Hey folks. In the space of a few last months, I've been subtly redpilling a friend about the roots of the sixties' cultural revolution. Now, let me take a step back and tell you that he's aware of many things concerning the shadow government, but he refuses to actively descend into the rabbit hole on his own. He just seems to not care that much. I seek to encourage him, because he's got a lot of potential and when he's genuinely interested in something, he goes all in.
His most sacred cow is the hippie era. And of course the music that sprung from it and the "counter-culture" leaders like Alan Watts, Timothy Leary, Terence McKenna, Robert Anton Wilson and several other spooks. Now, I figure that if he manages to slay this sacred cow, he's gonna propel himself straight into the abyss and after a few weeks of grieving, he will be gorging on redpills to the point of insanity. I think I've prepared him enough for this major step, but I'm in a desperate need to find proper material that will force him to take it. I tried introducing him to McGowan's work, but it was of no use. Now, McGowan was brilliant with his ability to connect people and events, but he was too chaotic, too sensational and too emotional for the barely initiated mind to take him seriously. He rambled often and wasn't very methodical. Still, his book about Laurel Canyon coinained the most condensed material I was able to find.
I, like many of us, spent years researching this shit from many angles. I used countless sources that, when combined, provided a logical conclusion. Well, my friend's just not motivated to do that. Not yet.
So let me ask you this: were you able to find an article or, better yet, a series of articles or maybe even a book that dealt with said topic in a surgically cold, precise, well sourced, well organized manner? And when I say "said topic", I don't merely mean documenting the crimes of Jim Morrison's daddy. I mean huge redpills. I mean Tavistock, Eselen, Findhorn, OTO, Crowley, Huxley, Jung, MK-ULTRA, Frankfurt School, SRA, pedowood, acid tests, huge musical festivals as experimental grounds prepared by the intelligence agencies like massive petrie dishes, shell companies, high quality drug manufacture and distribution done by the govt, communes and cults innitiated and led by spooks for many years, wholesale production of movies, books, music and tv shows for the sole purpose of warping and destroying culture, the intricate science and method of it all.
Of course I'll be careful. Not gonna flood him with everything at once, if that's possible given the limited quantity of high quality material (if any is provided).
So, Holla Forums, do you have something? Please tell me you do.
Also, culture creation general I guess.
I'll be providing some related links as the thread grows.
For now, let me present you with what I consider to be the most important radio broadcast of the XX century. Those familiar with William Cooper should be very pleased, those unfamiliar shoud pay very close attention, because here the method and the science is revealed very simply:
pt1. hooktube.com
pt2. hooktube.com
pt3. hooktube.com