You're Donald Trump. Here's what you have to face everyday.
- 1/2 your country hates you
- The media hates you and writes shit about you. They also ignore all your achievements and highlight all the negatives. Fake News.
- The rest of the world probably hates you
- Hollywood definitely hates you
- The WH is filled with Obongo holdovers (that you cannot fire) that are actively working against you
- The CIA and FBI are filled with Obonogo appointees and they're working against you
- The educational system is teaching shit to kids about you
- Your daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Kushner lean left and are filling your mind with leftist crap
- Your top guys Bannon and Flynn are gone
- They were probably conspired out.
- The WH is leaking secrets
- Your son has to bring you conservative news since your own people keep censoring/blocking them
- Cuckservatives are working against you.
- Impeachment is thrown around like condoms at a porn shoot
- Congress won't fund shit (mostly)
The military establishment is probably the only thing that stands with you and you're not going to declare martial law - yet.
It's a miracle you got this far. Having prior experience making hard-assed deals in Wall Street was probably what kept you in the game but you're feeling the heat. And it's real bad. You're getting more hate than love. Every smile in the WH probably has a hidden knife.
You miss the love and respect that you used to have when you were just good ol' Trump.
So you have to compromise. Will you? Just once. Just one compromise and I'll let you build your wall. You get to keep a major campaign promise. That's not so bad, right? What is that? Oh, you just have to let DACA in. There. Was that so bad?