Berkeley Protest Live Feed
Two arrested so far…
Other urls found in this thread:
they both look like degenerate dyke filth
Are they actually protesting that kike Ben Shapiro? Whoever loses, we win.
Gloom Tube Stream
KYS you collectivist weenie.
Ironic shit posting is still shit posting.
He's a neocon jew, but trannies think he's "fascist" for using incorrect pronouns.
Dubs decide how Antifa kills the kike.
Are there actually any "protests"?
Pozzing his jew neghole
Circumcising his head.
Tariq Nasheed is calling him a "white supremacist"
Tariq Nasheed is calling him a "white supremacist".
Complications from a broken nose.
CodeMonkey fix this shit smh it's been days
who has gore to chase them off?
re-rolling for this one
(((Echos))) anyone have stream that isn't shit?
Beaten with a baseball bat.
this is how you get dubs
god… Shapiro is such a faggot
Piss bottles.
can I get a .webm of that guy who screamed retards
Chokes on used condom
Why are you wasting trips, fagit?
Old age.
Gas chamber.
Off by 8. Better luck next time, rookie.
Accidental mass suicide
Anal hemorrhage
Intentional mass suicide.
McCain's brain tumor
Here we go
Because I CAN, you enormous homosexual black-rubber-wearing male humanoid
Not watching the stream… what's happening?
New protest stream
Immortal, doesn't die.
Drown from their shekels.
Having an aneurysm by antisemitism from Antifa being pro-semite, but the wrong kind of semite.
with kindness
Winner winner chicken dinner.
He's shutting down the left, as always
He plans to denounce you guys, but Antifa does suck.
A kike? Denouncing white nationalists?
Consolidated streams
back to 4cuck phone poster
no u
Death by sodomy
phoneposting is the last stand of implicit whiteness think about it
the stream from the dailywire is actually quite good
I've BTFO'd more shills with this phone than he has with his $5k gaming rig.
Ben is the editor for the Daily Caller. I would hope their stream is good.
This protest stream is down. Antifa told him to stop filming.
Kike Shapiro Voice he Sounds like he Just hit Puberty 3mins of Talking can make anyone run for the Hills.
I cannot believe that lil' Benji could trigger people this hard.
How? Does sex change drugs age you that fast or something? I want someone to explain this shit to me.
Is lindtposting a thing now?
Is it really a tranny? With a name like Benjamin I thought it might have just been a kikess
All of you 4cuck faggots need to stop posting and lurk more.
Something is on the bread.
Not gonna lie I'd fuck that mystery meat mongrel on the right.
Low end as fuck
~50 "protestors"
Can't even get a chant going.
I guess that's the American left without uncle Soros busing in mercenaries.
I'll take my 4 cores at 4.0ghz which beats the shit out of your $30k box at any single user performance metric you can throw at it.
4 sockets, I just hadn't populated the other two yet.
Screencap wasn't taken under load. Server is wholely for virtualization, hence moar corez. I'm not even running wangblows anymore, it's a VMware box.
And there are 6 NICs fucktard, only two were active. Are you literally blind?
0/10 rig user
What I would give to get into a fist fight with that 2nd girl and pound her into submission
That's right, we should support all of our lolcows..
I'm actually going to unironically run LED strips through the sides of the rack once I move into my new place, since it gives a really nice glow from the inside. Pic related is an A/V rack, but I like the effect. If I feel like going all-out, I might even run OL wire on the bezels, color code it, and tie it to a monitoring system.
Also, is there actually anything going on at the riots? Seems like the cops have it locked down pretty well.
>not active not connected
Right, bro. You're testing dual NICs but not full NICs because.
It might be toasted, just hard to tell with what ever is on it.
I think I'd enjoy beating the pouty lesbian more, she has a look about her that just screams "tough xuy" and I'd love to prove her wrong.
I'd forcibly rape the 2nd one.
A Tribe vs A Tribe Called Quest.
I wouldnt fuck the fat ugly dyke after though
I wonder (((who))) could be behind all the hate for the smartest right-winger in history. How many shekels did Soros pay you to try to crash this thread, shlomos?
Fuck's sake, 4 of them are integrated you cockwit, the others are on an expansion card. You can even see them in the guts picture.
Low energy "happening" and the thread is about LEDs. Makes sense.
Only jews phonepost on an imageboard
and only teenagers want LEDs in their rig
Marxism takes away another two females who could have been happy homemakers making nazi cupcakes for their childrens' school bake sale today.
Honestly - just my opinion - this dyke cunt looks like she was destined to become a dyke cunt.
Thanks, shillnigger. I was figuratively ready to make a real money bet as soon as I saw this thread in the catalog that some homosexual like you would come in and try to make this all about Shapirostein and try to get Holla Forums to ignore it as "eceleb" or whatever gay shit you think of when Jamal is giving you GRIDS.
I can't wait to see him start sperging in his stream chat blaming Holla Forums for antfag rioting.
The speech just ended….Happening incoming
Needs a little fire, doesn't it?
Let me heil that one for you big guy. Can confirm LED's are pleb tier
she looks bitter, I hope she meets someone in the grey bar hotel that can turn that frown upside down.
lol all it takes is one drunk bum to disrupt their "protest".
Summer ends Friday, September 21st at midnight
Is it still going on? Is it worth watching?
Lame tranny faggot gathering outside with normal yelling at the cops only.
Somebody make a webm of the safe space guy
He's jewish…
Does anyone have a spare Youtube account I could use? It won't let me make one without a phone number.
Are white trannies really protesting a liberal jew for being a neonazi?
That guy was fucking hilarious.
>I haven't been drinking, I've only had coca-cola, and I haven't touched weed in hours, FUCKING FASCISTS GIMME A SAFE SPACE
Are you really asking this after they did the exact same thing over Milo the jew tried to speak there?
I thought that was a fever dream.
Fuck off back to freech and endkike if you're just going to shitpost retarded cancer.
It seems like they've had a chat about PR. Wonder what was said behind closed doors.
Calm down, retard. I've posted three times.
Yvette and her bodyguards
What happened to him? I thought he was our streamer.
Hormonal conflicts cause trannies to age much faster, and triples all cancer rates. That's without the gangrene crotch.
You must have missed the hurricane Harvey streams. Some faggots and communists were trolling the Cajun navy by giving fake reports (e.g claiming a bunch of kids and old people were drowning in some empty store) and sending them into areas with armed looters, and gloomtube got himself triggered and started blaming Holla Forums (not specifying which site's Holla Forums) for it while refusing in his chat to ever give proof to back up his claims.
Kike chopstick?
What a stooge.
To be fair, that's a bit of a dick move. The Cajun Navy are for the most part hard-working blue-collar types, the group most sympathetic to our message.
Fuck off JIDF.
Of course it is. I highly doubt any of us would do that. Leftypol on the other hand would.
that weird shifting shit gives me a serious headache
I'm watching this one now m8, gloom tube is getting pretty shitty.
I'll never get why the hardcore commies loathe the actual working class so much.
I know a guy who was an old commie, back in the 70s. Has a federal record for his anti-nuclear activities. He realized that shit just didn't make sense, and finally caught on to why his working-class buddies were all conservatives in some form or another. Now he's so far-right that some of the stuff he says actually surprises me, although I'm personally not entirely in line with Holla Forums's hivemind.
because hardcore commies hate even themselves. the activists that seek communism are usually the most wretched people alive, inside and out.
Thank you kind user.
It's part of the narrative, and they have to keep it alive as a way to throw a bone to the labor unionists.
Those union members who aren't mentally retarded already know that the Democrats (who are in an unholy alliance with the radical left) sold them out but the bosses are on the (((payroll))) and the lack of secret votes in union elections ensures that these mafiosos will keep running their unions as they have all along.
What are they even protesting?
white people and capitalism and shit
The perfect memeball for your post.
Ironic shit posting is still shit posting.
Now the crowd is chanting
Kek, the last time the town of Berkeley let Antifa attack a bunch of people it really fucked their game plan. The mayor (an actual member of BAMN) distanced himself from his little commie pals publicly. Let's not forget about the guy who Antifa killed in Berkeley the night Trump was elected.
Now Felarca is yelling again, he little slanty voice grates on my nerves.
A Bush era cuckservative establishment hack is trying to infiltrate the alt-lite so literally hitler I guess.
Sshh, if Antifa starts attacking Jews this works for us bigly.
Heh, so the cops aren't letting the crowd leave because of the armed rabble outside, and FELARCA is screeching about how this is fascist and that "those students have every right to walk out of there."
Yes honey, we know the plan is to attack little Benji's friends. We know that if the cops disperse Antifa that this will be difficult.
Commies are so dishonest, they should be gassed en masse.
It's still going on? Gloomtube and that other stream some user linked both decided to shut down.
Shes on the mic right?
Gorgeous. Thank you, user.
Yeah I'm assuming something's happening.
There's always the scanner.
She's a mouthpiece for some half jew half poo woman who is a boomer or that age bracket. They've all been doxxed.
Only stream I can find right now
Thanks user. I'm listening to the scanner right now and listening to the petty crime reports rolling in like crazy now I am beginning to suspect that Antifa has people to cause chaos and draw cops away from the Shapiro thing.
Still trying to make your goy emper-r hip with Holla Forums I see, ey chesscuck ;^)
I wouldn't doubt that at all.
Why does it seem like every big rally happens here?
Manlets, when will they ever, ever learn?
Sounds like the phone lines to the 911 or the dispatch are practically jammed up.
Somebody in NorCal's been cutting fiber optic cables, but they're making a break by a road, then a short while later making another break in a more difficult to access area.
Also look at the fires in Oregon lately, one crazy leftist fucker from Idaho started a few and a couple spic kids started the one in the gorge.
Domestic terrorism's a thing, they're attacking critical infrastructure, committing arson, etc. It's pretty scary actually.
Two fires reported in like three minutes now.
Because the working class is literally more down to Earth than Commies will ever be and it annoys Commies to no end because it's what they want to be and they know deep down they will never be unless they let go of their Communist ideas.
Same thing could be said for NatSocs versus Commies. Compare their memes for example:
Which speaks to the proletariat more? Would you be frustrated as well if you were playing a game you cannot win?
I swear that fucking thing is a skinwalker. There's just absolutely nothing bordering on human about its appearance.
Look at its boss…
This sums up a lot of things about everything. The envy is high school grade on the world theater.
Source on this? First I've heard of it, and am curious if this happens to end up being the same retard that started a huge fire in Idaho last year by fucking with fireworks up in the hills.
This guy did it on purpose.
Sorry, he was from Utah.
I have an image of one of the spic kids who started the gorge fire but not on this computer.
What the actual fuck. Reminds me of that Death Becomes Her movie. I used to have these recurring nightmares about women like this that just exude the hint of the grave.
Found pic of the spic. It's from this video:
pic of spic
Well, unlike that lady, Shanta Driver is actually allies with NAMBLA. Life is scarier than the movies.
It sounds like a new and improved weather underground.
Yep. Kiddy fuckers are A-OK but a few white men getting together is a UN issue.
Yep, and it's a broader coalition this time. They have BLM, Antifa, La Raza, many labor unionists, likely private paramilitary types, the Muslim Brotherhood (who is confirmed working with ISIS as well as Antifa) and probably the fucking Chinese and EU types as well.
We're already witnessing a low-level insurrection.
Why would they attack their ally?
They only target the people attending.
Ben holds a rally to draw them out while antifags document and attack them. Rinse and repeat.
Yep its a proper shit show. Everyone against the white man.
A fragile coalition at best if shit hits the fan. Live in a pro gun state and move on. The anti gun states will turn into BLM hell holes eventually.
BLM had a similar problem a while back. They started attacking jews and suddenly all their funding dried up.
The middle managers and grunts don't know who signs the checks.
Pardon the interruption, but I was distracted by some other stuff - I was watching some 'protestors' get arrested after watching some of benny-boy's bla bla. but that's all I know at this point. Was there a happening or did this just go by the wayside?
Streams cut off before they even let the event attendees out of the building, with Antifa leering outside still.
Short story, we don't know.
and, plus, it takes too long to read the entire thread, but what I have seen so far doesn't really give me a good idea of what went on…..
looks like they just dispersed at around 1:29:00 like a bunch of bored zombies
Lauren Southern stated near the end: "Alright folks, there doesn't seem to be a lot happening here - we are heading back…"
more of, "Not such a happening, and bored zombies"
that's a bummer
We deserve better enemies.
Hi >>>/reddit/
You know how nigger tier that is? No, because you're a nigger. Make some real money before you try and brag, homo.
Thread full of more shit than Hildog's underpants. Literally nothing happened.
Guy over by the pole texting, no startle, doesn't even look his way.
I think poor ol Oscar the grouchy antifa locked himself out of his home. His fetal curl at the end, might be the funniest part. I've replayed this over and over. I'm lazy today, so it's not yet gif.
Michael Paul Sullivan, 29, of Hayward, was arrested near Bancroft Way and Telegraph Ave for carrying a banned weapon.
Eddy Robinson, 44, of Oakland, was arrested near Dana Street and Durant Avenue for carrying a banned weapon.
Kerem Celik, 18, of Saratoga, was arrested for disturbing the peace near Bancroft Way and Telegraph Ave.
The entire liberal left has just gone bat shit crazy these past few years, it's pretty funny how Trump winning just put them a few steps over the edge.
OY VEY antifa stab a kike
Video of one of the arrests
Most folk now know who felarca and driver are, shoot them dead and start killing off the bamn leadership
Pic of arrest
for real, how have these shitheads not been executed yet? I'd like to see it happen in front of their families
Very true, its very easy to start infighting within this (((coalition))) lets not forget the fight between BLM and Antfaga in Houston the other week.
You got it gman
new happening: chimpout potential
Can we verify? We can use this to turn around the "Antifa haven't killed anyone" narrative. Same with
If true, I haven't heard about someone they killed. But we can meme this. Get the word out that Antifa has killed too and far more often. It's just as potent as the "Heather Heyer died of a heart attack" redpill.
Yeah, but they did stab a fucking HORSE in the neck. and they have killed people before too
They stabbed a horse, crippled another and kicked a puppy near to death. I'm aware. But I'm not the one saying Antifa haven't killed people, they've killed a ton in Europe and tried to kill a lot here. I'm saying the MEDIA and PUBLIC think they haven't. We can take advantage of this AND we should spread the images of the injured animals. Animal abuse doesn't fly with leftists, we should spread the news.
Thank god you fucking mongoloid retard
Anyone lighter than Tariq Nigsheed is a white supremacist in his eyes.
Reminder that you will never be charged with a crime for defending yourself against an officially recognized terrorist organizations members. All Antifa terrorists could be assumed to be strapped with bombs or have aids blood to throw on you, even being in throwing distance of Antifa is reason enough to fear for your life, just like being in throwing distance of ISIS is enough reason to fear for your life and defend it in the US.
God help you if the guy who takes a swing happens to be Tim Kain's son though. Probably a lot of other high profile politicians-to-be in their ranks too.
did that presenter just say police were there to "protect the tendies"?
Yeah, I know. It's fucking annoying.
[thinking emoji]
It's a cult
Why the fuck is Yvette Felarca still not fired?
…I really don't need to ask, do I.
Sad this hasn't been posted yet.
They always look so pathetic kek
She wasn't stabbed
Saved for my collection
Are you 12?
In case anybody shows up. Heres some tips on how to outplay them
She reminds me of my cunt of a mother in rage mode. I want to run a chainsaw up her groin and finsh with her face.