Are we really gonna have to do this song and dance for another seven years? It's starting to get boring.
Are we really gonna have to do this song and dance for another seven years? It's starting to get boring.
Other urls found in this thread:
No amnesty. They can just stay here and get benefits while shitting out anchor kids to increase their pathway themselves and to abuse the 14th + the situation to colonize with their shitskin kin. Fuck this! Out out out! Take their fucking coats.
Fuck yeah!
"Begin by seizing something which your opponent holds dear; then he will be amenable to your will.” - Art of War
That faggot can spin it all he wants but allowing them to stay here while vets sleep on the streets is enough to piss patriots off.
Based! He's only giving 2 million illegals gibs and legal residency while they breed like rats and flip Texas.
Okay, I'll grant you that. If we don't play the part and freak the fuck out then the cucks will push forward with amnesty instead of crawling back into their shells out of fear.
Great, so he's only giving 2 million illegals legal residence and letting them breed like rabbits so that they can flip texas in 18 years. Sounds like a great plan.
Just stop, please for christsake
What about the DACA recipients? That's who we don't want amnesty given to.
Notice he isn't backing off DACA amnesty or DREAMers. Amnesty for illegals is literally open borders. Keep in mind that DACA recipients and DREAMers are not "illegals."
Oh is he not? Thay's amazing, as if he'll be fucking involved in the bill thay gives path to citizenship. He caved, he made a huge mess and now is trying to take people for fools. He's the only one who thinks principles don't actually mean much and can be traded for shekels, then pretend he's 'negotiating'. What the fuck is he negotiating, he repealed DACA, that's the end of it. If Congress wants to make amnesty laws he should oppose it, end of story. What the fuck is he inviting these kikes to dinner for? He gains zero.
His base doesn't appreciate being toyed with.
Nigger all I do every single time this happens is continue playing video games and every single time Trump wins.
Here's your (you), tell discord I said hi.
Literally every hour the narrative changes.
The only narrative he should be spinning is 'I fucked up'
It's like he was lying during his entire election campaign.
Trump is another Reagan. Although the "it's a Fence not a Wall" shit is a lie, the renovations of the fences and walls that are already in place and is just the beginning, but because of Amnesty it defeats the purpose of even having the wall up.
That said it's pretty liberating to know shit's fucked so now I can just go back to doing other things without caring what he does next.
I smell green cards and or HB1 visas.
Better than giving them citizenship so they can vote, but still a pretty shitty deal for native US workers. It would also mean that the deadbeats who do not qualify for them would still get kicked out.
You need to be 18+ to post here.
He crafted his words carefully there.
DACA recipients and DREAMers are not technically "illegals." Amnesty for illegals is open borders.
The level of denial is embarrassing. I started my red pill journey through Trump. Don't talk to me if his strategy. I worked on his campaign and dealt with Cruz Missiles every goddamned day. I swore and argued that Cruz would do this stuff whereas Trump was something entirely new. I was wrong, and you are a fucking retard. Just stop.
In our no win context Trump was still the best option, I believe, but don't act like he is t betraying all the promises his campaigners bet their reputation on.
Do you nigger really think Trump is anything but a civnat tier cuck who thinks people can come here as much they want if it's legally. He is a neocon if neocons actually believed the shit they promise and weren't literal communists. If we don't give Trump a backlash he will just do cuck tier shit that will screw us. He must suck our dick not otherwise you faggot.
How fucking blind can you be?
Trump has stabbed you in the back and you love it!
What a cuck you are, sad!
He a limpdicked civnat cuck.
The board has encouraged these fucking losers, they are the majority on here
Uhhh DACA and DREAMERs ARE illegal dumbass, so is the EO that protects them. They are literally fucking illegals with a special status an illegal nigger president bestowed upon them outside the law. Fuck you, spic piece of shit.
dude when will you get it? they say different shit every day and laugh their asses off at how retarded we are for accepting it as normal.
what a fucking joke this all is
well, guess what, they are nor educated nor good nor accomplished?
that's how you tell a lie without telling a lie you dumbfucks
Why are the shills spreading fake news tolerated here? Is this fucking cuck chan?
Last night this was addressed by Sanders and yet the shills keep blasting fake news.
Should result in a permaban.
why dont you make a fucking point faggot
ok what was the conclusion? great post you literally said nothing.
Fantastic news. This thread is full of endniggers still pretending they haven't been completely blown out
like every fucking time before
You're cuck is showing nigger.
Cucks like you have ruined the board, what do you think he is telling us how great they are in the military etc. TODAY. Not last night by somebody who wasn't even allowed in. She is saying wall was not discussed. that makes it worse for Trump you clown. He's caught in his own lies.
DREAMers aren't considered Illegals to the government.
Isn't it unfortunate that we can't just vote someone into office who will deport all non-whites?
White House already addressed that, we've been over this.
See above.
Good question.
Remember to watch out for:
Those are the signs.
The last thing they want is both sides raging against the system.
(((They))) assume all Trump supporters are cheerleaders. They assumed wrong.
Quite - it is unfortunately that someone can get into power as the result of a 90%+ White electoral population and immediately throw them under the bus in less than a year.
The deal should be that they can stay if they volunteer to build The Wall at gunpoint.
dammit trump you need to get rid of these people and build the fucking wall already
It's unfortunate he has support on an alleged WN board, what a fucking embarrassment.
I reckon its a combination of endkikes and Bannon's finest back at Kikebart pushing this shit. I'm getting sick of these faggots in a real serious way, and sadly, none of them live in Nevada. I want that Kike Enabler, Bannon drifting down the Colorado.
Is this place a WN board anymore? Hmmmmmm
Told You So.
Good Things Don't Happen.
I hate what Trump is doing but I hate you even more
Get a load of this deluded cunt.
If he did what he said he would, it wouldn't be so bad, but as it stands, yeah, its pretty lame.
Bannon is trash, but then, so are you.
What a grand and intoxicating innocence. You actually believe that Trump is on your side? How naive, shame on you.
>(((They))) assume all Trump supporters are cheerleaders. They assumed wrong.
Its really rather funny - its like they all bought into the leftists media memes.
The right was, in actuality, just as out of touch as the left, and they bought into the same memes.
Go look up what Bannon had to say about White Nationalists, look at what Trump is doing right now, etc etc - these people bought the leftist memes that Trump's base were just a bunch of dim-witted bumpkins falling for the ruse.
Now they're trying to pull the wool over our eyes, and when our response is to point a gun at them and tell them to go fuck themselves, they're confused - just like the libshits were the day after the election.
These people are all just establishment cronies, and they're completely out of touch with the average American. Folks should have realized a multi-billionaire from Jew York wasn't going to actually understand that position of working class Whites in the US today, and the billionaire and his cronies should have known that Whites weren't just retarded loyal-to-a-fault 'rednecks' who were going to follow him into the maw of their own demise with a smile and a salute.
Now the honeymoons over, and both are realizing they don't actually understand the other as well as they thought they did, and so we have friction.
The cheering is gone.
Here I'll help her out: "legal citizenship over a period of time" = "amnesty"
LWalters45 is WH dep press secty
Trump is a god damn fucking cuck lord. I wish he dies from a massive fucking heart attack, lying cuck bastard that he is.
This is your daily reminder.
I'll go further:
"legal citizenship over a period of time" for illegal aliens is literally the definition of amnesty.
Semantics is the most Jewish of arguments.
The people who voted for you. What a lame duck. This guy is finished.
Defend this cucks ITT
user pls
2 posters on Endchan are responsible for Trump being a piece of shit? Love to hear this argument
Have you even checked the other side? They're happy, fine, smug, thrilled he has finally come to his senses like they hoped he would. I fear we may have been duped even worse than thought with the anti-WN legislation. We got coaxed out of the brush with a brightly painted wooden duck and now we'll be easier to blackbag. Fucking commies.
What's you end goal, anyways? I can agree that Trump is fucking up.
Thank you user, I'm so tired of T_D thinking that we can be dazzled by semantic bullshit.
All of this bad news has awakened asses and elbows! Don't worry, friend, good things will come in the form of armed insurrection to those who dehumanize and face to bloodshed.
Shills are mad that they were wrong.
That would lead to UN led coalition to save the world from the monstrous racism by the rogue nation of the USA.
Kill yourself kike.
The word 'litigate' set me off.
That Walters bitch is also a trainwreck - she looks like a fucking DC escort trying to sell her twat in every pic I can find of her, and she previously worked for the Republicuck from Illinois who opposed Trumps attempt to abolish these fucking sanctuary cities.
There is no legislation yet. We need to do this before they can get that far.
Let me interpret. Hes looking at a path to citizenship, which doesnt mean "amnesty". Ignoring the spin from the AP, the quote from Trump is "We're not looking at amnesty" so that means "We're looking at letting them serve in the army or something, to earn it." which is something he already floated like 4 months ago.
I don't want spics in my military anyway you fucking idiot! Vid related, also, see fucking history countless times to show that such is a shit-tier approach: granting foreigners citizenship by serving in your military is a dogshit bullet to the brain.
This is empty airfield all over again. Give it a week and all of the totally fashy goyim who absolutely voted for drumpf but hate him now will be gone. They always get a cash injection whenever there's controversy.
is the wall happening or not? yes or no you fucking niggers
Can anyone confirm this is real, supposedly this just passed the House today?
[*cuckoldry intensifies*]
Somehow they manage to piss me off even further while denying they want amnesty for the invaders.
Damn it, Don, don't be this fucking retarded.
I know, I just wanted to post that image, since they went from 6pph to 2 in the meantime.
As I said: Semantics is amongst the most Jewish of argumentative strategies.
All this "well, no, amnesty is x, and this is X…" shit is ridiculous.
Earning that $0.02 my man.
Top kek. The new narrative will be "Daca is more important than the wall". After thats blown out with daca in tow, it'll shift to "the wall wasn't built day 1, grumpf is a one term president" then the money will run out and there will be silence for a while.
Last one friendo, what happened did you break? Or do you repeat your points until you get a real (you)? Nigger.
Where were you when this became the people's republic?
I called it. Said it would be granting residency. But that just kicks the can down the road another 20 years. Their kids will be able to vote. So unless immigrations policy can be fixed in the intern nothing will change long term. Our bets will have to be hedged on Gen Z truly growing up to be conservative and sensitive to anti-white narratives and ultimately resist them. Another Gen Y will be the end of the west.
I want confirmation on this as well holy fuck. I know for a fact Trump himself said the wall was completely funded.
If they were given amnesty, then they would be able to receive government benefits retroactively going back a decade. It would be $20-$30 billion for DACA illegals alone. Making them legal carries a high cost.
Creating that appearance of consensus. Right outta the book.
Duh, who actually beleived the (((schummer)))-pelosi story about DACA? Basically anything the left says about trump is a lie
gets it.
user, if they're given amnesty, that's pretty much it - these are all young people, under 30.
Do you understand what 800k muds under 30 into the voter pool means?
>Duh, who actually beleived the (((schummer)))-pelosi story about DACA?
Friendly reminder, if youre bitching about daca but didn't call your congress critters staff and scream about no amnesty until they cried, you're a fucking nigger.
Me too, this is huge if true.
Thanks for the (you)s matfag, sorry I can't return the favor :')
That's 3.2 million if you take into account that each one of these beaners shits out 4 kids, and we all know how much they love breeding.
Wew lad.
You really are new.
This, not to mention after destroying the name of the Democrats forever, Trump's harping on stubborn Republicucks now. Independent WH inbound.
More than that. They'll bring in the rest of their family and get them legalized too once one member of the family is legal.
Think closer to 5 million, probably more.
Replace DACA with WALL.
You're the one being played.
Why is single payer bad?
Because we're not communists.
WH must respond if this reaches 100k signatures
Fucking this.
Hispanic population growth from outside the country has tanked since 2000. Its all internal now, and these cuckolds want to add nearly a million - or several million - more to the pile?
And there are people on Holla Forums even trying to pretend this is viable? Hah, nah. I don't buy it.
Yep, we got fucking jewed. Again.
Just like the antifa one, right?
Get out.
The only people who don't believe in 4D chess are people who don't have the mental capacity to understand complex things. Any decision that isn't simplified for them is a bad thing. They never consider the long term, only the short term. Their brains are too small to understand things that are actually complicated.
I'm gonna predict, right now, that by the end of 2017 DACA will be gone. Either that, or Trump will announce he's seriously considering ending it just like he did with NAFTA, and then end it in early to mid 2018.
Politics is a dangerous game that can't be won by making simple moves. This is something I'm finding the majority of Holla Forums doesn't fully understand. They didn't understand it when Trump bombed Syria, they didn't understand it when Trump announced we were going back to Afghanistan, and they still don't understand it now.
Read the Art of the Deal.
By "we", I mean whites. If you're included in that category, by all means leave.
por suerte ya he aprendido español. ¡basado trump! ¡américa!
MATs a new one. I like that you sad faggots keep creating new enemies to baselessly accuse others of being.
Remember folks:
These are the signs.
Wow, real subtle there bro, very organic.
He sounds suspiciously sure of himself in that tweet.
I agree. Many people I respect tend to freak the fuck out at the first sight of a loss. Politics doesn't happen over night and never will. Trump is all about the 1 step backward 2 steps forward game too. I am not saying everything he does or will do is a win, but most people are way to early on making the calls even on Holla Forums.
They could turn a few states blue, perhaps even Texas, and invite in many of their family members. It is cultural suicide. Unfortunately, many Republicans and Conservatives do not see things that way. Pushing for a higher child tax credit is a way to prevent an amnesty since tax benefits can be claimed going back 10 years. It is a way to make it near impossible for the government to hand out amnesty for illegals who have been here for an extended amount of time. Even today, giving all illegals amnesty would require a payment of half a trillion dollars. It is far cheaper and carries less risk to merely deport them all.
you mean the book that has been ghost-written only in order to make trump like the tough alphamale businessman who masters the art of 4d chess? you're the one who's getting played and bought the narrative of a snake oil salesman. you're right, politics is a dangerous and complex game, and the fact of the matter is that trump doesn't understand jack shit about it and he relies on the advices of his administration - most of whom are either israel-friendly neocon or incompetent people like him or both (jared kushner)-, but he's good at manipulating fucktard such as yourself who fall head over heels for muh alphamale strongman
*make trump look like
People might actually trust you once in a while, if you wrote like a human being, and weren't fucking illiterate.
This. Its hilarious, Trump even tweeted as much at some point.
Gotta hand it to Trump, though. His acting skills are top notch. Much better acting skills than any other politician I've ever seen.
Checked for someone isn't old enough to remember the last time we got a civ nat cuckold 'tough guy', who was literally an actor.
Ronny was better for his time.
Oh good, I was concerned our defense spending was slacking….
the way this is worded is very suspicious. smells like a very kosher way of saying "we're fully funding the start of this, but not the rest of it"
Just fucking repeal it
Doubt it, with $200T+ in unfunded liabilities
in other words, monopolizing the choke points in trade for selective gains and targeted persecution (e.g. more economic terrorism)
depending on what's cut, probably good
the govt is trillions in debt, what the fuck do they know about financial protection?
people should be in jail over its implementation
Bush started the debt avalanche, we need to go pre-Bush level funding if we want any hope of getting the spending under control.
He writes as well you do, you pretentious little shit, and you have nothing to offer besides vague statements that Trump's thoughts are completely incomprehensible to most people.
link or fuck off
well i confirmed it myself in a new thread
Nigger I'm 37. I remember Reagan. He did not have anywhere near the appeal Trump has. It's not even close.
Millions of Americans were not wearing Reagan hats in the 80s.
Hi I'm posting here to D&C, where do I collect my shekels?
Trump Tower.
He did though, again, for his time.
user, they literally were, Reagan/Bush 84 hats were sold out all over.
He was not selling out packed arenas. It is not even close. When they ran out of MAGA hats, counterfeiters sold millions more "fake" MAGA hats. Trump had a top TV show the year before he ran.
It's not even close.
It is though. You're just too young to know it.
Its assumes everyone is the same. Everyone has the same genetics, same life style, same fitness level, same ability to defer gratification. In reality this isn't true, so you get people who abuse the system. Fat, lazy unhealthy people who clog up the system who go to the doctor for any reason because its free. Meanwhile you have the fit, healthy people who still have to pay the same amount in taxes even though they dont burden the service as much. Now you have month long wait times to see a doctor, less face time with doctors and total over all patient care will decline.
This also involves the government taking control of the health care industry. More money passing through the government hands with no competition to drive prices lower (because the government will institute laws baring private competition) it will become another bloated government program. In the end it takes away personal responsibility away from maintaining good health and gives the state power to redistribute tax dollars to the unhealthy.
How about we just get rid of all insurance across the board? It's only there to make sure the money is being funneled up the pyramid uninterrupted. People can either pay for medical help or find a free clinic or die.
Spot the kike
Why wouldn't he? Seriously. It was obvious from the start that he's a stepping stone. Even if he was Hitler 2.0, Hitler needed the rest of his men to get shit done. And if he was, he has literally zero guys to help him go full 1488.
I was born in the year Reagan was elected. I lived through all 8 years of his presidency. I don't believe you were alive for any years of his presidency.
Tell us, if you were alive during all 8 years of his presidency, what was Reagan's favorite breakfast cereal?
>Allowing 800k THAT ARE ALREADY HERE to stay is "adding more"
The number of illegals in the country doesn't change. Unless they're actually bringing in new people from Mexico that weren't here yesterday, the amount of illegals isn't increasing.
SO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, YOU ORANGE TRAITOR??!! Oh does that mean they'll be here but not full citizens, so tax exempt? We get to support our own invaders yay! Seriously what are you doing?
Haven't read whole thread yet but today made me realize that America is done. As we've known it it's over. Pray for Iran to get the bomb somehow.
Yes, they are.
checked, this
It's forsaking the legal precedent to deport 800,000 non-whites, which certainly does, in a way, "add more to the pile".
trips confirm democracy is a radical, impractical government form that invites the Jews to rape your country to death