Put yourself in His shoes

You're Donald Trump. Here's what you have to face everyday.

- 1/2 your country hates you
- The media hates you and writes shit about you. They also ignore all your achievements and highlight all the negatives. Fake News.
- The rest of the world probably hates you
- Hollywood definitely hates you
- The WH is filled with Obongo holdovers (that you cannot fire) that are actively working against you
- The CIA and FBI are filled with Obonogo appointees and they're working against you
- The educational system is teaching shit to kids about you
- Your daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Kushner lean left and are filling your mind with leftist crap
- Your top guys Bannon and Flynn are gone
- They were probably conspired out.
- The WH is leaking secrets
- Your son has to bring you conservative news since your own people keep censoring/blocking them
- Cuckservatives are working against you.
- Impeachment is thrown around like condoms at a porn shoot
- Congress won't fund shit (mostly)

The military establishment is probably the only thing that stands with you and you're not going to declare martial law - yet.

It's a miracle you got this far. Having prior experience making hard-assed deals in Wall Street was probably what kept you in the game but you're feeling the heat. And it's real bad. You're getting more hate than love. Every smile in the WH probably has a hidden knife.

You miss the love and respect that you used to have when you were just good ol' Trump.

So you have to compromise. Will you? Just once. Just one compromise and I'll let you build your wall. You get to keep a major campaign promise. That's not so bad, right? What is that? Oh, you just have to let DACA in. There. Was that so bad?

e-celeb bullshit.

I hate niggers and kikes are even worse.


Sage for Hollywood celeb gossip

OP… you're doing it again. That faggot thing we've been talking about.

Donald Trumps base have put up with shit for two years, have had their names dragged through the mud by the lugenpresse, have suffered physical assaults, have lost their jobs, have lost friends and have been constantly villfied as everything from racists to nazis. Despite this they stuck with Donald Trump through thick and thin and never wavered.

And then Donald Trump betrayed them.

I chuckled

Anyways, no amnesty, send the beaners back down to Mexico or wherever they swarm from. Dreamers gotta go. Trump will either keep his promise with his base and listen to his base, or he gets no support. OP, you're a faggot.

shillbitch thread

The Wall is going to be built and DACA recipients are going back to Mexico.

Are you seriously telling us to sympathize with the guy who lied to us? The guy who just shit all over the people who voted for him?

I don't care if the Jews in Washington made Trump feel unpopular, he had millions of white Americans counting on him, and he let them down, worse than that, he shit on them.



I'm pretty sure Hitler's Germany was in favor of refugees

You definitely need to go back to TD.

No, I dissolve the government and start a civil war

I'm a straight, white conservative American male. Here's what I face:
- 1/2 my country hates me
- The media hates me and writes shit about me. They also ignore all my achievements and highlight all the negatives. Fake News.
- The rest of the world probably hates me
- Hollywood definitely hates me
- The WH is filled with Obongo holdovers (that I cannot fire) that are actively working against my interests
- The CIA and FBI are filled with Obonogo appointees and they're working against my interests
- The educational system is teaching shit to my kids about their race and history
- Struggling to raise my kids in a way where they don't wind up leftists
- My top guys Bannon and Flynn are gone
- They were probably conspired out.
- The WH is leaking secrets
- I keep getting censored and blocked when I try to express myself on social media
- Cuckservatives are working against me.
- Congress won't fund shit (mostly)
- The guy I voted for, who said he cared, is meeting with the people who hate me
- My ancestral homelands are being invaded by Islam again, no one cares
- My country is being invaded by the nation to the South, the guy who was supposed to fix that is talking about making 800,000 of the invaders citizens
- Literally no one supports me except my wife, parents, grandparents and internet strangers
- I've burned bridges with friends and family trying to save them
- I watch as my history is erased and defaced
- I watch as children like mine are hung in music videos
- I get blamed for every fucking thing that goes wrong
- I pay taxes to support those who want me dead and gone


Found your fucking problem, you kosher faggot.

omg I'm crying now. I never considered that.
I'm sorry, Donald. How could I be so inconsiderate? Feel free to stab America in the back. I just want to see daddy smile again.


You're right. Nobody here will tell you, but you're right. The Republicans aren't going to give him what he wants on immigration, and it's a nonstarter for Democrats. Republicans wouldn't even repeal Obamacare…

Trump is trying to do whatever he feels he can actually accomplish, any way he can accomplish it. He wants to get his tax bill through. Which to be honest I really hope he does. He's throwing Democrats a bone, negotiating with them. So he's making overtures to them by signalling he's caving on immigration.

He would never have won on immigration anyway. You all are flipping your shit on it, and you should, but let's be honest here. Republicans under Ryan and McConnell are a bunch of backstabbing kikes. Trump is at a decision point in his presidency where he will either compromise and get SOME of what he wanted to do done or make people like us happy by never ever compromising - even if he had no chance in the first place of achieving immigration wins - and achieving NOTHING.

Trump was never going to be a Hitler 2.0. But we DO have our foot in the door with him. He's going to work with Democrats to pursue tax reform. It is what it is.

Too bad, though. I think a lot of people thought he was "above" politics. Pro tip: nobody is above politics in this nation's government.

Good post, don't lose it, lad. We're gonna win this thing.

His misspoke.

I'm a straight, White American Man. Here's what I face:

- 1/2 my country hates me

- The media hates me and writes shit about me. They also ignore all my achievements and highlight all the negatives. Fake News.

- The rest of the world probably hates me

- Hollywood definitely hates me

- The WH is filled with Obongo holdovers (that I cannot fire) that are actively working against my interests

- The CIA and FBI are filled with Obonogo appointees and they're working against my interests

- The educational system is teaching shit to my kids about their race and history

- Struggling to raise my kids in a way where they don't wind up leftists

- My top guys Bannon and Flynn are gone

- They were probably conspired out.

- The WH is leaking secrets

- I keep getting censored and blocked when I try to express myself on social media

- Cuckservatives are working against me.

- Congress won't fund shit (mostly)

- The guy I voted for, who said he cared, is meeting with the people who hate me

- My ancestral homelands are being invaded by Islam again, no one cares

- My country is being invaded by the nation to the South, the guy who was supposed to fix that is talking about making 800,000 of the invaders citizens

- Literally no one supports me except my wife, parents, grandparents and internet strangers

- I've burned bridges with friends and family trying to save them

- I watch as my history is erased and defaced

- I watch as children like mine are hung in music videos

- I get blamed for every fucking thing that goes wrong

- I pay taxes to support those who want me dead and gone

But I will not give up, I will fight, and I will win!

Anybody have that old "if Holla Forums were president" comic?

It's like you're a faggot or something lol

Fucking hell, this place is worse than Holla Forums.

My personal feelings don't matter. I follow the law of the land.
I ignore them and make my own broadcasts, going so far as to upload them directly on YouTube, et. al., or in dire times using the emergency presidential airwave hijacking.
I don't care. I'm president of a sovereign nation.
I don't care.
lol who says
So I fire them. Next.
I hire someone to fix that. Oh, look; no more loans! Now majors have to be repayable!
I wouldn't let my children marry kikes, and I will never be able to have children anyway, so there's nothing to threaten or bribe me with.
This is speculation on your part.
Lips sink ships; EO to make leaking a felony.
I fire those people.
So? Everyone else also is. I out them for what they are.
I publicly mock their attempts at sedition and ignore them otherwise.
I prove to the American people that they're refusing to obey said will.

You act as though this is hard to do, fuckface. We have princi/pol/s here. We don't compromise.

Because they were White? Let me guess, you're going to turn around and try to say some shit in favor of beaners because of this media hype on DACA, and you're going to espouse support for Trump in an attempt to make anyone who supports him here look like CivNat faggots.

I didn't immediately turn around and disregard the man because he has clearly said that a wall is still being planned, but more importantly because he hasn't stated that we are for certain keeping all these spics in here. Any kneejerk reaction to shit like this is ALWAYS suspect, all the shills and Alt-Right cucks have dropped and picked him back up when they realize he rused the media at least four or five times now.

Hitler had it worse and achieved more.

They were never not going to hate him. Cucking to them only made the other half hate him too.

Good post.
It might look like common Joe Sixpack might have it easier.
But the government policies affect the regular guys the most.

Citizens suffer more.
They struggle more.
They are at greater risk of losing everything without any comeback.
They are at greater risk of dying.

Yet is is us who need integrity the most, that's why the left tries to ruin us, take that away.

Because what does a leader mean if the people won't do what's right?


What this place has become since just before the election is disgraceful.