Would you?
Master of Orion
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Only if it comes close to MoO2.
Or at least MoO.
Of course I wouldnt choose that as my race
No. I'd never buy that.
Funny note in MoO the Mrrshan are actually bugged quite often. A bug with a certain personality trait they usually end up with keeps them from expanding like they should. So they usually end up small in late game (if they survive, which they usually don't)
no, that's well beyond the bounds of acceptability
Very nice.
Or it is any good and worth a pirate?
Isnt It a alien race and it has all human features beside the cat nose and ears and fur
Id say she is like a 40%
Wait, Human and Terran? Why is there a duplicate human race?
looks like cat hindquarters are going on there as well
that shit is beyond dangerously furry
why do all aliens look like humans.
terrans are evil
I pirated it. I actually like it a lot
Not every anthropomorphic cat is a furry
OPs is clearly an alien
All aliens ever or just in this game?
For ever it comes from humans thinking that they are the supreme evolution and that if aliens were real they would have followed close to our very own evolution path but slightly different
How bad is it?
mostly in this game. they have the same human structure just with different cosmetic stuff.
That doesn't answer why there is only one duplicate of one race, specifically humans. Especially if the player wanted to play an evil race of humans they could make a custom race.
I'm asking.
it's got the head of a god damn house cat.
humans can't have red eyes+white hair.
Its still an alien
top comment seems informative.
That's why I loved playing Ascendancy back in the day. The aliens were actually alien.
Fuck off furshit.
That's fucking gay and unnecessary.
it's okay, user, you don't need to make these weird justifications, you'll only get bullied anonymously for it.
Brethren before wenches always
Realistically how could some of those aliens ever reach a technological sophistication to achieve space travel? How do you build civilization without hands?
he is so cute I want to hug him.
Is the new MoO any good?
It's extremely simple and a little glitchy when you try designing your own ships.
do you think aliens can speak like us? there isn't air in there so maybe they use another form of communication.if we had only 1 hand instead of 2 do you think we wouldn't be able to achieve anything ? they would just adapt to what they have.we always look at ourselves when thinking of aliens which shouldn't be happening as they are different creatures?
There's a huge difference between 2 hands, 1 hand, and no fucking hands. Look at some of those aliens. Explain how they developed anything without relying on fairytale logic, as you seem to be employing.
If it has a snout, it's furry
Your kind killed videogames.
More importantly, why do you think they would even want to go to space in the first place?Humanity is highly expansionist, but would aliens? Perhaps thereason we don't see any in our galaxy is because they're fully content staying on their home planet, never feeling even a smidge of a desire to go to space. Perhaps their breeding rates are so low as to make colonisation of anything pointless, as there's hardly enough of them to colonise all the reaches of their planet. Perhaps instead of looking up, they look down, and decide that the solution to overpopulation is to carve out new habitation underground rather than on other planets. Really, the idea that aliens would have to follow the same expansionist mindset as us is fallacious in its very concept
maybe they can manipulate the gazes around them like we do with our mouths to move stuff and everything is super super light?
It's only furry if I don't like it. If I like it, then it isn't furry.
maybe they don't have feelings at all so they don't need to conquer to feel superior.I wonder how do they have kids.
she hiss at penis?
You don't have to defend your irrational belief in aliens and how they would develop. What I'm talking about is the reason why most of the aliens in MoO (including the original) are more human like is to make them more contemporary.
If your alien is basically a jelly fish, what fucking use do they have in a game about space expansion? How do they build a civilization of high technology?
All you are doing is defending the idea of these things existing instead of arguing against my point in the context of a 4x science fiction game.
He's right, unfortunately to agree with a WH40K poster.
Cat-ladies are genuinely mainstream. It's vanilla as fuck, especially cartoony ones like that.
Speak for yourself. Even the MoO3 designs weren't so lazy.
I bet that triggers some sort of phobia. I would a pink tentacle thing.
Shid, meant for:
I'd say it's okay, but it really isn't doing anything new. Feels more like an apology for MoO3 that is over a decade too late.
but why do you think that a jellyfish can't build space stations and conquer the whole universe? They don't have the same proprieties as our jellyfishes that's for sure.
lizardguy was seeing her behind your back, the "attack" was just a ruse so he could spend more time with kitty.
pick one
Are the Klackons still brutally overpowered due to having twice the pop of anyone else on every planet?
In moo2 the easiest way to break the game was to play a custom race that was essentially just klackons with democracy.
At this point I'm more liable to sleep with a 12 gauge shotgun.
Anything remotely nonhuman needs to be purged. Except lamias.
just tell me a good realistic game that isn't a tactical shooter.
I think the whole "humanoid aliens are not what they would look like" is unneccesarry. At least right now. Until we have actually made contact with actual aliens and figure out what they look like in reality, anything in media from vidya to movies is just speculation and should be fair game. Of course one can still put some effort into making unique and fun races that dont seem copy pasted with some edited bits here and there.
It's kind of boring and I just uninstalled it. Has the same problem most of these types of games have where everything just blend together and you stop even looking at what you're building because it just doesn't matter anymore after a certain point.
There is a pretty wide spectrum between pure realism (hard SF) and abject laziness. Sadly, creative race designs were the best aspect of MoO3.
Stop misreading my position first.
At least post-human race breaks from the human + anthro + machine race pattern a bit.
No fuck off you had your chance.
Fuck off goon!
Nice trolling, m8.
But they tend to have shitty personalities.
Which MoO is best for a first time player? I got the gog collection on download right now.
Nigga that an ayy
You'll try each for 10 minutes, lack the patience to learn how to play, quit and never touch any of them ever again. Yes. I know
It's not bad, It feels like a MoO game. It's not as good as MoO2 but a decent sequel.
Play MoO2.
Nice interface and it has the most features and best gameplay.
Company of Heroes?
Are you intoxicated?
I wasn't aware I was arguing about anything. I just threw in my 2 cents.
Yesm, I would put a the barrel of a gun to your faggot head and pull the trigger.
Die furfag. Fucking die.
Tell me about the Terran why does he wear the mask?
Is the custom race good? can you make your own actual alien race?
I bet you really just need a bf user o3o
I don't get it
You have to use the 'genetics' of one of the existing species. Meaning you look like one of them and your ships look like theirs etc. But you get to pick your traits.
They 'balanced' the shit out of the traits so you can't really break the game in fun ways like MoO2.
Yes. It's our human duty to fuck all nonhumans into submission. To remind them that they can't hope to compete with us.
Then what's the point? I thought you might finally make your own race that isn't a copy.
Look like the Bulrathi but research like the Psilons?
Hard to see borders between game and reality.
You know he was talking about game worlds grounded in reality.
Bitch, please. In what "fun" ways you could break a moo2? Get a "creative" for some irrelevant disadvantage every time?
And the bounds of acceptability are at 25% (the firt pic in the furry reference sheet) so you are both correct.
CoH series is not any more grounded in reality than MoO's an astronomer's manual.
Also what with all these "hurr die-furfags" edgy kids. Is school bullying kicking in?
You don't need that crutch if you know what to pick. UniTol builds are fun. There's a few Telepath builds that allow you blitz and assimilate also fun.
The others aren't engorged because she isn't pregnant, shitlord.
We need a more detailed sorting algorithm for stuff like this. The standard charts assume that the whole figure is roughly at the same level. But what if different body parts are at drastically different parts of the scale? For example, how would you grade pics related?
It's that simple.
low class
i'll fuck ugly but only if it's a dragon
well, we can work with that
Would I!
Would you?
So this is ok to you? Fuck off furfag
i would suck her mare pussy dry
Hello, newfriend.
Are you 12? There are possible and impossible things.
I still say that the spy from the original is best alien kitty titties.
It doesn't work that way, radfem. Physiology isn't a social construct.
Sorry, I don't respect furry whores. Besides, I'd rather rape elves.
I'd robotisize her, if you know what I mean.
Are you gay?
They're fine when you've completely enslaved them. They make fine wives when they know their place as the footstool of humanity. Otherwise, pic related still very much applies.
Kill all aliens.
what are these the fact verification marines
Too bad for the faces, though. Lizardgirls are the best.
more lizardgirls pls
Would cuddle
Would pet
Wouldn't fug
You can't rape the willing, user.
your loss guys
cant appreciate good shit, I bet you also think Miranda is a furry
Of course she isn't furry user.
Vid related.
this guy gets me
How close is this game to Star Control?
I don't know what I was expecting. It's a 4x game. Wouldn't want to play my empire as a shrewd politician and leader or anything, just smarter to wipe things out like an extremist.
I can't even broker peace deals between other races.
I'm happy to see this game taking steps in the right direction but I'm angry that the genera is wallowing in such outdated design philosophies. Can we please get more in depth political negotiations? I'd like to see conflicting laws, social norms, civilian caused problems and other such things become factors that paint how each species view each other. Or at the very least more than 'stop spying on us' and 'don't settle near us' as the only two declarations that amount to little more than telling the AI to please initiate war with you.
It's 4X, but not all X's are created equal. I don't expect them to have full parity but considering that I can customize every weapon, firing mode and computer system on my fleet of death stars could I at least have more than 3 options for interacting with other races politically?
yo i heard there was furfags in this thread
Is it me or is image hover not working?
nope, AI scripting is a long if-then-else branches that covers a limited set of scenarios.
The AI you are asking for simply doesn't exist.
When asked, i would no
But secretly, i would yes
How are both positions not extremist? You end up doing the same thing no matter what. To achieve victory in 4X is to be an extremist.
I would say no because I'm not a species-mixing piece of fucking filth.
It's disappointing how recent space 4X/GSG have all been Civ 5 tier diplomacy. I'd love to work on a space politics focused 4X.
In the original MoO the galaxy vote was based entirely off of population. The top two populous empires are nominated for galactic ruler, and all the empires vote with votes based on total population. You needed 2/3rds of the vote to win. Allies only vote for an ally if they were one of the two nominees.
Winning by the vote is absurdly easy if you know what you are doing, and really sucks the fun out of the game for me. My favorite thing to do is to get 2/3rds of the vote myself, elect myself ruler, and then defy the vote to bring galactic war that I obviously win.
One word: Stellaris.
Watch your language, this is a christian image board
What do you think I was alluding to with 'recent space 4X/GSG'?
Bring back Elarians!
is this game fun?
fuck off
Low and lame.
He's not wrong, though.
Fuck Antarans. I hated those bastards.
Everything else checks out.
I just realized…
Isn't the proportions kinda same as with XCOM's Viper?
Go home marche, this isn't the gg thread.
you mean a nose? you sayin' you like furfags? unless you're into clankity clank mechs
I would, but I'd take a Sakkra or Alkari instead if I had the option.
Your designated board is elsewhere, spiritually contracted furry. The origin doesn't matter, only the result does.
Even MoO2 had the option to assimilate conquered species, not necessarily wipe them out.
I swear I've seen these two exact posts before. Am I having a Deja Vu or is this a meme?
"Like Tumblr but furry" - IGN
That is some serious autism.
That's bullshit considering the OP was made for this to be a fetish thread. Blame him.
I'm resurrecting the thread to read it after sleep since I'm playing the game but not anymore
You can play custom race and pick any trait on the game and a lot of custom ones, so yeah, you can just get +50% production + science and break the game
Blame the original mangaka.