primary "victim" who also happens to be:
That bitch is a sociopathic crisis actor and she is whoring on the attention.
If she had been close enough to be injured by the device which was described, HER HAIR WOULD HAVE BEEN SINGED AT THE VERY LEAST.
lads, stop letting the Jew use your sex drive against you.
If you bring these sorts of people into the UK you'll manufacture these attacks. Muslims supported by Jews can do it all on their own without the public noticing. The UK I doubt has any sort of "rights" regarding citizens so more police on the streets won't be met with public outcry, could you stir any, how many deaths in a single day would it take? And I'm sure if a huge death count happened the Jews would get the UK to attack some Mid-east enemy of their choosing.
Also from Sept 11 I remember an article talking about "stopping terrorist attacks", funny it didn't help this time. Would it be a coincidence for you that the "Talon" is made by an Israeli defense company getting paid a whole lot for these expensive literally tungsten nets the stupid goyim can drape all over their towns because of the non-whites brought into their country. Is it a coincidence they are only now put out since after Charlottesville and ever article talking about them lists that attack, because Muslim terrorism and pro-white terrorism on par with one another.
You're damned right, one little lamp is still illuminated.
The Kikes behind this hoax probably see this as a mockery of Christmas or Yule.
Same shit different day.
Wew, is Holla Forums jaded to European sandnigger attacks or what?
Yeah, watch them ban Christmas tree lights.
Probably ban electricity or having open wiring a spark could set off a flammable liquid.
Don't forget assault buckets.
Unfortunately I sell buckets, and acid. Guess that's my business over.
Amazing the "bomb blast" didn't even break the bulbs, yet when you get your lights out after a year of careful storage there's always bulbs broken.
True power right there
Well its all a matter of which direction the Jew wants to take it, acid attacks by Muslims could get the goys to attack Iran or some shit but if you go to far the British might crowd around each other for survival.
The way the Jew works is by pushing and pulling, he'd love to put you out of business so you'd have to restart by going into debt, never going after the Jew.
99% of all acid attacks in Britain are caused by violent black Jamaicans to their wog-socket white girlfriends after the girl threatens to leave them.
Not one jewish newspaper has ever reported in a single one of them and identified a black doing this, always her boyfriend without any mention of race.
The majority of rapes are also done by blacks and also a significant number of Hindu indians as well.
Muslims are just another group sent to our countries to destroy them. Just another one to add to the overall invasion.
None of them are better or worse than another, they are equally as detrimental and destructive.
Yet the new Red-Pilled goy only seems to apply jewish media narrative to every thought process he has, even steering their thoughts still on who to vote for [MAGA anyone?].
Just like the teams of kikes that shilled throughout this thread shows us, they need to control the narrative at all times and cannot bear the idea a goy may think about anything for themselves.
When I was a dude weed young liberal, one of the things that woke me about niggers was reading in a Lonely Planet travel guide about Jamaica, that it's not safe outside the tourist zones, and that tourists are sometimes mugged while trying to buy pot. "Hmm, so it's not all One Love and shit like in the advertisement?" I thought. This is the case with the entirety of the Caribbean; it's Africa once you leave the safety of the resort.
This. Perfect description of the situation.
It's a good point and the other non-white groups should be given equal time to discuss their decrepitness. The Muslim thing is really only allowed for Middle East wars the Jew wants fought and "Islam" isn't a race, so normalfags feel they can discuss its problems without being a bad goy.
Also a shit load of crime by Eastern Europeans
Poland, Romania, Lithuania etc.etc.
Seems like a lot of crime is caused by poverty and tough living conditions.
It's almost like it's a planned. Fancy letting people who have have a lower quality of living join a club with countries that have a higher std of living and give them the green light to move anywhere. I mean, what could possibly go wrong. Nobody could have forseen that they would all move to the good countries, live 10 to a house, commit crime, run up debts and claim benefits. Why would they do that when they could just stay where it's shit?
She has completely Celtic features, nothing Jewy about her hair or nose or eyes. Read "The Poisonous Mushroom"on calvin.edu for how to identify Jews.
As for crisis actors? Nigger, please. The ZOG can't even keep their own diplomatic cables secret, but they maintain a conspiracy of that size? Notice how quickly Alex jonestein dropped all his "crisis actor" shit once he had his shekelstream put into jeopardy.
The poisonous mushroom has a special section on identifying "the blue eyed Jew." The rare ones you'll see will never have deep-blue eyes like this girl she's Celtic. They'll be light blue and the ones with blue eyes will have freckles.
I sometimes feel like it could be planned.Nothing is being done here in Lithuania to increase the standard in contrary it seems like they try to suppress us even more. And they all know that immigration is a huge issue here, yet nothing is done to prevent it.
Kinda seems like we were planned to be just a cheap labor force to the west.
Do we have a name yet?
No name I have seen yet, only 1 suspect 18 years old detained near some port waiting to catch a boat. Watching also news on an ongoing operation in Sunbury small town?
They arrested one, now another operation ongoing in Surrey. Jews won't show the photo of arrested or CCTV of course. You can imagine why. And no footage of arrest either, so if he snackbars we miss it.
Checking those dubs, both in the picture and in the digits.
No name, but you need to give up your internet access because it was caused by internet hate websites - so they say.
CGI is to the point now where they can just create a fake suspect and throw it up on the talmudvision and people will buy it. If they want him to be White, they can make him White. They just disappear the snackbar while quelling "islamophobia".
It is really freaky how most of the MSM just straight up ignored this
Was anyone on her on Mon night ZOG time? Was a huge explosion in Manchester, was even in Daily Mail. The fucking cops outright lied, said it was a "Gas explosion" and it was a fucking NAIL BOMB. Not accepting comments on article of course:
"The bang was heard across Greater Manchester at around 12.30am on Tuesday.
Police said the nature of the device is still the subject of forensic examination.
A source said: 'It was packed full of nails and screws and forensics have been pulling them all out of the woodwork.'"
This actually looks more like a real bombing because it didn't work so spectacularly. The security services probably couldn't believe their luck that the propaganda has finally made Muslims start building the own bombs. Of course the result of a home grown Muslim bomb is that it's not very lethal.
wat the fug
We've crossed the Rubicon. I used to roll my eyes at the MSM is propaganda meme - I've known people there and it's simply more complicated than that, though the effect is pretty much the same. Now though - since the effort to sink Trump's campaign - things are different. Times have changed. They will consciously lie or ignore things to create a narrative for "the greater good".
The nuts are finally totally correct - believe nothing the MSM tells you, ever.
Incredible how despite being broke Russia controls the world from the shadows. They can even use their Kremlin-ray to force poor rapefugee women and children to mercilessly rape girls.
its on fire retard
Certain chemicals can digg into skin and be lethal but leave other materials more or less unaffected.
That was exactly the plan. Obviously it's a fucktarded plan because once people arrive in a rich country it takes about one generation AT MOST before they feel entitled to the same standard of living as the natives so this import of cheap labor is like pouring gasoline on a fire, not wood. As soon as one flame fades you have to open the next border.
I think there are two factions who instigated the whole thing and keep it running.
The first faction are finance and industry. Both of them simply want to increase their short-term profits, fuck the risks.
The second faction are politicians who dreamed of reigning over a European super-state. They thought they could slow down and eventually stop the expansion. They thought they were just using "synergy", letting the globalists help accelerate the expansion of the new empire. They imagined they would have something nice to govern when the expansion ends. By now the more sober ones among them push for a stop of the expansion and want to close the EU down in its current state. Their current bargain attempt is this: Secure the outside borders of the EU but continue to let in a trickle of shitskins any way, justified by humanitarian concerns. Obviously right-wing parties who offer a stricter plan are soaring in the polls as somebody has to put the option "no more immigration" on the map. It would be unnatural to ignore that option. The fact that the cuckservatives won't even pretend to offer an immigration stop is telling of their powerlessness. You know they would want to. But they clearly can't.
They can't because in their thirst for an empire they handed over the keys of the cockpit to the globalists. The globalists never planned on stopping or slowing down. Their natural end goal is no borders anywhere, cheap labor everywhere. The end of White civilization doesn't concern them, they are not part of it to begin with. They would gladly live in a Brazil-like hellhole with private security if that was how they could amass the most money. They really don't care about any part of Europe as long as there's still room for a mega-rich gated community or even just luxury hotels with good security. The EU politicians want to pull the brakes and preserve what the EU is right now but they're sitting in first class, locked out of the cockpit where big bank and big industry do whatever they want.
Guys, please read that post multiple times. Also look at the other two posts from that ID. Even look at the first reply on this thread – it ignores the main subject in OP.
I hate to use this word, but my theory is that shills are the ones accusing everyone and everything of shilling and being a kike here. The agenda is to break any resemblance of trust and cooperation between users of this board, demoralize and ultimately split the user base. I would much prefer if shill accusations were completely banned here; why not just report, hide and ignore?
On top of that, the post also pushes the God Emperor meme (which has been the fall of this board, in my opinion), _and_ the terrorists meme, without really commenting on the OP (but replying to it and grabbing your attention by declaring "Britbong here.")
Why did I call terrorists a meme? Because the British government likes to use this idea to scare the public into passively accepting more and more laws that restrain any dissident or critical thoughts.
The previous two replies, and , seem much more level headed to me (some of you Trumpers may disagree).
Datamining on that tweet (to plan next moves here). Also determining the manipulative power of the flag.
Fucking lol
Global report.
sob sob
Hi, IP hopping shill.
Just another day in Bongistan.
We don't make threads every time boer in Africa is hacked to pieces with a machete by feral niggers either.
Britain is same tier nowadays, except has muslim fundamentalist shitskin as mayor of capital city which makes it one step worse than SA.
They haven't; you just woke up to it recently. Media kikes have been poisoning the well ever since they've had control.
Because coloured contacts and hair dyes don't exist.
Check out this Kike, pretending that compartmentalization doesn't exist.
Michael Scheuer's posted a response saying revolution is the English people's only hope and calling on Americans to provide them with arms.
[..] They interpreted Trump’s tweets as insulting to their performance as the lawful and only protectors of the native British population against the violence and other depredations of the Muslim immigrants — legal and illegal — the government so obviously prefers, champions, and kowtows to.
Can you imagine that? Do they think no one sees their abject dereliction of duty? British officialdom is angry because Trump hit the nerve, dead-on, that leads directly to their certain but never-spoken knowledge that they are completely responsible for enabling the Islamists’ Friday attack, as well as all other Islamist bombings, acid-throws, rapes, stabbings, frauds, kidnappings, and thefts over the past decade. Indeed, British prime ministers, Parliaments, and media have done everything possible during those years to make sure the attacks keep occurring. Most recently, they have defied the electorate by prolonging the UK’s exit from the EU, as well as by depending on costly deradicalization programs that are still proliferating even though they have manifestly failed in every country in the world, leaving no lessening of Islamism and its always attendant violence and cruelty, but enriching the crackpot university professors who peddle the programs.
It is, without question, the British government — under the Tories and Labor — that has put the United Kingdom on the precipice of internal war with its near-fascist implementation of the EU’s policies of unchecked internal movement and open-immigration laws; its savage implementation of multicultural and diversity laws that apply to and destroy only non-elite, native-born Brits; and its hounding and persecution of all persons who dare mention in public or on social media the irrefutable reality that the foregoing policies and laws are destroying British citizens, society, history, and culture. If Britons had not allowed themselves to be disarmed, all the prime ministers after Lady Thatcher would have found their rightful and thoroughly merited rewards by twisting in mid-air at the end of a rope.
The fact is that only elite Brits, educated at the country’s elite universities, could believe that the violent and lawless Muslim rabble they have welcomed willy nilly into the UK is ever going to assimilate and become law-abiding citizens. Some will, most will not, and those who will not will always abet the Islamist killers. Most of them will remain on the dole while native Britons pay for them until they are killed by the Muslims their government and police are pampering and supporting.
These marauding Muslims also will continue to assiduously “groom” — meaning sexually attack without fear of prosecution — young, white British girls and women, run narcotics, and establish armed, urban enclaves into which British police will not dare enter. It is a lucky thing, therefore, that the oh-so-sensitive British police can keep themselves busy — and avoid the risks involved in rooting out and killing the Islamists — by prosecuting the citizens who are manly enough to rhetorically attack May’s government, and the socialist, Islamophile clowns leading the Labor Party, for protecting, supporting, and favoring Muslim killers. It currently appears that the Tories and Labor are intent on doing so until the native Brits who speak their mind, work hard, and pay taxes are all killed by the violent, British-hating, on-the-dole Islamists their government and police coddle.
Watching these events in Britain, and knowing America might be only one presidential election away from a similar internal war, leads to the inevitable conclusion that armed civilian opposition to the government and its favored, out-for-blood Muslims probably is the only option for Britons. Brits and Americans come from a common heritage, one that has ever held that the first and most important duty of government is to protect and preserve the lives and property of the law-abiding citizenry. When a government deliberately refrains from performing that duty, its usefulness is at an end and it must be eliminated either by an election or — more likely — destroyed, along with its acolytes and favored groups, by armed citizens.
One prays that at least a few British men are quietly developing ways to surreptitiously bring weapons and ammunition into the UK to arm those being attacked by their government and its beloved Muslim rabble. If there are, I hope they will look to private Americans — who still have the right to bear arms we inherited from our English ancestors — for the financial, manpower, and ordnance help we can surely provide.
lol, they are also 10% Jewish.
That faggot wants to be careful. We're in the hilariously ironic timeline now.
Poetic justice is best justice.
Kek, even irony takes our side. Must say at least its bringing us some laughter in this hell.
More like fucking stupid and naive.
Martyn the minor tv celeb (he had been on various "reality" shows and was very much part of their make believe media world they sell us) only died in as much as he got his wish to change sexes finally. He's a new woman now. Probably lives in SanFran, LA or Tel Aviv.
Nobody died at the Manchester drill when the 22 year old "killed" 22 on the 22nd. And 22 people weren't injured by this made up attack either.
But enjoy the internet censorship, being labelled terrorists for having politically incorrect views and the extra armed police making you feel "safe" because they are definitely on your side.
The royal family needs to hang right beside the rothschilds.
This guy gets it.
This attack is probably to distract from the closed (private) Grenfell inquiry that is starting. They don't want people to research the cladding company because they are the usual suspects.
The coverage it has gotten certainly makes me feel its fake. Combine that with the social engineering angle; bunch of shitskins suffer because of evil white capitalists who only care about themselves. They even had Jeremy Corbyn, our version of Bernie essentially, show up and play the champion of the people.
As for these attacks, it is no coincidence that we have had so many after Brexit. This may be some ploy to get us to stay in the EU, because of safety, information sharing. That wouldn't work too well though as nothing has been prevented with the EU, so it probably isn't that.
I may consider that a possibility if not for all the attacks in France and elsewhere.
>The Mossad false flags in France claimed by (((ISIS))) [where not one jew was harmed], convinces me that the London Tavistock institute/Mossad False flag in London must have been real
Picture from Jim Stone.
It seems to me like more fuckery dealing with London trains/buses.
Basically some kind of set up and not what the media is screaming.
But like the tube bus explosions from years ago I never even bothered to look into it something tells me this is the same shit.
Check out this video here: directly from witnesses on the scene at the time, clearly no severe explosion to have cause any injuries.
No publicity is bad publicity.
Sadiq Kahn the jew mayor pretending to be a muslim just approved a new Lidl superstore and Heidi Klum launches a fashion line at Lidl (basically a cheap food supermarket) this very weekend.
(checked and half heiled)
Thanks user I didnt bother to read the whole thread and you scooped me to the truth of the matter.
This goy gets it
Sadiq Khan, like all approved UK based politicians is a confirmed Zionist, working for jews tying both the left-wing jews and right-wing jews plan to flood Europe with muds
Sadiq Khan attends Holocaust memorial in Barnet in first event as Mayor of London
[Warning, video from article will make you vomit with so many kikes on display at Khans visit, the day after winning token Mayoral role, note he isn;t mayor of the City of London, just the token role of London mayor, which has been held by jews since forever]
Do you have any official sauce to back that up, so that we can use it?
Are you English? If you were you;d have no difficulty in researching his entire professional career as a lackey for ZOG.
Sadiq Khan attends Holocaust memorial in Barnet in first event as Mayor of London
Start from my posted article and work from there, his entire voting record in parliament and his career is well documented.
The only people calling him a muslim as though he really is a muslim [who defends isreal, zionism and jews] are jews, counter-jihadist kosher clowns and retard tier Americans.
Well the Heidi Klum thing is being advertised on talmudvision right now. I heard the Sadiq Kahn thing on a jewtube channel talking about the hoax, I think it may have already been deleted, but I watched a few channels talking about the hoax so no I don't have a definitive sauce on that. Maybe jewgle it?
Why is this even still stickied. Looks like some Woody Allen tier kike's work of controlling golems.
They are running out of bombsluts. Other threads worth sticky than this faggotry.
I am a burger user but it seems to me you are totally on top of it so I will take you on your word.
But my question is, is he a crypto or just a mud that is totally jew controlled?
It seems to me he is just another jew controlled pol that happens to be a mud, put into place while London is turning from white british to a sea of brown.
for once a thread has rightly been stickied in which it seems to show the London attack was yet again another jewish false flag.
Which you and (((your))) cohorts seemed incredibly upset about us goyims being so disobedient in refusing to play along with your jewish false flags as real terror.
Have you killed a muslim yet today, Holla Forums?
If not, why not?
because that's illegal, and we follow the law around here.
Kill yourself, mudslimes.
Kampfy really need to clean up this thread. 50% of the posts are the two islamic shitskins from endchan trying to convince everyone that islamic terrorism doesn't exist.
Better than trying to convince goyim that zog isn't real and jews didn't do 9/11 and all these fake attacks while importing more and more invaders though isn't it?
Apparently on the english are perfidious enough to use "Asian" in this context.
They don't call East Asians "Orientals" but use "Asian" liberally to hide using the term Muslim or Middle Eastern.
Or worse they'll call East Asians by their country of origin but avoid it entirely for their (((special minority flavour of the month)))
CHEMICAL FEARSDozens evacuated from homes after suspected gas leak leaves neighbours vomiting in South London
The established parties LET IT COME TO THIS
Stop trying to keep them out of the wind now you faggot.
Throw them to the scimitar of islam
Trump was right AGAIN. . One of the suspects WAS IN POLICE CUSTODY 2 WEEKS AGO
So you acknowledge that a burning item was present in a commuter train ?
Gate 2:
If so, do you know that burning all sorts of materials (chemicals such as plastics, oils, fillings, and allah knows what) casues fumes?
Gate 3:
When people in an enclosed space are in contact with these fumes, provided they did not hold their breaths for 30 minutes, they might inhale these fumes.
Gate 4:
When people are exposed to fumes, and you have alerted all authorities anyway, then why waste the visit to the location without making sure everybody with doubt about their health situation are checked to see if there could be some serious medical issue?
are you fucking new?
back in the days of when phourchan was not this much of a shit.
They leaked all kinds of FBI/ CIA stuff, anons are in those positions as well.
Motive? Vigilante transparency on the issue of terrorism
So now we have gone from an
to a couple burning rags in a plastic bucket that didnt even catch on fire.
With some obligatory wires and wire nuts attached to nothing hanging out the top of the bucket
You have gone from an EXPLOSION to a burning bucket of cumrags.
I don't even care, but don't try to paint me in your picture without my consent.
It's a shame Theresa May isn't Juanita Mayez. Trump would be preparing a trillion dollar aid package for her.
Don't you have a goat to hump, Ahmed?
wtf i love the mohammedanians now
Oh you terrible kike, hasbra fag, the devil made you slander those wonderful, pacifist people of the religion of peace.
Yeah, it‘s not nigger and arabs hating white people guided by a perverse ideology
What profits you retard? The rapefugees are only costs and no profit, they don’t work. The German government had to admit that they spend 50 billion Euro a year for Merkels guests.
50 billions
Do they compartmentalize the rapefugees as well?
At which people is your plump propaganda directed? At those that never ever encountered nigger and arabs? Where is that place were people can enjoy such ignorant bliss?
You know them profits servicing the governments that have to support these barbarians that just keep coming? The banks that finance the governments outpouring to support the humanitarian disaster? The arms industries that enable the creation of these hostile environments that continue to generate migration waves? The security companies that profit from these hostile environments and (((unprecedented humanitarian crises)))? The media that profits from sensationalist news that portrays governments, politicians and parties in the light they want them to be portrayed in?
You could go on and on.
*as officers finally raid home of TRAITORS who took him in
Confirmed Iraqi "refugee" 21yo "teen"
100% a False Flag.
The bomber was Syrian just as the war is almost over.
And all leaders call for internet censorship including Trump.
This is the Patriot Act all over again.
Christmas bulbs with a hole in the glass (made by rubbing on sandpaper) and filled with match-head shavings make easy DIY igniters for TATP bombs.
If any of you guys remember that ISIS video from a while back it shows the goatfuckers making one.
Anyway — I bet the idiot didn't realize you're supposed to use a single bulb and not the whole fucking string. And that if you damage the filament in the bulb (easy to do) you won't get ignition.
What a bunch of idiots.
This is how fucking stupid the dumbasses are. They literally have no idea wtf the single finger means. Bunch of stupid race traitors.
Yeah but where's the evidence of any significant sudden release of energy? I don't see much damage to the bucket or any surroundings?
Neither do I Adolph. I'm assuming whoever made the damn thing was an idiot and probably fucked up some other step in the process.
Which of course makes one wonder why we were shown "injured victims".
One wonders if they know what that symbol represents. That one actually has to wonder such things is truly indicative.
Cuck Island is dead.
It also comes after the British Tories successfully passed new laws that essentially turn England into a (((Tory Fascism))). Literally a day later, this retarded 5 gallon white bucket with christmas lights makes international headlines as the "England Bombing".
Why does nobody discuss the British problem in the chans?
Going to go out on a limb here, but maybe it's from the explosion that was reported. That bucket in the picture obviously didn't explode. So let's assume there was 2 bombs — 1 exploded and 1 was a dud due to stupidity.
Going to go out on a limb here, but maybe it's from the explosion that was reported. That bucket in the picture obviously didn't explode. So let's assume there was 2 bombs — 1 exploded and 1 was a dud due to stupidity.
Frankly it looks like bullshit like many of these events but if you want to play the "maybe this happened but they didn't show us or tell us, yeah that could explain it" game then I'm done.
I'm not playing any game dipshit. Motherfuckers wanted to know why christmas lights were on a bomb. You started trotting out the "there was no bomb it was all fake even the injured people were fake" shit. I don't really care.
If you can't logically deduce that multiple witnesses heard an explosion, a photo of an unexploded "bomb" is shown, and there are pictures of injured people……… more than likely means that there were (at least) two bombs and one didn't go off, then you need re-examine the way you treat your autism. Because your current method isn't working.
There are photos of people with wraps on them, photos of a bucket that didn't explode, and a bunch of claims with no evidence. That's it
I just gave the reason why this bomb went off, and everyone completely overlooks it.
I don't know wtf going on anymore.
Well if you were to cite your post perhaps someone not following along could find out how intelligent you are.
Thread title case closed
Another overblown nothing burger.
In spite of WW2, I still feel bad for Britain.
Britain always gives me a reason to say thank god for American cops.
Kampfy is a fucking turkroach, his views probably align with theirs.
My, what a coincidence.
. The 18-year-old, whom authorities tracked using facial recognition technology, was believed to be a foster child taken in by Ronald Jones, 88, and his wife, Penelope, 71, who were honored by Queen Elizabeth for taking care of 268 foster children, the Times of London reported.
Do they actually believe the point of police is to address "hate speech" and not violent attacks? Between this, the "report wrongthink" type posts, and the assault spoons and bike wheels, I'm thinking English police twitter accounts are massive untapped lolcows.
Is that a DOX on Imkampfy?
Damn, it really looks like him.
good eye!
I don’t see anyone profiteering but consumption oriented business, Tesco and Aldi or the owner of real estate, than the welfare industry.
All a credit financed drain to the economy, short time bubble going to blow up spectacularly. One could have the same effect by reducing taxes, giving out bonuses without burning public transport and exploding concert venues. The later things do reduce spending, by locals and foreigners (tourists) is general bad for the economy as witnessed in France.
Banks pay taxes and finance that disaster, additional government debt is not as noteworthy as the sinking credit rating by turning it into a failed state by mass-importing of savages, ruining the economic competitiveness with increased welfare spending and turning the population into retards. To increase sovereign debt nobody needs to import smelly rapist and bomb thrower.
Huh? The arms industries creates hostile environments abroad to have mass-immigration at home? Bizarre theory.
But wait those parasites are REFUGEES who flee persecution and war (if the don’t return home for holidays), they don’t come to Europe for the gibs.
>The security companies that profit from these hostile environments and (((unprecedented humanitarian crises)))?
Belongs to consumption and welfare. I can’t think of nothing more popular with the ruling classes than the need to increase the spending for their own security.
The media does push deeply unpopular measures onto the populace. They don’t do this for profit.
Yeah? I don’t see a single economic case for mass-immigration.
ht tps://archive.org/details/RESTRICTEDUSMILITARYMANUALS
This is the cleanest bomb victim in history. She was using the phone and didn't need bandaged. And her make-up isn't running from crying from fear or pain.
Let's keep an eye on this bitch.
Worst Actress of the Year
fucking idiot. you've been mindfucked by jews!
go away jewboy shill rwds is coming for you!
You don't belong here if you blindly accept the jewish media narrative, especially when the evidence is there that it was a false flag. Crisis actors, victims paraded for photo ops, strange behavior, police with no name badges, no explosion, bucket in one piece, no charring of surroundings, I could go on. The only evidence against the kebab is he has been arrested, he may well get released. He should just be deported like them all criminal or not, but there's more evidence this is a gov op than a kebab op.
You are the jew.
Choke on bacon, turdskin.
You know we struck a nerve when you get reaction.
If we're not a threat you would just move-on.
This is clearly a false flag to me. I don't care if kebabs do, 9/11 and shit like this is definitely questionable.
Profits for banks and corporations, not for the state.
The original reason to import people from poorer countries is to have a cheap labor force. Increase the supply of cheap labor (untrained people who can barely speak the language of the country) and the demand goes way down, you can lower wages substantially. If you go to a MacDonald's here in Germany you will find maybe one German person behind the counter, among 10 employees. So yeah, some immigrants do work and they do so for shitty wages which makes them profitable.
Those that don't work get their expenses paid for by the government and ((charity)) organizations. Tax payers and virtue signallers pay for the rapefugees, NOT banks or corporations.