Paul Ryan Axes Trump-Schumer Deal

>(((But Ryan’s amnesty will likely also include the very unpopular goal of importing more wage-cutting foreign workers.)))

Wtf is going on? Paul Ryan is cucking Trump and Schumer, and simultaneously cucking us.

Other urls found in this thread:^tfw&ref_url=


0.01 shekels have been deposited in your account, first post kike.

I'm guessing that nothing at all will get passed until after 2018 midterms. None of them want to put their necks on the line until they see what direction the country will be moving. We all know it's going to keep trending conservative, since the "referendum on Trump" special elections all ended up failing for the left.

That's what the article says though.

Kikebart is all over the place today

Yes, Trump tried to pull a game on Ryan, but actually got burned by Schumer and now Ryan has to undo all this ridiculous mess.
Breaking talks of DACA amnesty is not cucking.


If only someone made me a mod here. Then I could really earn the big shekels censoring everything for Trump's benefit.


I think he's only undoing it all - no new things, no "new kind of amnesty".

You faggots were calling me a shill yersterday for shitting on Ryan.
Fucking kill yourself.

Nice meme.

They'll say and hold any opinion as long as it benefits Trump. If you want to see the consistency of their actions, you need of realize that.

Well nromally I'd agree with you, but you must admit the fact that you two have different IDs is awfully suspect.

Who's Jewing who? I don't even know anymore

The deal was proposed and needed to be voted on. Ryan is the majority leader, so whether you like him or not he has the power to reject the proposed deal.

I actually wouldn't know who Paul Ryan is if it didn't say "House Speaker" there. I should pay more attention, but I'm not whoever you're thinking of.

I'm also not that other guy.

Trump on the campaign said the dreamer situation was delicate and would be treated so. Immigration has dropped and deportations have risen, if an allowance is made for children is that really so bad.
Secondly it seems to me that Trump has now managed to get Ryan to get is finger out and do something about the wall.
Correct me if I'm wrong?

wtf I love paul ryan now

Nothing short of full and total war to cleanse this country entirely of non-Whites and the conspiratorial capital-marxist alliance who brought them in is acceptable. The complete destruction of the United States.

Ryan wants MORE immigrants, more amnesty. This is why Trumps fucking PR stunt was so fucked, he got outswamped by king of the Swamp like a fucking novice. Nows he hated by all sides and we get fucked even more.

You are wrong.


So what the fuck is actually happening

Wanna know how explicit it is that you're not from around here? You make your trolling so fucking obvious. Filtered

Why don't you fucking read the OP you tard

More Amnesty that's what

That's what I'm thinking too. Congress and the president will drag the DACA/Amnesity/Wall issue through the mud until the 2018 elections are over. BUT THIS MEANS WE HAVE TO GO AND VOTE FOR OURGUYS in order for this plan to work. The more wall-supporting incumbents we get in congress, the easier the wall and no amnesty becomes.

I don't even fucking know anymore. I'm just praying that taco still gets removed after this entire shitshow.

He's right though you mindless faggot

I live in a conservative state with a Dem congressman and I guarantee that fucker is out come midterms. We definitely need to meme all of /our guys/ into office. Have an unobstructable majority.


What's your end goal, cunt? Subvert as much Holla Forums users as you can?

https: // %2F2017%2F09%2Fpotus-trump-sets-record-straight-dont-wall-nothing-video%2F

There was no deal nigger

Me too. Wonder if we're from the same state….

https: // %2F2017%2F09%2Fpotus-trump-sets-record-straight-dont-wall-nothing-video%2F

There was no deal nigger

https: // %2F2017%2F09%2Fpotus-trump-sets-record-straight-dont-wall-nothing-video%2F

There was no deal nigger

What were the specific terms of this deal brokered between Trump and Schumer?

This entire bullshit feels like a massive psyops to ensure the neocons stay in place
Paul Ryan was about to get pushed out by Paul Nehlen

This shit runs counter to all the news that Trump explicity stated that they came to "no deal"^tfw&ref_url=


Halfway-decent hashtag if anyone wants to help start/build a tweetstorm/gabstorm about this

ffs, nothing but shilling garbage on Holla Forums today

I'm surprised more people aren't talking about this.

I really like Nehlen but Ryan's seat is very secure. I think in the last primary Nehlen got like 10%. And it's not like we didn't have tons of evidence Ryan was a über cuck

2018 is fast approaching and Ryan is trying to score some points to prove hes not a RINO. He's still a cuck for the dems.

Trump is getting Paul Ryan to reveal himself that he and any others that start chiming in actually have every amount of urgency and energy that could've been used towards tax reforms and healthcare bill into this, of all things.
And everyone is "suddenly" believing every bit of the lugenpresse, and the dem party in general?

Paul Ryan is, and will always be controlled opposition. Any prime time to stab the POTUS in the back and be a thorn in the side, he will take that chance. Don't tell me people have forgotten how shitty Ryan was during the election season. It's just one example that burgers on here should know.

People knew he was a cuck but most weren't aware he was a complete traitor. He could always use the "not enough seats" to excuse his lack of action.
Democrat Randy Bryce will probably give Ryan a run for his money. Nehlen is a terrible speaker but if he can improve in this area he stands a chance.

Get the fuck out, spic.

Little known fact: the speaker of the house doesn't need to be a member of congress. Since that's the case, forget about unseating Ryan (Wisconsin GOPe power structure is very strong) and just remove him as speaker and put Bannon up there.

Paul Ryan has no issue with amnesty. Paul Ryan's problem is that the deal didn't involve him.

shill whore thread


You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you? Smiley-tier autism.

Democrats have shit turnout for midterm elections. Take that into consideration with the fact that the democrats have a lot of seats to defend in 2018, many of which are in states that Trump won, and I think the dems are going to get booty blasted.