You can find the report that the Social Security Administration just released right here...
B-b-but capitalism is the most effective economic system, guys!
Holy shit I was making 75k. I didn't realize I was in the top 30 percent
I'm afraid of what's going to happen when shit hits the fan again.
Let's hope the Republicans gut food stamps, disability, unemployment benefits, and social security before the next crash. Fuck it.
That's some pretty hard accelerationism.
The efficiency of capitalism!
Also the American definition of middle class is very strange
"Middle class" doesn't really mean anything, and constantly shifts based on who's referring to it. It's related to the muh social mobility meme.
In this article, they're using "middle class" to mean an "American Dream" type situation. A house, a car, a lawn, a dog, two to three kids, etc.
so roughly a third? why the fuck aren't we out in the streets
was trump porky's plan to placate the masses as an ineffectual steam valve?
They're probably lazy niggers and spics are just too lazy to get a job. The system works fine. Problems are the ones who are decaying it.
inb4 Someone says this.
I have met people like this and not killed them. :\
Those numbers seem suspicious. We're at Great Depression unemployment proportions right now if that's really the case.
What is the critiera for being “not in the labor force” though ? Does being a porky counts or not ?
work has become increasingly casualised and precarious since the neoliberal era began. workers need to start fighting back
A lot of fucking people just afraid by on social security and disability. Food stamps sometimes helps (hard to get, harder to keep) and "welfare" (cash assistance) is a joke
Just scrape by*
tfw Donald Trump is worth 3.7 billion.
74000 times as much as 50000
You're not taking an unemployment check.
That's literally it. If you're not taking an unemployment check, you're not "unemployed", you're "not in the labor force".
like this guy says. You're no longer on the unemployment rolls and are basically just written off. Also includes people on disability (another thing that rapidly rose in the last 8 years)
Actually, Trump is having the opposite effect.
I think Obama was able to keep it at bay by putting a friendly, tolerant face on neoliberal austerity. Trump has shaken up the old political consensus and put an ugly, arrogant, smirking face on neoliberal politics. And so we've already seen a ramping up of left-wing political activity.
Looks just like my hometown, but with more mud
I've seen some uptick in leftist activism but not nearly enough to stop the state from even doing half of what Trump plans.
Those Tantrums after Trump was elected were just liberals mad at the election result