Japan has issued a shelter in place after North Korea fired another missile late Thursday, according to Japanese and South Korean news reports. The missile was reportedly launched from around the North Korean capitol, Pyongyang.
North Korea launches another missile
Go Kimmy Go!!!
You can do it little buddy!
I hope a nuke or 4 goes off in Japan, then he needs to hit Seoul with everything he has, conventional, gas, germ warfare etc.
If two nukes gave us anime, maybe four will make it real.
someone should make a game like kitten cannon but related to kim and his nukes.
while japan hurries to the nuke shelters, I'm getting comfy here in the happening shelter.
WW3 when?
This retarded is just hell-bent on getting his country bombed, isn't he?
Landed in the Pacific like last time.
Kim is based as fuck. No central bank. Ethnostate. Popping off nukes at other countries and no one does shit about it. DPRK = best Korea = best country
Seoul have announced that they will be conducting a ballistic missile test of their own today in response.
lel why do people even do this kind of posturing? as if Kim doesn't know what weapsons his enemy has.
>inb4 zogbot posting about how invading Chin- NK is part of maga
Think of it as dress rehearsal for when things get real.
Ffffffffffff… One of these days, Kim is going to fuck up and the missile will fall on Japanese soil. On that day, we'll go to war.
memorize your fucking lines or cancel the show
Why are you happy about this?
No more anime and WW3 is what the kikds want.
Japan should welcome them. This is their last chance before the EU and US push niggers in to replace them.
I want my waifu.
A-are we going to live in a timeline where North Korea will be wiped out from the face of Earth?
nice, very nice…
That jewblin has a wonderful career at goldman sachs in its future.
The best.
pic related
Everybody is getting waifus, whether they like it or not.
Think it's the same guys manning the same post these 50 fucking years, nigger?
How do you take shelter from a missile? Do they know exactly where it is and where it will hit? If they know where it will hit, why are they taking shelter from it?
How far did the last one reach?
Also rip gum
Guess what article of the Japanese constitution is getting amended again or repealed within a year?
Hint: It's between 8 and 10.
what could be this ching chong's gameplan here?
The last one traveled for 2,700km
Bait someone into attacking them so they can justify attacking the South with China's help.
No, it's the same shoot-over-eachothers-shoulders dog and pony show, different actors.
This pretty much, China already stated that if the US strikes first they will help NK
Tonight buddy when everyone is asleep around three AM
Same character?
Nope, lurk more.
Moar either way.
Why the fuck are people supporting this communist nigger? You faggots should be killed for remotely glorifying this piece of shit.
they're fags from Holla Forums
Too bad he's not like Trump and the GOP congress, protecting our super sacred bonds with our super based ally Israel.
It's pretty obvious that he won't get bombed by now.
turn that gun on yourself
Let guam be a sacrificial lamb so we can buttfuck NK
Also no:
Too bad he is one of the most degenerate pieces of shit. Its bad to do what he has done to people, but to do it to your own….thats far far worse.
MOAB missiles are on their way dudes , no turning back now.
29 minutes and counting
Reported for supporting communism.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Also how sure are you that every single fucking person here is being ironic? You arent.
Because its hilarious.
You get the rope.
propaganda. next you'll tell me 6 gorillion NKs have starved to death in labor camps.
Pyongyang looks cleaner than most burger cities. Tell me Detroit or Philly is cleaner than most of DPRK.
try free, compulsory, universal education for every child
try no tolerance for degeneracy
Really so being put to death for having a dvd is alright? Hell the only people who can get internet over there are high ranking officials and Non-countrymen (tourists basically).
Sage negated. When Trump pulls the US out of central banks, the UN, globalism, and foreign immigration, I'll support him. Until then, Kimmy is the real god emperor.
99% of movies are jewish propaganda so I'm fine with that law. it helps preserve the culture of the DPRK.
no one can denies that north korean people lives under a totalitarian polity.
Also, no one can prove that they don't live without food, sanitation…
But, in DPRK you can choose between 6 haircuts, anything beside these deserves death penalty.
Let me put it this way. Regardless of what is on it, having one is a death sentence. It could hold the secrets about the jews yet just having it is blasphamy. All the technological comforts you enjoy today are almost non existant over there and having it means you get to die by firing squad.
Having something should never be a crime. Its not the fact that you watch it, its the fact that you just have it is the crime.
MOABs wouldn't even do anything.
This is Kim and Co. being fucky with MAD, and that makes people uncomfortable. And when people are uncomfortable they're more likely to lash out and make brash decisions.
I don't think that the North Koreans are crazy like jihadists, but they may yet prove me wrong.
daily reminder that WW2 and the resolution to the Korean War was a mistake
lolberg detected
Liberate North Korea
NK best Korea meme confirmed. I guess that's why it stuck.. Fat kimmy just does not give a fuck. He's truly facing to bloodshed.
the DPRK media city against the worse burguer city
if it takes a totalitarian govt to protect your ethnic and cultural interests, then that's what is needed. totalitarianism in defense of your people is only an oppressive system to enemies and invaders who seek to change your society.
Now that trump just lost his base, maybe he will think this is a good time for another police action
put it up against San Fransico with the bums literally shitting in the street or New York with homless druggies passed out and trash everywhere.
Continue to be retarded. The mere act of repressing information in itself should be a crime. Everyone should have access to knowledge and information. Its the same shit that is being done to us. When you have companies like google, paypal, patreon and others that try to make sure sites that do nothing but spread information die off, why would you want entire countries to do the same shit on a more grander scale?
autoritarism is what you need to protect your ethnic and cultural interests. Why would you protect you people to grant them something they dont want? If they genuinely wanted it, they wouldn't move a stick to grant.
because google, paypal, etc. are all run by globalist kikes who want to turn everyone into slug-like panethnic acultural consumer bots and Kim wants to keep foreign propaganda out of his country. even NatSoc germany banned jewish authors and media. subversive information is not the same as information carte blanche.
so is anything happening or will this be forgotten in the next 48 hours?
Throw yourself off a helicopter.
I think you already know the answer to that.
I bet this all has something to do with the kikes and their 9/23 bullshit. Remember the Macron emails with the random North Korean family and addresses on them? I have a feeling a well planned drama is about to unfold.
Coitus, a magic love. A stellar combat which reaches its final stage will mimic itself on earth as in the stars, as always.
The last epoch ended with with water, and appropriately this one will end with fire. Duality. Its beautiful.
What's Aleppo?
Damn I forgot Gary Johnstein existed until just now
Not a goddamned thing. Apparently, Lil' Kim enjoys worldwide immunity.
chekt trips zeroz, alpha lima foxtrot
praise kek
nuke the north
All the dubs are pro kimmy and nuclear Shoah as always on test day. 2nd pic is for the cowards. Rolling for Hong Kong financial markets next time…
Why though?
All the dubs are pro kimmy and nuclear Shoah as always on test day. 3nd pic is for the cowards. Rolling for Hong Kong financial markets next time…
When North Korea eventually bombs another country, the US should nuke China instead.
Try harder Holla Forums.
Call me when we are in direct conflict with China or Russia.
Buts that not what kim does. Kim is a communist dictator. He is not a national socialist. I'm afraid you are the type that doesn't actually know anything about national socialism. They way you talk about it makes me think your an edgy kid who thinks its just dictatorship but supports it anyway to be edgy.
I just want my fucking rug, man.
Anime existed from the 1920's. Stop it with this Kosher meme.
If nuclear bombings of civilians are so good, lets nuke millions of white people, see what they come up with. Mayne they will make some really good video games afterwards.
fuck you, that's funny.
Best post in thread right here.
Do the Chinese not realize they'll get btfo
Given that they haven't won a war in 400 years and still think they can claim islands in the pacific that don't even exist, yes.
I think you might be genuinely retarded, user.
How many times has Kim made the rest of the world look like a bunch of first time babysitters?
The world watches Kim launch a missile and they say "don't do it again, or else". Then Kim does it again, getting it further or higher or faster, or more deadly, and the first time babysitter laments "don't do it again, or else…"
Kim gives no fucks. Sanctions didn't stop him. Diplomacy won't sideline him. Either the world will have to come to terms with a nuclear capable DPRK, or they'll have to pre-emptively bomb the entire region into a parking lot - and no one seems willing to do it.
And now we are to the point that Russia and China will spank America if America tries to pre-emptively Patriot Act NK.
The whole thing is just funny.
Who is this "we'll" because I can tell you it's not going to be me. It's not going to be anyone I know. and it's going to be everyone telling the United States of Police and Jews to go fuck themselves. and Trump can eat a dick
What movie did you see that scene in?
What the fuck is Kim's problem with japan?
gwailo is cantonese slang, neither japanese, nor norkistani
Sadly if Fatboi nukes the nips, there will be no chinese cartoons for a long while.
He's upset about that time Japan annexed Korea.
don't you know the history of Japan, China & the Korean peninsula? Damn boi get a grip. The pirates of wa have been invading, killing and terrorizing and kidnapping Koreans for hundreds of years. As a suggestion to educate your ignorant ass I recommend you download and watch: The Jingbirok: A Memoir of Imjin War
The Joseon royal court and the nobles fled to the North to fight the Japanese.
They did the same thing in 1905, and the same thing in 1945. Hence North Korea of today.
it's somewhat fucked up historically because if you understand that the most nationalistic and independent minded fighting Koreans have as a rule always fled to the mountainous North and then fought off invaders from there with the help of China one then understands that the Americans in their minds were no different than the Japanese to those who became the "North Koreans" that is why they view those in the South as the weak pussified traitors to Korean independence…. and they are not wrong
So what?
the US wont do shit.
hes playing the same game syria was playing against israel with chemical weapons, because developing nuclear weapons was too dangerous.
chemical weapons are easy to produce and are still a great detterent.
americans all have that nose and look i noticed
no, a bunch of G.I. burgers is gonna go die for ZOG while you still shitpost here.
why are you supporting communist kurds?
why do you support JEWS. That should be a crime that requires execution.
are you autistic?
are you gonna report trump for that too?
that meme from a "unknown news site" that spread like wildfire among ZOG MSM was proven false.
why not just nuke america and let israel zergrushed by arabs without their golem? everyone wins.