On Israeli TV

Not only Spencer, but now Anglin, appear on Israeli TV to talk.
Viewing the video, I came to the following conclusions:

His phrases are at is at:

Other urls found in this thread:


Holla Forums mods allowed the the altkike to astroturf here

shill. whore thread


Well Anglin is controlled opposition confirmed

Are you mad? I'm not a shill though

as if there was any doubt before?


You should read the translation, the Israeli TV researchers were really open-minded about Anglin.

Why wouldn't they be openminded about controlled opposition? They're fucking paying for it.


Go to bed Schlomo, or what time is it in Tel Aviv? Maybe you're starting your shift?

i loled

and thank fuck for that.

wir mussen die juden ausrotten

I have no recollection of them being Holla Forums only illegal aliens but I do remember some bitchy taco chick trying to act like she was so pro-white, making a bunch of shit threads. I'm glad I made her leave, I hate tacos. Right now there seems to be an influx of gooks, they will dealt with in same way, I hate rice.

They're both Jewish so this is fitting.

Yeah Adre "I want the white race bred out" Anglin, was always a bolshewvik antifa anti-white cunt.
Nothing has changed, except you allowed him to derail and cheer on ZOG into Presidency on his command.

Rural and suburban retards


Super-bad-based crypto-jew pretending to be a cartoon 'nazi' along with his comically Rabbi looking jew pal (((weev))) on their datamining CIA controlled DisInfo website

So many based jews in this movement directing each and every step to our oblivion

PS - Did you know that Andre "I want the white race bred out" Anglin has managed to get Google to remove every picture of him uith his fake swastika tattoo positioned at different angles in the different pictures he used over time.

You lot can all fuck off.

What did ANglin mean by "i'm glad to see tere is an alt right in israel" ?? I thought Anglin was against the existence of Israel and pro Hezbollah.

So you think having lying jew frauds misdirecting our movements and making it look ridiculous to be a good thing?

National Socialists didn;t have dozens of queer jew leaders appear at marches waving mosquito torches and pretending to be fashy to undermine the movement.

There have to be some basic standards, not having lying jews and queers as the leaders is the most basic requirement for any anti-jew movement.

Even a retarded negro child could understand this point.

People can read, you dirty kike bastard. Who are you trying to kid? There were good people at the charlottesville protest.

Funny, he tried to ban me when he and his irritating paedo mate Sven Longshanks tried to insist that Hamas and Hezbollah are aligned with ISIS and we need to destroy them both.
I proved that Hezbollah are the only legitimate group fighting against Mossad/isreal and he banned me repeatedly.

There were jews, leading the march to make any notion of white nationalism impossible and will lead to even further tightening up of laws against white resistance.

jews aren't our friends nor are they white and only are involved to destroy the movement before it can take off.

I could have sworn that, at least in the past, Anglin was pro Hezbollah, writing stuff like Nasrallah should rule the entire Middle East. WTF is going on here?


About 6 months later he had to concede that even though he was tasked with the role of associating Hezbollah with ISIS that even his retarded readership couldn't believe that.

Anglin has been trolling and mocking his readers since he began, not once day has passed without him and his Mossad pals ripping the piss out of his 'nazi' fanbase.

You know pisses me off here is the fact that each one of these American right wing outlets turns out to be subverted like hell. First it was Spencer and TRS but Ok, they we're never particularly radical, they we're always little more than lolbergs who disliked niggers. Fair enough, not really disappointing. But now you have Anglin, who's supposedly the face of the radical racist and anti jewish American right…….talking about based jews™ on israeli TV (!).

I'm honestly flabbergasted.

Nice track marks on Axl Pose there.

And you forgot another, him and his site sullied Taylor Swift, it even made dailymail uk. I knew what he was then, disgusted, but knew. Certainly he'd give her douche chills. My daughter's best friend, and her mother got to meet Tay and her mother. Tay gives out hugs. Not to Axl Pose though.

Daily reminder that kikes have reflexive strategy of accusing their enemies of what they themselves are accused of. Classic example of them shilling all over this thread calling their enemies kike shills.
Shoo, shoo D&C shit-tier faggots!

I think pic related is the reason the feminist kike whore (((Sinead))) and the autistic kikes from Renegade Media are butthurt about Anglin

Both Spencer and Anglin are doing fantastic work.

Anglin is a literal mixed blood crypto kike in the pay of the CIA and ADL

Sinead as far as I know never once shilled for kikes, Trump or any of the alt-right jews and queers that Anglin has been doing since he came to the scene straight from an antifa anti-white march to being the editor of the world's most visited pretend cartoon 'nazi' website, lying to his readers and misdirecting the movement to championing neocon kikes.

Nah, he's doing great work

Great work as in constantly shilling for every neocon fraud in politics or kosher clown fake nationalist org, including fags and B'nai brith kikes of the alt-right while denigrating every legitimate nationalist movement in the world.

I especially like the
where he encourages his readers to act like complete retards and cunts abusing and threatening MPs leading to the jailing of gullible young nationalists for following his crypto-jew orders to undermine legitimate white resistance.

Israel now even hosts DS.
da il y st or me r.is

.is= iceland you retarded Renegay queer


you're trying too hard.

Makes me like Sinead a little more for being the one thing that constantly triggers every single crypto-kike, every single AnglinBot, TRS fag, every single jew pushing and promotion necon jew puppet Trump and every NASA shilling kike on Holla Forums

I still can't really get into her stuff, but then again her work is tailored for girls a much needed sector that most men couldn't really do well, but appreciate that she hasn't been shilling for ZOG in the recent past that I am aware of.

Every time any one of you Anglinbots appears, I get like this.
It makes me involuntarily post evidence I've acquired of your shilled for CIA-kike agent Anglin like so this, for example…

According to the Ohio Board of Tax Appeals, from mid-2005 through 2007, Andrew Anglin's father Greg Anglin owned Exile, one of Columbus, Ohio's most popular gay bars. Before that, the property at 893 N. Fourth St, Columbus, Ohio was owned by the trust of Andrew Anglin's late uncle, Todd Anglin, a venerated figure in the history of gay Columbus who died of AIDS-related illness in 2002.

This seems dodgy. It would be one thing if Andrew Anglin's father inherited the property, but he didn't. He bought it from a trustee five years after Andrew Anglin's uncle's death. Why? And why did he own this gay bar for nearly two and a half years time? Surely, Andrew Anglin must have known about it. After all, Andrew Anglin's father is the registered owner of the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack website domain and Andrew Anglin gives his father's business address whenever he asks for donations from Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack readers.


Next says
Well anyone shilling for ZOG, may as well be a jew.
All you are doing is serving the jewish agenda by promoting their embedded agents.

I don't even know who Sinead is since I don't follow eceleb bullshit, but she is brought up anytime anyone criticizes Faglin. I visited his website a few times over a year ago and it was pretty obvious he was trying to make anyone who holds pro-white ideas seem like buffoonish Hollywood Nazis. He also contradicted himself constantly, sometimes in the same article. How anyone could have taken him seriously is beyond me.

Is it really shocking to any of you ? They've been pushing the based jew shit for quite a while. We're probably going to see more of that same shit we had with TRS comming here accusing everyone of doesn't approve of mudsharking ecelebs, or kikes being a D&C shill

Mike enoch is a pure bloded Norwegian man ! :^)

The peace sign is the Life Rune upside down. Peace is death.

IIRC Iran even stopped funding hamas for awhile because they were helping Isis (Israel). They've since started up again. Could be inaccurate though. I was reading wiki. Our rulers really do count on people being completely misinformed about foreign affairs.

Whoa. Hadn't realised that…

That's how the jew subverts. They are anti-aryan in every sense.



Hello anti-White shill. You stick out like a sore thumb. Real White nationalists don't spend their time parroting and promoting Jewish memes and attempting to shut down other White nationalists.

Filter the obvious anti-White shills

Hello second account or lemming or shill. Filtered for being an anti-White shill and obvious about it.
I don't like Anglin. But no one who isn't a shill spends their time attacking other White nationalists and spreading Jewish memes.

Filter the obvious anti-White shills

Again, another anti-White shill detected and filtered.
I have found that after a good purge of anti-White shill accounts that try to spread the Jewish memes you are spreading, conversations on Holla Forums improve greatly. Apparently, the only people pushing the Jewish meme that EVERYONE who has ever done anything IRL is a Jew is either a Jew themselves, working for a Jewish organization, a race traitor, a leftist shill, or a complete idiot who is useless to the cause anyway other than cannon fodder.

Filter the obvious anti-White shills

Filtered for being an obvious Jew

Filter the obvious Jews

That's a Jewish meme. You're a Jew, a self hating White, or a moron who fell for a Jewish meme.

Filter the obvious anti-White shills

Honestly though, you seem more like a Jew than an idiot.

Filtered for being an anti-White shill and trying too hard.

Being a Jew.

Filter the obvious Jews

I appreciate all the Jews, anti-Whites, and idiots outing themselves greatly. BY outing themselves it allows me to improve the IQ level of the posts I see while also allowing me to detect without a shadow of a doubt who exactly are Jews on this board. No White nationalist with an IQ higher than 80 would shill against other Whites and intentionally parrot an obvious Jewish meme to discourage people from doing things IRL.

You have fallen for a Jewish meme. If you really are so open to suggestion and believe that EVERYPONE who does anything IRL is a shill merely because a clowder of Jews told you so on Holla Forums, you are a lemming and a moron. You are useless to every single organization you could join and I hope that if you really as stupid as that, you should become a Marxist and go destroy the ability of Marxists to accomplish anything.

People who push the
meme are either Jews, Shabbos Goyim, or idiots.

I cannot stand lemmings but regrettably I have to live with them.

Even Hitler is not safe.
But normally they restrict their shilling against only living White nationalists. Dead White nationalists are not threatening and by praising a dead White nationalist they can appear more "credible"

Well my Dad's a fucking hippie dumbass who worked for No Mas Muertes. Am I controlled opposition too now?

Seriously what fucking argument is this? 'His dad did a pozzed thing therefore Anglin isn't genuine and getting kicked off of all social media and platforms to spread supposed controlled message is how people are controlled because fuck you'. Why would you forcibly remove all the platforms for someone to collect controllable masses on a private tor network where you can't freaking track or manage them? What the fuck logic is this shit, and why does it get to run on the political board of a site established from calling out no-platforming on another webforum?

You know that Anglin was openly an antifa bolshevik anti-white

Here [embedded] is a recording of him talking to an antiwhite nigger literally stating he "wanted the white race to be bred out", because of all the evil in the world was the sole responsibility of whites, he only dates black chicks etc

Yet here you are calling everyone critical of your hopelessly obvious CIA-kike fraud Anglin as "antiwhite"

Anglins a bit of a hoser but I'm not going to punch right on him. His site seemed more geared toward the foot-soldiers of our movement. Is he suing for having his website taken down?

Parrot shill

I take it you're a Jew and you're identifying yourself?

Says the kike using babies first rhetoric

What jewish Meme, that trump is secretly ourguy?
Or that Kike Eunoch is super based and ourguy, or indeed any one of the number of aut0kike frauds Anglin has promoted falsely as being "ourguys"
Or perhaps the jewish MeMe that Hezbollah and ISIS are one and the same?
Or any one of the daily jewish lies Anglin spits out on his website.

No, perhaps only those wholook jewish/black hybrid, who were openly antiwhite communist, spouting how they "want the white race to die out" and openly gaslight the goys and encourages them to do stupid things that will ultimately lead to nationalists getting shut down while working as a CIA agent DisInfo spook, they can safely be considered a shill.

Don;t worry, Hitler's memory is quite safe as being the figurehead as the leader of the last movement to out you kikes.
Retarded shit like you posted there making the dumb argument that Hitler was secretly a jew, which has no basis in any demonstrable facts only jewish lies, like your jewish fraud boss Anglin shits out?

PS - Listen to your boss Anglin state he wants the white race bred out of existence, because white people are mean and evil and responsible for slavery and shit, amongst other things like boasting of his love for black women over evil white chicks etc
Listen to audio here–

Okay, considering you suck at insulting me and your entire argument is based on insulting me, I take it you're merely an idiot.

I don't like idiots. Idiots ruin movements and more importantly for me, you tend to say idiots things and ruin discussions. Thus, I will filter you on account of you being a lemming, a moron, and a fool.

Filter idiots as idiots don't belong on Holla Forums

Spent last 5 posts shilling for CIA-kike Andre "I want the white race bred out" Anglin.

Speaking of idiotic kikes and cunts
Have you listened to this audio
of Anglin proving you a dumb gullible cunt or maybe just another CIA plant here shilling for his agents on Holla Forums?

The site's main things are that it's extreme and it's funny. It breaks past mental defenses on race/jews, basiclly like Holla Forums.

This subtitles can't possibly be real
Where's the original, seriously now, I'm scared if this is the original.


and I'm glad Trump changed that

It still is filled with spics (I am one), but a lot of us recognize that you guys are the teachers and we need to learn from you. I live in Colombia and I will be the dictator one day.

That's your argument? David Rockefeller wants X, and is now jewish apparently, Richard Spencer speculates on having Y and it sort of maybe sounds like what Rockefeller wants and therefore he's controlled opposition?

It's extrapolation on a psychotic level, no wonder every compilation pic is this slapdash cluttered noise picture no one can follow in a logical time pattern. It's a wonder anyone takes these seriously.

Traitors before enemies, faggot.

Okay get up at the wall then faggot.

You first nigglet.

oh, what sort of anime do you guys now have? :3

like turning the lights in the kitchen and seeing the roaches retreat under the fridge (under israel)
more meat for the grinder

theyre not trying to turn white nationalists into zionists. not at all..

You'll be gassed first.

Hi Anglin. Keep up the good work

How is this anti-white? Anglin didn't say "out of existence," like the nigger in this video claims that he did. He said "bred out," meaning the white race should have its genes spread over the face of the Earth so that all the other races become a bit whiter. The white race can simultaneously breed in while it breeds out. The world would be a less savage place if that happened.

They actually showed his Thai fuck shack ladies lel


pathetic mental gymnastics.
think before you send what you type.
at least read it twice..

Like south america

Reminder when we shit on Anglin, we arent shitting on his following, unlike dicky and the aut kike. Anglin has said he is not a National Socialists, has attacked people further right than he is, has said he hopes whites disappear, has done a lot of things to earn peoples distrust and outright hate. Just because you see people here shitting on Anglin, doesnt mean we are shitting on anything "white". Its not anti-white to attack someone who does all those things, and more.

I'm Brazilian and you're right. Pure niggers are violent, but they're only "rob a store"/"kill someone eventually" tier.
There are many of them, so that happens all the time.

But Pardos (Mixed) are more vicious, they have organized drug traffic factions, use military weapons, create no-go zones in favelas, make war against the police with their militias, and are capable of interstate/international networking.

Both are shit, but mixed ones are far from being a step above niggers, specially because they combine the worst of both worlds.

Yeah, I think it's just a disagreement of ideals, fundamentally. It's kind of indicative of the cult of personality that is (if possible) avoided when everyone piles on with "what are you, Jewish?"
Disagreeing with Anglin and his past positions/current ones is fine. Spencer isn't even NS, never said he was to my knowledge.


Spencers going around arguing for based kikes, anti-nationalism, faggotry, based niggers etc etc. If you "follow" that guy, youre just as much of a race traitor as he is. Anglin on the other hand is still pretty extreme from what I know, as in gas all kikes. Cant be mad at anyone for following that, simply for lack of hearing or seeing the dumb things hes said, or disregarding them.

maybe it isn't such a hot idea to breed violent niggers with high agency whites because all we get are violent high agency mulattoes

Anyways it seems pretty likely now that Netanyahus son did the whole thing on purpose and this is a series of orchestrated events with his posting of that picture as the pretext.

Mixed niggers are always the worst because they inherit white traits and still maintain the savage black traits. Remember it was the mixed race mongrels that lead to the Haitian Revolution which riled up the pure blacks to kill the whites. What they failed to understand then, as they do now, is that pure blacks see them has half-breed mongrels too and ended up slaughtering them after the whites.

The sole job of a mongrel is to destroy everything because it inherits and belongs to nothing. It's some true biblical chimera where nothing good can come of it.

Anglin plays the clown not unlike GLR did. His anti-white shit was a long time ago before he woke up to racial reality. I don't know why the rest of you ignore that and pretend that's still his beliefs, I suspect it's just outright d&c shilling. This shit was explained way back when he still had total fascism and many times since then. He was up front about it and basically said "this is what I used to believe, I've done xyz things and I was wrong" You don't have to like the guy, I really don't anymore but I'm still tired of seeing the outright lies being posted about him, it's really no different than kike media screaming about david duke being the super secret grand wizard of the entire kkk.

It was the same year he launched Total Fascism.

Almost like they were talking to an actor from a tv show.

OMG the poor little kid was merely the victim of a cult that must now be purged, oy vey!

Most def. Same way (((Brother Nathaniel's))) channel isn't blocked in Israel. "We will lead all revolutions against us", and all that.

they speak Yiddish, most don't even understand Hebrew

Everything seems surreal, if these aren't the end times I don't know what is.

I may disagree with how Anglin goes about his work. But he is a damn good writer and while I don't really like his style, I'm certain that many other people are drawn into White activism by Anglin. In fact, the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack was far more pro-activism than Holla Forums is. Every time someone did something Anglin wrote about it and advised that others do more for our race within reason. Nothing illegal
That's fantastic. Great. More of that please.

Anglin's problem is that he lacks discipline & he doesn't seem to understand how effective propaganda works. I'd chalk that up to him being autistic though.

Hello Jew. You have outed yourself. Filtered

Filter the obvious JIDF shills

i just searched life rune and the first link is to ADL saying its a hate symbol from nazis

White Sharia is a funny meme, inshadillah.

I called it a few years ago that Angln and his fellow travelers would start shilling for Israel, it's also a cohencidence that the JIDF isn't even mentioned on this board anymore, perhaps a number of the altright shills are actually JIDF?

Also could the mods word filter the name Sinead? The TRSodomites keep using her name as a scapegoat to try to silence anyone that is critical of their homosexual cult, she's a stupid cunt and these faggots keep using her name to discredit anyone who calls out the shills.

Most likely not, they're 'h'wite Zionists', notice how Anglin said in that TV interview 'it's the liberal jews!!' ? After it was revealed Kike Enoch was married to a jewess the response from your TRSodomite was "lol so what if Kike Enoch is married to a jewess? It's fucking nothing! lol".

Reported and Filtered for defending jews.

Lana Lokteff is one ugly jew bitch

There’s no way these subtitles are real.

What dream world are you living in you absolute faggot.

What does that have to do with the post you replied to?

Obviously the subtitles were memed in by one of ourguys. I could easily write the true (((comments))) by the jewish hosts without even speaking Yiddish.

Mis costados.