Casual filter appreciation

How about some appreciation for the long gone casual filter? I mean the boss, track, encounter, level or whatever through which the game devs communicated - Fuck you, you've played the game for 5+ hours, you've had plenty of time to learn the mechanics, dig in bitch

I'm playing Nocturne for the first time and beat Matador in 3 attempts without trouble (just don't debuff his avoid lower than +1 and keep your health up) - this guy is VERY overrated. It's delicious seeing the bitch ass comments on neofag or gamefaqs complaining about how the game needs you to grind hard.

Murai is another one. He's the first enemy that you must adapt to and cannot just blindly attack, so the plebs got their asses handed to them. And yet, it's incredibly satisfying to get the one up on this guy.

Discuss the long lost casual filter



I love how Matador is a perfect casual filter without being hard.

Which game specifically? I kind of feel like there would be other casual filters before pink rathian, YKK in gen 1, khezu gen 2, barroth in tri, not that pink was in tri though.
Not so sure about p3rd, 3u and 4u, but I'm still pretty sure are other monsters that pop up earlier than p.rathian that would be 'casual filter'.
Also that webm is strange, pink rathian has some new tricks designed specifically to catch you off-guard, but the only new move that hits him in the video is the sweeping tail flip. The tali whip and charge moves that hit him happen with every single monster, and aside from that the straight tail flip, triple charge and triple fire ball are standard Rathian moves.
Sorry to get so autistic in-depth about this, but I keep seeing that one particular video posted and I can't really wrap my head around why pink rathian out of everything gets picked out

This is my favorite casual filter but nevertheless, a satisfying final boss. I mean, I slightly had some difficulty with him but it was amusing to see DSP ragequit Persona 3 FES over this boss. Especially when he was so close to finishing the game.

And also, this my buddy Hollister. I've heard plenty of tales of people struggling with this boss. But it's just a matter of getting good and moving around a lot and taking cover.

Not sure about mh4u but wasn't brachydios before pinku rathian? God fighting this shit for the first time with shit armor was a nighmare. Now i can remove his ass in 5 minutes in g rank but at first he seemingly had no weakness.

Also gold rathian in high rank, this bitch had AI at least 6 times better than average moster, not even kidding. I remember finding one good tactic against her that would work against every other monster but she used a move i've never seen before just to counter what i wanted to do. I dread facing her in g rank again god help me.


I don't remember having that much trouble with him
I'd say that the cavalry + the preacher was harder

It is just a boss that teaches players that buffs/debuffs along with the press turn system are the way to win Nocturne.

Mate, most final bosses are piss easy in modern gaming. Just because he isn't mid-game or early game doesn't mean he's not a casual filter. He is.

Odd, I found everything but Hollister to be an easy fight. Hell, I did my research and people hate Hollister because of him being so supposedly hard to fight.

DSP quit at that boss.

the only part of that game I actively hated was the final mission
I was playing on hard and it got to the point that I just stopped playing the game because of how tedious it got

The only real way to win against nyx is to keep your party on +defence while keeping the boss on -attack. Otheriwise the boss will rape you with his double AoE attack. Once this is done, the boss is easy as shit.

It's not a casual filter if you're already at the end of a 70 hour game.

so many people I know traded this game in day 1 because they couldn't beat this guy

Why do all those kids wear the nazy armbands?


Sure thing, boss.

The most annoying part of that fight is his second stage. Projectiles for fucking days.

Protip:You can charge your dash by holding down space or whatever it is on a gamepad. It makes dodging projectiles much easier than attempting to dash rapidly out of danger.

It's like Capra Demon all over again.

My sister couldn't beat this thing even on easy mode and it took her like 4 hours to figure out how to get through traverse town.

Hope you weren't planning on using that anus or getting into high rank.

pic related in Witcher 2. The only problem with him is that you don't face any other proper Witcher in the game and by the time you get to the epilogue to be able to fight him you outclass him in every way possible.

Armbands are still popular in Japan. Just because liberals faint over pledges in America doesn't mean the whole world does it.

he isnt even that hard

push triangle to win

Capra Demon's more a case of terrible design for the area you fight him than being a hard boss.

How so?
The area actively benefits the player.


my sister spent an 1 on that boss and needed my help to get out of traverse town
she quit at the Tarzan world

It's more that the area he's in is just small enough to be annoying combined with the two dogs drive tackling you. Once you understand the area they give you to fight him in it's fine, but at first he can be annoying if you don't react fast enough.

She literally bought a PS3 just to play Kingdom Hearts even though I already had one and she still quits before even getting anywhere.

Lol Brachydios was the easiest shit ever. THIS was the casual filter.

matador is fuckin easy, it was beating that fuckin' whale in under a certain amount of turns in the labyrinth of amala for… something or other that was a pain.


I beat this on my first attempt. The RC helicopter missions in Vice City were 1 hundred times worse.

Thats the point you tard
This isn't the thread about hardest bosses in game, its about casual filters.

demolition man

The only time I had trouble with that fucker was with it being frenzied in 4G/4U. I've known and seen more issues coming from Brachy then drunk tail flipper over there.

MH3U, Royal Ludroth. The first "large monster" that you have to fight under water. The game's way of telling you to git gud at underwater combat or go home. I almost gave up on this myself, until I changed weapons and finished the hunt in no time. That's how Hammer became my main in MH3U, and why Royal Ludroth is still my favorite monster to this day


top cucks

yian is generally considered the casual filter isn't it?

sometimes its a bummer he was the first (or second) boss depending how you played. I feel like her deserved to be a mid-boss

probably my favorite casual filter still because he actually tells the idiot players what to do while fighting him

Playing Undertale is a great casual filter
If you play it, youre a casual and get filtered

He's piss easy since his claws don't make you bounce anymore like in Tri, I'd say that the true casual filter is probably Rathalos

He's legit tough in sam's story though.

Death is a proper example satisfying boss, it's a single shadow that fights at the peak of what the game normally lets but can be fought at any point and discovered at any point in the game adding to the excitement of when you can finally fight this thing without it being able to one shot you (level 50 or so, so end game levels in a normal run) through damage and not Mamudo spam.

Nyx is a perfect example of what persona 3 is, a dragged out slog, they could have made something challenging but instead just made it last 20 times as long as it should have been (Like play without doing S.links the games time drops by 40-60 hours like that)

but there was at least one user on this board who didnt knew about the wait command and bitched about the moonless night so ill give you that


I never lost to Matador, Beelzebub, Metatron and Lucifer. I guess I am just good at SMT in general.

Most people seem to beat the game with ridiculously optimized teams, but I was lvl85, or something like that, and didn't even use my demons to attack at all.

Took a damn long time, though, but it was fun.

Matador was pretty easy. Uzume is the only Media user by that point in the game, so you should have her, and she is immune to Force.

The Harlot was a pretty damn interesting fight for me. I had no way to damage her more than she could heal, so I spent a shitload of time trying to survive and drain her MP to zero.

This is the most powerful casual filter of all. Anyone with two functional brain cells would decide to play the game and make his own judgment about it. Thanks to people like you who think you're so smart for screaming the same shit you heard someone else scream like some retarded parrot, Undertale didn't just fade into obscurity like e game that mediocre should have.

That's not much better when leveling in SMT 3 offers a small universal damage bonus that's hidden behind the stat screen.

Most people seem to grind all the way to 99. I just didn't run away from battles all that much.

The bigger battles took me 40 minutes to beat, or something like that. My demons were good for support, but pretty shitty for damage.

I'm honestly disgusted ATM with people, sucking this much should be a crime

I was overleveled by the end of the game my first playthrough but in my defense it was because I was experimenting and trying out as many different demons as I could. I didn't grind because I needed to, it was a side effect of all the autistic fusion and experimentation I was doing.

I would have been much lower level if I had used a guide, but
