What am I supposed to do when I'm a Native American race supremacist, economically far left but socially far right and Atheism advocate?
What am I supposed to do when I'm a Native American race supremacist...
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why? even by stormtard standards the native americans were pretty useless against the europeans
you need to drop the spooks
Literally why.
quite common among "turd positionist" types
"Europeans" were literally subhumans before contact with Rome and having a bit of their tech.
It's the only right way, bro.
lel so what were native americans then? nomadic ubermenschen
In this situation you are supposed to refrain yourself from doing shitty threads.
Pretty much, when compared to Germans and Slavs.
maybe kys?
Don't worry tho, the mass of humanity will join you on the outside soon
incas were based. other than that, you bitches didn't even have writing.
the Germans and Slavs built powerful nations and empires.
Are you female? Please marry me. I have an hardcore indegenous fever.
Here's a nifty step-by-step guide.
can we gulag these individuals
If you take pride from slaving, ruining and fucking up with most of the world while keeping their populace as fucking serfs, suit yourself. Hope you get to experience the sort of lives German and Slav peasants got to live.
Try being thrown into a whole difference society and economical system and see how well you'll do too.
I don't take pride in it but get real man, the native American lifestyle is long gone, like peasantry. Racial supremacy is fucking stupid.
So Native Americans are hopeless but America can be made "great again"? Real fucking double standard right there.
America was never great. You sound like Holla Forumstards do when they call Slavs subhuman and cry about Nazi Germany losing WW2 to the Soviets.
That's like the shittiest reason to be a race supremacist. That is some tumblr tier logic, sir.
Just because we're outside alt-rights clutches doesn't mean they don't exist or that said argument isn't made time and time again.
Because? Let's see how well you'd do if you moved to Saudi Arabia tomorrow. So much for white supremacy.
That's about the gist of it. This is why nationalism and racial supremacism is retarded.
It's even sillier to be a supremacist of a "race" that lost as hard as the Native Americans did. There's not even a great empire for you to imagine your ancestors were the leaders of.
The international proletariat have no nation or race, user.
When did egaliflagfag ever mention american greatness? The left is fully open to people of all ethnicities and cultures, assuming they don't involve stamping out other ones.
… … I'm not a white supremacist though. Do you think you're on vanilla Holla Forums?
Well why listen to those idiots?
We're not white supremacists.
You may not have noticed, but we're all communists here.
that workers power picture is awesome
Just because you're a shitskin doesn't mean you can't be a nazi.
And if you're a nazi, you should probably kill yourself.
If Germany can still have some supremacists, it's only fair that Native Americans can have some too.
So you'd do really in Saudi Arabia, hmmm.
Sigh. Seems Devil's Advocacy is a lost art.
idpol is a joke, yes
Look how that white worker is standing over the black worker. Fucking white people.
Neither should have supremacists, user
Am I obligated to be a Nazi if I want to gas the Kikes? If so, yes.
Back to tumblr my, friend. Revenge racism is not the socialist cause, radical reformation of the political economic system, resulting in an even playing field free of intrinsic exploitation is.
Guess why Communism never worked and why it always ended with segregation and separation based on national, racial and ethnic borders?
Addressing them isn't the same as racial supremacy.
because Lenin and Stalin were retards
because sjw/nazi idpol bullshit wasn't allowed. kys
we aren't your mom
To imply races don't have differences some are best are some things is utter foolishness.
It's not feelings, just historical and genetic issues.
is that what your feelings tell you?
No, to make such generalizations intentionally ignores all the times your generalizations were proven false.
No, that's wrong. Go read Svetlana Alexievich book.
Everybody in the USSR was free to move inside the USSR. People from one republic were marrying others.
It was only after 1990 that racial tension sparkled up.
This tbh also.
First hand stories from those who lived in the USSR paint a nice picture.
I really cannot see how or why someone would advocate for not only the existence but also inclusion of Jews in a society.
communsim > other anarchism > state socialism > free market capitalism
Even a tiny bit better is still better.
You mean Marxism-Leninism (there has never been a communist system). The reasons Marxism-Leninism failed are multiple and varied and have nothing to do with race relations. Try actually reading up on the history of the USSR.
That's how I feel about whites. Always ruining everything. :^)
An ironic sentiment coming from a person who's supposedly a Native American. People used to say the same about "Injun savages".
Except Native Americans didn't fuck up the whole world for about 200 years.
Good, I don't like most whites too.
IF trips OP gets gulag'd
go back to Holla Forums and compare race stats then Chief
Fuck natives too. I'm glad you guys got blanketed to death. Completely wasted this land sitting around all day having sex with bears, now you just sit around all day getting raped and having the police not take it seriously.
Incapability to discuss with your opponents or even people in the middle really shows mental challenge.
That's what you're basing your supremacism on? The fact that you didn't do anything?
The fact we did better than anyone without previous contact/stealing tech and also didn't fuck anyone's shit up. The only ones capable of comparison are Chinese.
Did better at what, exactly?
just ban him already
Not being fucking savages, enslaving and conquering the globe?
Despook yourself, then join the far left.
It's pretty well known that i.e. incas conquered other tribes in south america.
So no, it's not only europeans that conquered shit.
that's a matter of perspective, user
all societies have engaged in war
nope, nope, and nope
Simply didn't have the population, nor the technology to achieve the damage that Europeans did.
wtf dude. Hate the user not his race. What are you, spooked?
Holla Forums, the preferred term is American Indian.
The Native Americans were also trying to enslave and conquer the globe. They were just shittier at it.
Put down the bottle
Move to Canada
You're basically just shooting yourself in the foot.
It's just shitposting
kys Holla Forums
Be a Nazbol