Trump will veto universal healthcare and still push obamacare repeal.
Trump Pledges to veto Sanders Bill
Sure, right after he signs DACA and DAPA into law.
That's great and all, but none of this will matter if he flops on DACA.
Come 4 years and they will get what they want regardless.
Trumps gonna get cucked sanders ahahahha
I can't wait until he cucks out on it again and does a 180.
A Republican house, senate, and president is still implementing the policies of Democrats. What a retard.
You were warned.
Finally some good news still this doesn't negate the DACA and Syria issues
Yes it is and any kind of amnesty is as well.
Watch that kike-cocksucker implement Sander's policies too. Don't ever feel good from any "promise" that Trump because he's going to break them.
Never, I'm too blackpilled. Whites are the largest group of anti-whties out there. Look at House and Senate. Majority whites who actively vote against white interests. An ethnostate would be no different.
All the spics and niggers already have universal healthcare.
wew this news really bothers the shills
When the average American gives up on Democracy after it becomes clear to them that voting won't solve any problems that are caused by the jews and just moves the problem to the successor
All the proof we need that these people are shills. They're getting the 1st posts.
retard the fucking house and senate is republican still
Sad that your cross-board shillstorm was BTFO'd so hard yesterday?
Wonderful. How does this prevent millions of illegals fucking over this country once Trump leaves office after screwing us all over with DACA?
He already said no amnesty dipshit, why are you spreading fake news?
Jeez you kikes have a one track mind.
No he's just going to let them become citizens over time after entering the country illegally.
Which would be…
Nobody cares.
Remember how he said he planned on getting Europeans to come here?
I cannot believe it, but it's happening!
this. stop letting semantics cloud your mind.
DACA and PACA will be replaced with something that gives incentives to whites to come to us
shameful m8.
Communists BTFO yet again
I just wanted to take the next trimps, off by 3
This is not a good thing. Hitler provided universal healthcare to his people. Why doesn't it seem cruel to him to let white people continue to get fined every April 15 for not being able to afford Obamacare while junkies get to spend a fortune on mental health, drug rehab, emergency care for drug overdoses, gunshot wounds, stab wounds, prenatal care, etc.
Schumer and Pelosi he'll work with, but not Bernie. Absolutely ridiculous. Mueller must have found something truly horrendous.
germany wasn't infested with niggers and spics who don't pay taxes
You are derailing every thread into being about DACA, at this point it is obviously shilling. There are already a half dozen threads about that. This one is about healthcare
Surely importing spics and niggers is the way to make socialism work.
I can't wait for these Medicare4All people to find out how expensive Medicare is to be on.
t. oldfag
They all have Medicaid.
If he grants amnesty to 800k spics I'm voting for literally anyone else in 2020, so it's starting to matter less and less to me what else he does - those spics will vote for more government and more welfare, maybe I will too.
Your vote won't matter in 2020 with that many new democrats.
Kill yourself.
Most of the policy positions you liked about Trump were coming from Flynn and Bannon.
Peace with Russia was a Flynn thing.
Curbing Mexican immigration was a Bannon thing.
First post, shill post.
Back to endchan.
This right here. It's been this way for at least 30 years; Medicaid covers everything and taxpayers foot the bill. The only issue is (or was) that some doctors wouldn't take it because the paperwork and payoff sucked. Now I guess they want to force all doctors to provide their services to the state at the state's price.
what about European immigration?
These shills can't see that DACA will help re-elect Trump in 2020, what losers.
Bump for BTFOing boinie.
Almost as good an interpretation as Hillary's interpretation of Orwell's 1984.
nice job outing yourself, Jew.
I hate how the terminology of bills is so confusing. Sanders wants a single payer Medicare for all, which looks good because it says single payer but it's still all whites having to pay for niggers, spics, trannies, faggots and the obese
Ugh I just read and got updated on Sanders' cry against Christian politicians. He just wants to brag about what a victim he is after Trump rejects this bill. I hate this country. Please nuke us, Kim.
Yeah that's fucking amnesty. Incoming chain migration because clusterfuck congress won't stop it.
Honestly, any system properly designed would work. I would be entirely down for single-payer healthcare, but only under certain circumstances:
None of this will ever happen, of course. Abusing taxpayer money is practically what modern America was built off of, and demanding that people give that back will be like pulling golden teeth out of a Jew's mouth.
Still 30 million others that need to be kicked out.
we already have five threads up for that topic, mr first post (1)
The key words being HIS PEOPLE. It worked for Germany because Germany was full of Germans who all had jobs and paid taxes. In America, "healthcare," universal or otherwise, has always been a code word for "white people paying so niggers and spics don't have to work."
Jamal doesn't pay taxes, and neither does Pedro. But they still receive not only a form of universal healthcare, but subsidized housing as well as food stamps and EBT cards. All of it paid for by white people who do work, and thus pay taxes into the system. It's been this way since the end of World War 1.
America today isn't Germany in 1922. Conflating the two is a colossal mistake. Socialism isn't going to work in America, and the closest we're ever going to get to it if somebody with our sentiments and ideas gets into office, and defaults all student loans or something similar.
We don't need universal healthcare. What we need to do is throw out all nonwhites, crush the Federal reserve, institute a regulated national bank that issues currency whose value is tied to the labor of the working class, and outlaw usury. "Insurance" is a scam that allows doctors and hospitals to charge 1,000% markups for services and products: by allowing the insurance industry to exist, hyperinflation of certain key industries is allowed to take place. Without that inflation, these fees could be paid for out of pocket by the average working man and his living wage. The healthcare and insurance industries must be destroyed, not propped up and institutionalized by the Leviathan.
The key words being HIS PEOPLE. It worked for Germany because Germany was full of Germans who all had jobs and paid taxes. In America, "healthcare," universal or otherwise, has always been a code word for "white people paying so niggers and spics don't have to work."
Jamal doesn't pay taxes, and neither does Pedro. But they still receive not only a form of universal healthcare, but subsidized housing as well as food stamps and EBT cards. All of it paid for by white people who do work, and thus pay taxes into the system. It's been this way since the end of World War 1.
America today isn't Germany in 1922. Conflating the two is a colossal mistake. Socialism isn't going to work in America, and the closest we're ever going to get to it if somebody with our sentiments and ideas gets into office, and defaults all student loans or something similar.
We don't need universal healthcare. What we need to do is throw out all nonwhites, crush the Federal reserve, institute a regulated national bank that issues currency whose value is tied to the labor of the working class, and outlaw usury. "Insurance" is a scam that allows doctors and hospitals to charge 1,000% markups for services and products: by allowing the insurance industry to exist, hyperinflation of certain key industries is allowed to take place. Without that inflation, these fees could be paid for out of pocket by the average working man and his living wage. The healthcare and insurance industries must be destroyed, not propped up and institutionalized by the Leviathan.
It never worked. Healthcare is actually something people rarely use, so if it's shit, few notice, and as long as there isn't mass death, nobody makes a scene. There is no way to plan demand and supply. Can't be done. You try to socialize food production and people starve, because unlike healthcare, you need food and you need it every day, you can't hide how bad socialized food is with waiting lines and rationing. There is no way to know how many doctors there should be or what things should cost without markets.
t. lolberg
'fraid so. You can starve trying as much as you like.
The Nazis were a lot of things, lolberg. "Hungry" was not one of them. Keep trying, though. I'm sure if you use Jew economics enough, you'll eventually not be Jewish. That's totally how that works.
They were food shortages at times. They ran a campaign called "guns over butter"
"We can do without butter, but, despite all our love of peace, not without arms. One cannot shoot with butter, but with guns." - Joseph Goebbels
Looking into it, the price controls were likely relaxed during food shortages. You have more allegiance to socialism than the NDSAP did.
This was during the war when there were incredible shortages of everything. We had similar issues in the USA, you ever heard of ration stamps?
Farm output was massively increased in the 1930s over the 1920s in Germany.
It was before the war. The Four Year Plan resulted in rationing. But then again the Four Year Plan was in preparation for war, the economy was in many ways a military bubble, so you can conveniently place blame on the war for everything economic; however, we have many other examples of socialist regimes that didn't fall to war.
Go the fuck back to plebbit, lolberg. Nobody with two brain cells is buying your pie in the sky magical markets rhetoric anymore.
Measuring the successfulness of a system depends on your goals.
"However well balanced the general pattern of a nation's life ought to be, there must at particular times be certain disturbances of the balance at the expense of other less vital tasks. If we do not succeed in bringing the German army as rapidly as possible to the rank of premier army in the world…then Germany will be lost!" - Adolph Hitler
Preventing rationing and increasing material pleasantries were not prioritized.
t. lolberg
I don't see how I was proven wrong on anything. There were food shortages before the war. The rearmament process was naturally happening before the war. Rationing and other expenses to civilian life were a concern, but tolerated because the National Socialists were preparing for war, or at least the very likely possibility of war.
I say bring on UBI and Universal Healthcare if he's giving amnesty. Let's burn this fucker down.
This of course doesn't apply to sheboons who get to move to a bigger apartment after popping out a couple of niglets at 18. Since congressjews couldn't bare to cut care for crackbabies, the next best thing is to give everybody the same privilege.
We already have high-as-fuck taxes (I'm paying over 30% when you count in state and local taxes), they're not going to do shit about "middle income" taxes (non-businesses or anyone under $200k income) which is where most of their revenue comes from. Due to the disaster and out of control costs that health care is already at, and continues to increase. Why not go single payer? At least I'll have $2400 a month extra for a while to spend on our causes, instead, it seems like every time I get a raise it gets sucked away by increasing health insurance. The worst part is there are only 3 options in my state and they're all around the same price unless I want a billion dollar deductible (per family member) or some bullshit.
Fuck this shit sucks, fucking Republicafags won't pass a fucking niggercare repeal and the democunts want what will end up being worse and cost more in taxes in 10 years. Literal double edge sword, no good answers. Worst of all, Trump doesn't seem to care since he's said: "Just let it implode". Well, I can't tell you how many normal families are literally on the edge because of inflation of food prices and healthcare costs. FFS my family health insurance plan has gone from $250 /mo (which was reasonable for a family of 5) to $2400 in 6 years. I've switched to new "cheaper" plans to only see them double after a couple months. All I can say is thank fuck my house is paid for.
Fuck this gay shit.
Let's make a deal.
1. Fund the wall, put the National Guard on the border until it's built.
2. Properly fund and empower ICE to do a massive national deportation campaign.
3. Pass the RAISE act.
4. Change the 1965 immigration act back to a quota system.
5. Ban refugees from dangerous countries, permanently.
6. Revisit "legalized" illegals, including the Reagan amnesty (which was a fraud since the deal was never kept on the other side).
Then you can have full fucking single payer healthcare. It would cost half my tax payer money to treat White Americans than all the brown roaches who already abuse Medicaid to the tune of BILLIONS of USD.
In general, I think there's a ton of White working class Democrats that aren't actually racial-lemmings but vote D for social programs. The idea of a deal is to turn these "bluedog Democrats " against the beaners.
Stop paying them, user. Just flat-out stop paying for health insurance. Save your money in an HSA or something.
And, while we're at it - at what point do we just decide "No, fuck this" on taxes? This is not our system. Why are we continuing to pay (((them)))?
ICE can't enforce immigration law.
The DEA and FBI can't stop massive, wholesale drug use.
Fuck even the NYPD has given up on trying to stop turnstile jumpers.
Why, then, do some of us still believe that the IRS, one of the most underfunded and impotent bureaucracies in the United States, is anything other than a paper tiger? If the entirety of the Right - and I mean Holla Forums, Stormers, Gab, all those motherfuckers (the civnats on /r/T_D would never go along, of course) - just simply decided "No, we're done here" and simply stopped paying health insurance and taxes, exactly what could (((they))) do about it? Come after all of us?
And that's why you'll never get any of that. Because then it wouldn't suck.
Then stop being a cuck and stop paying them. Discover the methods they use - and use them yourself.
You can't. They deny you if you try it. Watch what happens. Go try to be a white on EBT as well as every other government benefit. I dare you. Post about it here when you're done.
FBI-Kun, you have a different job now. Go do it.
Because if you try to not work; you're fucked. You can't stop paying taxes because they take it directly out of your pay. You try to work under the table, you get replaced by the pedro that does work because he's cheaper. You try living that cheap, they take your kids for neglect.
You. Can't. There is nothing else. The grind will continue on until there's no money left to give the Jews, then they'll launch Samson.
there is an enormous volume of info about reducing your taxable income to fuck the kikes. Most work under the table or are simply very low income. If you have a biz, you can have much more flexibility, but if you're hiding substantial income you'll need to be on-point to be successful.
The IRS really doesn't give a shit about anyone under $100k in income, is the honest truth. If you just drop $5k off your W2 wages, you're gonna get caught, so be creative. Protip: you almost always have a chance to fix your "mistake" first, the IRS kikes are very flexible.
Another tip: If you're doing something illegal, or questionable, don't fuck around on your taxes. They fucked Capone this way, and they will fuck you too. I have personally seen white-collar crime dismissed with a "stop that," but the quarterly taxes were paid on time in full.
why pay into a system that robs you?
soon enought they won't even provide healthcare, they'll just take your money and tell you to fuck off when you get sick or injured
it's time to start preparing for a life without the USA federal government, try to get as independent as you can
Doesnt work that way. If your skin is white, you pay to the negro. If your skin is white, you go to the back of the line, and the line gets bigger in front of you every time you get closer to that "safety net" which is just free gibs for niggers.
Useless eaters need to be gotten rid of. That money is supposed to be going to seniors, not niggers.
This is exactly right. Exactly how it plays out depends on where you are. In some places they have very tight requirements to get on benefits. The requirements might get shined over a bit for the non-whites, and if non-whites subsequently fail to meet them it might be ignored. This is because sheboons are in charge of the cases.
Even those stats you see about whites getting some form of benefits are often old widows on a fixed income in expensive states, where they give them electricity subsidy and such so they don't freeze or die of heat exhaustion. Remember, lots of the white population is just plain old.
But possibly the even bigger problem with benefits is how it creates a criminal class. If you don't want to lose your benefits, then any additional income you get needs to come under the table. Selling drugs or whatever.
He's desperately trying to sound right wing because he knows he looks like a cuck on immigration now.