Keep the energy high and the wall tall and let's MAGA the night away fellow pedes!
Triggered cucks and shareblue shills BTFO!
Keep the energy high and the wall tall and let's MAGA the night away fellow pedes!
Triggered cucks and shareblue shills BTFO!
saged, filtered, reported, gb2reddit
MAGApede is old lingo
Real Holla Forumssters know we're called MAGApedos now.
if you stuck your dick in the western wall and got an erection so large that you couldn't pull it out, what would you do?
Already tipped your hand there, Jared.
first post every time
Shariablue just give up. We will never fall for your tactics.
Is this where I can post Trump memes, y'all?
I'd push my cock through to the other side because there is NO BRAKES!
Of coursh fellow MAGApedo
Cool. My wife's son sent me this one yesterday.
If your wife is over 12 you are anti-trump and anti-white. MAGApedos unite
My wife is 11 and Mexican.
Then you are double-based and truly a MAGApedo. An upvote to you good sire.
More like Trumperino am I right MAGApedo?
ʇsodʇıɥs ʎƃɹəuə ʍol
We're not faggots we're MAGApedos. 1488 Hail Trump
Nice try shariablue.
Whoa… cool it with the homophobia, buddy.
They make better parents than boring cis white couples.
Watch Will and Grace and then tell me how stupid you feel for being homophobic.
I have that pic framed 8x10 sitting on my desk. This was a big moment for me and my family.
my brother is gay and I watch him and his life partners kids on the weekend. They get along great with my wife's son, Javier
I didn't come here to suck politician dick.
I came here because this is the place I can speak my mind and fight for what I believe in, eat shit
So this is how it ends. Not with a bang, but with a redditard praising the 1600D extraterrestrial hopscotch where we get amnesty and no wall.
trips of sadness but not regret, even if he pulls a 180 its still not over
There is nothing wrong with giving amnesty. In fact it insures that Trump will get the hispanic vote and secures his 2020 re-election. It really is a masterful move.
oh never mind wall looks funded
eat shit
I was listening to Bill Mitchell today and he's right. That's a lot of votes in 2020. He should actually bring in more Mexicans after that. He will win in a landslide in 2020 if he has more Mexican voters.
Typical of a JEW to be obsessed with feces. Trump will MAGA and gas you kikes yet.
We're gonna have to start spamming gore in every thread to get these cucks out.
I'm hearing rumors now that Trump is now backing off the Amnesty all together because of the sheer amount of backlash from it. Although nobody knows why he even supported DACA, guess we'll see what the rallies hold.
You don't get it because you're playing Hungry Hungry Hippos while Trump is playing Chutes & Ladders. Get on his level, cunt.
This. It's the only thing that will drive the shariablue anti-trump shills away.
All the backlash has actually restored my faith in normies a little bit, at least they have the sense to drop him when he appears to break promises rather than stick by the cult of personality. Front page of kikebart is normies mass burning their maga hats in frustration. RWDS incoming.
I don't want them to gain amnesty, I want them gone
ventilate yourself
Okay real post here
Anybody remember Paul Ryan being a bitch a couple days before this DACA media cycle started?
My $0.02 is that Trump decided to show support for DACA in order to produce outrage. This was intentionally done to demonstrate to the cuckservatives that amnesty is not a tenable position and to give it up.
Make no mistake. Anybody looking for re-election in washington has noticed how much of a live wire this issue is. If Trump stokes this fire a litttle more I don't think any (R) will think of going near amnesty for decades.
Well you can't always get what you want. Giving the illegals amnesty in exchange for a border fence means that at least less new illegals will be able to come into America.
yeah if that's what happens, thanks for stating the obvious
Well they are definitely aware of the outrage. The phones have been ringing off the hook all day at offices across the country.
This is a LARP, a low level operative like a 2c/post shill wouldn't mention things like "we own entire races" and "we sway nuclear powers". It's an underpaid brainwashed bernie nerd in a basement, not an elder jew.
Trump is a good negotiator but remember the election. What he excells at is getting the media and a large portion of the country to talk about a subject he choses in the frame he choses.
There has also been a uniting side effect of demonstrating to those of us against amnesty how many of us there are. I think this is the biggest watershed moment since the election.
Cult members often assume the accomplishments of the cult as their own.
it's about time everyone responsible for turning Holla Forums into a neocon Republican campaign rally were gassed for good.
Literally every day for the last two years every single jewish freemasonic puppet was shilled for hard ion here and the MODS would sticky their threads while banning any goy proving their jewish links.
Nothing has done more to undermine the movement and this boards credibility than allowing it to be hijacked by hasbara kikes pushing each and every one of their aut-kike agents and necon zionist politicians.
This. Who cares about the country or "the browning of America" I just want sweet tears from the salt-left.
What? I was under the impression SEA didn't even encounter the Old World until relatively recently so there shouldn't be any members of the tribes there.
This. Liberal tears are worth the extinction of the white race. No regrets.
They are shitty cult members then, real cult members do not have an idenity seperate from the cult.
Honestly I was annoyed like you are when I first saw this thread. And it is why I am attempting to steer it toward legtimate discussion. But as far as banning people go I think Holla Forums already does too much of that.
IMO Holla Forums has traditionally been about out reasoning, cornering and shouting down ideas that the consensus doesn't agree with. If you are a weak willed faggot with bad ideas you wont get much traction here. At the end of the day we all should be shills for the best version of the truth we can factually support. Not for people or ideas.
Exactly. As long as the LAME STREAM MEDIA is mad at Trump, you know he's doing the right thing.
You (((guys))) doin this because of the Huma emails or is there some other major victory for us that y'all are trying to cover up?
How is rejecting jewry banning ideas?
Your idea of shilling for ZOG is indeed a bad idea, especially on Holla Forums a board setup from the beginning to counter you kikes and expose you liars fior the Devils you are.
If Trump says something is good then it's good.
If it doesn't appear to be beneficial at first, you don't understand the move.
Everything he does is bringing America closer to White Imperium.
Like every other "crisis", by this time next week you'll be crying that Trump pulled a massive win and your raid didn't change Holla Forums.
We agree, but you're too argumentative to realize it.
You assumed I thought an elder jew posted the thread in pic, you were wrong.
You assumed I claimed cult members took individual credit for the accomplishments of their cult, you were wrong.
You then accidentally reaffirmed my point.
Exactly. I was worried amnesty would mean we could never win an election again, but the reaction from the left tells me amnesty is the right choice.
100% correct
im neither a ped anything nor a pede or pedo fuk u guys
low energy.
sorry I meant 1488%
hail trump
go home plebbit
What the fuck is this? Don't tell me it's Shareblue trying to piss Holla Forums off acting like plebbitors from t_d. Jesus fuckin christ, Shartsblue nerd virgins can't do anything right, it's correct the record all over again with these idiots. Here's a pic from the meme war of 2016, don't let the PTSD hit you too hard.
we are anonymous
leaders are corruptible
the decentralized hivemind is invincible
cut off a hand a new one takes its place
remove a head and a new one takes its place
sever the fingers and the fist strikes you as you cry OY VEY
Honestly I think it is anons sick of t_d tards looking to motivate the rest of us to troll them off the board.
Antisemitic levels of energy are never OK. Please read the sidebar. MODS DELET
Fuck off shareblue, that doesn't even make sense.
That's f*cking retarded. Mods ban this anti-trumper.
You're the one flaming shitposter has figured out.