The Chinese have discovered Zeronet and they're shitposting like mad. Zeroboard is almost completely Chinese characters now.
I wonder if their leader knows?
The Chinese have discovered Zeronet and they're shitposting like mad. Zeroboard is almost completely Chinese characters now.
I wonder if their leader knows?
Post more caps, you faggot. Bump for interest.
Second, and bump. Post screen caps.
Here ya go!
Learning Pig Head BTFO.
I thought the internet was massively censored in China?
What's zeronet/zeroboard?
T.needs to lurk two years.
I tried ZeroNet about half a year ago, then I tried it last week. Doesn't seem to happen much there with either development or userbase. Kind of sad, seems like a decent idea.
Zeronet is an Open-Source botnet made by /g/ in an effort to trick as many gullible suckers into using it as possible. There is no anonmity and other services exist that are much better, even if anonmyity isn't the goal.
It's much more widely used now user.
it hooks right up to tor for anonymity and it's not easy to determine who is using what anyway
all you can tell is that some peers are hosting data, and you can't even see them if they're using tor as well
tor+zeronet routes around that nicely for now
Dude, the last post on 0chan/pol/ is like… a week ago or something. Not much life.
Neat. Maybe there's a chance that people could migrate over there from here given time and decent exposure since cancer and shilling's in overdrive lately. Other alternatives proved to be bad, like endchan, so.
Not true.
You can ignore or ban any peer on Zeronet too, so you can just killfile a shill.
Channel the autism. LET IT FLOW.
I don't understand what's going on but I've seen some Chinese shitposting in my time good enough to spray a thick milk-shake out your nose. Aussies got real competition from there.
Sadly it's all in Chinese but there's some funny shit on Zeroboard right now if you plug it into translate.
They're leaking scandals or making them up, either way it's good.
what's chinese internet like?
It's a torrent client for websites.
If you want to browse a zeronet website you have to upload it while you're browsing it. If all the people uploading it go away then the website is gone. It works the same way as torrents.
If someone uploads CP then you're uploading CP.
If you want to hide your IP address so you don't get vanned you have to set it up with Tor which will make it slow as shit.
I'm very unconvinced at the moment.
Censorship is also a big issue apparently.
Fuck, does anyone have that lain cap exposing Zeronet posted yesterday?
No but I have this. DO NOT use sites mimicking torrents or decentralized meshes.
Take dtube for instance, they require a mainstream email, phone number AND banking info after a certain amount of time to receive ad payments. Sites like that, networks like zeronet and others are honeypots. Never assume because an alternative exists it's safe for us to use.
Use Tor or GNUnet with tails. Protect yourselves anons.
they are dropping dox? to what end? will the bug people attack their own hive?
Change your certificate often
A chink war sounds refreshing.
Just think of how many ching chongs you have as female friends.
Redpill them now!
Red pill who? The chinks?
What's the next step in your master plan?
The only redpill they need right now is we will make Russia drown in the process. If they want to talk they will get just the air shaking them sideways.
They decided to play this game.
Well if you crash the autism force of the chinks straight into the kikes then you would have a powerful fire rising on chinkland via big autistic chinks armed with red pills.
But is zeronet really a botnet? I was about to download it till I noticed it was created in python and had poor documentation.
“When diplomacy ends, War begins.”
― Adolf Hitler
It doesn't matter much to me now. As far as I am concerned, I am at war.
I think he's trying to use it like grindr.
Fuck off back to your faggot board, nature abhorres you.
Dissidents are so heavily suppressed in chinkland that they're obviously desperate for any outlet.
I'm sure Jewgle is making a study of China for when the grid comes fully down here too.
jesus you should really try harder
I love your work. It's really brilliant. Fucking disgusting but then, so is the original so it balances itself out.
No. Bluepill them. Think of how crippled and paralyzed a full trans-homo multicultural-friendly China will be. They've erased numerous ethnic groups from their territory over their history, and after communism this only accelerated. Think of all the angles of attack one could use:
People who know Chinese (or even those who don't, using translation software) could ruse them.
CRAPPED . COM sounds better than SHITTED . COM
The chinks worship the kike because they think they are superior. Red pilling them on how the kike is a parasite and behind all their suffering etheir directly or indirectly and we can see a revolt against the kike in China as their corrupt gov blames everything on them and purges them to stay in power.
Best post in thread.
Fundamentally a good idea.
Red or Blue pill does not matter. What matters is that we get them on the side of the West. China is new to shitposting - they've hidden themselves in their own corner of the internet for too long.
Let us liberate their minds, then their country. Through shitposting.
As he learned (he reckoned playing the game with Chamberlain, stopped him from starting in 38, giving the Bolsheviks more prep time, although the Germans were still woefully undersupplied a year later), and as Trump inexplicably didn't (unless he was always a plant) Diplomacy with snakes never begins, you cut the head off before it realizes its been spotted.
I'd kinda like to see chinks try to mimic the kikes' 6 gorillion propaganda engine. The chinks have an advantage there; the (((Great Leap Forward))) was, what, 90 million? More? Even normalfags understand 90 > 6; they'd probably eat it up. Kiss the Great Wall of China instead of that kike wall, that sort of thing.
That's called the blue pill
shoo shoo leftypol
It also requires you to run javascript. Come on, block it completely and see how much zeronet you can use. It doesn't matter if it runs TOR if it requires you to run javascript.
We need to be feeding this stuff to the dissidents.
I2P, Freenet, GNU Social, etc. have already existed for over a decade and do much more than what ZOGnet promises it can do. Those chinks are going to be arrested for falling for that honeypot. f
To be fair, Zeronet doesn't purport to have anonymity though it does support TOR for that reason. If you look at Zeroboard you'll see that the chinks are talking about various Internet privacy technologies there too.
Very Erotic Very Violent
you're wrong
SHITTED sticks better because the grammar is off
it is a near perfect meme
Nice. It might not be C++ but at least it's not Javascript.
It's a bit odd that such a polished-looking piece of software doesn't have an installer, though. They're probably losing a quarter of possible users that way, and it would be so simple to make one.
你好. Some of us are already redpilled.
Fucking brainlets, man.
1. He's referring to stuff like electron which package a whole browser runtime for the application.
2. Python isn't compiled into C at runtime.
3. Fair point
1. That wasn't even remotely clear, and he probably wouldn't know what Electron was if you'd asked ironically there's a node package for building electron apps
2. Guess what a .pyc file is.
3. Cheers
1. I guess it was more ambiguous than I originally though. I was assuming if they were going to make it in javascript that they would also move the whole interface for zeronet into the client instead of having to access it with your web browser.
2. pyc just stores bytecode. Bytecode isn't C, nor is it machine code.