Tfw you will never play a game about the other half of Operation Snake Eater From Skull Face's perspective

Tfw you will never play a game about the other half of Operation Snake Eater From Skull Face's perspective

Such a lust for vidya ;_;7

Skull Faces VA better be in funky feetus.

From my understanding he just went to the places BB visited and cleaned up the corpses, killed certain people and bribed other people to make sure they wouldn't cause fallout.

It wouldn't be an especially fun game, it would just be you as skullface going around commanding toops to get shit done and cleaning up the mess BB made.

No "one man action" so to speak, he wasn't originally intended to be the type of villain that goes alone somewhere and fucks up shit personally, more of a mastermind.

MGSV fucked him up and made him into a cartoon character.


I did play retcon the game, it was called Peace Walker. It was awesome.

its a shame because skull face being dead aside chapter 2 was fantastic.

Yeah man one more mission of terrible writing and broken promises and wasted potential will have totally saved a rushed out the gate cashgrab.

That and a extreme and subsistence option for every mission, or just a hard mode selection at new game.

Imagine playing a Platinum CUHHHHRAYZEEEE game with this man as the main protag.

You can't make something better.

Why not both?

tfw you will never see a day on Holla Forums without kojimafags

You can, you just have to kys

Welcome to Holla Forums!

Konami is too Jewish now

You never know. If Survive shows people want more Metal Gear why wouldn't they go to platinum again?

I bet it would play like God Hand.

Because it's cheaper to keep development in-house

and polygon would write lots of articles about it being "more alt right propaganda like known terrorist sam hyde on adult swim"

The games went to shit after MGS2 story-wise. This used to be my favourite series but now I'm kind of glad it's dead so I don't have to get my hopes up for a new game or endure another Big Boss wankfest.


How exactly?


By flat out cutting him. I have a feeling his role as a villain was to be less physical and more of a subconscious deal. Like a literal demon in Venom's mind that was always there and couldn't be killed. After bringing sally back we got to see that Skullface more or less greet Venom, like hes now going to be around for a while.

Would have been the perfect way to show snake descending into madness.