Trying to redpill a friend about the great cultural revolution

Hey folks. In the space of a few last months, I've been subtly redpilling a friend about the roots of the sixties' cultural revolution. Now, let me take a step back and tell you that he's aware of many things concerning the shadow government, but he refuses to actively descend into the rabbit hole on his own. He just seems to not care that much. I seek to encourage him, because he's got a lot of potential and when he's genuinely interested in something, he goes all in.

His most sacred cow is the hippie era. And of course the music that sprung from it and the "counter-culture" leaders like Alan Watts, Timothy Leary, Terence McKenna, Robert Anton Wilson and several other spooks. Now, I figure that if he manages to slay this sacred cow, he's gonna propel himself straight into the abyss and after a few weeks of grieving, he will be gorging on redpills to the point of insanity. I think I've prepared him enough for this major step, but I'm in a desperate need to find proper material that will force him to take it. I tried introducing him to McGowan's work, but it was of no use. Now, McGowan was brilliant with his ability to connect people and events, but he was too chaotic, too sensational and too emotional for the barely initiated mind to take him seriously. He rambled often and wasn't very methodical. Still, his book about Laurel Canyon coinained the most condensed material I was able to find.

I, like many of us, spent years researching this shit from many angles. I used countless sources that, when combined, provided a logical conclusion. Well, my friend's just not motivated to do that. Not yet.

So let me ask you this: were you able to find an article or, better yet, a series of articles or maybe even a book that dealt with said topic in a surgically cold, precise, well sourced, well organized manner? And when I say "said topic", I don't merely mean documenting the crimes of Jim Morrison's daddy. I mean huge redpills. I mean Tavistock, Eselen, Findhorn, OTO, Crowley, Huxley, Jung, MK-ULTRA, Frankfurt School, SRA, pedowood, acid tests, huge musical festivals as experimental grounds prepared by the intelligence agencies like massive petrie dishes, shell companies, high quality drug manufacture and distribution done by the govt, communes and cults innitiated and led by spooks for many years, wholesale production of movies, books, music and tv shows for the sole purpose of warping and destroying culture, the intricate science and method of it all.

Of course I'll be careful. Not gonna flood him with everything at once, if that's possible given the limited quantity of high quality material (if any is provided).

So, Holla Forums, do you have something? Please tell me you do.

Also, culture creation general I guess.

I'll be providing some related links as the thread grows.

For now, let me present you with what I consider to be the most important radio broadcast of the XX century. Those familiar with William Cooper should be very pleased, those unfamiliar shoud pay very close attention, because here the method and the science is revealed very simply:


Other urls found in this thread:

Give him this redpill on the Frankfurt School, it's really well done. I'd have a sit down when I showed him this, along with presenting your other evidence afterwards.

The Jew, Terrence (((McKenna))), advocated for white genocide and feminism, fuck off kike

I don't think he was a kike.

McKenna drank the cool aide and was a total SJW. He said he was A lesbian in a man's body and that he felt bad that it had to be a white man to stand up on stage and teach them about psychedelics. A research team actually found the paper trail that proves he and other visionaries were on the pay roll. I'm personally convinced his talk about being 'hired by the elves' was meant to be taken as being hired by the CIA but he figured in his cult like status that his followers would take it literally.

McKenna is peddling destruction, he wants you on drugs so you see the futility of everything and destruct. I was lucky enough to drop drugs after a year of dabbling. I came out unscathed.

Why OP? Can't the fucker read?

Fluoride drinking motherfucker.

Both CIA. He doesn't know that and yet you say he has potential? There isn't some faggotry going on here, is there? Maybe OP being the faggot he usually is, is hoping for some surprise butt sex? It's almost 2018 and you're talking about the fucking 60's, you're halfway to having your cock down his throat and you know it.

Have you considered the fact that he might just not like you? That he's caught you eyeballing his crotch like a giant faggot on multiple occassions?

After 20 years of looking into all that shit, I have over half a exabyte of material. No wait, that's the porn. The conspiracy stuff is a couple hundred gigs. You give the kid something and no matter what it is, it's fake or a coincidence or not a 100% blah blah bullshit. He likes being a sheep so bend him over finally. You know you want to. Fucking hippies.

European Commission plan directly from their website:
UN plan directly from their website:
Paneuropean Union:
Charlemagne Prize:
Articles with links and references to historical documents dating back to WW1:
The Union for the Mediterranean comprises the 28 EU Member States, the European Commission and 15 Mediterranean countries:

Sage negated, Mordecai.

The thing you need to ask your friend is this:
Are drugs a means to an end (freeing your mind) or an end in themselves?
Does he feel he needs to go on trips all the time or what?

And if hes aware of shadow government and you can link the jews to him on all the shit he already accepts as reality, what more is there? You will need to go topic by topic with him but don't flood him, let him find the questions he is interested in, say 5, for every 1 you introduce that he is yet ambiguous about.

TLDR is he against globalism (capitalism) and does he know the difference between like minded foreigners (so called "based" non whites) and his national kingroup?

Just a question, you mean Alan Watts as a psyop?
Because I have found lots of peace in his words.

remember that we might be a hivemind at pol but we are not a collective of a singular opinion
some anons here carry over views from their parents that think all drugs are bad and so on
other anons see one psyop and determine all similar events are psyops
also dont forget that when you start popping redpills you cant tell whos shilling and whats a real source and whats just cia trying to take credit for everything

Don't shit up a potentially good thread with your degenerate addiction peddling.

Get it together, man!

Do your research shill.

A lot of people are here because psychedelics broke the conditioning.

we're breaking the conditioning

Michel Foucault

Embed related, watch the whole series, there's 4 of them but it's quick.

Bowden did a talk on "Cultural Communism." Worth a listen:


He wasn't a Jew, unless you mean Potatokike and he was clear to state later in his life that by "feminist" he didn't mean anti-men.

Thank you.

Yeah, slav here. We're pretty much all race realists or outright racists.

Alan Watts was heavily associated with the Eselen Institute. They even have a room named after him, kek.

Eselen is and always was MK-ULTRA capitol of the USA. Also, look up the Human Potential Movement and it's connection to trauma-based mind control and satanic ritual abuse.You'll be very surprised how many cults and supposedly grassroots communes sprung from Eselen.

I think most of the people in here are going about it the wrong way. You don't draw people in with intellectualism, especially resistant people. You want them to make the connections themselves, or at least spot them together. Do something like invite him to an obvious propaganda movie, and laugh at the blatant shit in it together.

This intellectual analyzing is for those who already took the red pill, keep it simple for now.

Damn, pics ended up out of order, I'm sure you guys can put the pieces together though

What I use is the allegory of China. Demonstrate the results of The Great Leap Forward, and try to demonstrate the harm to society and religion.
Then I use modern day examples of the ways they influence western society.
Most of this method I realized by showing family members different china uncensored videos. Anytime there was a video about how they were trying to influence us or propagandize us I worked to plant simple seeds like “How did they think of that” or similar ideas. They will either come around to realization or you will have an easier time to guide them towards realizing other forms of propaganda.
This seemed like a decent method because most of the deprogramming was coming from the person without as much resistance as I have read other people trying to do it. As much as muh e-celebs are shit you need to replace the media for older people.
You also need to impress two things to be successful in redpilling:
Every human in recorded history has worked to this moment in time, it is disrespectful to not only your ancestors but the entirety of humanity to squander our civilization.
You need arguments, facts, and reasoning for politics, not emotional drivel.

What I use is the allegory of China. Demonstrate the results of The Great Leap Forward, and try to demonstrate the harm to society and religion.
Then I use modern day examples of the ways they influence western society.
Most of this method I realized by showing family members different china uncensored videos. Anytime there was a video about how they were trying to influence us or propagandize us I worked to plant simple seeds like “How did they think of that” or similar ideas. They will either come around to realization or you will have an easier time to guide them towards realizing other forms of propaganda.
This seemed like a decent method because most of the deprogramming was coming from the person without as much resistance as I have read other people trying to do it. As much as muh e-celebs are shit you need to replace the media for older people.
You also need to impress two things to be successful in redpilling:
Every human in recorded history has worked to this moment in time, it is disrespectful to not only your ancestors but the entirety of humanity to squander our civilization.
You need arguments, facts, and reasoning for politics, not emotional drivel.

Let him read the 88 precepts. Most of the points that are NOT about race could be right up his lane I guess. Don't tell him from it is or even what it is. Let him get interested in selective points that right wingers have in common with hippies and then slowly reveal that they are right wingers.

That's a good attack vector.

I use a similar method but most of my effort goes into really nailing down that history didn't start in 1945 and reminding everyone that our people have a foundation that is innately positive. From there, it's a lot easier to demonstrate how negative most of the engineered culture is to everyone because it's not put in an adversarial light to what they think happened in ww2. I know it sounds kind of middling but it's had a remarkably positive effect.

Here you go buddy. The hard part is getting them to watch the whole thing.

I've lost the patience to attempt red pilling people anymore. I just try to build myself up now in strength and wealth.

Best of luck to any of you with the patience. The key is to get people to ask the questions on their own, and I'm just too damn pushy to wait for any of that.

It couldn't be a worse place to start, get some history going, who killed the Tsars for example.

For me it was a mushroom trip that eventually got me to quit drinking and become somewhat of a moralfag.

I still use industrial quantities of pot, though.


I wanted to be Edward Woodward when I was a kid.

Vancouver fertility cult, uses DMT and acid for reprogramming. Watch the news over the next few months.

What do you mean?

do any of you have any redpills on Jewish over representation?

t. newfag

Check the sticky and redpill thread or go and look over at /polarchive/ or /pdfs/ for more stuff. There is much much more on other archives but you'l have to dig by yourself. Here anyways

Smoking mushrooms turns you gay user.

That is an excellent starting point, watching Yuri's interview was one of the things that led me down to the path of understanding it all.

Of course, they'll only see it as being the left over remnants of weaponized cultural marxism, but once they learn who are the main propagators of Marxism, then it will all begin to click.

the drugs that were unleashed in the 60s at these festivals came from the government
Many people like Zappa knew this. They moved on from their military testing to public testing go so far as to even put it in the water at festivals.
Have some Zappa…..he refused to apologize to the jews for this one…..