Fish Hook Theory, huh? 🤔
Needs some work, here let me help a little…
There we are, now it reflects reality a better.
Fish Hook Theory, huh? 🤔
Needs some work, here let me help a little…
There we are, now it reflects reality a better.
Other urls found in this thread:
Incomprehensible and doubtlessly moronic. Are you schizophrenic by chance?
I'm really enjoying all the context and substance in this OP.
KYS kike
Couldn't be bothered to use a search engine?
First of all, a way better name for your image is slingshot theory, since it nearly identically resembles how astronauts perform gravitational slingshots around planets.
Second of all, this is an awful 4cuck tier thread.
Third, I think you're right to an extent. Would like to see how people get close to gas the kikes mode when angered but settle into a more 14 words when they are immediately inflamed by something they read or saw.
this is literally bait
Cool story mate.
Hang yourself.
I'm NS, I'm just saying this thread has zero effort put into it. No discussion, just a le meme image you want us to save because you're a narcissist. You're not really advancing discussion at all, thus you're only making this thread to stroke your ego, which makes you a 4cucker. Here is where you discuss ideas for the advancement of the ideas themselves, not because you want attention.
tl;dr go away 4cucker
I was giving you the context you were sarcastic about and suggested you learn how to use a search engine. It really does come in handy, snarkisms not so much. Have a nice day fag.
I maintain that you're probably schizophrenic, due to the fact that you assumed your knowledge of a communist reddit meme would be known by other people, and continue to think that your edit of that meme means anything to anybody but you. Failure to understand that others are not privy to your convoluted thoughts is a common symptom of schizophrenia (which, I should add, jews are genetically prone to.)
Spinning the wrong way, faggot.
I know you're tilted because you thought you had an ebin thread on your hands, but what I meant with that is that I see a lot of people go full gas the kikes on twatter whenever something happens but their flame dies out eventually and they're left more forlorn than anything else. I wasn't speaking about myself there, and you'd know that if you would just take a deep breath and try to understand what I'm saying. If not, you can always go back to 4cuck where discussions are always puddle deep and you'll get all the attention you can handle.
Unfortunately nothing I could do for that, Left has to be on the Left for it to make sense and I'm not going to make the Far Right point down. :)
>two sentences / 69 words is too many
Claiming that's too long for you to read is a defensive mechanism. You're protecting your ego by refusing to read anything that's critical of you. It's common among schizophrenics to avoid and ignore anything and anyone that points out their illness.
TL;DR :D Thx guys!
Is that what you think your shitty meme explains?
It doesn't explain anything. I'm sure it means a lot to you, but that meaning has not been conveyed to others. It only exists in your mind, which other people cannot read. Failure to understand that others don't automatically know what you're thinking is a common symptom of schizophrenia.
Leftists are essentially cowardly Nat-Socs in denial. Deep down they know they are. They are just cucks who won't cross the rubicon because they would lose the moral high ground. Once they do they'll be the worst purists and most bloodthirsty hysterics, we'll literally have to hide kikes and shitskins in our caves from them.
I pray for that day.
Defensive mechanism. Very pathetic.
Give a genuine criticism and I'll consider it.
I doubt it.
I have given you genuine criticism. You don't perceive it because you've classified it as a threat to your ego.
the whole undertaking of trying to come up with a political spectrum is shit. dont even bother.
if you're an adult you shouldnt need a one dimensional (or in your case, a much more fancy two dimensional) scale to determine weather or not somebody is a kike or a traitor or whatever. to have any significant accuracy or usefulness in these things there would need to be like at least 8 dimensions to it but that would just be complicated and not useful as a propaganda tool so nobody does it. people have already chosen their sides
no thanks.
Where? All I saw were shitty bait adhom.
Agreed but there's nothing wrong with adapting their memes and poking at them.
Their argument here is that everybody to their right is an enemy, I'm agreeing and expounding on it by having the Far Right CUT OFF the left in the image.
They view Centrists as secretly protective of the Far Right because we are "Centrists" too…
You're definitely wrong. Leftists have completely alien philosophical underpinnings. They genuinely believe in nonsense like the noble savage, the blank slate, and human equality.
These first two diagrams give slightly different takes on this matter. In general, the left believes that men in their natural state were morally superior to what they are now. They believe that before man invented property, they all lived in peaceful harmony without war, violence or racism. They believe that the invention of society has corrupted men and that culture is responsible for all the evils of the world. They aim to implement their vision of utopia by engineering culture.
>The first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying This is mine, and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows, "Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody."
On the other hand national socialists and a handful of other "right wing" philosophies believe that men were once savage and violent. We by this I mean myself, and other National Socialists believe that man pulled himself up from the beasts, creating civilization that enabled incredible accomplishments. We believe that the accomplishments of great races of men should be celebrated, while at the same time we should remember our place in nature. In nature, there is no such thing as equality (this is what the third image conveys, by depicting one animal brutally dominating another without mercy). As we are animals, part of nature, there is no equality in humanity either. Some races of men have accomplished great things, while others still live as ignoble savages (see: Africa).
people are unironically posting this and horseshoe theory all over the internet
I know, it's insane.
Exactly, advocating strong government is fine unless you wish to start improving systems.
Yeah, because we do not observe violence or racism in animals…