daily reminder that MADs are the highest form of art
Webm thread
It's true.
Opened this thread while it only had 2 replies
that means these two replies must be OUTSTANDING in order for me clicking this to have been worth my time.
I'll follow this post up with an update once I've watched the Webms.
Follow up post:
anime which is something I'm not a fan of, the remix thing was ok i suppose but not something i'll be saving. NOT outstanding
weird scary germans singing about something. i don't speak german and i find german people scary so i couldn't watch it for long. NOT outstanding.
karen status:
fuck off avatar fag. this level of attention whoring is disgusting
seems more like a post-popart movement
almost all of my mp4s are too large, I need something to convert them to smaller webms/mp4s, GUI preferred. What is recommended?
I'm on linux, possible to run through WINE?
What the fuck is this shit? Webm for retards much better.
Just use ffmpeg/avconv.
and convert my files one at a time with the command line?
just use webm for retards, it's ffmpeg with a gui
is* much better.
that's more or less what I was looking for, we'll see if it works
otomads are the best and nothing can change that
I know Holla Forums always loved this weeb stuff, but I think with how bad western games have been for the last few years is going to turn us full otaku at this point.
going to have to write a shell script for ffmpeg conversion or something
pedos and faggots: the thread
What a faggot.
If there's any game on my backlog that desperately needs playing, it's that one.
This is my kind of webm thread. Posting more Holla Forums culture.
You probably don't want to hear this then but Its the second or third on of the series.
This is one of the shittiest webm threads we've had in a LONG time.
Yeah nothing can top the vidya autist webm threads those where the best ones
he does it for (you)s you retard
I've never given a shit about whether or not these threads have vidya in them or not. This thread is full of /a/utist and gay filth webms instead though.
then post some "better" webms
I never asked if you cared to begin with.
No it ain't user
only MADs
it's not gay
There needs to be a Carmageddon Space Jam song.
What the fugggg :D
Filthly Degenerates. Do us a favor and an hero.
What are you gonna do?
Why not just make an otamad thread if you are just going to make all the posts about it?
Vid related is my reply
Because fuck you thats why
I don't like feeling obligated to bump it.
someone tell me. I'm too afraid to watch more then 2 seconds
spider in the ear
Yeah that's what I thought it was.
My arachnophobia is triggered and I can no longer wear my headphones. That's it for me I guess.
Actually one more before I finally collapse into bed.
Every thread needs it after all.
headphones are keeping the spiders out though.
oh god no.
not if they were already hiding in the ear covers
no one said this fear was rational
Well don't worry, about it.
Delicious ponut.
A fox is fine too.
someone post some anime shit for me to shake my dick to
Here you go user
nothing can doom this groove
I'm not that autist but I've yet to see a single video game webm. Gg.
Reminder that
Is the only way to deal with avatarfags and retard responding to them (that includes me)
It is unfortunate to see weeb influences undermining the Western traditions of YTPMV, which is more rooted in preserving and generally being mindful of the context from which a sample is taken, harking back to older grounds or forming a whole new narrative.
OtoMADs focus too much on aesthetics and the act of juxtaposition itself, often reducing samples to mere instruments, where the visuals become merely symbolic.
That isn't to say that there wasn't prior and isn't current overlap in technique, but the Eastern way is much less inclined toward attaining a cohesive, congruent mixture between the sources. There's just little to no interaction between the working parts.
YTPMV's become less of a descriptor of content and more of a descriptor of origin, and that's no good.
Worst webm thread in a while.
Have some OC, cobbers.
Is Megatron a Big Guy?
I'll need some context for this.
I'll tell you why women aren't in vidya.
It requires knowledge of numbers and technology, not just "an idea".
Fuck I hate cancer like that.
Nice webm though user. Good quality.
was sailor moon a lewd anime?
It's called midi replacement. Literally the lowest from of YTPMV. And the one you posted is still shit even by MAD standards.
Kill yourself faggot for having such shit taste.
this takes me back
Just looked it up because I was curious too. It's from the Fast and Furious 8 filming.
I was wondering why the cars blew up upon landing.
Here is the truth from someone who has worked in the game industry
The TL:DR is that vidya development is something which pays shit and requires long hours and a high level of intelligence, the people who do it are there purely out of passion for making vidya. The issue with women in vidya is that they see guys pushing a mouse around in a nice office and assume it is a comfy 9-5 job that pays well, the shock and complaining comes when they get hired by EA and find its anything but.
I don't know why I keep laughing.
What's with serbs and those songs.
Twenty years ago, Kebab was removed.
Clinton and the EU interpreted it as ethnic cleansing and sent people over to fuck things up.
Sometimes you have to keep morale up even when everything's batshit retarded.
they didn't remove shit tho, they would have lost even without the US bombings(which were pretty effective I admit) but the Serbian army was pretty much eating shit at any front where they weren't outmanning the other balkanshits by 10 to 1.
I'm not sure if the Serbian generals fucked up or their army was simply dogshit
So is this the all elusive moderate muslims I've been hearing so much about ?
Silly turks, you're the least human here
Atheists and feminists champion for tsunamigration for months and for immigration from ME countries for decades before that.
Chickens coming home to roost is all.
welcome to Holla Forums
That music gives me a headache. It's hard to hear what they're saying.
Only the Japanese ones.
Being a YTPer for ~9 years now, having dealt with the autism that is the YTPMV "community" I've been desensitized to even the strongest forms of autism.
They were kind of fun when it was just shit like SQA-DA-LA! and simple pitch shift shit, but then they kind of became the same as their Japanese older brother.
Posting a western favorite from the old days.
This is why everyone should hate weebs.
even the mp4 from the OP has footage from a video game, i think you might be blind
Are you a bad enough dude to show your stuff?
here's your reply
I swear to God I am a degenerate that typefucks on a furry-made chat client plagued by degenerates and not even the sloppiest bimbo would have the lack of dignity to talk like that ironically, not to mention seriously.
The only thing that matters to them is social capital. With it, you can ruin people's lives and get free shit. see: every youtuber in existence
Western millennials perhaps, I'm lucky enough to live in Eastern Europe and the majority of them are stuck ups in pricey as fuck private universities that grant a worthless degree.
So you're proud of being slavscum whose only claim to fame is going to the west, stealing a van and taking anything that isn't nailed down and fleeing back home?
gg cuck-race. You people single-handedly keep Adidas in the black.
Anyone happen to know the music in webm related? I thought it was lazerhawk but can't find a matching title
I hope you like ear rape. I'd post some of my other shit but I seem to be the only one that finds them funny since I love in jokes that only a few autists get. Most of my shit's been wiped off the planet for copyright. Embed because I'm not re-encoding this shit.
Not to mention that the translations for the latter game are pretty much impossible since the japs started to encrypt their shit in the later games. So have fun never learning nipponese.
That's an old WebM. It's fixed now.
"humans are such easy prey"
At least we have a claim to fame
After watching this so many times I'm faintly tempted to visit /furry/ so that I can get a source on the bear for a quick fap. This is what corruption feels like and I'm unsettled by how unsettled I am by it.
Oh shit, I had already opened that but didn't listen to the right part. Thanks bruv
It's not worth it man. Have something entertaining instead.
good god
I'm especially unsure what you mean by this taken in the context of most modern YTPMVs
again, not sure what you mean here or what you're basing this assertion on. There are many, many counterexamples (like this one).
this thread is actually just filled with anime and gay porn
what the fuck guys
I thought summer was over…
me too, but it seems like you're all still here
How new are you?
you're only proving yourself here.
Spics make the best MADs.
They're right. It's always been shit.
Posting some of my OC. Ironic AMVs are the best AMVs.
Fug, the old stuff is what I'm most interested in.
That is exactly the shit I'm talking about.
It's just samples being used instruments and only for their timbre, the content and context of the samples is disregarded entirely.
It's just layers of interchangeable fluff smeared on top of a track, defined almost solely by the underlying audio. Swap out the sources with similar-sounding ones and it's the same goddamned thing.
You can't do that with older YTPMVs. You fuck with the samples or the base and it's a whole other creature. Hell, you use different samples from the same source and it's something new, because there's at least some semblance of a narrative coming from playing clips in enough length to understand what's being said.
Yeah I feel ya, poop used to be a lot more interesting. I got most of it, I just need to reupload it. I have a video or two from 2010 or so up though.
we did it all just 4 (you)
can someone explain to me what the fuck is going on in this, i feel as if too many people glossed this shit over
video games are better art forms tbh
Are you familiar with the Rhythm Tengoku/Rhythm Heaven series?
Rhythm game, stage-based. You push butan or do thing at the right time for the duration of the song. Do well enough and you unlock the next stage. At the end of a set of stages, you get met with a remix from the previous stages.
It's a good series, but trying to emulate it can be bothersome as some emulators will introduce unacceptable input lag.
There are titles on the GBA, DS, 3DS, Wii and on some arcade platform. I think the arcade one was just a remake or port of the GBA title, but I'm not entirely sure.
-8 thought it'd be a good idea to make smut based on it. That's what you were looking at. That's kind of what he does.
Not really but there were a bunch of moments where they'd do something embarrassing or accidentally do off-screen, but only in the Japanese version because if I recall
who the hell is -8?
Can't you just lurk moar before you lower our level of discourse with your shit-eating redditor mouth?
I ignore whenever internet porn artists are brought up, and I haven't visited places like newgrounds since 2006, so you'll have to pardon me on this one, niggers.
He makes flashes. They often involve passable-to-competent tweening, stylized characters and are almost always set to the rhythm of some audio track.
If you've seen one (and you have), you'll likely recognize any others should you come across them.
Being both ignorant and arrogant is a bad combination. Nobody owes you an answer, and expecting one with that attitude will not go over well at all. Assume there is an abundance of common knowledge that you are not yet privy to, and do your own research to fill the gaps as you become aware of them.
Or, you know, lurk moar, faggot.
He's been everywhere. You'd have to have never been on Holla Forums before to have missed him in any sense. Look it fine if you're new but just own up to it.
I never said anyone owed me shit, but when people can't answer a simple question and start shitposting, I'm not going to turn into a little bitch and start apologizing to a bunch of faggots who can't contain themselves when someone hasn't heard of some internet porn whiz. Excuse me for not taking shit from other people. Don't turn this on me, this is on faggots who jump on any chance to scream the newfag meme instead of answering a basic question. I admitted I didn't know shit, and called people niggers for shitposting.
Riiiight, and of course people just talk about him every day in every thread and constantly reference him. Sorry, I don't visit the weebshit threads, faggot.
You're only proving yourself to be new, buddy. Trying to take a stance of superiority this late isn't going to help your case. And I said "everywhere". You'd have to live under a rock to not see anything.
I've been here every day since the first exodus, barring a few "vacations." I've definitely seen his shit before but I've never seen his name referenced with it.
Criticizing you fags for shitposting instead of answering a simple question now makes me inferior? Call me a hypocrite, but I think YOU'RE posting on the wrong website right now.
That means fuck all, I don't visit Holla Forums threads that have porn shitposts unless it's some SFM shit.
Excuse the shit quality, I can't into webms
You didn't say it, but everything else about you was and is portraying that as being the message.
You'll be seeing a lot of people not answering questions if that's how you intend to go about asking them. Especially if they're the kind that could be answered by showing a little more initiative than none at all. That is not just shitposting, that is being a custodian of what little standards we have left.
Yes, there was enough information there prior to you asking. Yes, if you are even remotely competent at finding things, you would have gotten the answer before the first reply. At least pretend to have tried and failed next time.
Doubling down and turning defensive is even worse. To the point where you come across as the one shitting things up to bait for replies. You are observably in the wrong here. Conform and integrate or leave.
I'm out.
Also, he's cropped up on every fuckin' board on mootchan years prior to Holla Forums's existence, and certainly on more than a few boards that have nothing to do with flashes or porn here since. That's a bad argument, but that's not even why you're getting shit.
was my original post. Stop being a faggot and read that sentence. Nothing about that shit was anywhere near cunty. The only time I got cunty is when faggots started screaming "newfag." Cut the bullshit. I googled:
You know what turned up? Jack shit.
This isn't reddit, I don't have to take anything from you faggots. My original reply was a question, completely neutral. Faggots turned around and started going "UHHH WOOOOOOW DUDE REALLY? NEWFAG MUCH?" To which I replied explaining how I honestly don't know who the dude is, with a basic insult at the end of it because I got shitposts in response. Stop trying to paint this in a different light, this is the reality.
Saying it doesn't make it true, try again.
Right back at you, you're the cunt who got butthurt that I called someone a nigger for shitposting and not being given a straight answer. I'm fine with being given an insult or two, but when faggots won't give me an answer, then I'll tell them to fuck off. And you're right, you don't owe me an answer, or even a shitpost as a reply, but I don't owe you a whipped response either. If you don't have an answer for me, then go fuck yourself. Pretty please.
Past bump limit…
just popping back in to say that you still fresh off the turnip truck
I love this.
That part alone made me cringe quit.
Take it from me, all /furry/ is is people literally talking about their bad dragon dildo collections, with maybe one porn thread.
Compared to Holla Forums, they're sparse on porn, and are more about that freaky ass fursuiting foreplay bullshit, ugh.
I literally feel more clean installing a dozen porn mods on Skyrim then going to that place.
It's not the sex that disgusts you, it's how they dress it up and talk in sickeningly faux-"cute" talk as a sort of fucking code.
It creeps me the fuck out, and this is coming from a guy who has a fetish list that this site cannot contain in two posts.
It's not worth it, dude, I've been there. I've jacked off to a hell of a lot of shit without feeling dirty, but going there makes me want a fucking shower. Biggest boner killer in the world.
That's not the worst part
It's called a webm thread for a reason.
Do you have the original vid before all the mlg bullshit?
Yeah. I made the mistake of staring into the abyss earlier today and frankly I may have a kink for skintight outfits and mascot helmets, but I sure-as-shit am not going back there to scratch it.
pls make moar videyos Demo-senpai ;_;