So what is the reality?

Amerifats answer me this.

Which is correct:


[of course, there are many more nuanced positions between these two and any light you can shed on the matter is greatly appreciated]

So what is the reality here? because the shills have somewhat succeeded in making it very difficult to grasp the complete reality of the Trump presidency.

Other urls found in this thread:

Bump because I want to know.
Also I want to kill kikes

This one.
Civic nationalism is weak.

oh and

Thank your mother for letting you be born in the USA

Lurk more.

The only thing worth debating is whether we should start a civil war and hope Kim provides backup or wait for Kim to fire the first shot.

Please user, not all of us are hambeasts
More the second than the first. Trump is a shallow thinker who conforms his opinions based on his surroundings, and what's clearly profitable. He probably got his own blood stirred up with those pro-patriot dogwhistling campaign speeches, the emotion was probably honest, but it wasn't backed up with ideological conviction. Now he's in the White House, surrounded by the kikiest kikes who ever kiked, so he does as he is bidden by them. He's not the macho man he makes himself out to be.

Hmm, I was already well aware of the fact that 'civic nationalism' is weak and worthless (and I assume most here agree), though ithere is always a chance that Trump, while claiming CivNat beliefs, pushes things that are helpful/useful to pro-White causes.

We're still in the first year of his presidency. Consider everything he's accomplished to date.
Further, consider whether the people attacking him here are talking about things he HAS done, or things he MIGHT do, as well as the number of times similar arguments have been made in the past and been subsequently proven wrong.

Yes, there would normally be how I would go about things, but the severe lack of clarity n this issue means that it is simpler to directly as questions.

flat earth is the reality

No one knows yet.

1. wall
3. China
4. Israel

It's been 8mnths. We have to see what happens.

funding for beginning of a now less useful fence and a giant loophole of a mudslime ban.

Yes, what you say makes sense in terms of how everything has unfolded and is progressing.

I know, I just like the term.

Is this a raid? Why is every thread about this?


Weren't you there for the Syria debacle? The shill flood has only just begun.

House just passed bill with $1.6 billion for the wall. /ourguy/

I understand that it is important to consider that in terms of his presidency, not much time has actually passed.

I see what you're saying, and agree that it is definitely more important to consider what he has achieved so far, rather than to speculate on things that have not yet happened.

What do you think of the argument made by ?

Oh… No I remember that. Time for a short holiday away from Holla Forums I guess

My theory, which is echoed in a lot of places, is that Trump is his own man, and has his own plans for the White House that he has been planning for a LONG time, and Holla Forums just happened to be a very important asset during the election.
When he's running for president, he doesn't actually have to DO anything, he just has to speak. So he used that time to speak to a demographic that will put in a lot of work for him. We wanted Hitler, so he talked like Hitler for a while, why not. It isn't technically illegal.
The reason that I don't feel as cheated as a lot of Holla Forumslacks is that I saw this coming from a mile away. You can have a white nationalist candidate, but not a white nationalist president, simple as that. I think Trump is a very intelligent man, and we DEFINITELY haven't seen the last of him, but don't expect ANY rhetoric to sound like 2016 Trump. He's playing his own chess game, not ours, and I'm still curious what his next move is.

If there is a raid, then my timing for this thread is just unfortunate. I have no malicious intentions in creating this thread, only many questions that I thought would be best discussed here explicitly, rather than having people arguing in every other thread.



so what tangible things to date has he done that further our cause?

He provided a loose frame work anyone can use to classify us as a hate group or did he not sign that thing yet? anyway theres that

Fuck off, newfag.

Trump is ultimately kiked. I didn;t want to accept it.. Check this out. Chabad-Lubavitcher's are tavistocking everyone.

Interesting theory, and it is certainly valid one.

Simple point, but very important.

Simple and wrong. What kind of idiotic "logic" makes you think that works?

Stupid choice of words as I am not a newfag here. If it is something very obvious I am missing then simply tell me what I am missing. Otherwise feel free to fuck yourself, you derailing cunt.

The constitution and shit. It's specifically written to guarantee free speech for citizens, and reign in the powers of the president.



By seeing Bannon's interviews, we can clearly access that "Campaign/Candidate Trump" was actually… Bannon.
When Bannon left, Trump cucked out is just trying to not have his and his family's destroyed economically after his presidency ends.
He chose the coward route, the no-reelection route, the "I lost" route.

Tell me how it is wrong then? I am very happy to be shown how I am wrong, but so far the statement rings true.

The truth is OP, we are currently in the middle of working out a position. Holla Forums does this every few months when something happens. There is confusion, there are accusations, and eventually the events and arguments settle and Holla Forums comes to a conclusion. We had this when Trump went to Mexico, we had this when he fired missiles at Syria, it's just a normal part of the process. What you need to know is this, our principles are unwavering no matter what Trump's position is. So long as you argue in faith to these principles, even if you are wrong once all the facts come to light, you are doing the right thing. What this means in this current argument is that as long as you aren't shilling for DACA recipients to stay, whatever your interpretation on events is ok to believe, until you are proven wrong.

We lived through eight years of the president ignoring the Constitution on a daily basis. Your argument is empirically invalid. It shouldn't be, but it is.

Yes, I agree completely.

There's a difference between what Obama, and frankly Bush, does and what literally Hitler in America does. They were able to get away with it because they named the shit "Patriot Act" or "the Dreamer bill" or what have you. Take a fascist bill, dress it up with a cute hat or something, and an otherwise normal president can do that.
Problem is that you can't put a cute hat on anything Trump does. He already entered the White House with a German military cap on. He has to "act presidential" to an insane degree that his predecessors didn't need to worry about. Especially Obama, since he had the entire media empire on his side.


it doesn't matter either way because no democratically elected politician will ever be able to make any significant change. stop worshiping trump, war is the only option

Trump is blatantly and obviously kiked. Anyone who denies that at this point is either a shill or an idiot.

There are no democratic solutions to the people in charge trying to genocide you.

Or he could have rallied his partisans and the military forces under his command to size power.
It's riding easy even in this environment to do so.
He won't because he believes himself to be a "good" person.
So unless (((they))) make a major mistake and truly reveal their hand in a way even they cannot whitewash, or bury, he will continue to work within the system, instead of taking it by force.

You stupid fuck.
His supreme Court pick alone was worth the vote.

Trump is blatantly and obviously kiked. Anyone who denies that at this point is either a shill or an idiot.

There are no democratic solutions to the people in charge trying to genocide you.

Trump is a civnat cuckservative with good bantz and a couple of actually favorable ideas. All the Trump = Hitler shit is a meme that people started to take seriously for some reason.

We could have memed in Jeb, Cruz or Randlet and got more or less the same results tbh.


Me too

shill bitch thread.

Neither you fucking faggot. This happens all the time.
Trump is trying to do exactly what Trump has always been trying to do. He's not a national socialists. He's doesn't want to go full 1488. Trump does however want a lot of things the jews do not want to happen. This is where is met with overwhelming resistance.
You should kill yourself you're worthless trash. Less than a nigger.

Everything short of a power grab and full civil war.
Why do so many blame Trump for the Jews in congress?