HAPPENING: North Korea Missisle in Mid-Air
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Probably another missile test/show of force.
But hey if it hits something that isn't water, maybe we can finally have this nightmare end.
Even if it's a shell, if it hits some jap in the head then WW3 confirmed boyos. I hope Japan dissapears tbh.
In the east of Japan 2000 km, landing
Fell in the water 2000km to the east of Japan
2,612 km
Distance from Japan to Guam
Kim followed through
landed within 600km of Guam==
man, do i feel like a newfag
Japan is one of the closest countries to decucking itself dude. If anything Japan and the DPRK could be natural allies if Japan went bushidofascist.
What, you're preying on anons' liking of anime to shill for the gooks now?
Firstly, the DPRK isn't communist. That country is the closest to a National Socialist country in the world today. Secondly, if you aren't aware of the massive bushido WWII revisionist emperor cult that is prevailing in the LEADERSHIP of Japan right now then this discussion is over until you've educated yourself.
Kill yourself.
Already a thread nigger.
Fuck off m8.
Japan has a net minus of migrants every year. Eventually there will be no koreans, chinese, or anything else there. They also don't have retarded ideas like birthright citizenship. Lucky bastards. Oh yeah they totally deported a bunch of koreans once… to the north.
Every nork thread.
I'd suspect it's an NK gov agent but communists can't into internet.
That's nice and all but they need to shed the degeneracy.
No. I want korea to be a nature park outside of resource exploitation. Fucking ungrateful blockheads deserve to be tossed in an oven alive.
Yeah, communism will go over real well with the nips.
Firstly, the DPRK is communist, and you're pathetic shilling is old and tired.
They were posted at the same time, stupid.
Come on Kim, give us the happening of a lifetime.
Japan did nothing wrong.
Someone tell Kim where that Talmud that Worst Korea started reading came from. Maybe he'll launch a nuke at Israel.
Oh look another false flag to fear monger the goyim with fake nukes. Gas yourself faggot OP. Have a kimspiration.
It literally isn't though.
People clearly have a gross misconception on the DPRK. They've called out the ROK numerous times for defiling Korean blood, talk about America as the mongrelized Jew-controlled state it is, and generally promote nationalism full stock. You're being as idiotic as the guy who calls China or Vietnam communist.
Who gives a shit? I stopped caring back at about the 12th or so happening.
South Korea fired their own missle
Who is really running the show in NK? It can't actually be Kim can it?
Look at the Juchefag and laugh everyone. "B-b-but North Korea is NatSoc!!!"
They are communist because a communist country always starts off with Marxist/Soviet-inspiration but then always ends up falling flat on its fucking face and resorts to killing off dissidents under a personality cult.
DPRK is just like China, the USSR, Cuba and all other communist nations.
It implemented communism under Il-Sung, it fell flat on it's fucking face, then Kim said "hurr I was merely pretending to be retarded" and introduced the mongrel hybrid ideology of Juche (self-reliant communist shitshow).
Don't pretend North Korea is NatSoc. They spout out shitty communist-style propaganda, pretending to prioritize their own people/race (see: workers) but in reality cause them immense and never-ending suffering. In true Stalin style, you better fucking clap or you won't get your yearly gram of rice (or even more likely you will disappear).
Remember, the ONLY people (besides the random idiot tourists) that the DPRK oppresses are ethnic Koreans who haven't been tainted by liberal degeneration, millions of them at that.
Fucking retards
Why isn't this stickied?
The thing went 2000 km.
Jew media lies. Does fox pay you or are you retarded for free?
Just because a country hasn't had a Jew-controlled bank shoved up their asshole yet doesn't mean they are honorable. Iran hasn't either but they are still mudshits either way. These countries are not the last survivors in a degenerate world; they are loose ends that (((they))) are trying to clean up so they have total control. Mohammedans and the Norks are degenerates who are enjoying a temporary freedom before the NWO gives them a nuclear curb stomp.
Germany under Hitler knew how fucked up Stalin was to his own people, and the Kim dynasty is directly derived from that. You don't need to take the media lies at face-value to understand that much.
Any one happen to have any of those facebook logs of 20-30+ y/o sandniggers with 12-15 y/o white girls, I think in Denmark, let alone any other "!!ULTRA PROGRESSIVE!!!!" once white nation?
Kim is in the employment of the Kike elite.
His job is to act as the global bogeyman, in much the same way as Kikes of the alt-right act as domestic bogeymen.
Kim's dramatics give the justification for increased "defense" spending and foreign interventions, in much the same was as alt-kike antics form the justification for ever more draconian anti-White laws.
I miss Hitler.
We're going to be drafted to war VERY SOON, maybe this is why the government doesn't want to give up people to fight this comming war overseas
Good luck making that happen while muzzies, blacks, and latinos stay back bc of muh racism (and women bc of muh patriarchy). I'll hide in the bushes for years rather than fight another zog war.
We all do, user. We all do.
REDTEXT only same line faggot
How about you shed your degenerate brain with a bullet?
World becomes Homefront when?
Most people on Holla Forums are too autistic to be eligible to fight in the war, anyways. So they wouldn't get drafted.
And that's even if there is a draft. The US army has more volunteers than ever.
Do (((you))) fear the samurai?
Reminder that only a small portion of Japan are otakus and they are socially shunned.
There is nothing wrong with a portion of the population not wanting to have children and excluding themselves from society in all manners as long as no foreigners are being imported. It's healthy for a society to shrink when it grew too much. There is too many people in Japan already.
In a statement released by North Korea's state media, Pyongyang claimed that rather than condemnation and horror, the nuclear missile test had been met with 'admiration'.
'People from across the world have expressed admiration at the DPRK's bold pluck and great potentiality,' the statement began.
'Media of many countries are zealously reporting about the DPRK's nuclear attack capability, which has reached the high level able to ensure the accuracy and freely control the striking power according to targeted object and purpose, and about the failure of the U.S. policy toward the DPRK.
'The DPRK has won a shining victory in the standoff with the U.S.
'Now no one can disregard the immense national strength and potentiality of the DPRK and deny its strategic position as a responsible nuclear weapons state with a great clout.
'The U.S. has tightened sanctions and blockade by mobilizing its vassal forces to stifle the DPRK. But it could not check the advance of the army and people of the DPRK.
'The U.S., styling itself as a superpower while boasting of its strength before other big powers, is in mortal fear of the DPRK. It is always seized with phobia of nuclear disaster.
'No one in the world can block the advance of Juche Korea and its heroic people dashing ahead for bright future under the banner of the line of simultaneously developing the two fronts raised by the great Party.'
How come i see so many headscarfs in tokyo then? I see darkasian women towing around a litter of little brown kids.
No idea, but they might be tourists. Or husband is on business. Japan will gladly take you in if you're rich. It is not really a problem if muslims in the west were only those splurging out wealth.
Japanese also betrayed Hitler by not declaring war on the Soviets after Hitler declared war on the U.S.
what happened to "Fire and Fury" the likes of which the world has never seen before?
what happened to the five US carrier battle groups int he Sea of Japan?
what happened to the B2b bomber over flights of North Korea?
DPRK cucking zionist Trump hard.
confirmed, if japan hadn't been short dicked worthless ally faggots soviets would have been crushed in a 2 front war, germany could have focused entirely on the west and forced a stalemate which would've been a victory.
Basically this, the Honorary Aryan meme didn't serve Adolf Hitler well and neither should it be done in the next Reich.
Amin al-Husseini didn't take Hitler up on his deal to transport the Jews to his territory and instead sided with Britain and of course got betrayed by the Jew's ruling the Brits because the Jews still came there and it wasn't under peaceful desires had Hitler promised he would have ensured.
Hitler was correct in saying Finns are Nordic though.
Because he wanted them to be exterminated, which was the correct solution
Is it still in mid-air?
no, flew 20something minutes IIRC which isn't that long
one of the last missile tests was over 40min when they launched it in a high arc
Probably, nobody in Japan got any film of it flying over though because Japan is so technologically backwards, nobody has a camera.
It just might have something to do with the fact that an ICBM mid flight reaches an Apogee of 800+ miles and cant be seen at all by the human eye, and Japan just happens to be midcourse where the missile is at its highest point
You actually believe NK is firing missiles?
More than likely, its not actually that hard
Even Iraq managed to build a 3 stage missile in the 80s, something that is very rarely mentioned now
Its not inconceivable that North Korea could do the same, especially given an extra 30 years of development time and no foreign military attacking you
However i don't consider North Korea a serious threat and doubt they could actually hit the US mainland or penetrate multiple ABM systems on the way, IMO they should mostly be ignored
It's happening. Now there will be an emergency UN Security Council meeting at 3PM today. At the meeting, we can expect Nikki Haley to pressure China and Russia to finally cut off Kim Jong-Un’s oil and freeze his financial transactions. And this takes us back to 1941 when FDR ordered all Japanese assets frozen after Hitler invaded Russia. Freezing Kim Jong-Un’s assets and embargoing his oil are the two things America is now seeking. Just as freezing Japan’s assets and embargoing its oil led to a world war-starting the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, doing it to Kim Jong-Un will lead to a world war-starting North Korean sneak attack on New York and Washington, DC – a Nuclear Pearl Harbor. Quite symmetrical, isn’t it?
literally the jews kvetching because someone is doing communism without them
that doesn't make communism good you fucking retard
get your money back Kim, your shills are just as shit as the rest now.
Am I supposed to know what that means?
fuck off, commie
>>>Holla Forums
What the fuck are you talking about?
Yes K fear declining birth rates, low-T gooks so much!
wold you remind me of the circumstances surrounding that pic user?
about what I remember of it is a Japanese guy rushing in and impaling that politician through his side, then getting taken down by guards or something, and that the politician died
The man being stabbed is a Japanese politician, and leader of the Japan Socialist Party (Communists), Inejiro Asanuma. His assassin was a 17-year old nationalist named Otoya Yamaguchi. I think this was during a political TV debate.
Fuck year.
Fill me in friendo
Japan is non-pozzed if I had to choose between South Korea and Japan I'm picking SK, in SK they already have roving SJW gangs that attack people.
Japan is gloriously stubborn and xenophobic.
It's like pottery
*choose between South Korea and Japan being destroyed
mfw I'm on the west coast
Assassin ran a sword through a communist. Made his ancestors proud.
From first links comment section:
nuke nk now plz
Would be hilarious if once they got them nukes working reliably they glassed Israel and other Jewish hotspots.
But they won't, because they are tools.
It's not happening. The outcome of the UN security council suggests that the Jews have decided that now is not the time.
Not really a nightmare as far as Im concerned. Theyre testing weapons systems which is well within the right of any nation. Its only the media thats been getting raging fear porn erections anytime lil kim so much as farts.
i tought the whole point of communism being bad was because its jewish
you really think anyone takes tgat stupid whore seriously?
let alone burger foregein policy?
you forgot the "ZOG wins again" part
sauce dumbass.
Gee, who do I choose, the riceniggers who die in internet cafes and get kiked the K-Pop Pizza Illuminati, or the riceniggers who are out #1 source of smug anime girls?
noone is supporting NK because of theil polsystem.
people ironically support them because theyre not kiked like the US.
so what?
Her name is Nimrata Randhawa.
She's a crypto-poo. Don't any of you forget that.
Yeah sure they did, that's why they used it when the (((US))) invaded. Why do you believe what is told to you by the black box in the corner? You do know who controls what comes out of it don't you?
shes totally next level then. a pooinloo sleeper agent. forget about shirting in the streets, this is shitting in world geopolitics
She's not crypto anything. Everyone knows she's a street shitter.
its a mixed sort of feel. it would be glorious the day it happened but then we'd never hear the fucking end of it just like the original lolocaust
Did you accidentally hit the "r" key at the end of "yea" or are you just a faggot?
>Yeah sure they did, that's why they used it when the (((US))) invaded. Why do you believe what is told to you by the black box in the corner? You do know who controls what comes out of it don't you?
Not everything is a false flag, they did have chemical weapons and a significant ballistic missile program at one point but the issue is that it was completely abandoned and all weapons had been destroyed after 1991 and the US claimed Iraq still had a active weapons program in 2003 which was completely false. Saddam didn't use chemical weapons in 1991 because the US didn't go too far into Iraqi territory and never went into any cities, it was mostly just to push Iraq out of Kuwait and wasn't a total war or regime change scenario.
The Iraqi 3 stage missile was not a hoax by the US and Iraq was still a US ally in 1989 before annexing Kuwait, by "no foreign military attacking you" in the 80s i mean Iran and their proxies at the time (Kurds) which were at war with Iraq, the US didn't become an enemy until 1991 after April Glaspie lied and said the US didn't care if Iraq invaded Kuwait.
Also it was for launching satellites and development stopped after 1991 for obvious reasons
Just because he points out the negatives of one group doesn't mean he forgot about the other one.
This line of defense is retarded.
Japan has issues, it needs to deal with it and move forward.
I know Japan is kinda the good guys, but I can't help but laugh at the prospect of Japan getting nuked again.
Japan isn't actually the good guys, they've conformed yes these past 70 years, but as for being good, don't fool yourself
i really dont get what the big deal is.
NK will never attack anyone because theyre not stupid. theyre doing these tests to prove that theyre prepared to defend themselves.
it literally "assad wants to gas his own people" tier bullshit with burgers here