Fema is also not helping, they are letting people in the keys go to hell. The Cajun Navy and others are not going to stand idly by while they receive calls for help, they are going to bust the FEMA barricades and go in fighting.

"A CALL TO ACTION & A CALL TO ARMS: What's happening in the Keys is absolutely despicable. I'm currently volunteering logistical support with three rescue groups including The Cajun Navy & the US Civil Defense Force, we have 100's of fully qualified, ( US Navy ) vetted & certified volunteers with teams of rescue workers who've brought their own resources, equipment & supplies.

FEMA has stopped our teams & are currently refusing access into the Keys.

We've received hundreds of calls & requests for help, we have tickets on our system(s) that are over 3.hrs old and FEMA absolutely refuses to let our teams in to help.

We are planing on rallying at Phantom Fireworks in Key Largo in the morning.. 1.st & 2.nd Amendment exercise. 7.am. In a show of force we plan on crossing FEMA's roadblocks & checkpoints with or without FEMA's blessings.

We are inviting all 3% Conceal & Open Carry citizens to join us at the rally point tomorrow morning.. This is an open S.O.S. for the people trapped in the Florida Keys.

There are people in desperate need of our help & we are not going to sit another day waiting for permission to assist. Americans do not need FEMA's permission to exercise their first and second amendment rights. we will assemble & we fully intend to render assistance.

We are currently holding 'live' USCF Action Team meetings on the android zello app in the Hurricane Irma Rescue & relief channel.

We shall not go 'Quietly'. They kicked us out of Hurricane Harvey they will not 'kick' us out of Irma.

AJ has been in the channel ripping it up so we expect this Call to Arms to go live across many of the alternative media outlets in a little while but I doubt we'll see this on any of the lame stream media.

My comment: If Fema is blocking help from arriving I would not put it past them to vanish as many people as possible. Katrina was very suspicious with this, as was Andrew. Good luck guys, all I can do from here is help spread the word.

Other urls found in this thread:


They're pulling another Katrina!

The State and local officials blocked the feds from helping.

do you have any evidence of that?

where is your proof you double nigger?

They're islands. Load up a fucking boat and sail over to the keys.

Kill them you fucking retards.

Sounds like a trap to me.

The only proof is from this blog site:

ht tp://

That is literally the most trustworthy URL I have ever seen. Screencap or archive this shit

FEMA can put up warning signs. They have no right to keep people out, especially if they're getting calls for help. That is twisted as fuck.


ht tp://archive.is/I8fAG

jim stone's page pic related


Bring the rain.

like pottery

using win10 is bad enough, why you do this

so far the jim stone website and that larrabee guy in the the jewtube vid are the only sources for this "call to arms" i wonder if this is real or just a weird larp

I'm not defending FEMA's alleged actions here, but if this is true, it could be that there are looters posing as rescue workers and FEMA is prioritizing protection of property over rescues. I don't know. FEMA is part of DHS, info on how to report FEMA fraud here:



thats retarded, who could ever mistake those people for rescue volenteers.

Nice cherry picking of photos. What's your theory?


Truly kosher.

I'll wait for your theory.


Humble requesting as many katrina infographs as possible, fema's track record needs to be exposed ASAP.

Whoa what? Since when? Last I checked it was just some bullshit name associated with some alphabet soup agency and american deathcamps. You're not telling me they're actually here already, right?

Yes you nigger, FEMA exists. Federal Emergency Management Agency. It's been around since the 80's. It was founded by Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski, the father of Bleeding Mika Brzezinski.

Katrina tier or this time is really happening?

I guess the FEMA camps and wall have a shed of truth.