Whoa...So this is the power of duh G-d Ehmpurrhur

"D..d…d.dink oy the chillrun goyim. Dis duh one woyld dey know!"


Reminder even if he does a 360 and goes back to being old Don he still can't be trusted with a second term because the only thing stopping this retard and his feminist kike daughter from pozzing our assholes is the threat of not re-electing him. He'll turn us into Venezuela once he doesn't have to worry about his supporters anymore. We need to squeeze this turd of a orange for every drop we can get and discard him for a better candidate in 2020. Donald Trump is just a stepping stone.

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes, another election. That's the way to go.

Tell us how much you hate the chess meme, kike.

Sage negated.

Does this fucking guy have a personality disorder or something? Fuck sake.

Uh yea? That's why we voted for you dumbass

This is a whitepill blackpill

Everything we liked about Trump was just Bannon communicating through him. Trump is nothing but a puppet that does and says whatever he was most recently told by his kike daughter and advisors. Notice Trump turned to complete shit the second Bannon was kicked out just like Bannon said he would.

I'd like to summarily execute every single active duty member of every branch of the US military, not just deport the wetbacks scamming for citizenship.

Still not demoralized faggots, keep trying though


No, I think he's just a shallow thinker who says whatever is advantageous at the moment. He doesn't have any real ideological convictions, that much is certain.

This basically, He conforms his opinions based on his surroundings. Crowds of cheering white people? Preach rule of law and patriotism. Crowds of kikes and their shabbos goyim? Preach universalism and the moral veneer placed over white genocide.

No nigger. It's just reality. How you respond to it is up to you. You should see this as an opportunity to kick the ball further down right path. Libshits didn't get us here overnight and we won't be able to get us back overnight either.


it's true what the dems were saying about drumpf. he's a retard who cannot rub two brain cells together to think himself out of a paperbag. he just lets his advisors do the thinking for him.

lurk more. losing hope is freedom.

Checked. Also I knew he was going to cuck all along. Everyone with a triple digit IQ did. But it was that or a nuclear war. I stand by my vote.

This. Even watching the 60 minutes interview, it was pretty clear to me that Bannon was the person we were voting for.
There is no way he can win a second term without another guy like Bannon running the show. Bannon has his issues, but clearly he was in charge of making Trump say what we wanted to hear.



>believes the nuclear weapon hoax

also it's better to vote for someone who promises you something other than cuckoldry than someone who is outright campaigning on it. it sends a message. voting for trump was the right move. expecting him to live up to his promises is retarded tier.

Lol faggot

Tell me then, dear Endchan shill. Who to vote for then?
You demoralize fags love to bitch and shill, but NEVER offer any solutions

I will write in Adolf Hitler.

dude, didn't you hear
just wait for hitler lmao
unlike these 6000000d chess cucks haha :^)

4 shills defending Bannon.

And? Bannon isn't perfect but he's much better than Trump who stands for nothing at all.

kys faggot. trump was obviously the right choice but he is still a disappointment. see:

this, bannon was the only worthwhile person in the wh. everyone else is a cuck or cucked shill.

Ugh! Get with the times already!

These threads are hilarious. Not even shills know what to do or say because of the back and forth posts.

Remember when he brought those crying mothers on stage over and over again and promised them he would deport. Remember how he brought those broken men to his rallies to retell the story of how they lost their kids over and over again. I remember.

The mid picture is from the guy who was killed by MS13 Im pretty sure ay, was killed just because they needed someone to kill in order to get into the gang.

shills so retarded they're now telling us to primary Trump, how could you be even more obvious?

The Trumpbots are stuck in the past. In their minds it's still the day before the election.

Because Jews, user. Even I knew he wouldnt solve cultural marxism and white genocide, but this is low.

trumptards don't understand how retarded they are being.


Which number do I call to scream at someone about this?


lol he's done for now

betraying your base like this is basically suicide at this point. The only people who will remain are fat retarded boomers that browse the donald

That reminds me. Have you actually seen the breitbart comments section? They're tearing him to shreds. It's brutal.

guess we're being raided yet again

It's funny how much he's destroying any chance of re-election. Cuckservatives are not going to vote for him, demoshits aren't going to vote for him, his base will be gone unless he does a 180 right now and declares no amnesty, end of DACA and builds the wall.

Nobody wants to throw out good people. Thankfully, all these illegal beaners aren't good in any way and will be deported for their criminal activity.

Go back to reddit

Drpmfpt and all his supporters are a nadzi
Drpmfpt and all his supporters are a nadzi
Drpmfpt and all his supporters are a nadzi
Drpmfpt and all his supporters are a nadzi
Drpmfpt and all his supporters are a nadzi
Drpmfpt and all his supporters are a nadzi
Drpmfpt and all his supporters are a nadzi
Drpmfpt and all his supporters are not a nadzi

Meh, cuckservatives will love him. All the people who were going to vote Rubio and Cruz will love him.
But that's basically who loved Romney and he lost. Trump will lose in 2020 without his main base of nationalists who were against amnesty.

fuck kikebart, bannon is a cuck jew puppt

He does not care about reelection. He's already delivered to the people who hired him to run for president and losing some election isn't going to magically cause his properties to evaporate in thin air.

Wait until you see the loser the democrats plan on nominating if Trump keeps this up. Never forget that Trump made a deal with the devil and thought he came out ahead.

Either convince everyone you know to go for the pressure valve "best" alternative but without lying to yourself or go for the worst alternative to accelerate things (without fucking with demographics more than usual).
Demoralization is not a issue unless you invest too much time on your racehorse or lacks thick skin, see
Trump were in my opinion the best alternative as were Front National but I still read what the "shills" had to say when true. However my own country need to become uncomfortable as soon as possible in order to really change things, which creates quite a dilemma when it comes to voting. So there is my solution, someone else might have a better idea.

Sage negated.

>Shills still fail to answer the question and OFFER FUCKING SOLUTIONS
Wonder why? Well shit, demoralization shills cant do anything outside repeating following words and acronyms
You fuckers made what 4-5 threads and to no-one's surprise, no-one bought that shit.


We need to meme David Duke for GOP ticket in 2020

It's pretty funny how many shills and Holla Forums faggots have come over to act like some sort of EO or law has been passed in favor of these DACA scum. DACA is repealed, the Wall is proceeding, and all you shillbots have is some offhand tweet from Trump that means literally nothing as far as actual policy.

Desperate. Pathetic. Faggots.

Yea goy, please re elect the Jeb tier traitor! Praise da gawd emperrrrrrrrrrr!!!!1

Well on the bright side at least a majority of the replies are people calling him a traitor.

The Trumpbots are having a complete meltdown. This is what happens when you believe your own 33D chess memes.

But only that one. You go any further back and you won't find much but hysterical screeds against Pat Buchanan for "anti-semitism" and interracial agitprop campaigns against country club owners.


Wake the fuck up.

He probably thinks the earth is round too, Kek

that's bullshit though. Trump has been saying all things he said during the election since the fucking 1980s

So whatever happened to him happened recently.

My question is why didn't he know it was going to happen. We did. He's smarter than we are. He's been in the game a lot longer.

The only positive result so far from this presidency is the further radicalization and disillusionment of whites. Trump is Paul von Hindenburg.


Bannon is a zionist faggot what the fuck are you smoking?


Good job schlomo



He just tweet to Bibi Neatennyahoo's kids saying "welcome to the club". Then he did a false flag in Charelottsville.

I DON'T TRUST ANYONE WHO POSES FOR PICTURES WITH "kill all the white people, let niggers take over America" Alexander Dugin


Bannon is a zionist faggot what the fuck are you smoking?


You don't need a fucking solution to criticize you retard. If something is bad, it is bad whether you have a plan on how to fix it or not. If you got cancer, and someone pointed out the big-ass tumor growing on your body, would you deny his claim until he provided a cure for cancer?

I can never disagree with dubs.


At what point do you Trumpcucks abandon your "6 gorillion D chess" theory? What has Trump done to deserve us continuing to give him the benefit of a doubt?

All he has done is put in Gorsuch and not a fucking thing more.

Is this the same Trump who, in the 1990s, called Pat Buchanan a disgrace and sent copies of "A Gentleman’s Agreement" and "Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner" to the Palm beach's local council because he felt they were discriminating against kikes and nigger? You were played, user. See the first minute of the video and this article: netrightdaily.com/2016/03/trump-insisted-on-including-jews-and-blacks-at-palm-beach-golf-course-in-1990s/

t's not an unwillingness to abandon him it's just a matter of who do we abandon him for.

He also deported a number of spics, scared away many more, banned several muslim countries from entering, removed "refugee" quotas, allowed Syria to win and probably left Mossad-ISIS to rot, not to mention putting away any dangers to the 2nd ammendment (notice how fewer shootings), getting the FBI of "muh hate groups", reducing foreign aid and the solid economic growth, including many jobs and real income increase. And more…

Obama deported more.
Now get your fucking shine box, nigger.

Holy shit that is pure leftist tier emotional manipulation.

About a month into his presidency, I was pretty much convinced that he was going to run in 2020 on the promise of building the wall, haven't not built a wall for his entire first term.

Well no shit the nigger was in here for TWO terms

By bombing Assad and generally doing everything in his power to prevent him from winning?


Also TPP, NAFTA, massive cuts in regulations, Federal court judges, Paris climate hoax and any mentions of man-made climate change denying "carbon tax" scam, tranny ban, cheaper military contracts and more… Trump did more against illegal immigration in his first months than any of the last globalist presidents ever did, just the intimidation alone, not to mention when the wall, border security and immigration reform is done…


Maureen Laquerre, sister of slain man Richard Grossi who had been recently retired when he was killed, told Breitbart News on Thursday morning:

Angie Morfin, aunt of murdered 13-year-old child Ruben Morfin, told Breitbart News this in response to the reports:

Gas The Kikes Race War Now
It's the only solitude and Jared and Ivanka and all of those little kike babies need to be first

He's probably planning on running for president. Hopefully no one here falls for it.

I've been thinking about this lately. There was a lot of evidence about his background as a liberal "rockefeller" republican, but Trump completely played us with all his talk about the wall, mexican rapists, anchor babies and all the rest of it. His early campaign was just a blur of right-wing buzzwords that it made it almost impossible to objectively look, let alone point at his record. I'm not completely sure what lesson i should learn from this, but i am more convinced than ever that eternal vigilance is the only safeguard against perpetual bondage.

Kike detected.

Leave you old boomer christcuck

Sabine Durden, legal immigrant and mother of slain 911 operator Dominic Durden, responded to the news on Thursday morning:

Trump is a traitor of the worst kind, he is throwing his people and his country to the dogs for good goy points. No one should regret having voted for him, as the alternatives were worse, but that doesn't mean you should forgive him for what he's doing now, either.


I wonder if they showed Trump the Kennedy video.

Democracy is a waste of time. The only path to securing the existence of white people is obvious. Democracy must be demolished and replaced with a hierarchical system with intelligent whites at the top.

Must admit, it's not looking good at this point. It's particularly baffling; he surely CAN'T be unaware how incredibly unpopular this move is. He's probably slow to notice criticism because of the constant bitching from every (((media))) organization every time he does something GOOD, but you'd think he'd notice that America is turning against him.

Every article about it - for or against - is full of comments making it quite clear that America wants the invaders GONE.

Even Le Dilbert Merchant made a post claiming this was always the plan; "obviously he took the extreme position of 'deport everyone and build a wall' so that he could negotiate from there, nobody really wants that, and his voters will follow him to the amnesty position". The comments are filled with people correcting him that no, "deport everyone and build a wall" was exactly what they voted for and if he does anything short of that it's a betrayal of all his voters and America.

The one good thing that can be said about this move is that it's made a lot of people very very angry and very very vocal about it. Which is nice because people are once again learning that they are not alone, and it's very obvious that the majority is strongly AGAINST cucking out.

Our one hope is that this really is some kind of secret negotiating trick, and he's going to pull a rare Reverse Reagan: negotiate for a wall, border security, and tougher penalties for illegal aliens in exchange for amnesty for all current invaders, and then after everything's in place suddenly go "whoops, did I say amnesty? I meant CATAPULTS!"

If that happens, THEN we can claim 88D chess.

We are the solution.

Stop playing dumb. This is an obvious jab at the kosher Trumpbrigade who keep pushing the narrative that Trump is just minutes away from nuking Israel.

The lesson to be learned is this:


No, they showed Trump the Epstein video. The video where it explains why Donald and Ivanka were in Epstein's little black book. Then they told him what kind of president he was going to be.

Kike defender detected. Shilling in this thread is obvious.

Kill yourself.

Politicians, even though we generally think of them as stupid, are pretty intelligent people and will say and do what they need to in order to get elected. Donald Trump happens to be an expert politician. The guy's a real sleazy bastard. It's almost impressive.

How many threads do you need moshie?

Damn. That's gut wrenching.


my question would be how many people using DACA are "good, educated and accomplished young people"?
how many are under 18? how many of them came over without their parents? how many of them live in areas that reflect the us-mexican borders pre-1836?
its guaranteed that anyone on DACA would like to see a lot more mexicans in the US

Seems like (((OP))) hasn't read Art of the Deal. Gotta get funding for the wall and build it before any deportations can be successful. What better way to lull the Dems into passing wall funding and tax reform than to make them think he's willing to work with them. We lose nothing with DACA becoming Legislation, instead we gain leverage over those people in the form of "don't break any laws or you'll get tossed over the wall".

I have no issue with trained, skilled labor. My issue is with criminals and tax burdens who add nothing to our country save ultra-cheap menial labor that'll be replaced by robots inside the next 50 years.

Well, they keep getting re-elected, so they must be doing something right, but i think most of them just have intelligent handlers who take them by the hand. Take Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi for example. They can barely string a sentence together, but are the top dogs in congress. They are either part of the club or completely blackmailed. I can't imagine that these two were carried to the top by their own abilities. Maybe it's an act and i'm falling for it.

Supporters on twitter are wiping the floor with this delusional boomercuck pea-brained moron. How much of a simpleminded cuck do you have to be to think giving beaners anything, but a kick in the ass across the border, is a good thing. He really is a fucking retard. He's only good as long as he's OUR retard. What a fucking idiot. hahahahahah

and i agree with you, it was really impressive how he ran his campaign. It was undoubtedly the best presidential campaign in history.

/r/The_Donald on fucking suicide watch

Trump is no use to anyone in his current form, warmongering, amnesty, firing the only decent staff. He can fuck off or do what he said.

It's not hard when you have no shame or morals and lie about everything.

Tweet looks like it was written by the intern who brought you "delete your account" that really at the end of the tweet puts the icing on the cake

Tweet looks like it was written by the intern who brought you "delete your account" that really at the end of the tweet puts the icing on the cake

Do the mods have the ability to consolidate all of these into one thread? They're really clogging up the catalogue.



All the good stuff you heard from Trump was coming from Flynn and Bannon, they're gone now.

Now you're hearing Kushner, Ivanka, McMaster, Paul Ryan, Pelosi and Schumer.

That really at the end is classic Trump. It sounds like something he'd say.


Hes not perfect and everyone here knows that kike. But he has made lemmings aware of things that we have been trying to do for years. Hes also a MILLION times better then the hell we would have had if Hillary had won.

Ahhhhh, it feels so good to have been so right. Every single retard that got played by the Trump campaign team needs to be gassed immediately. You were never redpilled and you never will be.

Even liberals are going: wtf i love trump now

hahaha another one

Fuck off, will ya

Right about what?

Trump supporters walked through hell for him and he's spitting in their faces. You'd have to an ultracuck to still support him. He's a total piece of shit who never raised a finger for his supporters while they got their heads caved in. Even cops just stood around and watched every single time.

Anybody noticed how Trump seems to be using the same tactics as Putin? If you're not familiar with this already, Putin will deliberately obfuscate his intentions, so that foreign governments are never entirely sure exactly what Russia will do next. He intentionally gives them an excess of conflicting information to analyse which keeps them busy and guessing, leaving him to accomplish what he wants to do in peace.

I've noticed how Trump apparently keeps "changing his mind" on things, one moment being quite vocal in support of certain issues only to then seemingly bow down to opposition, then to stand up again. There was a shitstorm when the democrats announced that "deal", then a bit later Trump renounces it. Look at how much people were stirred up by that! It's a very effective tactic. Like a hurricane, chaos all round but calm in the centre where things get done.


Yeah, except no action is being taken and nothing is being done. Your argument kind of falls apart when you consider that he won't just deport the bloody beaners already and build a wall.

This is how a soft invasion works. If they get citizenship, then the plan has worked and we need to prepare for the next wave of "poor children from war torn countries just looking for a better life". I'd even be willing to allow a limited legal resident/worker status for current DACA ONLY with no voting rights (and automatic deportation for even a misdemeanor) if it weren't for the "drop a baby on our land and it's a citizen" bullshit. As is, this is total crap and I'm very, very angry about it.



haha, stupid Trumpcucks


These are shills anons, watch them agree with eachother to push their narrative and reinforce one another



The shills are pretty salty today. Must be because of the wall.



That's not how you spell amnesty


Also, he spelled "fence" wrong.

How mad are you that your psy op will never work?

This is brutal; I'm sure there must be some user who has a folder of all the "good, educated [on our dime] and accomplished young" DACA recipients that we can blast on Twitter.

About as salty as you are about being called out on DACA amnesty and "the fence."

((( )))
my anti-feminist twitter accounts all have question marks and I've avoided being banned by (((twitter)))

Mfw no amnesty.




This is reddit. You need to leave. Amnesty Don is done here.

-t shill




Even Hannicuck is knows he fucked up

The only one not asking for his head is that faggot Bill Mitchell

not an argument

This is an endkike video. It currently sits in their meta threads a half dozen times.
>>>/gasyourself/ goonchan


lurk moar, sage is not a downboat.



It's all just coordinated steam valve theater. It was always going to be amnesty. It was always going to be more war in the Middle East. It was always going to be more payoffs to kike capital holders. It was all bullshit from tip to tail.

My take away is the inverse. Politicians are stupid, but the average person is even dumber, so the system continues to function.

fuck off endkike. Trump is not a Jew.

Whos the kike spamming this shit just to bump the thread?

True, but Western democracies make it harder to get things done. Having to get oppositional approval is a strange concept to me tbh, seems like that means there is no real difference between democrats and republicans at all. To be fair, Trump does have a lot of opposition. He hasn't been in office all that long, so I for one am happy to wait and see, though then again I don't live in the US and have never even seen a hispanic in real life before, but it must be frustrating for you guys. Trump is in a weird position, he's still getting viciously attacked by the media (total abandonment by all his supporters is the MSM's current favourite) so maybe I'm naive, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt here.

keep downvoting friend, we can't let these Jews disparage the G-d Emperor.

Can you make it any more obvious that its only leftists who say that self-conflicting term?


Can we just nuke endkike already?


Do you honestly want to play this lame game again? I've put more sweat and tears into Trump's campaign than most people here including you. I was pushing and memeing for Trump when you were still rooting for lyin' Ted and posted those shitty Lindsay "the NEET we need" Graham memes all over. I wanted Trump to make America great again. That's all i wanted.

The reddit shills should learn how chan culture works before they try to raid boards.








DDoS endkike when?

Trump will Make America Great Again, trust me.

Always anticipate the worst. That way you'll never be taken by surprise.




Way to out yourself kike

No offense, but you have no skin in the game. I'm not gonna bite my tongue while Trump is passing amnesty bills, because i understand demographics and the brood war that the marxists are waging in europe and the US.

I was mocking the shills you dummy.

Jesus Christ, are you a fucking civnat? The fucking problem is that even if Jose had a fucking doctorate in nuclear physics, his kids will be shitty beaners, his grandkids will be shitty beaners, and so on and so on.

Trump is MAGA'ing right now, what are you doing? Sitting on your ass LARPing? LOL

We have IDs, you know…

Sorry lad.

Anti-Trump endkike thinks Trump is a Jew.

Why would you want people serving in the military that are criminal and don't respect the authority of another country and just invad…. oh wait, they are exactly the kind of people the military want. All DACA have to serve in the military for minimum of 20 years, then they can buy citizenship maybe. $150k.


They will help re-elect Trump 2020, them being made LEGAL immigrants is a good thing. Most of them went to College and got a good Education too, so they'll be full of all the wonderful ideas our American thought-leaders are pushing!


Quit faking it you dumb kike, we know what your doing.

You practically glow in the dark fam.

Pig/pol/ has shoved its head so far up its ass that nobody thought possible up until this point.

Who is 'we' - maybe we are just on different teams, you work for cadre right?

He was a lot better actor than I ever gave him credit for.

Just fuck off you worthless faggot.

Absolutely pathetic, but a good sign that the Trumpbots are out of arguments. It won't be long before even the last knucklehead realizes that he's been played like a fiddle.

To be fair, he did have the number one show on Talmudvision for a few years. I should have figured that he was acting all along, but we were so starved for hope that none of us could admit it.

We're both pro-trump. Reminder that anti-trump is anti-white

Wait a minute, are you trying to 3D chess me a gain?







The 3D Chess never stops, does it?


Black pill fucks. Shills everywhere.

He just said there will be no amnesty and there will be a wall. How many fucking times does he have to give a 1488d chess move?


Stop talking to yourself lad.


kys you kike fucking nigger
david duke did nothing wrong



What has he done right?

You don't you fucking moron. You Trump cucks just don't get it, the SYSTEM is fucked. You're trying to beat a rigged game by playing by it's rules. Democracy, Republicanism it's all a fucking joke. There's a reason NatSoc Germany did away with it there's a reason Mussolini did away with it. It doesn't fucking work, they barely got into power through all sorts of methods and deals and trials while actually get shot at by the fucking government and the situation now is ten times worse. You voter's remorse fearing faggots can rationalize anything, you can deny everything but Trump is a zogbot. All you're doing is digging yourself deeper and deeper into the delusion that the collapse and destruction of the whole Goddamn system is what's going to save us, not Reagan and Bush 2.0. Who do you vote for?

Gorsuch but that didn't really help anything, muslim ban is still in limbo.

My Awakening is a good read and has sold a shit ton of copies all over the world. He's actually a renowned authority on the jewish problem all over the world, except in the US where kike mediafags do nothing but shout about "muh grand wizard imperial dragon of the kkk."

Global report.


Global report.



You do know global report is for CP, right?

Global report.

This is only good for us. Makes normies like the donald fags more extreme… the more they get screwed over. They will come to us.

4th Reich soon fellow anons.

These is worse than that. People are making fun of Trump!

he cares more about making money in his own lifetime rather than fret over shitting up the country with third-world shitskins

Your evidence is what?

Enjoy your ban kike

checked and kekked
the most important thing is getting trump to realize that no one cares anymore, that's why we voted him in, the republic is dead, it is past, the past is dead
Trump can be the new guy or the last of the old guys, or maybe even in between
no one really cares anymore, reality has become absurd again because the old narrative that was to make sense of it has withered and died
perhaps trump can come to not care anymore either

Uh huh. Sure.

The twitter post dipshit.

nice meme, endkike. they will re-elect Trump in 2020 while you sit on your ass on goon chan

endkikes just can't stop

it's how it works when you're on the take in 2017

So you have no evidence, got it. Reported.

Yep, kike confirmed.

I don't give a fuck if their legal or illegal you "civic" pussy. I care about my fucking people and the extermination of everyone else.

Nice meme, endkike

Americans are your people, you fucking LARP

Are you dense? Can you prove the twitter post is fake? Please do, I'd love to give in to wishful thinking like you but I can't.

Americans are not spics. Americans are either English or Ulster Scot and every other mother fucker needs to leave eventually.

Kill yourself Jew

Anti-Trump is anti-white

if you want to mindlessly suck Trumps cock while he goes back on everything he promised, why not just go back to r/the_donald/? there wont be any "anti trump shills" there

I'm pro-English above everything else faggot. Trump is a kraut and Obama was a nigger.

yeah and we had fun
time to stop playing our games and do the men's work
if not by ballot then by bullet, it was never going to come any other way


He pisses you lib kikes and non-whites off.

Trump is a cuck, but please faggot, anti-German is boomer-tier.

lol no thanks, FED. Trump is MAGA'ing and you're just sitting here being a LARP. Muh ROPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPE

Doesn't matter he ended his bloodline with kikelets

I see trips but no argument. The Founding Fathers were English.

Fuck off Jew, he hasn't gone back on anything yet. Gee I guess I should just vote for another nigger for President now huh kike?

you're just jealous Ivanka won't go near your goydick

no he just removed all confidence of kicking out guaranteed Dem voters.

either he does it as president or by setting off the bloodiest revolution the world will have seen yet

but they do now.
Oh shi….

That's like when Jews accuse people of being anti-Semitic just because they're openly not pro-Semitic. I'm not pro- or anti-German, I'm English motherfucker, I put my people at the top.

lol LARPer endkikes are delusional

and so the masks slips

What about the twitter post retard?

This is not kindergarten. If you won't listen to the truth, you don't belong on Holla Forums.

get a load of this loser.




D&C noise. filtered

America is for the English just as Australia and Canada are, by right of conquest and continued maintenance.

60% white.

lol endkike shills confirmed

So why did you call trump a kraut? That seems pretty anti-German. I also prioritize my ethnicity (southern ulster Scot), but Germans are bro-tier

C'mon shill-kun, which one is it? Am I a fed or a larper?
filtered btw ;3

I don't care if it was one percent, it's just a matter of self-interest.

America first, remember, goy?

^more D&C bait, stop taking it

Germans are inferior to English and Ulster Scots, we have beat them in countless battles.

potatoniggers aren't white

you know this is going to devolve into "x isn't white" right? just filter already.

wew lad

Not even sure where you're going with that post.

I have no interest in uniting white people who are better off ethnically segregated.

Only when you call them niggers, they're white, they're just not Americans.


Typical tricks, Schlomo. "Muh dick" is not an argument.

lol you got those "memes" from endkike, the mods here won't have that, only approved pro-Trump memes can be spread.

I had completely rejected politics because as far as I could tell nothing ever changed and so I decided I would vote for the "buffoon"; but when he got up at the debate and said "I've paid all of you" I started to hope. I followed the whole thing: the violence and abuse directed at his supporters, the lack of police protection at rallies, the media propaganda campaign for Hillary (which, btw, was against crazy Bernie too) and the shameful lack of support from the RNC for the candidate that their voters elected. There is indeed a "deep state" that runs this country which has nothing to do with and is not answerable to the electorate. It's well entrenched and has been for about 100 years. One man cannot change this on his own, if it even can be changed without an actual civil war. I'm not a "Trumpster", nor am I an "Trump is a kike" person. I'm worried about the worldwide assault on Western, White, European culture. White people are a worldwide minority; yet we are portrayed as the "majority". Why? Because we create better societies? We advance knowledge and technology? We're better at almost everything? Is this whole worldwide attack on whites just a fit of jealousy? That's what it feels like. And my initial response is "Fuck off, develope your own shit if you can, lol". I am done with trying to "lift up", ie. Africa: they're not capable. DNA research is saying that we're not even the same species. The whole "we're all the same with different skin colors" is BTFO. It really does explain how I cannot even empathize with people who

Mostly D&C shit mixed with some Trump cheerleading. If we were being raided by other boards/sites there would be screen-caps of raid threads.

These are pro-Trump memes, you just don't realize it, because you're playing 2D chess.


I'm fairly sure doing that is now a crime in the UK.

As for President Trump, I think the most important thing to take away from this (ESPECIALLY for the President himself) is that Trump's followers are not a cult. They do not follow him blindly, they do not automatically agree with everything he says, and they will not change their positions just because he does. Trump, despite the god-emperor memes, does not have followers because he is a perfect messiah. Trump has followers because he promised to kick out the invaders and build a wall.

Hopefully Trump is media savvy enough to see where the wind is blowing, and realize that when even BREITBART is calling him out (while every other news outlet is still just mindlessly repeating that he's Hitler), he's doing the wrong thing.

I'm not going to blindly believe in Trump's infallibility, but I'm holding out hope for a 4D chess move simply because it's unbelievable that he doesn't know he's destroying his entire platform with his current actions. If it's not some kind of grand master plan, it makes no sense.

Either way, our duty is to loudly and clearly continue to tell the President that he is doing the wrong thing. And not to celebrate too early or loudly if a bill called "Take Care of the Dreamers" makes it through the swamp and includes a confusingly-worded paragraph that mentions ovens.

Stop replying to it ffs.

damn you're right, I forgot about how BASED Bibi's son is. Guess you are pro-Trump after all :DD:DDD

we'll be lucky to reach 2019 without a total collapse


I think we're going to get a wall eventually but also amnesty. I have a problem with this because I've always been one of the people that thinks that a wall is less important than stopping immigration from mud nations and simply strictly enforcing immigration law. You can have a virtual wall as long as you actually fucking enforce the law and have enough law enforcement assets. I mean, a physical wall is of some use but it is not as important as these other factors. BTW, any amnesty at all is just encouraging more to come in legally temporarily and overstay until the next amnesty.

I don't know how anybody could be happy with this. His tweets don't even have the same style either

Fucking based.

this will cause nigger chimpouts and arrests
1488D chess
better than hillary

nigger, he's pulling the "x isn't white" kikery that's been well known on shitchan for years. stop feeding it.

That being said, you're absolutely right. He needs to wake the fuck up, otherwise his endorsements aren't going to mean shit for local eletions. Shilling for amnesty is one thing, but flat out calling your base a "minority" with the bullshit 92% is flat-out fucking insulting.

Probably because Bannon was in charge of his twitter account.

I thought I responded to this?

Trump used to run it himself, now its ivankushner

Can these civic queers be banned

No pro-trump shills are ever banned. If you don't believe me, try it yourself. Be the most obnoxious pro-Trump shill you can be and see how difficult it is to get banned.

I know those feels, tripsanon. Three years ago I thought Hillary was unstoppable. The kikes did too. That's why they positioned her to be wrong on 100% of issues. The astonishing thing was they had her do it on the campaign trail.

but user the war is inevitable we only delayed it awhile

t. Jude


Maybe he's just saying this so when he does throw it out he can blame it on congress solely.


I dont think so. Trump would just leverage the shit out of the situation one way or another. He wasn't talking to dead spirits and anticipated an afterlife like a certain drunk cunt who lost the election.


Keyword there, SAYING. What's the bullshitter actually done? He used us like a cheap whore. Just like a fucking JEW would. Time to move on. Freedom party fucks I guess. Or… and I've been saying this for awhile now. FUCKING RACE WAR. Burn this bitch down.

No, you can't accept being HAD. He abandon US. WE GAVE HIM the White House and he's done nothing for us. He's doing the Jew's bidding.

The fuck he does. That leech has his eye on the big boy's chair. He's Hildog with a slightly larger clit.

Was some triggered by memories of his daddy that left him and his whore mother? hahaha

The country was founded as a Republic. When the fuck did it become a Democracy?

Maybe a spic drug cartel is funding his next bullshit building. Actually he's hasn't built anything in DECADES. The cunt just licenses his name. Which is TRASH now. A fucking NYC landlord is even lower then a Jew because it's a super yid. Also, the dumb motherfucker went broke running a CASINO. That takes a special type of autist.


shillbitch thread. reported

we were right all along!
Boy, all this shit is signed, set and done. Guess I should just go kill myself now because i'm a white male…

That grinch meme made me chuckle a little

You think they scopalamined him?

This was a shitshow from the beginning. How could we not see it?

Its always the same shilling tactic. The funny part is they still think it will work. The sad part is it does work on low iq normalfags.

Doesn't mean it's right. You're a fucking chump.

Trump needs to remember.

how come I never saw that picture during the campaign
brilliant work, whoever trumps ctr was

Really? I don't really into talmudvision
ps: 90% Lindt is preddy gud shit

this really I just want a nordic homeland with more potential than fucking iceland