∀nsʇɹɐlᴉɐ Online discussions on same-sex marriage to be monitored for wrong thought

A team of Queensland volunteers will scour neo-Nazi and other far-right or anti-gay web forums to monitor conversation around same-sex marriage and report those who overstep legal boundaries during the postal survey period.

The LGBTI Legal Service will run a project named Like Love, involving training and co-ordinating volunteers to monitor online forums, media and posters to ensure accountability where unlawful vilification may have occurred.

A team of volunteers will be trained before monitoring "No" vote websites, neo-Nazi and extreme right wing and anti-Same Schools pages to ensure they were not breaking the law.

The information will be compiled and sent to the Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland for investigation.

A group of bias individuals will be monitoring the conversations of their fellow countrymen to ensure that they do not engage in wrong thought

And it is funded by the goverment:

The Queensland government has announced an extra $7000 for the Like Love project during the postal survey.

Last month, Queensland Health announced $338,000 for four non-government organisations to protect the mental health of LGBTIQ community members during the postal survey.


Other urls found in this thread:


Don't be a turd. Bin that word.

Fuck, bad news right after >>>/kennedi/ brushed away the shills sliding threads

>>>/kennedi/ is for that


All those poor little O'deas and Jones's, Australians are such huge cucks

2070 is coming a lot faster than I think any of us were anticipating.



I don't understand, its up for a vote. Beside saying they'd kill yes voters, what could be considered illegal? That fags are gross?

If it doesn't pass they'll just do some EU style bullshit where they force it through anyway.

Insulting OP won't make your prison not gay


Can I be given $7000 to browse Holla Forums?

smh, I wasn't going to vote but now I will vote no.


Yes. Saying that fags are gross is hate speech in Australia.

This entire thing has been a demonstration of liberal bullying trying to force people into silence about their opinions with shame and threats. There's a lot of support for the No vote, and its constantly being attacked. I'm pretty sure there was even a female medical professional who had same sex parents who supported the No vote, and was immediately harassed and threatened over it. The liberal side of Australia is sending a clear message; "its okay to harass women if they have a different opinion to you".
I hope I don't need to clarify that I don't mean the government when I say liberal.

Could Americans go onto these Australian websites and cite stats like gay marital abuse, AIDS transmission vectors, etc.?

Since we are protected by an ocean, 1st amendment, and sovereign government, would it be beneficial to go and speak the opinions Australians want to offer but cannot?

From the language used by the group commissioned to perform the ‘monitoring’ I suspect they are referring to the use of statistics that cast homosexuals in a less than a positive light, such as their disproportionate representation amongst child sex offenders.

In they give the word ‘all’ is included 'It's because they're all pedophiles’ but what about if someone simply discusses the fact that ‘they are more likely to be pedophiles’. Will this still classed as ‘the type of speech that incites people to hate a group of people on the basis of sexuality’. I believe probably so. What is of concern is the fact that the Government is now actively seeking out private discussions (held on publicly accessible platforms), a progression from policing posts on social media and promoted campaign sites designed specifically to broadcast a message. The next step is no doubt to start critiquing privately held conversations, emails, IM’s etc.

But the Government are in full support of the ‘Yes’ side, no?

Reported. Kill yourself.

Sure you can help them.

Yes if you make it up a bullshit project as a trap so you can force the redpill the unsuspecting bluepilled people.

Yes, this is our government user.

No. The Libs are hedging their bets on a 'No' vote so they can keep the cuckservative Right on their side without taking any of the heat for blocking a gay marriage vote in the senate, all the while forcing un-enrolled leftists into the system and writing themselves a blank cheque for $120 million.

The opposition support a 'Yes' vote, but only begrudgingly because promising gay marriage but not actually delivering is their usual tactic for getting into government.

I'm already under investigation, I got nothing to lose. Do ASIO niggers glow in the dark?

Speaking of niggers, why don't the Antipodean Resistance cunts get on this and use this to their propagandorial advantage, I mean they're literally monitoring people with a certain viewpoint to make sure they don't "break the law". For fuck's sake, this is really bad. I've been speaking to a lot of people about this, many aren't very inclined to vote, I managed to convince a few to vote no simply by showing them examples of demoralisation and thought control in our society. It pisses people off and gets them motivated on a personal level more than going around simply saying "vote no".

(Would've liked to upload the webm of this video but it's already been uploaded)

What did you do?


I? What the fuck is the 'I' for? Irradiated? Fuck Ghouls.

Checked. Fags are gross.

I think it stand for intersex.

what does intersex mean tho?

Intersex, which I guess includes hermaphrodites?

I've seen some alphabet soup like LGBTQIA and a few other letters

like, 'the lines intersex with each other…'

Q for queer, A for agender

People born with both male and female genitalia. They look like mixed male and female.

I assume it refers to an abomination that is neither male nor female.

Come at me niggers, call the cops I don't give a fuck.

Faggots are degenerate fetishists that base their entire identity on sexual shit instead of higher moral principles.

Same-sex marriage should not be legalized because faggots don't reproduce and thus the state which serves the nation, has no business encouraging them or giving them the same benefits legally given to traditional marriages.

Faggots should not be allowed to adopt because pedophilia is statistically more likely amongst faggots.


Same I want to vote but I am leaving Australia.

What if I say that I don't care whether they get married or not, so long as they end up in the bog?

Reminder that even commiefornia voted to ban same-sex marriage but the proposal was struck down in (((court))).

Pic related, 'Yes' in this case meant you wanted to amend the california constitution to explicitly define marriage as being between a man and a woman.

Remind me, where's that fault line again? Sure would be a )))shame((( if the seaboard sheared off into the ocean.

They blocked plebiscite because they knew people will vote no change to the laws however liberass found another way. Lel. I doubt that they will respect the voters.


Yes. Please do.

more like ==Kike Love==

wow fucked that up. sage for dp

LA and SF will shear off but Norcal will just have collateral damage. SD will go too but it's a small price to pay to get rid of those other two shitheaps.

The Aussie resolution isn't even legally binding so I fully expect they'll get fag marriage within a year. Kinda weird how Australia is so behind, the rest of the west got pozzed almost a decade ago but you're still hanging on.

Hahaha, the political class doesnt realize its reached its ideological expiry date yet. Society is going to continue to get more and more decentralized as the years and months wear on. In a generation Cryptos will destroy banks, and decentralized internet will materialize to destroy any effort to police or block the flow of information. This isnt even if question of will it happen or not, the benefits decentralization offers on speed and data savings alone is enough to spur the initial transition. Stupid worn out bullshit like this is only gonna speed it up. Theres gonna be some rocky times up ahead, but this megalithic system of control is being eroded away at its base by forces no government agency can stop or contain. It wont be long until we turn the blockchain towards voting and eventually institute decentralized methods of distributing and allocating tax dollars, and do away entirely with the corruptible elements in our societies.


tactical americans are the future of meme warfare

please elaborate.

Better be brutal with your wrongthink then.

Don't hold back. Fight with you words.

Political apathy is destroying due to the politicians's stupidity. PM is going to get sack next year or soon if he decide to pass the faggy law. We had many PMs in short time which increases disillusions amongst the people especially the young people. The people are increasingly wanting to make Australia a direct democracy.

So as an American it never occurred to me that free speech wasnt a universal, or at least western right. Only crazy communist shitholes and other subhuman areas disallowed free thought.

What exactly is illegal in australia to say about gays?
How can you have a vote on gay marriage if some opinion disagreeable to gay marriage is illegal? Is this kind of like voting for the one communist party of china, or the one communist party of china, or that one guy that wants to give everyone free gummybears and drop taxes to 0?

What Im saying is cryptocurrencies are just the beginning. Theyre already offer irresistible benefits to society, benefits that upon wide spread adoption will eventually grow malignant and spread to other institutions as we come to realize their value and have adequate time to reflect on their potential. Without listing specific names of coins, ones that focus on anonymity already offer people the ability to avoid taxes, store money in total security, bring any amount anywhere in the world, and completely avoid any form of seizure initiated by any form of institutionalized power. No matter how well equipped they are. This is a fundamental shift in the traditional bedrock of society. Finance has always been dominated by governments. Its the primary method of control. Blockchain completely and utterly disrupts that form of power, and offers immense benefits to the average person in doing so. You're going to see this technology spread out and start to take root in other sectors of our society as the benefits they offer are self apparent and unstoppable. Like water flowing to the lowest point on the lay of the land, the cost savings and security alone will drive widespread adoption as money drives everything to the cheapest and most effective solutions, and as surely as the wind weathers the faces of mountains to dust, the institutions we once held dear will crumble under the pressure of this new technology.


Yes. You get to vote on the issue, but there is only one legal opinion. It's a complete farce.

fuk every politician

Mutants, but not ghouls. Intersex is a catch-all for people with legitimate problems that aren't a fetish or mental problem. Extra sex chromosomes or mutated genatalia/hermaphrodite. Feign pity until you're allowed to purge with fire or use genetic engineering to make them whole.

I'm wondering now what would happen if I said I was a muslim and found the whole question offensive.

I think it's time to give them their own alphabet. Or maybe they should just use "x". Save the trees!

Tbh I feel our nation is the Guts of the world. We just need to hang on long enough for the Skull Knight. Can we make it?

I saw a Pentagon report that estimates 60% of the world population will be urban by 2030. Decentralization doesn't get rid off corrupting elements. Skirting government taxes does not mean you get to skirt the protection fee installed by the boss of your favela. He'll be the one that decides if your coffin motel gets power and water, not some bureaucrat in the capital.

I haven't read Berserk but I hope you can hold on long enough for the rest of the world to purge the insanity. I haven't been to Emuland but maybe you're behind on the poz because your country is a massive wasteland that needed to be tamed so there's still a bit of hardship preventing people from being too cut off from reality?

Btw your video is blocked in America, don't see that too often.

We were founded 200 years after America so that helps too. Also we have lived with the (until very recently) fear that we would be swamped by Asians. That fear of course is now (((racist))) but it became so about 10 years after it did in the US and Europe.

The trick here is to prevent us from catching up to you guys - again.

That depends, are you white?
inb4 chechen


You realize they have medication for your depression right?

White Aussie and proud of it.
Which is why I guess it wouldn't work.

I'm 4 hours drive from the nearest city. No plans to move any time soon. Will avoid chinky Brisbane, Little Lebanon Sydney and New Somalia like the plague. I would rather be in Tasmania, but I'll make do.

Oh yeah. I forgot you guys are a lot newer, I tend to think of Australia, NZ, and Canada as being the exact same as us but forgot you kept loyalty a lot longer.

Twenty years back there was a referendum on becoming a Republic. Most Australians don't really give a shit either way but there's an inherent cynicism about government here that prevents nearly any referendum being successful. Plebiscites even more so because they are non-compulsory - the only YES voters who really care about this issue are the gays themselves and some hardcore (((allies))). Apparently only 54% of 18 to 35yo plan to vote, I can almost guarantee you all those who are against plan to vote.

The problem here is mainly in apathy: the government just enacts something and most people don't care at all unless they are convinced it affects them personally. Hence people hated the asylum seekers (at max 20Kper year) but don't care/love the legitimate immigrants (300K per year). Personally I'd choose even 50K boat people if we slashed the normal immigration rate to 0 in exchange.

Back trace me faggots.

Apathy seems to be a major issue, most people just want to live and be left alone and only interact with the government if they absolutely have to and hate every minute of it.

Was that our eclipse? We get fucked daily, I don't see us as strugglers, we're too apathetic.

LOL, but seriously how can these nannies keep doing this shit? Won't the people ever get sick of it? This is obviously the government of Australia playing favorites and interfering with their own democratic process. It's just all so blatant these days.

That one hit me where it hurts. I was too young for that unfortunately, but I can see the POZ on this issue everywhere I go. I want to believe we can fight on this issue at least. But to win means no only a NO vote but putting up with PreppingTheBull for another term.

Half of the population is social conservative especially Western Australia (it is supposed to be a nation long time ago), North Territory and Queensland so that helps to make the progressivism slow as the snail.

That's because those states are not dominated by a single city. Victoria and SA are, NSW is slowly shifting away from Sydney (government mismanagement of infrastructure means no one can live in Sydney anymore). Tassie is a bit of an oddball, less than half the population is in Hobart and historically very conservative, but they were swindled into voting Greens too often. Also, their small size means their impact on our politics is minimized, only producing funky cross bencher.


The reason for that is public education is heavily propagandised so they have somewhat distorted view of the Greens. Because of that, some parents aren't willing to send their children to the public school.

We still fly the Union Jack. Our monarch is still Elizabeth II, she's still Queen of Australia and New Zealand. Dunno what the leafbros have. Bet that whole constitutional monarchy thing would change quick if the royals were exposed as pedophiles though.

She's just a walking figurehead.

The Monarchy as it stands is a crap system because it means our final check on power is used very rarely - the last time was in the 70s against a Gough Whitlam (think a White, Chad Obama). But the republican movement is dominated by those who would turn the office into the next hotbead of left-wing degeneracy.

It just demonstrates how bad our apathy is: we have no control over the schools, the politics of present or future.

The lefties might ruin their chances of a yes vote because of their usual abuse of anyone with a different opinion. I know a lot of people that are going to vote no because of how they've been acting.

This one really makes me feel.

Maybe we can pretend to be far left wing terrorists to enrage them into voting no.

What a time to be alive.

All fags who get married should be executed by the government. Actually, all fags should be successfully infected with AIDS through a CIA program like the good old days.

Monitor that, faggots.


Intersex usually just means a chick with a huge clit or a dude with balls that formed on the inside and a micro dick. Not really having both genetalia, just malformed ones.

put citations at the bottom of the image

Worst part about faggots is most are faggots because they were molested as children, so these ASIO faggot cops are basically
pedo cops
Meme it so.

What a degenerate country, supporting/protecting shitslam terrorists and degenerate kid molesters aka faggots.

Checked and underrated

He identifies as white and isn't ashamed I assume.


Wait what? Are you guys not independent? How can you be a sovereign nation and still be ruled by a foreign monarch even if she's just a figurehead?

user, there is only one sovereign nation on Earth.

Let's make a custom board for them to monitor and fill it with as much anti-gay shit as possible. Only to laugh as they flail and cry when they can't press charges.


Let the degeneracy flow in the streets.
The day of the rope is hastened by their chutzpah

True. Even in theory though how can Australia be a country of its own and still answer to the Queen of England?

I used to support fags when I was a kid. Lots of jewish lies about love and compassion come real close to making sense, and the empathetic white mind fills in the blanks. In a world without Jews I'd still like to have a neutral opinion about light degeneracy in your own home, like having whatever kind of sexual encounter you want with another adult. But we don't live in that world yet. And until then we are forced to confront that unhealthy ideas are being promoted as normal. Society cannot survive being turned gay. It seems painfully obvious that a society of limpwristed effeminate sex obsessed consumers is the ideal of capitalism, and yet leftists are incapable of seeing the forest for the trees. Thought crime is acceptable if it silences words that hurt the feelings of the mentally unstable? Pathetic. This world is rotten to the core.

I don't wish the faggots any ill will, honestly, but they shouldn't be normalized and need to fuck off along with everyone else who wants to get off at being watched. Your sexuality has no business in public, and you are sexually harassing everyone you force your opinions on. Arguably the government itself is sexually harassing people by banning dissent.

Goddamn jews.

This isn't an unusual situation historically.

Scotland and England had a time where they were seperate nations under the same king.
There were many situations like this where due to marriage and inheritance someone would wind up with a claim to two thrones but it was rare they were able to hold onto both as challengers had an easier time ousting them.

It just seems very odd. Maybe a burger's perspective is just skewed. Does Australia have any monarchist movements? A strong monarchy might be a solution since the people are too apathetic to govern themselves.

None that I'm aware of.
It has republicans but while they're a lot more active than UK republicans (who are comprised entirely of CIA agents/lackies) the Ozzies in general don't seem fussed over the monarchy.

And yes a burgers perspective is skewed.
Your nation is young and your people have no group memory. Hence your efforts to destroy other peoples memories.


You can have an archive of the study

Can we just fast forward to 20XX, jazzcat?

Hope you've all been lifting and got your wasteland raider gear picked out.


Empathy mirror, they imagine to be them in a way so if they do something they would do it invokes a strong response. If people look at lesbians, usually you in your head count them already to be in your boobanimal stable, whereas females that are more "flexible" in their sexuality do not have the same response.

Find who they are and dox em.

Why did the Aussies hated hated the politic so much?

Pretty soon it will be LGBTIQC with C standing for people of colour

and if it doesn't happen we should astroturf it into existence

Leviticus 20:13

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

They have an argument that amounts to "only christians are against homosexuality" which is stupid as fuck but they still keep bringing it out

Because we're geographically huge and largely reliant on (((media))) for participation in politics beyond the local level. Our politicians live in a bubble. We don't elect party leaders, we vote for a party and the party chooses the leader. Sometimes the party chooses a new leader halfway through their term.

I think things would be better if we dissolved federation entirely. Smaller nation states. That, or we dissolved states entirely, then held some kind of a tournament to decide who becomes King. A bogan decathlon including surfing, backyard cricket, skolling beer, roo boxing and bare-knuckle sledging.

Fixed. Also very untrue.
The LGBTJQ meme needs to be pushed. JQ standing for jewish queers.

Nice double dubs. Why 2070 for state enforced faggotry?

And what nation would that be? Candidates in my minds would be syria, iran, north korea, and kikeland/tel aviv.



The aussie democracy is always spurious but some Aussies didn't know that.