Reagan 2.0

>"Ryan and McConnell agree with us on DACA, we're we're very much on board."

I voted for Trump, but this is certainly not what I voted for. A wall is useless as long as there is any immigration from the third world whatsoever.
You have to realize that you cannot rely on the machine that is trying to destroy you, to save you. A democratic solution is out the window. I know a lot of you already realize that, but it's only going to get worse here for those (((Civic Nationalists))) who continue to ignore the crux of the issue.

Other urls found in this thread:

Checked OP

Trips of truth. Lock and load Safety Squads.

This is insane.

Absolutely civic!

How many threads do you have make about this, you pathetic slide shill?

Well he did say he was going to 'make america great again' :')

There's no God damn way that's right.

I was huge on Trump since he announced, this DACA capitulation has me feeling ashamed to admit that. I've understood for a while that Trump is a stepping stone, but this is pure cuckoldry. He has done some good for us with the travel ban and the wall does slow the flow of beans. I'm going to hold out hope that he'll do more good for us in his term. I hope the blackpill shills are wrong about Trump, however I'm starting to have my own doubts. Allowing DACA to be enshrined in law is absolutely ridiculous. These fuckwits treat Obama's term like it was the Constitutional Convention, it makes me sick.

It really doesn't matter what Trump says, especially considering it's inscrutable 4D chess most of the time. It only matters what he does. And it looks like he's setting up the democrats by saying "Yeah sure, I'll give you DACA if you give me impenetrable border security", which they won't give him, which will result in them having a meltdown because they want DACA, but they won't give him the wall, but they have to give him the wall, but they can't.

If you watched the video, Trump had said that DACA will come way before the wall.
All you have is a hypothetical that can only come true if Trump is lying for the sake of political maneuvering.
But then if Trump is lying, why should we believe anything he had said before if it was all just for the sake of political maneuvering?
At least be logically consistent, is he just lying now, or was he always lying? And if he's going to lie for the sake of getting his way, which side is he lying to?

Jeb Bush wouldn't have been much different at this point.

More 88D chess, goyim.



I told you fucking faggots what was going to happen before he even ran, and I was just called a kike shill for fucking months. Every single day I am vindicated now.

Checked and YES!

Maybe, but you're still wrong about flat earth Sinead.

Yeah, I fucked up with the wall part but my point still stands. He's using DACA as a bargaining chip in exchange for border security, which will fracture the democucks between those who want to capitulate and those who don't. And they'll never be able to make up their minds.

Eat a dick, nigger. I don't have to be some stupid fucking bitch to be right.


"Border security" is useless when a couple states turn blue. You sound like a basic bitch Republican.

I was banned for posting the White House video of Trump touching the old Roman fort.

Reagan said the same thing. Even if Trump does one up on Reagan and actually build the wall, passing DACA is completely and totally unforgivable.
And so you are saying he's only using it to wedge the wall in, but what if you're wrong and they actually compromise and we get both?
You can say what you think he's doing all your prediction is not sufficient to dismiss events that have not come to pass yet. I can say exactly what you are saying but in advocating the reverse and it would be equally valid to your conjectural claim.

Easy there, if you're getting triggered that hard I might start to believe that is you.

lel you sound like a retard. The democrats won't accept his DACA-for-border-security deal. But they will argue and bitterly in-fight about it.

DACA is un-passable. Any deal that involves passing it is a ruse.

You fail to see the bigger picture. This is basically a path to citizenship. Trump wants them to stay and is, I bet you, willing to give them amnesty.

Trump is a stop gap for zionists, not a stepping stone for nationalism. The US is getting BTFO all over the world right now and has no ability to stop it. Trump is letting moneyed interests get the ROI on hydrocarbon plays that the Obama administration interrupted and attempting to rebuild the zionist war machine for a massive conflict. There will be no wall, there will be no mass deportations. It was a scam from the start.

It IS chess. Just wait to see what he does. Definitely don't try to influence what he does by bombarding his tweets with replies along the lines of "Yes we absolutely want you to do what you promised." Just let him think that everyone is okay with this because it's definitely chess.

This. Trump is more focused on starting a war with Iran and North Korea than deporting spics and building a wall. He really is Reagan 2.0.

Donald Trump is a pressure release valve. He was voted into office by disillusion whites who wanted a comfort blanket, and they got it. Most of them don't care what he does as long as he says the right things and makes them feel good. Which he's very good at. He's not a stepping stone towards anything we want.

Do you get paid to say dumb shit like this, or are you just retarded? Trump himself said the wall will come later after he screws us over. The wall, if we actually get it, which is unlikely, isn't going to do us any good at that point. It's hilarious to think that Holla Forums's god-emperor might be the finally death knell of America.

I know that feel. I can't tell you how many times I've been banned for insulting daddy Trump.

And why do you believe that? To most of us it looks like both the Democrats and Republicans are willing and eager to pass it.

You fail to realize that DACA or anything similar can't be passed. By demanding border security in exchange for it the madman has actually given democrats a reason to oppose DACA. Fucking democrats


Suck start a shotgun you fucking mongoloid.

Just filter it.


What about white South Africans, Namibians and Botswana(eans)

You do realize that after this, both Ryan and Trump will back an amnesty bill? That's more than enough to get something passed.

Can't you see, user? The amnesty is even better than to wall, to keep the shitskins out!


The truth is, Trump has done the seemingly impossible and given democrats a reason to oppose DACA. Why are you so mad about this chess move?

Fuck you Satan.

Personally I'm glad I decided to just wait for Hitler so I don't have to feel any guilt over this cuck.

Sure user. That's why Obongocare was successfully repealed and replaced. :^)

inb4 Ikampfy deleted the thread and bans everyone involved.

Or how about you realize that Trump is nearly
useless and you start planning irl activity.

Obamacare wasn't repealed because the Dems didn't want that. With amnesty, you'll have bipartisan support.

We need to push the white genocide meme now more than ever.

I think he's in the middle of another robo trip he's taking this almost as hard as the wailing wall incident.

I honestly posted that thinking he may have banned me from the last time I posted that in an anti-Trump thread. You may be right. Or it might mean that Ikampfy got all he wanted out of his social experiment with Holla Forums and is waiting for the next opportunity for a good wank.

Except you won't. Half the dems will oppose DACA because Trump has tied it to conditions they will refuse to capitulate to. A number of republicucks will oppose it too if only because supporting it would end their political careers.

Did you not listen to what Pelosi and Schumer said? They're happy about the possible deal. They're willing to increase "security" because they know it won't do shit.

Dems are all for this since that is how they got California last time. You idiot.

How many threads moshie?

Yes user, I listend to what two world class liars said. Fuck, the Whitehouse had to issue a statement immediately correcting them after they lied about their meeting with Trump.

Are you seriously defending Trump after he's turned on everything he's promised? Are you really still this deluded?

just talking with the dems to put pressure on his party is turning on everything he promised

The top-kikes already are in agreement about it, they are willing to give a wall if it means they will get more voters.

You already said Trump was lying too, so how is he any different?


How many threads moshie?

lolnope. You're the incredibly stupid one for somehow thinking that dems would give him the border security he wants.

Because I know why he's lying and what his lies are accomplishing.

Look at me I can say Moshie!

come on guys. i take no pleasure in this yet.

Let's see:

Chess Faith praise the 4D!

Fucking Holla Forums tier niggers.

Every day until you realize democracy is a farce,

Sure ya did sweetie

His campaign fucking revolved around "WE'RE GUNNA MAKE DEALS N SHIT" you retard. Maybe you should have actually listened to him instead of watching futa porn.

America can decide who stay s and who goes and most importantly that there is definite and clearly defined rules to engage towards those who should be rewarded for their efforts and those who should be punished for their efforts. Donald has yet to ruin his image in my eyes and I respect him even more now than I did yesterday. He's never been a monster, but there are people who only see monsters and project those images on top of men.

Shut the fuck up retard, you are the one trying to sage a thread about news that actually matters for fucking once.

The amount of immigrants, illegal or otherwise, who cross at random smuggling routes in the desert has been a fraction of the problem for decades now. It's an old, outdated meme from the 70s. These people literally drive or walk across the border at official crossings or fly directly into an airport. Mexico and Central America itself hasn't even been the primary origin of immigrants for years.

I think he is just a mentally ill drug addict who fell hard for the 4d chess meme.

So youre going to act like niggers then?

((( )))
Reported for Fake News! Africa will have a bit lighter skin and more squinty eyes.

Enjoy your ban redditfag

You don't have to believe me, my district was already going to go red, so my vote didn't make a difference but I sure cared enough to vote anyways.
Did you vote?

I loved Donald Trump, honest to God I did, I even bought The Art of the Deal and highlighted all of my favorite passages and quotes in classic neon yellow highlighter, I bought every season of The Apprentice including the 40 hours of bonus behind the scenes footage for an extra $20 smackers, I bought every version of MAGA hat, even the very rare green St.Patricks day hat and I even bought every MAGA hat from the Spring pastel color collection, but after the most recent Russia revelations, I can no longer support this man. I dropped off all my Trump suits at The Salvation Army and the homeless volunteer said "this shit is made in China!" And threw it in the dumpster, then the homeless man living in the dumpster threw it onto the street and I heard a muffled "cheap made in China bullshit!" then his stray pandering dog limped over to the suits and took a shit on them, I just shook my head, so symbolic, fuckin Drumpf.

Tulsi will get my vote in 2020

They won't oppose shit moron. Any kind of border security can be undone when the millions of illegals vote for some communist next election.

TRUMP IS LEGITIMIZING AMNESTY, if any other candidate did that people would revolt, you think they will miss that opportunity.

No youre Holla Forums tier because you spam thr catalog with bullshit.



Wew, I made this thread because the video surfaced in my subscriptions feed, I posted this as soon as I saw it. Care to link the other threads that are exactly about Trump saying what he said in the video? Or are you just triggered you see any criticism at all?

How stupid I was. It's Current Year. Why would anything good ever happen?

Wait, what was Nazi Germany's opinion of Hispanics?

We can all sit here and bitch about Trump or we could start calling our congressmen. Tell these fucking cucks that they wont receive a dime or a vote from any of us if they capitulate on DACA.

Not only should we do this but we should also talk to our friends and family and get them to do the same thing. We cannot just sit by any more. We need to become the squeaky wheel that needs oiled. I am fucking sick an tired of the leftist winning because they bitch harder and threaten protests. It's high time we start being more vocal and getting everyone we know involved.

The typical anti-Trump post everybody!

Triple sevens for 7/10 pasta.

The most horrifying development of this entire presidency is the reality that Trump has been co-opted by the elites, and is now their ultimate weapon: A completely manipulable psychopathic narcissistic personality in the White House, which they can easily manipulate by playing on his emotions, beliefs, and drives. They completely own him now: mind, body, and soul (if he even has one).

Think it through and you will see that this is actually the worst possible scenario that could have happened. The elites are going to completely manipulate Trump and use him to further their own goals. I pray that we are not on the verge of what clearly looks to be a massive coup by the establishment.

They don't need either.
If you really feel that way, stop telling people to keep participating in the system and start telling people to kill.


Is that the r/the_donald manifesto?

we're still less than a year into his presidency. just because the wall isnt built year 1 doesnt mean it wont be built by the other 3 or possibly 7. i have the possibility to be wrong and it wont come in the next 7 years, but we'll just have to wait and see.

How to tell the shills from the actual posters. Shills post in a block paragraph that looks as if it was written out clearly and concisely weeks ago.

lololololol. Look user, don't get mad just because you're too dense to figure out the fairly obvious chess moves.

Go back to reddit.

I'm currently friends with a German family (they're legal). However, despite being really conservatives, they have relatives in the US that are under DACA.

How the hell am I supposed to marry the oldest daughter if their family gets deported? I fucking told them to vote for Trump and assure them he wasn't going to deport their relatives back to Norway and other countries.

With this, hopefully I can talk with her again.

If Reagan 2.0 is the floor, I could live with that.

I've never posted on that website
it seems everyone copy's my signature style and assumes i'm not the original having seen every crude reproduction in existence. I'm the real deal.


Back to your gooka shithole.

My best tip for spotting shills is watch out for anons who go out of their way to defend Israel supporters

Meanwhile seven years down the line the use has gone from around ~55% white down to the high to mid 40%'s. Great strategy, let's just wait to vote for the next president as well, maybe that based black republican will talk about auditing the fed.

You guys were wrong about Trump. He was really controlled by (((them))) all along. His vapid never-had-a-job-ever Jew daughter is the mastermind behind all of his actions, and I find it hard to believe he hasn't realized it yet. This is 4D chess, but Trump isn't winning, Ivanka and her Jew friends are. Don't expect a wall, but it wouldn't even matter anyways because of amnesty.

Duh, you marry her before they get deported.

I swear to god, the more Trump cucks the more delusional you people become. Tell us, what are Trump's lies accomplishing?

The republicans still do….

Nice try FBI

I was saying you act like them ,nigger.

what the fuck else can we do?

Every single traitor piece of shit is identifying themselves for the first year.
None of you read the art of the deal or even stood around for someone to summarize it for you it seems. You really should have learned more about Trump before commenting it really makes you all out to be completely dumb on complex matters- you simply can't contemplate why something the way it is or how it came to be. You're just jumping on and off band wagons like it's parkour season throwing and flipping your latest trends in their and hoping they land back on your heads.

And that's how you spot the shill

Nothing politically, and that is the point. The great happening needs to finally start or we are just going to became the continued story of Camp of the Saints.

She is too busy to talk to me. They have a very large home and they been using it to house their illegal relatives.

*the air

I did. Try to keep and and don't get too mad :^)

No, they don't. The average person doesn't have any money and the entire voting system is electronic.

Who gives a shit. Get new friends. You are going to sell out your race for pussy you don't even have?

You are a degenerate loser if that is the case.

And you act like a redditor, so why are you so butthurt?

Shut the fuck up, I'm going to have white children with those birthing hips whether Jews like it or not!

Stop associating with criminals.

Marry her now, retard. DACA isn't and will not work in our favor.

Shut the fuck up, I'm going to have white children whether Jews like it or not!

Did little Yael not convert to juduism and change her name? Does she not follow jewish law and have a jewish husband? Does she not attend synagogue? Did she not enroll her children in heeb school? Seems like a kike to me.

Except she literally converted to Judaism, you fucking moron. Call her by her real name, (((Yael Kushner))).

Do the right thing. Report them to ICE.


Not only a republican president, fucking TRUMP is accepting it, you can't get less hostile than that, genius.

That's the same way they could pass tons of degenerate shit unchallenged trough Reagan.


About what I was expecting

You may be right except about everyone buying it. I use Breitbart as a kind of barometer since that's the numbers of lighter than alt light that voted him in.

They're furious (pic related).


I can't even talk to her now that DACA is in danger, you fucking retard.

You're a nigger aren't you? Go ahead and have your coal burner, she was trash anyway.

Stop projecting kike, she is an amazing woman and the only one I want to spend the rest of my life making white babies with

Just because you're childless doesn't mean I shouldn't have redpilled children.


Fuck off you sex-obsessed degenerate piece of shit who wants illegals not to get deported for the slight chance of getting his dick wet with a pussy who won't even talk to him.

You're a pathetic cuck.

You're fucking disgusting.

But there is high point in all this. DJT is stupid. Which is great…what better thing is then to give to psychopathic narcissistic maniac lunch codes of nuclear weapons…


You are Holla Forums for not realizing this is very similar to what happened with Syria. I'm pessimistic about this shit but I know it can end up not as bad as everyone is saying. Not to mention liberals and MSM are realizing this is a great chance for them to attack Trump's base and make them no longer support him. If they can get those people to turn on Trump, democrats will easily win 2020. Notice how (((convenient))) it is that the conclusion to Trump "betraying" his supporters is to just give up and let Michelle Obama run in 2020 and win. They are here to demotivate because they know the Russia thing is over and their other retarded plans, like Trump not being mentally stable, are retarded and won't work.

Well, if she's lucky a real man will come along for her. Reported for being a spineless faggot.

Reported. Race traitors will never be redpilled, and your mongrel children have no place in our society.

Nah, I never bought into the Trump hype. I'm just glad to see the tide is turning around here.

and now DJT and elites (who are controlling him) have weapons that could destroy world. And everybody hates them and they know it

Trump given amnesty to millions is a good move.
He's playing 4d chess and this is a move on the way to a white imperium.

The symbolic score of someone who had been openly declared racist win the national election.

The SCOTUS esp because of first and second amendments.

I'm still glad as hell he won.

I can't talk to her because I told the German family during the elections that no one was going to be deported. In the last minute, they all went for Hillary because they didn't want to be separated from their relatives.

Did I meantion that china and russia are getting of this train very fast ?

arabs are fighting between them selfs…and israel is not very happy with situation in ME

I almost forgot…EU is fucked by immigration.

Krauts are fucking cancer. Holy shit.

Something about your post doesn't quite add up.

Yes and no. On one hand the leftysalt was very fun. On the other hand he sort of drained much of the momentum the rapidly angering white population had. I hope the bounceback will be fast when people realize they've been betrayed because there isn't much time for the US.

((( )))
Reported kike

Well then they should all fucking go back together.

Oh, destroying our country and accelerating global White genocide to save their own asses in the short term. WTF I hate my German heritage now.

Aw shit nigger. You mean we can't vote our way to a white ethnostate, and will actually have to fight for it? Fuck, better make a thread on Holla Forums about how BETRAYED we are by Trump and his Jew daughter.

Reported shitskin.

Can't believe how widely shilled shilled such a bullshit arguement was

German family is legal, but Norwegian relatives are on DACA

If a German woman marries an American she gets citizenship doesn't she? Why would she come as an illegal? Whites doesn't come as illegal immigrants. I think your story is bullshit.

You still haven't denied being a nigger.

Bullshit. White people arent on DACA, unless you're one of those new "tanned Germans". Wtf are you even talking about? is 6 gazilion chess…he did not fucked us right know. He is playing chess and we are stupid and do not understand his genius…

It's like nobody followed Trump's business dealings at all. he does it all the time.

The only faggots that use this are kikes and anglos


Whites in general don't have much time. This is a dagger in the heart of the white race.

You can't change anything if the powers that be still control the government and it's are opponents controlled, there's only one solution to this.

Sure thing Tyrone. You and your coal burning whore will be hanged from lamposts like all the other shitskins and race traitors.

True, but the US is a bit ahead of the rest of the pack. And also in many ways the heart of white civilization right now.

This you fucking degenerate piece of shit.

just look who elected trump (pic related)

The German girl is legal, she doesn't need citizenship. Her relatives on the other hand are on DACA at best. I told her family to vote for Trump, but when DACA was endangered, she didn't want to talk with me.


That's right, you could never hope to understand his genius. My faith is not swayed.

You're going to tell me her Norwegian relatives came to the US as illegal immigrants? I'm a fucking Norwegian and let me tell you no Norwegian who isn't a brown neo-Norwegian would ever do such a thing.

Are you both so jealous I'm going to marry with amazing birthing hips?

We NEED a hard reset and fast. Without a civil war the only way we are getting it is through WW3, but we can't count on it.

The best of us all died in WW2.

No, you hope it will end up not being as bad as everyone is saying.

Trump is doing that all by himself.

If DACA passes, Trump will have turned on us.

No one here has been cheerleading for Michelle. Are you guys going to pull this card in 2020?

They overstayed their visas, just like most illegals

Nobody cares about you fictional girlfriend.

Consider yourself filtered faggot

I thought kushner got Trump elected

You know who else has amazing German birthing hips?

You mistake disgust for jealousy.

You're a fucking idiot as well as a cuck.

you should not have faith in politicians. They lie, you know…to get elected

Either they are muds or I call bullshit. We Norwegians are extremely, extremely fussy about legality. If they really are white Norwegians who overstayed their visa's they're shit tier untermensch Norwegians you don't want in your country anyways. Please no returns.

Blackpill shills are retarded

Once we return them you are free to deport them to the Norwegian seas.
Those are a part of Norway too.

Let's compromise by you deporting their daca asses halfway across the atlantic.

It doesn't matter to me anymore, but I kept reading that "it's a fence not a big beautiful wall" all over MSM but seeing this he's actually saying that they're renovating what is already there and building prototypes. So yeah, MSM still calling Trump Hitler confirmed.

And what is better way for that then to give stupid egoistical maniac who is controlled by (((TPTB)) keys to nukes.

Good thing Trump isn't a politician.
He's a regular person who got elected using his own money.

Go and hang yourself kike.

Go back to reddit.


I never said they were illegals, how could they vote if they were?

Isn't that part of the campaigning process? Using money to advertise for your campaign?


there are no rules about posting

here is a wall

No, no it won't. He has 800k bargaining chips right NOW. I've seen hustles before, and this looks really fucking familiar.


how come we aren't getting stickies on important shit like this


Isn't it convenient he's supporting the Charlottesville-influenced anti-white resolution that was recently passed by both parties in Congress? He had to wait to betray his own base, fully realizing he's the only one pacifying angry Whites that voted for him.

There is absolutely no political solution in this country anymore.


daddy's wall

Go back to reddit.

Go suck your master's trimmed dick

my husbands wall


DOTR when?

If you had spent any time examining his political forays, stretching back decades, before this current presidential run his actual positions would have been made very clear.

I'm not buying your bullshit, sell it somewhere else (((friendo)))

Pick one

Because the mods have an active interest in promoting anything pro-Trump and suppressing anything anti-Trump.
If you'll notice, the pro-Trump shills ruining this thread have not been banned nor have they been banned in any of the other threads they have been shilling in. Yet anyone posting anything anti-Trump has been banned.
Verify this yourself by using a VPN and ruining any active meaningful discussion about Trump and then doing the opposite.


you like my father in laws wall

I voted for trump sothat we can have more jobs!

I don't appreciate the blanket tor bans. I'm on my neighbors fucking wifi because Kamphy can't figure out a better way to deal with spam-posters

user you're a retard.

There's a reason the kushner mods banned talking about pic related

What do you think ?

How come anons were baned for pictures of DJT at wall while he was in israel ?

If amnesty passes for DACA recipients I don't want to see any more people defend Trump, at that point he becomes a useful idiot to us and nothing more.

i will pass this wall down to trump with daca

in an attempt to control the discussion and effectively suppress anti-Trump sentiment, I'm sure they will ban VPNs next

so you can work to support a bunch of turdworld welfare rats that vote against your interests at every opportunity?
better you than me, you dumb fucking cuck

Should've just voted Jeb. What a fucking waste.

obama will love this wall

Jeb was the hero we needed and deserved. At least with him we'd have gotten WW3.

Just waiting for WW3 now a days.

tbh, Jeb had better memes.

iJeb! surge soon!

I wouldn't even call it that. It's just holding him to his own promises.
but, whatever, I'm not going to run up 22+ posts like some "people"

grand master jew can you delete my emails

iYeb! was allowing us to meme him on our terms. Trump was only to be memes in ways that cast him in a good light.
Meanwhile iYeb! Was walking around with pocketfuls of turtles and asking for hugs… encouraging us.
It is with great regret that we did not do more with Jeb.

There is an idiot ITT who think Dems give a shit about spending money on meaningless non wall security for Amnesty. They will be happy to you clown. Trump is a piece of shit and should be bullied mercilessly until he not only backtracks, but apologises for being such a sellout scumbag.

Good luck with that. Did you see the election?

Says nervous man for the 100th time this year

Watch gundam

All these "nazis get out!" memes I'm seeing be forced in this thread have got me wondering if this is the BO's game? Slowly replace and rewrite the culture of Holla Forums so that even here, there is no home. No home for whites.

Do you see him getting elected again with this treachery? He hasn't a fucking hope, all his media supporters bar that lickspittle Mitchell have told him to fuck off, he's lost at sea and is sealing his own fate.

The one thing Trump learned from those farther to the right than he is, is that you never apologize. Not apologizing won him the election. That is now ingrained in him. He has gotten everywhere by being unapologetic, which would be a good thing ordinarily. But now he's going to use it against us.
I think it's now a foregone conclusion that he is a one term president. He's now pissed off his base to pander to people who hate him. Enjoy the next three years, you fucking orange retard. Could have left a memorable legacy, but he fucked it all up with two decisions:
Expanding the conflict in Afghanistan and DACA. In the course of just a month, he fucked everything up for himself.

Wait… Bill Mitchell told him to fuck off?

Holla Forums culture always changes, remember before Trump when over half the posters here were illegal spics. Now they are gone and we're better off.

That commie propaganda? No thanks.



I remember this place being solely natsoc, before the death of 4/pol/. Then came the "helicopter" lolbergs, and after that, the civgnats.

No, he's the only deluded fuck saying this is fine. He called Ann Coulter an idiot

The wall means jack shit if you can't enforce immigration laws.

DACA must stay dead and the people it allowed in removed. End of story.

Funny, considering Mitchell was a #CruzMissile until the night Trump bumped him off.

Fun story, I posted there the other day telling people, who constantly bash islam mind you, to look into what the kike manifesto(torah/talmud or whatever the fuck it's called) says about non-Jews, I was instantly banned. I'm done with T_D it is just an echo chamber of confirmation bias and circle jerking about "X-D chess". The torah basically calls all Christians idolaters deserving death for following Christ as well as many other lovely things like claiming while they do not think Jews are superior they are god's chosen people, all kinds of blatant double speak. I was a Jehovah's Witness growing up FFS so I know a pack of crazies when I see them and I am not going to censor myself because of political correctness 2.0. Judaism as a whole is no different than islam and they literally have the same goals and worship the same "god", as far as I'm concerned they are both the enemy until proven otherwise.

The wall has nothing to do with fucking amnesty.

God I hate that smurf/elsa look-a-like motherfucker. He'd defend Stalin if it were lucrative, literal shabbos goy.

this is the only way white man.


the wall which he started downplaying immediately into a partial wall/fence ceases to have a meaning

Yep. Too many, including myself, fell for the "there's a kosher political solution" meme. Time to lead, shut up, or get the fuck out of the way.

Satan dubs confirm, don't inject yourself with botulism kids.





Glad I began prepping before onog took office.

Thread theme.


New rule: Our next guy cannot have a family. Makes him too susceptible to threats.


He doesn't care about being reelected. As soon as he got in, fuel efficiency standards were rolled back, Carl Icahn got to personally rewrite drilling regulations to benefit his failing gas plays, the Gulfniggers got a huge resupply of zio-burger military aid, the US is re-engaged militarily in Syria even if they are failing, and more violent mudnigger soldiers have been furnished in the Baltics and Poland to act as kindling for another major conflict to devastate the White race.

He's already done what he was hired to do.

1:13 on OP's embed this is the same video where he confirms he DACA, so yes a Reagen type deal.

Don't you have an e-celeb thread to sperg out in?

How about we settle for someone who's em family isn't full of kikes?


This. Don't forget adding more soldiers to Afghanistan to protect those poppy farms. Not enough Americans have overdosed yet from opium I presume.

The goal now is to continue riling up the disillusioned White base. More anti-White propaganda needs to be made and far more focused on the fact there is no political solution. It's either a flat-out war or a slow death turning the country brown.

what did he mean by this?

You're missing the point.

One of the main things he talked about was ending the opiate epidemic. It was one of his big talking points when he was in New England on the campaign trail.
Has this nigger kept any promises?

the time for attempting to absolve ourselves of responsibility by externalizing our salvation to controlled opposition is over. do you want to exist as a cuck knowing you did nothing but type words on a computer screen as the destruction of everything beautiful took place, or do you want to resist and probably die? thats your choice to make but quit living a delusion. those are your 2 options because nobody is going to save you without sacrifice on your part first. the deathly fight is coming. (((they))) know that the trump character has failed in its mission to implant the god emperor meme on us as dogmatically true. the crackdown will begin before we spread more. im sick of mashing my fucking keyboard.

Oy vey gevalt everyone in this thread is a jewish shill except me.

I hope this demoralizes Americans from believing in Democracy/Republic. That voting will fix their country from entrenched jewish influence.

A reminder to immediately filter anyone cropping up with this posting template.


You couldn't ever possibly hope to understand his genius. This is a move to get us closer to a white imperium in the long run. Get out kike shill.

Unless Trump does the same as webm related, he's no where near Reagan-tier.

Wew, this timeline is getting really fucked up.


Exactly. Nothing is gained without struggle and sacrifice. It is ALWAYS better to die on your feet, than live on your knees.

Where is the John Hinckley Jr. of our generation?

Died of a heroin overdose in Nebraska.

This will even in the worst case scenario be a lot better than a Hillary presidency. I guarantee you millions are losing faith in democracy totally.

Making Israel Great Again.

Wouldn't surprise me if he already got deported

Israel First, America Second

Nigger, I'm tired of hearing this shit.
Whether Shillary would have been better, worse, from our position, is FUCKING IRRELEVANT.
The election is over and the two party system is a false dichotomy maintained by Jewish interests. This whole fucking shitshow should have taught you as much.

At least Ivanka's friends will give her validation again

Roy Cohn
Roger Stone
Ghislaine Maxwell
Jeffrey Epstein

Do the research. You were warned.

Top kek! That's a Mexican quote,I think Pancho Villa said it.

Mexicans will be the least of our problems once Islam gets a stronghold. Soon we'll have Yemen refugees after they carpet bomb the entire country.

Israel First, America Will Come Later

That Ivanka is still there in any capacity other than occasional visits for the little mischlings to see their grandpa speaks volumes as to Trump's inability to control his daughter or himself.

You will never know, because none of the MSM will go out of their way to tell you.

(((Civic Nationalists))) who continue to ignore the crux of the issue.
Civnats will continue to cuck no matter what the gov does to them.

This is what I'm saying here
We can exploit this. Remember the European propaganda video about refugees made by a Holla Forumsack around 2015? We need more shit like that, to really piss off the disillusioned White class. Throw in the open and blatant anti-White hatred from the Left and we'll have a firestorm.

What was the one poll after Charlottesville? Something like 9% of those polled agreed with our views? That's 30 million Americans alone. 30 million, no doubt armed to the teeth. I can make videos like this, but I can't do it alone, especially after the Right-wing mass bans on Youtube and elsewhere.

We're at such a golden opportunity today with Trump's DACA amnesty; we mustn't let this go to waste. As long as we FOCUS THAT POLITICS IS NO LONGER AN OPTION, we can have real change.


It was Emiliano Zapata who said it

Its an easy sell.

Just like the 98% chance of Hillary winning. The polls are bullshit. Everywhere on facekike, the people that aren't outright censored or banned you see overwhelming support to remove DACA, deport illegals and build the wall.

I actually been wanting my UK gf in DACA to stay longer. Can't really marry her because at the moment for family issues. I would be pissed at Trump if she marries an American nigger or spic to fix the DACA status.

Great way to sell this, juxtapose the entire US Senate attacking white nationalism, when earlier the same year (this year) they all stood up for Israel (and ethnonation state) against the UN.

When the entirety of your legislature will defend a foreign Jewish ethno-nationalist country, that employs genetic testing to restrict citizenship, against an international bureau accusing said nation of genocide and other such abuses, yet decry their own folk, who compose the majority of the nation, now and historically, and who put many of those same men into power, 'domestic terrorists' on the basis of an overweight race-mixing Marxist criminal having a heart attack in the vicinity of a traffic accident, well, it fucking speaks for itself unless the person in question is a complete imbecile.

Are you fucking gay? Tell her the situation and talk about future possibilities if you're apparently that close

An incredibly easy sell. The people we're going after already agree with us, but they must feel the doors closing in on them. We must get that angry dog backed into such a corner that the only way out is by offense.

Focus on non-political solutions and the open White-replacement by non-Whites. It's clear the White men are the most pissed off; them seeing a video of some brown fucker laughing that their grandkids will be brown and its "our country now" while showing there's no way out will help in his inevitable mental break right to our cause.

Read the whole post, inbred retard.

I want to add the reason (in case you truly are inbred): she has family in DACA and she's busy helping them rather than to waste time with a person that put her family in danger

Anyone who fell for this blindingly obvious bait has a nigger tier IQ, as much as people on here talk about redpills there are a lot of suckers on here

Reagan was the definition of a cuck, the amnesty slide started with him, and every president after all granted amnesty as well (while pledging this was the last time) and trading it for "greater border security." People need to point this shit out and hold Trump to fucking standards, he's going back on everything promised. We're now in phase: "You're gonna lose so much you'll get tired of losing! Please Trump, no more losing!"

We need term limits. It would force the overton window on a secdule. Every two terms we would get far more polarizing politicians because nothing ever get's done,and things seem to always get worse.

The moment term limits are enacted, the cucks who have been in power for several terms would have their last. The political system would be forced to have American style Civ Nats fill in the empty void.

The "moderate" libs would be kicked out and the DNC would have a bunch of wacko BLM politicians fill the void.

Is this a fucking joke? Please don't be real. And it is real ok..
Maybe Alex is right they are drugging him

shill thread

Not in the same situation, but my UK DACA gf has been between a rock and a hard place. Because of family matters I'm away, so it would grab my gun if she married a nigger or spic to fix her DACA situation

I'm calling bullshit. Germans and Norwegians as illegals in the US? "She's too busy 'helping' her family to talk to someone who 'put her family in danger'? Shit that didn't fucking happen. Get the fuck outta here.


More shit that didn't happen.



Shut up faggot, with your shit that didn't fucking happen. Tell your imaginary illegal-alien UK gf to fuck herself.


Are you an african prince who needs help getting your inheritence out of Nigeria? If so i have money orders standing by to send to you.

Weird the vast majority of them entered legally and overstayed their visas. Reported for shilling (((fake news)))

Kek, this.

Seems legit user!
Even if that shit DID happen, I'm glad she's being deported. Send her back to cuck island, and you can go with her, ya cuckolded faggot.

You said she was German in the other thread. Trouble keeping your bullshit story straight?

And this fucking non-argument again. Filtered and reported you derailing kike.

You're a fucking joke trying to get my gf desperate to marry a nigger for citizenship. Reported

Shit that didn't happen confirmed.

No. Wrong user faggot.
Reported for trying to get whites deported

shill thread

Your imaginary Irish gf being deported is entirely worth it for the sake of deporting hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of illegal muds.
You are a cuckold.

not only did she marry and make jewlets, shes probably taken BBC before, all with daddy's approval

>white women don't marry shitskins to get visas
Bullshit. Reported for obvious like.

Why are the shills so enthusiastic today? Did they get a bonus?

We can't legislate our way out, they're all against us, and the normies always look straight to the next election and don't wake up. We played their game, got trump elected, and got shit on.

Face to bloodshed

kek, no

Designated Shilling Thread

Why would she marry a shitskin instead of you, nigger?
Is it because she doesn't exist?

Either way, you're low-energy as fuck: willing to drown your country in mud for one skank who would rather marry a nigger than you.

Oh, I'm sorry, that's right, she's Scottish. In your mind.

Do you really not need to prove your fucking citizenship/show a social security number to join the military?

Sorry if dumb question, non-warrior of zion here

If she's willing to marry a nigger to get a visa, she's worthless tier.
She's already bottom of the bucket being an illegal implying she exists.

I'm away due to family matters. I can't just walk away from my own blood just because of some girl I've been seeing. I told her I'm proposing to her once I'm back because she was getting desperate over the DACA fiasco

user, they have a whole program that allows shitskins to earn citizenship via service.
Look up 'Gangland - Basic Training', it details how many of these fucking muds are entering the military for training, which they then bring to gang-wars on US streets. Its a travesty.

I'll prove your worth by getting you reported :^)

Nigger, you can get married without being face-to-face.

Just propose to her now in your mind and then marry her. You don't have to be face to face, you don't have to have a ceremony - it can all be done via correspondence, you incredible fucking imbecile.

Again: You're willing to drown your country in mud for the sake of one skank who would rather marry a nigger than you, or at least, that you seem to be afraid will marry a nigger because you're too low-IQ to realize you don't have to be standing face-to-face to get married to her.
God damn, you are either a complete cuckold or just a fucking idiot, I don't know which is worse.

But this is all fantasy, so whatever. You should be banned for this low-energy shilling. In fact, reported.

Go back to kikebook


You already replied to that post you stupid cuckold.

You can't if you're not a citizen.

It doesn't fucking work if you lack papers from the country of origin! I talked to a lawyer about this. She needs to go back to the UK to get her stuff checked. Furthermore, she has to deal with her invalid mother so she can come to me.

So you know a bunch of people who are not citizens, but voted for Hillary.

The more I think, the more time passes, the more I realize that Trump is literally Paul von Hindenburg.

Yes you can.

So she can't marry a nigger either then you fucking imbecile.

Kek, okay, so, she needs to back to Lithuania to get her papers in order to marry you… But you were just crying about being worried she would marry a nigger to stay - which is impossible, via your own claims.

Either she can marry you now, or she can't, in which case, she can't marry a nigger now. Your shit is all fucked up and you talk like a faggot.

None of which changes the fact that this is all fantasy, and even if it weren't, you're STILL a massive cuckolded faggot who would drown his nation in mud for the sake of one foreign skank, living in your lands illegally.

Stop replying seriously to these fake posts. This is a made up story, either filter it out or have fun with it.

There is no girlfriend, there is no daca family, you are all just falling for a troll.

No wonder the post quality has been such shit.

((( )))
Nigger, learn to read what you type.

You said to marry her while we're apart. While it's usually possible to marry people in other states (or countries), you need to have valid documents from the respective countries to do that.


"they can come in legally" has been part of his speeches since start,
everyone is fucking moron

Ooooh, you're this nigger.

Pretending to be retarded isn't trolling bro, its just being retarded. Good to see you shitposting across threads though, further supports my statement here

nothings changed

Most illegals came in legally

We were promised a god damn motherfucking

i am just saying what hes saying

Admin shills are the worst.

Jewish in the utmost.

The more I think, the more time passes, the more I realize that you're delusional. A magical solution isn't going to just fall in our laps. Hitler isn't going to magically appear because you were dumb enough to support a carny cuck. It takes effort and actual activity to build a political movement, not cuckery and memes. Apply yourself white man.

I'm on a phone, I can't hop threads without great lag and (((data overcharge)))

not who i am

what was that chemical they were testing out to make people less racist?


so isnt living up to your impossible standards
get over it

Sure thing bro, and your illegal-alien Moldovan gf just really wants to marry you but she can't because she lacks the papers so she might marry a nigger instead. I understand.

Jewish as fuck.

Reported for concensus cracking shill

Sounds like you have sand in your shorts.
I never said anything is going to fall into our laps.
I never said I supported him beyond he was the least terrible choice, and had a few upsides if he actually followed through.
I never said anything that you are inferring.
I just made a simple observation that has been passing through my head the past few weeks.
Sounds like you're more devastated by this than anyone, which I can understand.

Yes, yes, that's nice, tell us more about your Lichtensteinian gf who is overstaying her visa but can't marry you due to lack of papers thus motivating your fear she might marry a nigger instead because thats how it works in your imagination

Jewish as fuck.


Jesus Fucking Christ wat the fuck.
Let's try that again.

Yes, yes, that's nice, tell us more about your Lichtensteinian gf who is overstaying her visa but can't marry you due to lack of papers thus motivating your fear she might marry a nigger instead because thats how it works in your imagination

And yeah that other dude is still a Jew.

Back to reddit kike.

Fucking lel

i havent even brought up jews, you are one probably for being so fixated on it

Jews rarely do.

An observation that's completely retarded. Trump isn't our Hindenburg; his presidency isn't going to lead to our Hitler arising. It's delusional thinking. Trump is going to lead to a browner America, and that's it. White people aren't going to naturally rise up and do something, and no great leader will magically arise to save us. It didn't happen in South Africa or Zimbabwe and it won't happen here. History isn't going to give you what you want. You can't just hope things will magically work out because you want them to. It takes men, you and me and every user on here, to go out and build the movement we want. Change won't fall into our laps.

heres a iron cross for completely worthless post, so brave

"92 percent of the people agree on DACA." -Trump

I want to assume he was talking about those conniving snakes at the dinner. Otherwise, that number makes no fucking sense.

You can't even shitpost well, Jesus Christ.

Its probably agreeing on it being inconstitucional and needing "muh congress".



wall is half finished and under construction (Bill Clinton funded it years ago but it stopped)
Also Pentagon bill contained 1.6billion downpayed for it

You can continue to demoralize and black pill all you want. Go ahead and keep attacking things that I already refuted, keep kicking and screaming, projecting your issues onto me and acting like a fucking leftist. Go ahead, please.

I was just pointing out a parallel. Nothing happens as it happened before, but things do seem to repeat themselves for one reason or another. Sometimes it's organic, other times it's the prior parallel that kickstarts the next recurrence. It seems unnecessary to state, obviously, nothing will fall into our laps. Though this may be the kick in the balls many will need to realize that our (((democracy))) is bullshit and corrupt and a radical change is needed.

This was my point. Hindenburg's inability to get anything done and stop or stifle the continuously declining economy or route out corruption and abusive usury or abuse of the average citizen caused the populace to get really angry. That anger can become useful if we can seize the moment when it comes. Until then we need to build organizations and do the footwork that is required of such change that cannot be ignored or substituted. That is all, Jesus fucking Christ.



Not impressed.

If you are an user with any financial means at all and you haven't considered running for Congress or the Senate. You're about to have the most grand opportunity to overthrow the current sitting Politician. You'll have to shroud your own beliefs but WE MUST INFILTRATE ASAP.

I might consider it, but I think the retards in my area are going to vote for the niggerlover and retard Kid Rock, so I don't stand much chance.

For the billionth fucking time.
The problem isn't the wall.
The problem is him going back on DACA.

The wall could be the most majestic thing ever to grace the USA, but none of that matters if our immigration policy is dishonored to allow illegals into our country.

The thnake thpeaketh with a forked tongue!

Run for the office that he isn't, is he running for Congress or the Senate? We MUST get people on the inside or we're done. We can help anons with strategy and awareness but we cannot stand idly by while the Jew rejoices.

Speaking of snakes, anyone remember this?

Go back to TD you fucking retard.

yeah no, "shills" haven't even been pushed.

Many states have low filing requirements, everyone needs to file to run for any office you can. We need our goys in every position possible.

Most places will have a couple seats that will inevitably run unopposed. Find out your filing deadlines and go down to your local elections office 1-2 hours before the filing deadline and file to run for the best unopposed seat. Typically if the current office-holder is running unopposed there won't be a filing fee, if not figure this out ahead of time and get the petitions or cash together ahead of time to do it. It's a simple way to shark a seat from some unwitting dipshit, or at least give them a run for their money.

If you goys do this, remember to find local constituencies that nobody ever talks to. Dig up a few thousand people that don't typically vote, pander to their interests, especially if they align with yours. Most races come down to a few thousand votes. If you can get out there and just talk with people, have frank conversations with normies, they will vote for you. Most will vote for the person that they "know" or have met.

Most politicians won't get out to talk or campaign until the very end as they are lazy shabbos pieces of shit.

It's pretty funny how shameless he is. The guy will say and do anything as long as it benefits him.

this, it's cheap to win and WE WILL HELP get the word out wherever possible. If we have to set up a more secure method of communication we will. These seats need to be filled by our own and quickly. We can exert Political pressure to keep the agenda on-course.
Perhaps we should make a thread on this to not derail so much?


I think Trump, even if he comes out and say
He has done too much damage to himself to get reelected. He will probably realize this by Monday morning or so, when his base hasn't let up on the shitting on his face.

Great. Capped for spamming so every user sees it.

Trump can solve this problem easily. Either America is a country or not. I want him to call a vote; we either kick out all the foreigner-shits or we merge our borders with Mexico and become one nation. No matter what the people vote for, it will end in racial holy war, and the cleansing of America. He should do this.

These shill threads aren't even worth reading. Nothing but a bunch of hysterics and obvious Holla Forums shills spouting nonsense when there has been literally zero change in Trump's direction. DACA is still terminated, the Wall is still proceeding, and the leftist faglords are creaming themselves over a tweet that has zero actual effect on any policy. There was no deal with Dems, there is no amnesty. Later faggots, nobody is buying you hurrrr Drumpf garbage.

no it fucking isn't you jew

It was always going to be this way. The last civil attempt at change has been made. Now we all move collectively onto the next phase. The ballot box has failed, now the bullet box is being unveiled. The next meme war begins on the internet and more importantly, the war on the streets.

I don't think any of you understand how bad this shit really is. By Trump doing this he just lost at least half his base supporters, so that means hes not getting reelected in 2020. So be prepared for the most leftwing/globalist president this country has ever had in 2020, because that what the dems are going to run against him and who ever that happens to be is going fuck us HARD. Also this just allows the 800,000 beans to stay in this country and milk more money from it.

Thank you! Demoralization fags BTFO

Now email you are sorry for being a fucking retard and blowing up your only support group. Fucking idiot blew it, the wall is never happening, he is not getting reelection.

Honestly I would have given the same answer and been proud of my daughter for not answering the question with a yes.

Ouch sorry to hear that. My wife was already a citizen by the time I propose to her.

We often go visit our families in Malaysia and Russia during the holidays, but I guess we're blessed upon reading your story.

now now if he overcorrects and calls it an invasion, which it is, and he puts a bounty on all illegal beans and visa overstayers then he'd be reelected in a landslide

the wall was a meme but it's real
deportations were figure of speech though

I love european art

Only if we purge all cucks defending him and mount a campaign that terrifies him so badly he fires McMaster, Yael and Jared, and brings back Mike Flynn.

He won't fire Yael or Jared. If you understand his emotional attachment to her you'd understand why. Does anyone have the SS of the helicopter story and why he keeps her around like a good luck charm?

I was warning anons about it from 2015 and they called me jew

He won't. He's no better than a kike.


Listen anons and listen carefully for this is while I will fight. I help out a baker who is French Foreign Legion. He's a proper man, redpilled, hates niggers. Worked hard all his life for an ungrateful wife and children who then racemixed. He's fucking miserable and gets all worked up talking about suicide then has to smoke to calm himself, asking what he works for.

There is NO future for us until we make that future. There is no way to run. Doesn't matter if you go into a woods and have a family, at some point either the ZOG machine will come and invade and kill you, or your children will be turned against you because they're forced to attend school or they have to enter the job market and they get brainwashed. Plus your own wife and any friends of your family and so on could all be bad influences.

You can put all your work into a family or whatever and you get nothing out of it. Some will think, ok, well fuck women and a family. I've seen plenty of NEET types and men who just work and work but have no family and they become just as empty and tend to commit suicide.

One way or another death awaits us and our race. There is only one way to stop that and that's to pray really fucking hard to god to guide your hand and inspire your mind and fill your heart all to one purpose; the defeat of our enemies. Every day we must vow to destroy our racial enemies and create a nation that actually can have a future.

…and remember, if you're worried about your genetics surviving on, your cousins and such can continue your lineage. We can not as individuals guarantee the survival of our genetics. Our own children can easily end up being very much unrelated to us.

If someone here has a wife and wants to breed and whatever then FINE – but don't use it as an excuse to not train every day and vow to strike a blow against the ZOG while you're still a young enough man to actually do shit. Don't grow up like my FFL friend who is too old now to do shit and is trapped in misery and slavery.

shill whore thread

You should.

Thread /oy vey, shut it down/'d in 3…2…1…