PODESTA DUH MOLESTA: More Border Security for Permanent DACA Good. Trump Should Push Forward With It
Oh, don't worry. I am watching very closely, even if they are a bunch of jumping beans.
Why isnt this sack of flesh rotting on a crucifix somewhere
Woah, calm down pedosta they're not that young.
Here's an archive, you spaghetti.
"More border security" means fucking nothing.
Exactly, it's just politico word salad shite until there are .50s and moats.
wow nice
If trump or the republicans are trying to get the hispanic vote from the liberals by granting amnesty, they're missing the fact that those same brain dead shitskins don't actually think for themselves. They won't know that it was the republicans that let them stay any more than the blacks know it was the republicans that freed their ancestors from slavery. Instead they will continue to listen to the media, chained to their TVs like puppets, repeating the same lines over and over again. The only way the republicans are going to get the brown vote is by getting the media both out of bed with the blue team and into bed with them. Do they really think they can somehow do all of this by being cucks? Surely they can see the media and their liberal stooges on capital hill are just laughing at the rupublicans as they're doing their bidding only to continue to get the same lashings of bad press for all eternity. They're just legitimising the voting block the liberals so desperately want, and have already, monopolised on.
What's at stake is 800,000 more voters becoming 3,200,000 more voters in a generation.
So is molesta based now?
He based as fuck fellow DACApede.
Daca Don 88 more year.
Podesta is right about DACA. Trump agrees with him.
Moats with crocs would be awesome.
Dream American Conquest Again
Are you ready to take America away from whitey MAGApedes? REVOLUCION
They're not. They are anti-racists and merely acting on ideology, even if it costs them votes.
I can't wait user. She's a real feminist!
Post yfw we have to put all our hope in congress that they'll stop Trump from giving illegals amnesty. That makes this a long shot considering Trump is pressuring Republicans to pass amnesty. At least if Hillary were president, like Obama, they would oppose her out of partisanship.
Does that mean Kushner will be the first lady?
Proudly. Kushner is confident in himself. He doesn't mind when a women takes over or if someone else fucks her while he stays at home and baby sits the kids.
Kushner is so based.
Why can't we just have Jared as president?
Oh… right…
Trump will never die he is the Son of God.
wheres the stargate at anons? I want to make the high jump like adm byrd
Trump hid it in his antartic nazi base
the god emprah needs to commune with the stars
Johns going to be in Canada pushing his faggotry alongside the rest of the globalist cabal.
Is that an mudslime moon I see?
"Mudslime" is racist and bigoted
Muslims are fashy and based. GTFO antifa!
Sorry, please don't downvote my post.
Don't worry. As long as you discard racism and embrace American Values you are welcome on r/pol
I gave you gold for the post.
Thanks I really need that to pay for my wife's son's college.
What the fuck? White people's taxes should pay for that!
Gonna have to downvote that post. Hope your karma doesn't suffer too badly.
The government should pay for his college.
I know in an ideal world right? But I have to pay for him to get into Harvard, he really wanted this transgender studies degree and he said he'd kill himself if I didn't pay for it.
A little subtlety goes a long way, shills. When you lay it on this thick, even normies will notice it.
shill whore. thread
Nah, if anything the last election showed women can't compete in plain sight.
You dumb whores have no idea who you're dealing with.
I could make you go insane if you were let's say "restrained" eyes forced upon and looking to a web connected device in 12 hours
This. Shariablue shills will die before the might of our based MAGApedo God Mods.
I'd like to thank your idiotic raid. It made me even more supportive of The Don.
I fucking love this presidency.
What you are doing only feeds the storm and it grows stronger.
So keep shilling )
Mexican generations only take 12-15 years to propagate typically.
This. I fucking love diversity! It's our strength.
Fellow magapede here. We will love Trump even if 30,000,000 proud Mexicans cross the border and get amnesty tomorrow.
Shills are useless.
He thinks he's hot shit don't he.
While this man remains alive, you are complicit in what he does.
Kill him you worthless American trash.
wait, what is he doing helping push /ourwill/?
< IDKwhoisjewingwho.png
how much do you? 40 years?
nice dubs, confirmed
Post his home, the places he frequents, any consistent schedule he has, et cetera. Some hero of an user may take notice. A good hunter knows his prey, knows what it does, quietly and patiently stalks it, and waits for the opportune time to strike.
BASED, shills BTFO amirite DACApedes? We need more Jews, pedophiles and liars to beat Hillary in 2020!