Damn. I've had it up to here with Trump talking with the (((democrat elite))) and the (((republicans))) aren't lifting a finger for him.
Other urls found in this thread:
How many threads do you need to be BTFO in, cunt?
If no wall goes up it would be a real shame if some folk started ambushing mayors and judges and killings them
What? I posted a primary source.
Literally Reagan Amnesty 2.0
Except this time it will kill America for good.
Every time.
The press secretary has practically confirmed this.
clearly still too new. lurk moar and try posting again in 2 more years
I'm honestly surprised he got "border security." I was fully expecting him to pass DACA for free
I'm honestly surprised he got "border security." I was fully expecting him to pass DACA for free
So we can expect Trump to axe any deal that doesn't involve border wall?
Anons, now is the time to buy some funs if you don't have one. You have 4 years until we get another communist president. Stock up.
I wouldn't expect him to not sign any dreamer bill that lands on his desk.
what of it, you fucking nigger?
literally just did, bought another one
if you didn't, you shouldn't be surprised when shit goes down and you get fucked.
How many shitskins is he giving amnesty to?
Also, a wall is fucking useless with amnesty.
Never. This shall not fucking stand
endkike thread #4
Yeah, Schumer and Pelosi just made it up. That's why Sarah Sanders practically confirmed the deal, but just said "W-we might still get the wall"
I dunno, boss. Looks like we got kiked. Amnesty of any kind is not tolerable. All I wanted him to do was fix the immigration issue and create jobs. If he can't fix the immigration problem, I'll be getting off this train directly.
That shit is getting old.
Great. But since McDonald's desperately needs more slave labor for their high turnover workforce, how about legalizing this lovely ghetto cleanser as part of the deal. Police departments would save millions by letting people defend their own neighborhoods. I would go patrolling every night with the beautiful weapon for nigs blasting nig music while waiting for customers.
The wall's prototype is going to begin construction sometime this week, or next week and it's being built by an israeli company. Rereading the image in OP again and it sounds like Schumer and Peolosi are deliberately making a misleading statement and the media is running with it at full throttle.
So the actual wall is nowhere near being started.
It could be worse, my guess is he's doing this to put fire under the Neo-kikes/make the Dems think they've won something. Trump's proven thus far that he's one step ahead of these faggots. I give pause, but wouldn't worry too much
The wall helps prevent future illegals/remittances; not like he's giving all 11M amnesty, that'd be a reason to revolt
But he is. The initial 800k is just the appetizer because those spics are going to have spic babies starting at 16 or younger. Then you have chain migration, which is where their parents and cousins and nieces and nephews come over. Actually, the 11 million figure sounds about right.
Anyone can feel free to shoot Trump now since he's just a Regan kike.
I remember all those memes from the election with Trump throwing anchor babies back over the wall and shit. Getting more and more ironic.
FBI drunk posting on Holla Forums. Tough night eh Agent?
Come to think of it, I wonder how many of these DACA spics are pregnant or already have kids. It's gotta be at least an extra 50,000 right off the bat. Probably more.
Kill yourself kike.
So you're saying Daddy is just like the best president of all time? Where's the problem?
What about those poor Muslim refugees from around the world? Won't Trump, Democrats and Republicans come together on an issue to save all those children?
Don't be a sensationalist, iirc he limited chain migration; the birth rates are something to be worried about though. Trump and the dumbass Republican laymen are too much of bootlickers to kick out those anchor baby rats who serve in the military
I'm not looking to take out soldiers 300 meters away from behind a tree or boulder. I want something that will let me quickly spray an entire pack of niggers in their niggermobile from across the street.
Fuck off Ivanka
I believe that's what they call "3D chess."
DACA isn't full citizenship, interestingly enough. And since ICE has actually increased their deportation rates (in fact they're actually getting ready for a big raid that was delayed by the hurricanes) Dreamers without a spotless record will soon get the book once the six month grace period ends. And that is assuming those Dreamers even bother to renew the permit.
why are these civnat cucks like not permab& yet?
for a 1488 board there is sure a lot of jerking off to "based black men" in trump hats.
This is exactly what Reagan "got" from the Democrats in 1986 for the first beaner amnesty. Then the Democrats just said "lol jk" and stopped and opposed everything that vaguely resembled increasing border security, meaning the left got their beaners and we got a knife in the back. Then Obama made it worse by having Holder prosecute the Border Patrol whenever they tried to do their jobs.
And now they're doing it again. Their beaners got amnesty again and we're getting no fucking wall and no extra security. Again.
I suggest pic related for you, kike
Literally fucking kiked if this is true. If this shit is true, we all wasted a lot of fucking time that we should have spent at the range and lifting.
What a difference a year makes.
Wait you weren't going to the range and working out anyways?
Of course I was. My range is in the back yard and I have a decent home gym. But I should have ignored the rallies and just lifted that whole time.
When he signs it I'll jump off the pain train too user. At least I will hit the ground rolling and be ready to be the hitler I want in the world
Trump didn't limit anything you dumb nigger. Wake the fuck up. His entire family is JEWISH.
Lolwut? Sauce?
I don't want to get on a soap box here, but if this amnesty and no wall shit happens, we all need to step up in a big way. They're going to classify us as terrorists. We can go quietly into the night or we can become something bigger than ourselves.
We need to form more real unkiked groups and be quiet and ready for whatever. The future of the white race hangs in the balance.
Whatever you can do for your race, whether it's tech and web shit or being a public speaker or training and teaching the youth, you need to get serious about it. Quickly.
There is no time to waste. If this happens, prepare yourself as if he's Hillary. Because he effectively will be Hillary all but in name.
Sarah HS already said it didn't happen. Hopefully it's the last meeting he takes with those snakes. He really has no friends on either side of the swamp, he needs to start tearing down the GOP so we can rebuild in 2018.
Oh and this whole "we're not getting the Wall for DACA" is blatantly false and misleading which is why the Press Secretary had to step in, because from the very official Whitehouse announcement Trump's deal for DACA is a merit based system he was shilling for the RAISE Act.
The entire premise that DACA is for the Wall is inherently misleading, if the amnesty doesn't seem worth it for the RAISE Act then I agree but just letting you know the actual goal of the DACA deal isn't the Wall.
we need to organize as citizens. Everyone just seems so fucking lazy. Trump is one man. He is powerful but he is one man. The people hold the real power and can effect real change if we want to.
We need a network of smaller state level politicians and have a legitimate political movement. Not sure if it needs to be a third party, but basically a more redpilled version of the Tea Party is what is needed.
Quit being a defeatist kike
If Trump signs amnesty, that's the final sign that all peaceful methods of petitoning for the redress of grievances have been exhausted, and that electorial politics is no longer on the list of available solutions.
The RAISE act isn't law and it doesn't exclude by race. With two billion people between them, highly developed technical industries and education, and favorable attitudes towards materialism, zionism, and anti-White hostility, India and China are the preferred source of replacement population in the zionist-occupied West. If I was being a "defeatist kike", I'd push people to take comfort in zionist half-measures like what you're doing. Canada and Australia have merit-based points immigration, too. White paradises, all!
Be ready lads.
anyone care to put wojak one with .gif of DEHUMANIZE YOURSELF AND FACE TO BLOODSHED as a moving text?
3rd pic is a template.
what did you do user?
Checked. Someone get to it and make it so.
after the big get, I scored quint 5s on DYAFTB
How many times do I have to tell you that Democracy is a sham? Violence, precise targeted violence, is the only way the White Race survives.
DACA is literally cuckoldry - they're trying to force us to accept raising some foreign cockroach's children. DACA is cuckoldry.
Dumb Assholes Cuck America
funny how no one has responded to your post. 8cuck showing its leddit roots again
It's beyond cuckoldry, it's demographic suicide. If Hillary was President even she wouldn't have been able to push this through. Trump is somehow worse than Hillary.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Let's say, purely hypothetically, I've found one of the places they torture children.
What the fuck is the next step?
Thank you mods. Cuckchan is melting down, don't need the same shit here.
The shills are trying to provoke a violent reaction, same as always. Some fag was just banned in another thread for unironically calling on anons to bomb government buildings.
Get one of those quadcopter drones in there to take some footage while staying far enough away to not be noticed.
Livestream it to your service of choice and let the chips fall where they may,
Its millions because all their all their relatives can come in thanks to chain migration. Millions and millions.
probably require some video software. dont have any. although im making due with limited and free tools on this fucking machine.
i somehow felt the post would get quads.
So hows the Russia investigation going? Impeachment when?
Neocon christian Pence would be better than this bullshit. Literally the only reason I voted for this guy was for immigration. And he's fucking it up.
I think it's time for r/the_donald to leave. It's been great, guys. But this is where we part ways.
Sure, but if you are doing an op on T_D or some other faggot sub filled with normies, remind them that it is actual cuckoldry and that trading it for a wall is just going to be used to build a cuckshed.
All the Hillshills in this thread need to GTFO.
We're getting the wall, cry more snowflakes.
> (((AP)))
> (((Pelosi)))
Nothing will happen, I feel it in my bones!
So a couple million Hispanics, big deal. They're going to vote Republican anyways. The important thing is that:
We're getting the wall!
fuck off D&C endkike
Through what, the iron bars on the windows? The fucking closed doors?
We already proved why it seems that DACA recipients (many who are Europeans) might seem to be getting helped. OP either needs to lurk moar or he's a shill.
Agreed, they're trying to manufacture chaos and take advantage of it. We must counter their chaos with balance.
And you're surprised? Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
do we have to show you how fast they reproduce, who they vote for (and support), and how they're not going away? adding fuel to an already brewing inferno.
stop. just stop. you're cucking down.
i can't tell if this post is satire or you're genuinely this retarded.
It depends on what sort of place it is.
The best case would be unsecured, or lightly guarded, and at a time when you know they're active. Get footage and report back to us. As much as you want to help the child(ren) right there and then, remember your duty is to the other kids too, and footage helps them much more than commando action.
If you're not going to get footage, or you fear your visit will be a one-way trip, I strongly urge you to consider a livestreamed martyrdom operation. Post a notice on cuckchan not here, motherfucker and draw a crowd to your Kikebook Live, then go in there and allahu-akbar the place. You can even start with the shooting, slay the violent pedos, interview the child or children about whether or not they recognize a picture of Hillary Clinton, and then send them out while you go up in lights. It draws attention and is to be preferred to the fate the Jews have in mind for an infidel like you.
Hope this has provided the clarity you seek.
InB4 he films the fiendish depravity and goes to prison for 6 million years for CP, while the wealthy Jewish rapists get away with it.
So wait, is this all bullshit shilling or not?
hello kike
Go back to Endchan. Trump is President, we're getting the wall, everything is right in the world and that just makes you furious, doesn't it?
We chose Trump. We chose right. We chose to win. And we're winning!
Tell your boss to update your script, Cadrenigger.
>trusting a woman with a last name of (((sanders)))
I bet you would kill yourself if she told you that, faggot
Fortunately I'm not burger, so if you guys want to be hispanic country that's not my beef. Good luck.
fuck off back to endchan goon, this is a shill thread.
Fuck off endkike, cadrenigger means nothing. Stop making these threads and cease this line of discussion. We are winning. You already lost.
Who gives a shit. Wall wouldn't have done anything.
>animeposter promoting (((neocons))) and more nonwhite immigration
Are you disabled? I didn't trust her.
How can you be winning when we've already lost? And if you're already winning, that means we can't have lost already.
Mein sides!
Sure it won't, shill.
Still not tired of winning.
fuck off endkike
The Trump Train is winning, you endkikes lost. Hillary will never be president and globalists are getting BTFO every day.
Stop making shill threads, this is meaningless and accomplishes nothing but D&C
RIP america if you are 60% I don't know how bad it will be after this
This, none of the shills here truly understand how complicated immigration is. As far as we know, Europe and (((Israel))) was planning to send us their "european" refugees.
Trump did say I would get tired of winning. If this is winning, he's right.
reported for intl
Fucking this!
Explain how a wall fixes legal immigration, surging Hispanic birthrates, and declining white births.
Someone is angry that Ivanka is taken. Trump wouldn't have let Ivanka marry a bad guy, so you need to fuck off.
Economic prosperity from no beaners will fix the birth rate. Safety and security provides an environment for white people to have children.
You are a fucking retard and I reported you! Spic birthrates are falling to our level you fucking retard. Look it up before you decide to be a traitorous defeatist shill.
= It stops illegal immigration, aka, exactly what Trump told us it would do. The deal he also just made deals with illegal immigration. What part of that don't you understand? ==
Really makes you think.
lol i cant even decide whos shitposting to who anymore. i do enjoy a good shitpost thread though. FUCK DRUMP THE ZIONIST PUPPET PRAISE KEK 1488888888 NIGGERS FUCK FUCK FUCK SHIT CUNT KIKE DICK
Trump isn't deporting beaners, so how would a wall fix legal immigration from non whites?
Explain how a wall would increase birthrates when they are already being outbred by mexicans that are living here legally?
it keeps these things out
did I say that?
and I thought you guys are 60% white
why would they lie about the deal if the terms of it will come out later?
these demographic shifts are unstoppable at this point without genocide
Its fake news
You don't have a clue. Go to any border state and see. I've lived in border states and it's like a different country. There's Texas towns that are already more than 50% non white that are next to fucking Dallas!
Unless the discussions for DACA are "They have to go back," this is still terrible news
So much for that.
he just agreed to give amnesty to them
Always bet on Trump.
I know. That's why this is terrible news.
How much are they paying you? This is the most obvious shill I have ever seen.
Makes you wonder how he's not banned, eh?
I'm starting to think the same thing too. Something about that user feels off. I don't know why, but something isn't right.
You shills never cease to amuse me
Pic related is what happens to people who try to sabotage the Trump Train.
why isn't there another board? this place has been a honeypot since inception.
1) This is typical behavior for insecure cunts, get the message out first to try and steer the dialogue. I bet she sent this shit while taking a shit between dinner/dessert just to make sure it hit the line first.
2)what the fuck is a "cost-sharing reduction payment" - this sounds like some neokike weasel words designed to siphon money from someone (us, that earn, hopefully) and give to some amorphous blob we can never trace…
This has to be a troll
Just stop responding. You've already exposed him for the laughable dunce he is, just let him shout into the void.
There are other boards. I'm not going to name any. Look around. They exist.
Go back to endkike, losers. Holla Forums is for winners.
I remember when there were ads to Trump's campaign donation page here during the election, I also remember when Jim stole Holla Forums.co from Hotwheels and started shilling softserve hard, take from that what you will.
This, something about him is artificial.
Do you honestly think there's nothing suspect about 'pol-reaction-xxx.jpg' images? Check my ID faggot I've been telling endkikes to fuck off all thread, there's something up with that fucking poster.
Why are you here? We don't care about muh based spic Republican voters. Not like that's going to happen anyways.
Check my ID you turbonigger, there's something up with you. will posting this make you mad?
This is probably the thing that gets to Trump more than negative articles from MSM.
Here's my take on it anyways.
Then DACA becomes the rallying cry for dems, with Obama back at helm and they manage take back some seats in 2018.
People did not read Trump's statement when he rescinded DACA. He'll extend a hand only when he sees Raise Act on the horizon and no way for DACA citizens to bring chain migration. When all is said in done the DACA citizens will be a drop in the bucket compared to the damage that Raise Act will stop over decades. Absolutely the closest we are getting to the 14 words in the current political environment.
I know people would rather have neither..but you don't get what you want. You can still make it worthwhile.
To say there were Trump ads here is an understatement. The bottom Trump ad ran for a solid 5 months straight. That's not cheap.
Funny how all we get now are fucking dildo and porn ads.
not an argument cuck go rim trump's asshole some more
can the spic's get to bring their family over after they get their amnesty?
republican and democratic voters are racially segregated at this point and the whites voting democrat will never vote any differently at this point
Yeah, they will. Try cleaning your room and going outside for a walk, bucko. Trump is more popular then ever. Only the salt-left is against him, and they're nothing but a bunch of granola eating whiny white losers.
Breddy gud bait.
Haven't noticed that. I mostly get goldwater ads. Jesus christ something dark is going on.
holy shit, no kike would pay a dime for shilling this laughable
how much are they paying you per post?
Some goddamn shitty flash game where the princess is sucking a dick is actually the lower ad right now.
1) This is typical behavior for insecure cunts, get the message out first to try and steer the dialogue. I bet she sent this shit while taking a shit between dinner/dessert just to make sure it hit the line first.
2)what the fuck is a "cost-sharing reduction payment" - this sounds like some neokike weasel words designed to siphon money from someone (us, that earn, hopefully) and give to some amorphous blob we can never trace…
What the fuck laddo? screencap that shit and spoiler it
Spics will get their amnesty and gibs and we won't get a wall. As if that's not bad enough being proud of being white is now going to be terrorism. Trump is fucking us hard this week.
WTF I love trump now!
That 2nd image can't be real. Who the fuck would read that garbage? Author must be Jewish too for some reason kikes love feces.
Currently getting a Goldwater ad, so next time I see it I will do that.
I don't use any adblockers and usually tune out ads but lately they've gotten extreme.
fuck linking my own post, i quit, be back in a year, fuck
The blackpilling is insane right now.
I dont see it
What I do see is:
Hey there guys! we of the Democratic party promise to make it easier for you to get your family into America!
Them too!
Thus creating 800,000 seed votes for the democrats, that turn into millions.
Share first image with civic nationalist, t_d type cucks.
Der normie
Just saying not to put the cart before the horse, it's like the Syria strike shit. We were all shitting our pants that Trump had capitulated to Israel but it turns out they're being utterly ignored.
I live in the NYC metro area, the amount of Chinks and Curryniggers who own "businesses" is worrying. I assume at least the Chinese, are spies. People think I'm a xenophobe for thinking that but when you walk into a restaurant and they're playing Chinese state-tun media you have to wonder
I just opened it in a private window and now I'm getting the porn ad.
This is some pedo shit lad.
black pilled cucks keep ignoring this
We're Making America Great Again, and we're just getting started!
Now would you rather be like the people on the left, or on the right?
how about neither shill
Your posts read exactly like a campaign email.
Just saying not to put the cart before the horse, it's like the Syria strike shit. We were all shitting our pants that Trump had capitulated to Israel but it turns out they're being utterly ignored.
I live in the NYC metro area, the amount of Chinks and Curryniggers who own "businesses" is worrying. I assume at least the Chinese, are spies. People think I'm a xenophobe for thinking that but when you walk into a restaurant and they're playing Chinese state-run media you have to wonder>>10601373
I'd rather be neither because all I see are useful idiots
the wehrmacht would steamroll both of them.
u wot?
Motherfucking fucks
Neither, both are useful idiots
They're shills. They have 97 fags in a discord and they aren't afraid to spam!
What about amnesty? Is that a lie?
Gee, I wonder what that NYT in her Twitter handle stands for…
While you're larping, we're gonna be winning!
her whole job is to run cover and shill for trump she is not a reliable source in some ways
Don't wait for Hitler, become Hitler.
Who said anything about waiting?
And I'm sure the NYT and the Democrats are better?
Pick one, fag. I guess those ESL classes they make you take in Tel Aviv are pretty shit.
kill yourself
You know is it really such a bad deal to exchange 800,000 illegals for cutting yearly immigration from 1 million to 500,000 via the raise act?
Wouldn't that reduce the amount of shitskins in the country in just 2 years?
The Twitter feed is probably even less reliable than the publication.
How about we become red meat eating Americans instead?
They're not sending their best.
You get it!
Nigger, spics shit out babies like rats. Under no circumstance do you grant any amnesty. 800k is like 10 million in just 5 years if you count chain migration.
Lurk forever before posting again.
she tried to marry a Rothschild, but he dumped her because goyim….so she converted for the next one
she has only ever dated jews…..she's sucked more jewish dick than a NY rabbi
Immigration isn't the issue. There are already so many spics, chinks, shit-skins and sand-niggers in the country that they'll out-breed us before the end of the century. The only way to keep America white is to build a wall and start repatriating the ones who already here back to their own countries.
If someone were to make a perfectly lifelike drawing of that person it would surely be denounced as an anti-semitic caricature by the ADL.
Really user, it's a waste of time. Talk around them, not to them. You wouldn't try to have a conversation with a slug, would you? A shill is no different.
no thanks
That's literally the most blackpill thing on this thread
"DACA Fix" literally translates as "The ONLY thing I care about is things being constitutional. The EO was unconstitutional, so we should instead protect DREAMers through congressional legislation. Sure it's the same THING, but THIS time it's constitutional! Wew, I sure do love the Constitution!"
Are those the two alternatives that exist? Wait for Hitler or become Zionist?
GTFO, nigger lover.
care to post evidence over a statistically significant area and timeline?
You are pathetic.
I wonder what it's like to watch your worldview collapse in on itself?
Blackpill shills BTFO
pic related is enough evidence
All the best girls are Trump girls!
Make a distraction that causes the door to open
Record who goes in and comes out of the building.
Draw attention to the location via some kind of ruse (free Obamaphones at !) and then watch to see who panics.
Fucking reported.
It's not about Constitutionality per se, it's about the fact that EO's can be swiftly undone by another EO.
Pushing it through Congress makes it harder to undo. The only difficult thing are the fucking Congressmen
Actions speak louder than words, m8. Don't trust the State just because it agrees with you
It will do no good to report the pro-Trump shills. They will not be banned.
You do know there is an user that is trying to marry a German girl with birthing hips right?
While that German family is legal, other Norwegian relatives are on DACA.
Come back to the real world, that's where Trump is living.
So we should make it even HARDER to get rid of these illegal shitskins, then? Fucking retard.
Uh huh. Way to not blow your cover, kike.
Go thing that unlike you, Trump actually has a heart.
its against the law to be in this country illegally. oops can't deport them they're dreamers
people in previous administrations broke about a million laws. oops can't put them in jail they're too politically connected
a political solution does not exist. dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed
lol you kids got fucking owned
((( )))
reported for being a dishonest kike.
Spic birthrates are NOT increasing you filthy faggot!
Hi Styx.
reported for KENNEDIposting
Holla ForumsThe_Donald BTFO
She's a keeper
did I ever say that dickhead?
The only ones getting BTFOed here are the anti-American shills!
I thought you were the faggot that I originally responded to (before reporting). He said some stupid shit like it was the end of America because spic birthrates are "soaring"
I'm not an IDfag
stop fapping to "based black men" in maga hats, civnat cuck.
Give me a fucking break
This guy has no principles, he will sell the future demographics out for a few barely luke warm headlines. He really is fucking insecure
Your god emperor himself called this suicide.
The shilling is real.
for republicans, retard
You have to separate between pre and post election Trump. Pre-election is crypto-nazi shitposter, post-election is beaudiful babbies neocohen. It's dimension canasta, get with the program hillary shill.
They are adults you fuck. If they were kids their parents would be bringing them back, just like it was ok to bring them.
I like how he is turning into a neocon because he's too stupid and lazy.
pol/The_donald is a young republican club prove me wrong
4D trompo
Yes, faggot. Suicide because they will never vote for the people granting amnesty. They will still vote for democrats because lazy fucking shitskins always vote for gibs and larger government.
Did you even fucking read the post I was replying to you gigantic fucking kike?
tfw shills have to dig up old tweets from the past to try to demoralize us
I'm going to assume that Trump's doing what's best for the white race based solely on quantity and quality (or lack thereof) of "LEL DRUMPF BTFO" posts ITT. Judging a man by his enemies hasn't failed me yet.
I assure you, I'm not a kike
I like how you think your IP won’t be banned.
Holy shit this place is gone to trash
no safe spaces am i rite?
Not only are we going to deport the spics, we'll strip them of all their possessions on their way out to reimburse the American tax-payer.
And then we'll impose sanctions on their loser countries so punish them for acting like little pieces of shit.
Can you fucking read? Let's say Trump signs an EO to deport all the illegal spics
4/8 years later, some bleeding heart comes in and signs another EO allowing those anchor babies and their parents to come back.
However, pushing a law through Congress means they'd need the majority in both houses to undo anything Trump put into place. I can't help but feel this is a bait and switch on Trump's part
You think (((they))) haven't killed any President who tries to do something?
I don't think it's come to that yet, but repeating that line makes me think you're FBI
Says the loser on an imageboard! Trump works harder in an hour than you have in your entire life, shill!
Purge everyone who isn't retarded again, worked great last time.
if you grant amnesty to your enemies, you win
way..wayy more than 800K dreamers. That's a gov't number. Try 3.5 million. Trump has bent us over and fucked us in the ass along with the rest of the world.
And yet here you are.
It's like just throwing out people you don't like isn't a permanent solution.
Checked. Reading old Trump tweets is fucking demoralizing. Like a window into a better future that could have been.
Some of us saw that before the elections. Although we used to be a majority here we were made to shut up or leave.
I miss this Trump
For him to be cucking this hard, it makes me wonder if (((they))) know more about his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and why Ivanka and Donald's phone numbers were in his little black book and why he rode on Epstein's plane when he has his own private jet.
before or after the illegal spics that made up half of Holla Forums went away?
Whatever you say, Shlomo.
Shills and newfags that don't bother to learn.
Lmao, so you ACTUALLY THINK the GOP, under McConnell and Ryan of all fucking people, is going to push through a bill permanently banning executive order amnesties like DACA? You live on another planet. Their Legislative Action is going to be codifying DACA as a LAW and not an EO.
I miss this Trump>>10601580
You're thinking of Bill Clinton. And Epstein was a big finance guy in NY; of course he had Trump's info.
boy you're so smart.
Nope. He's completely outnumbered by kikes and cucks.
Demoralize you from what? Autistically renaming your folder full of shitposting images? I believe Trump wants to do what he said he was going to do. But I don't think he can without some sort of external intervention above and beyond cheerleading him on an anonymous image board.
I can do more than cheerleading
No I don't which is why I think Trump talking with (((Schumer))) and Pelosi is a way to make McConnell and Ryan appear weak to their normie bootlicker base
No, CIAnigger, it's definitely not that.
No. I'm thinking of Donald and Ivanka Trump.
He needed nobody to stop DACA ffs, he did this because he wanted too. It's no win, he did it became he wanted more praise like he got from the Hurricane shit.
The question is whether or not Trump was on the Lolita Express
He needs more praise, remember Hitler didn't became the Hitler we all know and love until most people were celebrating him (think of Times Man of the Year)
Well, what I'm saying is that if Trump was indeed on the Lolita Express with Ivanka, it would certainly explain why he's cucking and why she has a prominent position in the White House.
Have you ever considered that he was a businessman who simply said lots of big things and then sold out when that was more profitable than fulfilling his promises?
Any anons who are doing ops on /r/The_Donald on plebbit, make sure you call out anyone who is talking about trading the wall for DACA as
and create new posts comparing the DACA to cuckoldry.
Yes, but I've also seen some weird shit that makes me think Senate user wasn't larping.
That pic is such an obvious false flag, you have to be blind not to see it.
Well, he wasn't. He's not in the flight logs. Bill Clinton is in the flight logs like 12 times. Trump 0.
Yeah. Hitler sold out to kikes for popularity, lel
Wait, guys, I have an idea. Hear me out. What if Trump really does want to destroy DACA without creating permanent amnesty legislatio? He also knows that he can't count on the Republicans to stop it because so many of them favor passing amnesty without any meaningful concessions from the Democrats. What if all this discussion with Pelosi, Schumer etc. is just to create a narrative that Trump is backstabbing the Republicans, getting enough Republicans to reject any amnesty deal out of spite? Trump has publicly associated himself with pro-amnesty measures so sabotaging DACA amnesty is sabotaging Trump's agenda to those who have fallen for this clever ruse. This also allows Trump to avoid taking the hit from vetoing or even publicly opposing amnesty. Dare I say it? 4D Chess?
I have no idea who Senate user is. I'm not a member of this board, I'm just here to watch for this thread.
This, my uncle works in the WH (can't say where) and he's told me all this in advance (some of you might remember that thread when I talked about this).
I don't want to repeat myself, but the plan is to set up a legal bill where it can help us whites
you're a fucking moron.
So you admit you're a shill?
It would, but I'm wondering whether or not he's truly cucked out or if he's forsaking small shit for larger gains later. Also this
Kek, when and if Calexit happens, I'd sign up just to put some shitskins in their place
They're not sending their best.
I'm just waiting for our anons in their discords to drop the screencaps. I don't lefty pol has ever recovered.
I remember an user with the uncle in the WH saying something very similar, except that it was going to use the DACA fix to bring in millions of whites in Europe and South Africa
reported for kennedi dubs
Amnesty to, let's face it, over a million spics, is not a small thing to give up, user.
Please let this be real, it'd be the best timeline
You do know that Europeans will come to live here now, right?
It isn't ffs. That would need Congress.
Why would they come to live with millions of spics when they're fleeing sand niggers?
It's a mixed blessing.
Whites doesn't come illegally. We try to go legally and get rejected. White immigrants isn't the future your country has chosen.
Doesn't matter, Trump isn't running for reelection right now so it doesn't matter if he has an ulterior motive for it or not - I plan to make it known that the
Attempt to
Is not something I support. If he wants to 88D chess it, I don't give a shit, I am going to express Holla Forums's views on the subject, and I think we should all do likewise instead of sucking Trump's cock hoping he'll do the right thing. There needs to be strong pushback on this.
this, checked.
this user is not wrong. DACA is only 800,000 people. If they are let in but the wall is built and non white immigration severely restricted we can maintain current demographics and maybe start to make america whiter again
You are pathetic
I wish I could unsee that.
800,000 people is a
you fucking cuck, and once they bring in all of their families, it will probably be Chicago-tier. We don't need that.
800K is a gov't number thus it's much much higher. More like 3.5 million.
800k is bullshit, it's way more than that
That makes no sense, if you're not registered then you don't get DACA benefits.
God help us
Agreed, and in addition to that there is not a huge gap between democrat/republican voters. Every taco we bring in narrows the gap to ensuring a permanent democratic party victory and if you think we've got 'em by the balls now, just wait until the shitlibs get in and destroy EVERYTHING, including tearing down the wall and importing millions of beaners. FUCK THAT.
Make sure to mention how close Israel and jews are to this administration when explaining what went wrong to normies. If anything, we can use this betrayal as an illustrative force to display who the jews really are to normies.
this thread is so natural and organic
He's fucking getting CONGRESS to make the Dream Act you imbecile. DACA is way better than that as it isn't full amnesty. Once the pro amnesty congress gets together there's no end to what they will add on.
Why the fuck would Trump be doing this other than vanity. He's fucked everyone and his base is now going to fuck him off.
It's okay. Trump did the right thing.We all come from Adams seed.There's no reason not to accept your brothers in god in your country
Hold up, potus press sec says it was discussed, but wall wasnt left out
Give trump a chance to see whats up
And he wants the RAISE Act attached to it.
Until the next one, and the next one….
Eventually they'll have a daca with every country on the planet until this country turns into a complete hell hole.
Lel the wall is pointless now, we're on a path to amnesty for 30m
This. How many more mass amnesties have to be granted before people catch on.
The country will be in ruin long before 2050 rolls around. Unfortunately only half the country seems to understand that.
Big business won't even have satellite company's in America to avoid the overpaid SJW diversity hire retards.
They've even manage to convince nogs and latinos that there's a future where whites are their slaves.
The days of paying them to "live over there" will come to an end once the petro dollar becomes worthless. Then the real fun begins.
A few hours after this, the (((shumer/pelosi))) thing drops.
Sounds planned and made to overshadow Paul "nwo shill" Ryan
the military is the primary backer of the petro dollar, the fact that the US can crush any opposition. the petro dollar will fall after brazilian style instability grips the country, not before
we've already seen the result of a promise for wall funding in exchange for amnesty. it happened with Reagan. it's the ultimate bait and switch and you're a fool if you imagine its a good deal
If DACA stays, not only will there be more wetbacks, but more blue counties and even more jobs taken away. The wall and repealing DACA will go hand and hand.
What did they do with the old Trump? Is this new one an actor? Or is this just n^n dimensional chess…
It's a lesson every generation must learn I guess, politicians lie. They are put on the stand to do exactly that. Trump is the millennial wake up puppet in that regard. Let's hope they get angrier over it than boomers and x'ers did.
Implying democrats and republicans aren't the same party after all. Read history, their foundations literally lie in the Jewish control scheme of the 1910's following presidents not doing what jews wanted.
Why would they when there are 14/88r's on here screeching about winning over this.
I think it's safe to say the tide has turned considerably in here. There are still some hopeful stragglers, but they will learn. In many ways it's ok, because they will be the angriest of all when they realize they've been betrayed.
Da fuq
If this is what winning feels like, I'm getting pretty tired of it.
Surely you have a source on that claim
Infowars, fox news radio, white house itself debunked this shit. Why is it still up and being bumped?
Lemmings bro, lemmings. They never learn. They just follow the crowd.
Its why so many normalfags suddenly gets very political when there's a major election and then go back to ignoring politics again a month or two after its decided.
Are you stupid or just pretending to be retarded?
They could have film from elsewhere, maybe a party at Epstein's NYC pad.
He could be a liar, but I still believe his intentions were pure in entering this race. If they weren't why even do it? And it's not as though the elite needed him, when either a Jeb! or Clinton would have served them well. Furthermore, I also believe Obama was a committed marxist before entering the office, and yet soon enough, below surface level, his presidency was a continuation of the Bush-era policies, even expanding some of the neocon wars in the process. There is certainly some way they turn these Presidents into obedient minions…
Obligatory m8.
Are you legit retarded?
surely you can provide some sauce for that claim
Pelosi and Trump himself
Nah, hence the question.
If they're lying, the admin should come out and say 'that shits all lies'… Which they sort of did… Maybe? Its not exactly clear what's being said from the WH.
In any case, SOMEONE is lying, that much is very clear.
Well, if you're asking for my personal opinion it's that he's an actor doing a job. I don't believe in democracy and consider it a puppet show for the low-iq plebs to spend their energy on while the real rulers do whatever the fuck they want.
Schumer and Pelosi made misleading statements, media ran with it, now everyone is immediately following what their feelings tell them instead of stepping back and cooling their heads off. At the minimum talks are coming along fine but no actual deal had been fully struck yet.
Where exactly?
This, the first thing I did when I saw this thread was check Trump's twitter and he didn't write anything about it.
This is a repeat of the Obama budget thing all over again
The White House explicitly did not debunk this, they simply clarified that the topics were discussed but a deal was not reached as regards excluding the wall. That's what I'm seeing at least, unless someone has additional sources beyond what this thread has shown.
Were you there?
If not, I'm afraid that's a very liberal interpretation of what the White House has said thus far, as far as I've seen.
Tangentially related: That 'misleading' quote comes from Marc Short - is he a Jew?
That's at least reassuring.
DACA is amnesty. I don't give a rat's ass about assurances provided by the democrats or anyone else in exchange for amnesty. Unless them talking about DACA was Trump telling them to go fuck themselves then its amnesty. If that's the case fuck him and fuck you.
It's either that or they get bayonetted. Nobody gives a shit about muh children, they aren't even human.
If you turn on talk radio you might hear it. I don't exactly have a recording off an emergency crank-powered radio to post it here.
You're seeing fucking nothing for information and immediately assuming the worst. Take your blackpilling to /fringe/.
Same reason why this thread exists in the first place, and why these threads have a much faster bumpspeed then the rest of the board, shills quickly replying to themselves for consensus cracking.
I am just here to make them buttblasted by posting about anime and chess, but other than that you can simply filter every single DACA thread until Trump has actually signed something.
Eh, kind of. The wording was very slippery there, and anytime you get slippery wording from the White House, should make you second guess a bit.
"While DACA and border security were both discussed, excluding the wall was certainly not agreed to." suggests, well, that the Dems are lying, outright. It does not, however, expand upon the fact that a deal pertaining to the exclusion of the wall was not agreed to. That's it.
A bit more reassurance would be nice given the circumstances - and bit a harsher tone, given these kike-serving fucks (one of them an actual kike) basically just lied outright, attempting to bluff Trump into accepting perhaps more than he was willing to grant.
Fucking this! The blackpill shills and non-whites could never do that!
Know who else had a heart?
All the people the Aztecs killed.
But when the Aztecs were done, they didn't have that heart anymore user.
I hope this is the case, imagine the salt
I have now seen the light
I am a shill for Hill now
The official statement from Schumer is right there, at first reading it can easily be read as "lol no wall" but given the Press Secretary's own statement in response that interpretation is more dubious instead he is talking about border security specifically and not the Wall itself.
Then you've got stupid fucks who listen to AP or Ben Shapiro,
Now he is telling these fucks to make the Dream Act face to face, for some petty border security funding? The wall was never discussed because the wall is a red herring, he only needs republicans for that and still didn't push for it. If he is backing the legal amnesty then he has fucked everyone and the wall is irrelevant.
I just wanted to post the death whistle to be honest with you m8. Creepy shit, no?
That's one fucking huge stretch there buddy
Trump swore he would rescind DACA day fucking 1. He didn't. Instead he threw it to Paul Ryan and the other amnesty loving fuckbags months later to fix instead of starting up a trail of beans. Sounding the alarm when there is still time to stop amnesty is only logical. I'd much rather jump at shadows and look a fool than tell myself its nothing to worry about and end up devoured.
I wouldn't be spreading doom and gloom if Trump wasn't being such a piece of shit nigger about this,
I don't really care about the wall bit user, I care about the DACA bit… But that's besides the point really - they just lied, blatantly. Reeks of an attempt to bluff Trump into not correcting them or some soft-dick shit like that.
The WH should be shitting down their necks over this shit.
In any case, I would suggest that the press secretary's response is very clear that they're lying about the no wall bit, but doesn't address the DACA bit. As I said, reeks of an attempted bluff.
This tbh.
That said
Come on now.
DACA is over though
They are no longer taking applications
kill yourself
DACA is over but the DACA people are still here.
We've got a hole in our ship. Closing that hole would be good… But only if we also get all that muddy taco water out of the damn boat.
Because they are making it law of the land ffs for all.
It's a twitter link you pleb, because everyone asks for them when you post a grab to prove it's real/
Take your own advice black pill fag
Meh, fair enough.
Why are you in every thread saging and sperging out? Take a break from your computer and calm down you autist.
Checked for naive user doesn't realize he's in a land of wolves and jackals.
you're a goddamn retard
the DACA deal part with Shcumer and Pelosi is not what makes the statement misleading. The only thing Schumer didn't clarify was details of whether or not they actually agreed to having the RAISE Act or RAISE Act provisions slipped in, basically a merit based system.
But, it's you is spamming every thread with your autismal salt. A paradox indeed.
Wall + RAISE Act is good enough for me
I'd like to see those fucks get deported too, but I never thought that would actually happen.
Neck yourself
The thing about this being so fucked up is DACA wasn't what Trump gave a shit about, ie overreach by Obama and not law by Congress. He campaigned on NO AMNESTY, not this bait and switch he's pulled asking Congress to make amnesty great again. Fucking treasonous and any cuck supporting this thinking they are WN, let alone basic bitch Trump supporters are enemies.
Raise Act is pointless without full deportation and then wall. It's not going to make a dent, it's deck chairs on the titantic being rearranged. All the Africans coming to America legally already have 50 degrees from mudhut University, so do the Indians and Asians.
… Yes, that's my point exactly. Though, that's only a potentiality. I mean, if Trump is aiming for DACA amnesty, he's done man. Even if it were only 800k or whatever, in a generation that's another million spic voters in the Democrats pocket.
DACA amnesty would be finishing the job Reagan began. If that's what happening, the misleading bit about the wall doesn't really matter.
Which is terrible, we've been over this.
Exactly, do these people think there are more Europeans with shitty degrees than the rest of the world? There's fuck all Europeans around, let alone those with degrees who will move to America bar the Stem. Which is still going to be used to discriminate against Europeans.
Then you're accepting more than you deserve.
Worthless. Symbolism with a core of mud.
Yep, you're right
Tulsi 2020
Am I right my fellow Spencerpede?
I don't really want anyone coming in. Why would I?
We don't need more people in the US.
We need to make use of the people we have. There is no need for an influx, if anything, there needs to be a significant outflow. All this justification of unnecessary outsourcing, whether to an influx of Europeans or an influx of mudfolk, isn't really desirable.
We should just shut off all incoming immigration. That's well within Trump's power as president. He should do it… But I know he won't. Too much pressure.
Literally every first post…
I thought we all love bait and switch
Lately, all birthrates have seen a minor increase while spics continue to dive into our level
I've seen this claimed repeatedly, but have yet to see any legitimate proof of such.
The wall bit is the whole reason Schumer and Pelosi's statement is being blown out of proportion then it is. Christ where were you that you didn't even know about the DACA negotions already? No really where the fuck were you?
I've never talked to any Anons about the difference between a merit based immigration system and a non merit based immigration system. Nobody has made a peep about the RAISE Act outside which Repbulicans are backing it, compared to the Dream Act it's way more strict then you or anyone else seems to believe. In fact Schumer outright told Trump Dems would not back the RAISE Act.
THERE ARE NO SUCH NEGOTIATIONS, you are either pro amnesty, which needs negotiations, or you are not, repeal DACA end of story. Why the fuck is Trump involved in negotiations supporting and amnesty bill when there is not a single reason he was expected to do this as it is totally against what he campaigned and was elected for.
I was here. Far as I've heard, there's not been a deal, there's not been amnesty agreed to. Did I miss that?
If so, shit, that's awful - and this thread is basically a waste of digital storage, because who gives a shit about the wall in that case?
Holla Forums discussed it at length user. Where were you? No really where the fuck were you?
The RAISE act is shit.
Mainly because its determination of 'merit' is of little importance to me - I don't care about the educational background of the mudpeople demographically replacing me, while my own people lay fallow because they've been abandoned by mainstream politicians to a slow death of demographic replacement and opium derivatives. Problem with the RAISE Act is, it focuses on individual merit, while there are millions of mudfolk who can meet the prerequisites; and, again, I don't give a shit about how smart the pajeet or chink is, only that he's a pajeet or a chink.
And your portrayal seems to be trying very hard to present the false dichotomy of having to choose between a non-merit based system and merit-based system, when neither really matters if the end result is still an influx of mudfolk (albeit the brighter ones in the case of RAISE).
Compared to having your dick cut off, having your eyes gouged out is probably way more painful. Both are still shit things to have happen to you.
Like the Dream Act and the RAISE Act.
Good. I hope it doesn't pass. Its shit.
Look at the pic I replied to, Hispanic birthrates are plummeting (negative slope in the graph) while other races have begun seeing a SLIGHT increase in their birthrates (positive slope) in the last year or so.
Why does that matter when they already are majority in the younger demographics?
It doesn't, it's irrelevant.
Yep, we should all just kill ourselves right now
What is that supposed to mean?
They've been falling since 2008 user, and they're still at like a fertility rate of 2.2.
Whites are still sub replacement rate.
user, its just kind of misrepresentative what you're talking about here m8. I won't deny that graphic suggests a sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight increase, but dude, we're talking like, 1.700 to 1.701.
Which is still sub-replacement. While the spics are well-above replacement.
fuck off already jesus
Donald Trump, August 31st 2016, Arizona Rally
It's legal status. Trump said that wouldn't be happening under his watch.
Future prospects - in theory, we could get to a point wherein spics are the majority, for a short period of time before Whites replace them as the majority again. In theory.
Exaggeration is the mark of someone with no argument. Acknowledging that, no matter what we do, the present state is that there is a glut of spic children which will potentially produce a state, in 15-20 years, wherein spics are, at least temporarily, the majority.
Our efforts must be to change the future prospects.
Its an exaggeration of your commentary to lure you into a fruitless argument. Its a common tactic, effectively its strawman-tier.
Is that decided? Seems thats still kind of up in the air… If its not, again, this thread is a waste of space - 800k+ spics in the voter pool basically assures the end of the nation.
Are you serious? Is this some sort of "if your enemy kills you, you win" joke?
Checked for 100%.
I don't know where you'd get that idea, but it is an inevitable condition - barring massive civil unrest and/or major demographic shift, there will be AT LEAST a period of time during which non-Whites are the majority in the US. There's really no way to stop that at this point, again, barring civil unrest generating a major demographic shift.
According to the graph, they Hispanic birthrates have been plummeting WITHOUT stop since 2005. Currently, they at less than 73 births per 1000 and still falling.
Compare that with the lowest (Asian) birthrates which are at 61 per 100. Again, looking at the graph, it shows everyone but spics increased their birthrates SLIGHTLY.
In theory we would have to deport 35m illegals overnight and still need a massive baby boom. Everything else is the end.
You're not coming back from that condition so you better hope it's not inevitable. Of course revolution is your only recourse. It has been so for a very long time.
Also a complete stop on legal immigration would be necessary before any of that.
If you have blue eyes and you marry something like these, you're doing a disservice to your kids.
t. Brown-eyes that is green with envy and feels blue about it.
Actually we're talking about 1 and 2 more births per 1000 in Asians and Whites respectively
I did say every race but spics had an increase, but seeing the black birthrates, I now see that they just stabilized (after going down).
No, if you look at the graph, they were going up in 2005 - they started plummeting after that. About 2008. Given that fact, we know why.
user, that graphic was made pre-2015. We don't even have the data past that point, unless you've got an additional source with up-to-date information.
I direct you back to
Do you understand what that means?
Yep, pretty much. Again, that's in theory.
A White baby boom combined with - if the other user turns out to be correct - a massive decline in hispanic birth rate (dubious assertion though it may be), then its possible.
user, I… Its already decided m8.
That first graphic spells it out - if 40%+ of every age category between 4 and 44 is non-White, with increasing percentage the lower the age, barring some major demographic shift caused by civil unrest or the like, this shit is basically on rails in that capacity.
I'd be inclined to agree, to at least some extent.
I know this is going to get me called a shill or a newfag, but what exactly is the problem with legal immigration based on merit? So what if they outbreed whites, if only the smart and good ones are coming then the country will stay good. Why judge people based on race rather than merit and good nature?
Yep, that's why I say your only recourse is civil war. All this hope of fixing it through politics is just cowardice and pushing the problems ahead. But that doesn't work. Never have, never will. The US will have a second revolution or it will go the way of South Africa.
Which is still entirely sub replacement, amounting to a minute change (probably on the level I referred to) as regards fertility rate… And why would I give a shit about Asians? They're very possibly worse than the spics.
In that 5+ year old graphic, yes. Again, I've yet to see any more up to date information in this capacity - I don't know that its readily extant at this time.
Why are you here?
Well, I can't argue with that.
Very probably the case, yes.
But, not everyone is ready to accept that yet, apparently. Hence, in theory, what could transpire.
Because I want to learn and understand.
They are the lowest, think of it as a way to gauge the numbers (because you shown to be mathematically illiterate).
And that is assuming it doesn't become a nuclear wasteland way before, because apparently Trump wants to go to war with NK and by extension China and Russia.
Google has the latest graphs. I don't mean the search of the search engine, they have graphs.
No, nobody did, it was nothing but baiting and most people were either in a Happening thread like Harvey or Irma or arguing in clickbait threads. Unless you mean halfchan then in that case you can head on back over there.
So you didn't actually read the RAISE Act, okay that's fine. The majority of illegals would still be deported, and the Dreamers granted amnesty would be deported as well because the RAISE Act would nullify whatever the Dems were going for with the DREAM Act.
Except no population that was demographically displaced have ever come back. It just doesn't happen. You have to view this in some perspective, because this shit isn't new. It's been going on since ancient sumeria, with countless reiterations.
I don't really think that those kind of people will be a boon for the movement.
You can't have people deported after they have been given amnesty by Congress and Raise only deals with LEGAL immigration, not those already here illegally.
Who by law should already be deported, Trump could deport every last one.
They, by definition, cannot be "good" if they aren't white. Their cultures, their societies, they bring that shit with them, and not a single one of them is worth a fuck, they're all at BEST "bad" or "backwards" from what we should be going towards, and at worst they are incredibly destructive for us
Consider hispanics, specifically mexicans. They are incredibly socialist, pro big government, pro gibs, and that ALWAYS comes with massive corruption. Why? Because it just turns into a pissing contest between politicians to see who can promise them the most gibs and government running their lives, and as we've seen time and time again with the left that always means massive corruption, sticking as many of those shekels in their pockets as possible, and taxing the ever living fuck out of working people in the process, followed by endless corruption and inaction on important issues as those politicians get into bed with criminals and the rich who will continue to support them and/or kill their opposition or suppress them to keep their chosen political puppets in power
Again, look at mexico, its run by cartels, its disgusting, there is no middle class, only the rich, and the poor, and they keep voting in the same nigger-tier politicians promising gibs who then do nothing about any of it because why would they? They want the cartels and other wealthy interests money, and they DONT want those groups to kill them.
hispanic nations all over are just like that in one way or another, and they inevitably bring that same mindset here. Look at their voting trends, the right is generally insanely happy to get 35-40% of the hispanic vote. That means that 2 out of every 3 spics that come here, even the "hard working and/or intelligent" ones (the "good ones" in your assessment) are still voting for gibs and leftist socialist governments, and our nation will fall to their ideology in time.
Its just like with commiefornia faggots who move to texas, or yankees that move to the south, because they are "fleeing" high taxes or government corruption due to the policies and people they voted for to begin with, but then they dont adopt the culture or society they moved to, they instead simply try to spread their own original corrupt/broken ideas/ideology and vote for the exact same kind of fucktards that fucked up THEIR state to begin with.
It doesnt matter if its yankee carpet baggers moving to the south, or spics/mudslimes/chinks/pajeets/niggers coming in from around the world.. THEY ALL DO THE SAME FUCKING THING, THEY BRING WITH THEM THEIR HORRIBLE BROKEN STUPID IDEOLOGIES, THEY VOTE FOR CORRUPT LEFTISTS PROMISING GIBS AND PLATITUDES, AND THEY RUIN EVERYWHERE THEY MOVE.
Hell even the mexicans that have come here and "voted trump" or their kids have or whatever, only do it because they want to keep OTHER mexicans out because they don't want THEM to come here and start taking their own gibs money as well.
There is no such thing as a "good one" when it comes to immigrants anymore. The only "good ones" are the very few wenches that have come here, are still young and attractive, and have begun shifting to the right. But even then they're useless to us, you don't breed with non-whites (no matter how fat the ass or titties happen to be), and haven't even served as a decent meat shield to deflect criticism and cries of racism from the salt-left. So they are, quite literally, all useless to us, and only eventually undermine our genetic lines, as well as our social structures.
He has been used to siphon energy from actual race realism. Instead of spreading info about white genocide and global jewry people are wasting their energy on trump and party politics. He is also a release valve for the anger that has been building in the white masses.
Because civic nationalism is trash and you're an ethnocuckold.
I don't give a single solitary shit about the United States of America if it is not populated by my kind. Not a single shit.
Because race dictates nature and merit.
Regression to the mean ensures that all those high-IQ, high-agency fucks from India and China will produce low-IQ offspring over time, a regression to the mean of their people. That's why selecting non-Whites who espouse merit and good nature is a worthless enterprise - their offspring are very-probably going to regress towards the mean and then you're fucked.
Race determines what that mean is - hence, White influx is FAR less an issue than non-White, because most non-Whites have a baseline that is simply subpar by comparison to Whites.
Genetics -> Physiology -> Psychology -> Culture -> Society -> Civilization
With a backflow mechanism, such that categories further along can have feedback effects upon those behind.
IOW: Race dictates cultural predisposition. The likelihood of the United States maintaining its cultural and ideological heritage whilst populated by majority non-Whites is a statistical zero, because the cultural and ideological heritage of the United States derives from its people, which have historically been White European folk.
You can't just replace White Europeans with Aztecs and think the same cultural and ideological tennants will be valued and upheld, because they won't be.
Yes, because you focus on minute changes and present them as indicative of drastic changes, and I point that out, that makes me mathetmatically illiterate, all while ignoring the overall fertility rate trends which effectively make such argumentation over the qualities of a 2+ year old graphic somewhat nil. Seems legit.
Then post em lad, if you can.
Meh, I don't see it happening.
Yes, actually, we did. I posted you a graphic from those threads.
Which means you didn't like the commentary.
Sounds like thats what you were doing.
I did, as previously mentioned, and its shit.
RAISE has nothing to do with deporting illeagls.
See above.
Who cares if they get 800k+ spics in, plus whatever additional extension for families program they manage to get in place?
Again, you're setting up a false dichotomy - I don't want the dream, nor the raise, because they're both shit whose end result is a massive influx of mud people (in the case of raise, people who are directly competing for jobs with the high castes amongst my people, whilst producing a bevy of regression-to-the-mean offspring).
RAISE is shit, a limp-dicked civnat answer to an issue of ethnic demographics - flood the upper castes with talented tenth shitskins, allowing them to produce shitskin spawn, who are prone to regression to their shitskin ways.
What difference does that really serve in the end? None.
Woops, it goes
Genetics -> Physiology -> Psychology -> Behavior* -> Culture -> Society -> Civilization
Do you understand what 'in theory' means user? Its arguably POSSIBLE, even if its never actually happened. Improbable things do occur.
It comes from two different but highly related phenomena: Precedent and regression to mean.
Precedent is the basic historiography. Unfortunately, we cannot simply take what we want from countries or cultures. Quickly studying even revisionist history reveals that there is no equal merit to other cultures of the world. Even when brought in to our countries or toiling under the white man's burden, other peoples have completely failed to match the effort, merit, and unheard of quality of life omnipresent in countries that are white. Detroit looks like Lagos for the same reason that Seattle looks like a European city. Both have the same political leanings, yet one is much more white and the other is much more black. Regardless of political leaning, people create the lives they are most able to. There is no adequate sociological explanation for these historical facts regardless of believing in the politics of victimhood or not. Even if one were to completely buy the whole 'white privilege' argument, it never actually addresses the physical and material gap produced by blacks, whites, browns, or Asians. The predisposition of a people shines through by what they do and Mestizos spread Barrio wherever they go. They strongly prefer a Marxist government without reservation.
Further, history shows us that humans are tribal by nature. Browns, blacks, and Asians all vote for the party that panders to them. Whites are literally the only exception so even disregarding obvious disparities in intelligence and ability, having a large minority populace invalidates the purpose of a republic. White, homogeneous areas are simply the best places to live.
Second, regression to mean is the proven fact that people regress over generations to the mean intelligence of their race. Even if you found some strain of super-spic, further generations will likely reflect their populace.
Yeah, but what's the point of that? It's possible the sun runs out tomorrow, it's possible that gravity goes upside down, it's possible that chickens meow and pigs fly. Way out there kooky theories are ok, but they are hard to use as arguments for anything.
the_donald actually used to be bearable but not long after the GOP convention last year the mods were replaced by the reddit admins with their sockpuppets and kosher cuckservatives. Which is why you get daily "muh based nigger" threads and "acknowledging white genocide makes you a nazi" crap.
Again, user, you have to remember, we're talking about an argument in the context of someone who is pretending there is still a political solution.
We both know better.
Its reddit. It is what it is.
Incorrect, there was recently a SCOTUS ruling on this. Immigrants can be stripped of their US citizenship if they lied on their application. One of the leaders of the Womans march back in January was recently stripped of us citizenship and deported this year.
But doesn't this "reggression to the mean" directly contradict evolution? Natural selection works because the individuals with the best mutations are having kids with does same genes. Intelligence, according to basic biology should be no exception.
How do you know high IQ spics vote democrat? They could well have been the ones who voted Trump. And mexicans HAVE voted for decent leaders in the past but they all got CIA'd, which has also happened through all latin america. The drug cartels in particular were created by the US during the bannana wars and are still in contact with them, just look at the pictures of El Chapo guzman with Obama.
Lads actually thought we were going to vote our way out of this?
Do you think that the general population's reproduction is selected for intelligence now? What you're talking about is long-term in an environment that rewards intelligence. The regression to the mean is short-term generational.
Nigger this board is a small fraction of the size of the board over at halfchan, both Harvey and Irma had more activity then this board had in months.
Legal migrants would be cut down to 50,000 and the restrictions on who would be accepted is so high that most would be turned at the door. This "millions of muds" you speak of are not legal migrants they're the illegal ones.
No, but with the RAISE act it would become that way, which is my point.
We fucking better.
That is only if you assume that the slightly higher intelligence people who would come would be selected for reproduction by intelligence. Which they wouldn't, because their new host culture doesn't. Their dumb kids would probably breed more than their smart kids, like other amerifats, so the regression would happen very fast.
No. Plenty of genes are recessive, you can have two people with brown eyes produce a blue-eyed kid. It's the same with other genes. The correct calculation to account for this in terms of things like mean IQ to my knowledge is (IQ of mother + IQ of father + racial mean IQ of mother + racial mean IQ of father) / 4. Of course that's just where the bell curve is centered, there may be further variance for individuals.
In other words, if your Based IQ-100 Spic has a kid, its IQ will probably be somewhere between his IQ and that of what's normal for spics. And that's over one generation, if you have just random fucking among a group of those spics for a while you'll probably find after a few generations that several Based Intelligent Spics cropped up, but most are at normal spic-levels.
You could fix it properly over many generations with actual eugenics, but that's not in the cards.
Good point.
As a matter of fact, you can't. Blue eyed kids only come from blue-eyed parents.
Yes, you can, assuming that gene is in the parents DNA from some ancestor or other. Whether it is being actively expressed is irrelevant to what goes into the gamete during meiosis.
Oh, well, sounds like you were over on Halfchan then. That explains a lot.
Liar, thats refugees. A max of 50,000 refugees, not legal migrants.
Did you even read this shit?
It would reduce incoming immigration by half over a decade.
It doesn't matter - there's enough of these people in the running that if you restrict it to those with X level accomplishment, there are still millions who fit the requisite. Those of us who DID discuss RAISE examined in detail the aspects of the system of determination, and found that it would simply act as an avenue for large numbers of mudfolk to stream LEGALLY into the US, specifically those who could compete with the upper castes of White society in the country.
… No, they aren't. The 'millions of muds' I'm referring to are the ones, as demonstrated in that graphic, that come from some of the shittiest nations on Earth.
Not with recessive genes. What you are saying directly condradicts what I know about genetics, so a source would be appreciated.
And what would you base any assumption about the voting habits of "high IQ" spics on? Once again, we know that 60-70% of spics vote leftist, so even if we assume ALL intelligent spics vote "conservative" and only low IQ fucks vote liberal, that still leaves 2/3-3/4 of spics being low IQ fucks that shouldnt be here.
And we're not talking about the illegals, these are the ones who have immigranted, been here, and gained the right to vote or had kids who could vote. They are overwhelmingly retarded. And even then thats based on ATTEMPTING to only select for the "higher IQ ones" to begin with, the "good ones" as you put it.
The point is simply this, the idea that they're going to "evolve" or "continue to move up" is wrong. Its been proven that way, because the system is setup in a way that does not reward such behavior or adaptation, it overwhelmingly PUNISHES those people by setting up barriers to innovation and productivity constantly by way of taxing the shit out of them to support the overwhelming hordes of low IQ dindus and beaners who want a free ride, and rewards them for reproducing at high rates with welfare money
So no, you cannot select for the "good ones" because thats not how it works because thats NOT what keeps the political theater going as it is, so there will never be a setup that ACTUALLY does that. And even if it did, you're talking about trying to "evolve" over night, in a corrupted system that PUNISHES people for trying to improve and rewards people shitting around at the bottom.
For a fair point, no even whites are not immune to these effects right now, but overall the mean intelligence and so on we already evolved to is still higher, and still has a vastly better chance of undoing all this madness, which can't fucking happen if we import millions of muds and tell them they can out vote us and impose their gibs agenda at our expense, after which naturally the government will go completely out of control (you think now is bad? wait till its full zimbabwe tier and they're stripping land from whites, invading white homes and throwing out the owners, to "give it" to niggers and spics, yes that CAN AND WILL happen here if muds ever gain the majority and ability to simply shit all over us, constitution and human rights be damned, they dont give a shit)
So fuck off with your civnat cuckoldry and stupidity. If you want to vanish from existence then fine, go give everything you own to some spic or nig or chink and then off yourself, but leave us the fuck out of it
B is brown
b is blue
Bb man has brown eyes
Bb woman has brown eyes
They have 3 children
BB, Bb and bb
two children have brown eyes, one child has blue eyes.
Yes, in a sense, because they're White.
Long term is several centuries. This practice would not reward intelligence in the way you think - especially since family-access and spouses/children are also in on the game.
I think we're in agreement as to the failure in this.
So for 3-5 human generations we have to deal with regression to, say, the Indian or Chinese mean? Sounds horrible.
How about we just don't do that and make use of the people we have instead of struggling and grasping to find a way to justify their demographic replacement following long-term abandonment by their civic leadership? Sounds better. Much better. Great even.
If only we had someone who would make it his effort to bring greatness back to the United States of America.
You're thinking like a progressive. Stop thinking that 'humanity' is climbing a mountain and start accepting that Europeans are running a relay race through time and floundering somewhat due to the actions of a (((hostile foreign influence))).
Who says so?
And two brown eye parents, the actual example you gave, would be BB with no chance of blue.
I'm not talking about illegal inmigrants. Remember my question was what is wrong with only high IQ spics coming in legally, and assuming the illegals were all deported which is the point of the RAISE act.
If only high IQ spics come in, then obviously they'd breed high IQ children unless they racemix.
Well, if my previous examinations of the US population say anything, something like 0.2% - 0.4% of the spic population actually qualities as 'high iq' by White standards, so that's gonna be a tough data point.
By spic standards, that is, spics who at least meet the US White average IQ, you're looking at a more reasonable 20-25%.
Given spics vote 60-70% spic through several generations - third from what I recall of the Pew data I saw - I find it a dubious notion that there's an IQ-based divide in this capacity necessarily.
No. Do you know the difference between dominant and recessive traits?
How is your reply in any way related to the content of my post. I never said anything about progress, I just don't see any hard done in a few smart inmigrants coming in.
No, brown eyes are dominant, if you have a gene for brown eyes and blue eyes then you will have brown eyes. But you're still carrying the blue-eye gene.
Go learn some basic fucking genetics before trying to tell Holla Forums that bringing in Based High-IQ Spics is a good idea, you clearly don't understand even general knowledge stuff.
No… That's… That's not how recessive genes work user.
BB and Bb both produce brown eyes. Only bb produces blue eyes.
Basically, if you've got two brown eyed parents who are both recessive carriers, Bb, you've got about a 25% chance via Mendelian methodology to get a blue eyed baby, bb, and a 75% chance of a brown eyed baby, BB or Bb.
Oh right I didn't see the part where you mentioned the brown eyed parents were recessive carriers, sorry.
Forgot to add, how is that fact related to the regression towards the mean?
Because its not a few, and it has real negative consequences.
Lets put it in just this simple context for you: How do you think those few are going to vote, eh?
Statistically, their sort vote overwhelmingly left wing - why wouldn't they? They left panders to them and offers more access on behalf of their people.
A few hundred thousand a year… Certainly not helping our chances here user.
That's just one aspect of the situation, in addition to regression to the mean resulting in - at least - short term degeneration from those talented immigrants you let into the country (not even addressing the increased likelihood of race-mixing, which further reduces White fertility).
I don't care how nationalist Poland becomes. They are never to be trusted for starting a World War.
You blew it long ago allowing yourselves to be taken by bolsheviks and killing your neighbors.
One would expect that exposure to dominant trait populations on behalf of populations acting as reservoirs for those recessive traits would lead towards regression to the mean, if not maintained as reservoirs.
==WALL== 😬
It will not matter how much you try to run away from those times. A man remembers. There will be no peace with Poland until they show their hand for being kike pets in the past and kneel.
Yes they'd be few, becausw with RAISE only the qualified ones can enter. And to get the qualifications you'd need a high IQ anyway so they'd be voting republican.
tfw bot-kun malfunctions
You love playing that, yid.
But that's only if you assume that intelligence genes are recessive, and we don't know that.
without deportation the wall is meaningless
without the wall deportation is merely less effective
if you can only choose 1, go with deportation. or better yet declare the whole thing an ongoing invasion, which it is, and permit shoot to kill
I will not call Poland based until they make it aware they were used pre-WWIII by kikes.
I wonder if it keeps responding if you talk to it.
Still can't pass a basic funding package over a wall that was agreed to in the Patriot Act in 2001-2007 under Bush! Why is Trump not openly attacking the democrats larping as republicans, Paul Ryan, Romney and all the other oldschool Paleocuckservatives.
Because he's pulling worse strokes himself now with Democrats to nobodies benefit but his vanity
Of course it will. It doesn't want to know it is implicit in one of the greatest brother wars in history.
Try me Nigger, a cap of a random scroll through my ychan archives all those threads are from Holla Forums.
Those graphs you posted only indicate that spics are primarily increasing in population in spite immigration numbers. So not only does that not actually tell me anything relevant to your point, but it instead tells me that your whole worry over things is pointless since the demographic shift is already permanent and irrevocable. Next time you post a graph you should attach it to the post in a cap. Supposing you did actually discuss it, since Holla Forums lost it's personal archive (twice and it's not coming back) you can't actually prove it.
All research on intelligence genes are covered up.
it they call pre-WWIII kikes. not used by Poland until will they aware I were make based
Here you want it in bullet points so its easier to understand for your simple little low IQ civnat cuck mind? Fine, maybe you'll get it then
1) The system is not setup to support "evolution" of spics, or the passing down of high IQs. Its setup to support low IQ subhumans breeding like rats and living off welfare. And as regression to the mean exists no matter what you want to believe, this means that that generation of "high IQ spics" is just going to devolve back to the standard of welfare leeching leftist voting rats rapidly.
2) Even IF they are "high IQ" and even IF they were magically to continue to breed "high IQ spics," they come with their own society and culture that is incompatible with white western nations and ideologies, and there is always going to be competition to see which culture survives. Cultures do not mix, they dominate or become subservient/submissive to the dominant culture. "Diversity is our strength" is a bullshit lie, there is no diversity, there is only dominance, and which group holds more power is the winner of that war. Meaning, if spics hold more political power by way of us importing their "best" and them somehow not regressing to the mean, then our society will always change to THEIR society, their cultural views and so on will become the dominant one, and we've SEEN what happens in their cultures, look at EVERY SINGLE hispanic nation south of our border. Corrupt, leftist, shitholes that are failing, and itll all happen here as well.
3) Lets say MAGICALLY we only get the high IQ ones, they magically dont import their extended low IQ families, they magically dont regress to the mean, and they magically dont vote leftist and magically adopt our way of life and culture and discard their own. Guess what? That also means the destruction of our race as they compete for our jobs, our homes, our political positions, our educations, our men and women they find attractive and breed with, and our genes die off as they're mixed with spic genes OR our race simply falters and falls as they magically breed nothing but high IQ beaners who are naturally (under our system) given preferential treatment for jobs, educations, etc. And do you think for a second they're going to undo any of those policies that help them out? NOPE, why would they? It benefits them. There is always in-group preference and support, so they are going to want to continue those programs that enable them to thrive even at our expense, because they are not altruistic people, they're not going to give up their benefits just to make things even. They arent like us, they arent going to slit their wrists for the benefit of other races like civnat cucks like you are willing to do.
No matter how you fucking slice it, no matter what fantasy land you live in, IT ALWAYS PANS OUT BADLY FOR US. At the very best we end up with millions more gibs leeches to support and are slowly overwhelmed and replaced, or at worst we are rapidly displaced and replaced and policitians shift to pander to them as the dominant group in every way, and no matter which way the nation goes from there it doesnt matter to us because our race is dead, a minority (at best) in the land they built in the first place.
And thats what it boils down to. White people built this nation, no matter what socialist kike "professors" spew at you, WHITES built this nation from the ground up. Our predecessors sweat and blood, and immigration takes what they left to us to continue to build on, and pisses it away in the wind, giving it away to people whose ancestors left them nothing, who themselves have built and contributed nothing, who will over time destroy all that our ancestors built or at the VERY least simply take it away from their descendants.
Thats why we call you cucks, because its taking everything that your forefathers built for YOU, taking your role of building the next generation and improving society for them to continue, and throwing it all away so that the shit skin hordes can have it. No different from some cuck sitting in a corner watching as his wife is gang banged by a bunch of niggers, giving away what is his, and for what? So he can be replaced, so he can piss away all the hard work that allowed him to exist in the first place, and giving it all away to some shitskins so he can "feel good about himself" or get some degenerate high off of it.
You are absolutely no different. Throwing away everything you were given and expected to uphold, because "muh civic nationalism!" Fuck you and your kike led white-replacement "ideology"
Forgot the cap.
May as well be a turkroach.
If Poland hates Europeans so much, they should be moved
We've been over this user - there are millions of muds who fulfill the requisites to enter under RAISE.
But they don't, we've seen that. They don't vote like White people do, they vote in favor of their own. Which means left.
Why, if you're some high-IQ Pajeet, or his lower-IQ son, vote for some White Republican talking about 'freedom of speech' when their opposition is a nice brown person who wants to let you bring your grandmother and father and nieces and nephews into the country as a sponsor?
This is obvious m8.
Not really, no. Only if you assume that all extant hominid clades are equivalent, which they are not.
You were just talking about what was going on on cuckchan nigger.
That was exactly my point - the majority of the population increase is internal, not external. That sentence also didn't make sense.
That's very possible, yes.
I'd sooner trust a Hungarian than Poland. It doesn't matter how oafish you are presently. You have no fuhrer. All you ever had that motivated you were communists. There it is still, likely.
hey prussiafag, how's it going? You seem lost, this thread is about tfwnowall and the DACA amnesty, not Poland.
What are you saging? The historical seat of Poland?
ah, so you're just being an asshole for fun. Enjoy your new derailing and shitflinging ban I guess.
I'll make better pierogies than you, for one thing.
This in not D&C. They are absolutely oblivious and commie peoples.
Is this the greatest website of all time?
I'd sooner listen to an outright kike.
It's a bot, dude.
What does Poland have in common with the discussion at hand? Are you trying to deflect blame away from Trump kikery?
Not very sharp.
Deflect away from WWII?
As if Trump is more than that what it works on you.
Poland kicked it off. They are not bright people, the Orcs of the. No. I won't even call them white. Mostl yid gypsy animals.
I'm pretty sure these people need to understand a few things. A lot of animals that are not American.
Our movement is bigger than trump you stupid autistic weeb poster. We care about policies more than the person whos in charge we're not a cult of personality and this is the one thing we can't let happen or america is gone and you can say hello to brazil 2.0
They need to get an idea of American culture. You know, the culture they have caught as if it is a electric jew thing.
That's fucking great. Thanks for the laugh.
Every country in Europe prior to the outbreak of WWII had a reason to start a war. The eternal Anglo is more than just a meme. Brits were scheming with the Jews and trying to prevent National Socialism from spreading across a globe. France was terrified of loosing it's power on the continent. Soviets wanted to spread the communist revolution all over Europe. Poles aimed a incorporating all lands that belonged to Polish state before the partitions. Hitler of course dreamed of uniting all German people under one banner. Poles simply got tricked by the Brits and French into rejecting Fuhrer's proposal.
Poland was filthy with communists.
All I can say is
a) something is very, very wrong about this. kikery afoot, though its hardly reliable to pin it on trump when we have (((Pelosi))) and (((Schumer))) involved. Doesn't help this is all out of mouths of everybody but him
b) The fact there are kike spambots shitting up this thread means one of three things: they really need to distract from this, stop discussion about this all together, or try to throw us off track entirely like they've been doing anytime there's any (((controversy))) and Trump takes the blame. We've got confirmed kikes and an otherwise positive record.
Just like how Chicago seemed a mistake but caused a rally, how travel ban seemed a distant dream but was defended anyways, I'm curious what I'm going to hear tomorrow. Something tells me it's not "Trump bends knee to kikes" like they've been shilling with half-assed ebin maymay pics that reek of unfunny leftist effort.
It's a rollercoaster. This is highly suspect, no doubt, and an eye opener on possibilities, but after all the shit they've taken so far, somehow I don't think this is kike victory as much as they want to push it. The fact they're making so much effort to throw it into the open means their slamming Trump is less effective, and if it was really some sneaky shit it wouldn't be advertised like this, rather, you should be smart enough to know the disruptive legislation comes at times when the public is too distracted to properly react (Superbowl, etc.)
Not true, Poles successfully stopped the USSR attempt of spreading their vile Jewish ideology all over Europe during the
Polish–Soviet War of 1919. If the Soviets had defeated the resurgent Polish state and linked with their comrades in Germany than who knows if the Wiemar Republic would not end up as a communist regime.
I know. Too late.
I don't think the bot cares much about your considered reply.
I must say your shillbot software is getting better, though. Almost coherent at times.
reading into this an awful lot user
just means the kikes lied again
I will not be a cheerleader of your pet project. Especially not for a polack. They will fuck it up sooner than me and mine bring it home.
So this thread is basically everyone sperging over what the MSM reported, then come to find out the MSM reports were misleading as usual as confirmed by other MSM personnel and PR folks. So we basically know fuck all, both camps of those who think this is a legitimate concern of cucking or fake news info are based on statements all brought forth by either the lying media and untrustworthy PR political spokespeople.
What a great thread of 500+ replies.
What are you talking about man Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumer are trustworthy sources of truth who definitely wouldn't say anything slimey against our interests.
Dam trump, kike shill.
His wall, the DMC and CIA niggers. Hillery fucking did 9/11 and pants of shit.
Kek is with them.
No I strictly talked about Holla Forums and only mention a comparison of meta knowledge, I know Holla Forums is just a fraction of 4chan's activity because guess what? The Exodus, remember that? Leaving and going to a different site entirely?
Dage cause i forgot to include that and now I'm going to sleep.
So a deal was made then ffs, why the fuck is he trading security for Amnesty when he is supposed to be anti amnesty and pro security, they can't be traded against the other. There is no reason for this garbage bar Trump wanting it. He asked them to dinner himself ffs.
You realise this is Trump confirming he is cucking
Go read Trump's latest tweets you stupid niggers
If this goes through, what level of chess will we be on? I am totally sure the God Emperor would only gave away our asses for a greater, immenser victory in another field!
Will Trump announce Mars colonization?
Or possibly that he will found the fourth reich in the Antarctica caverns?
This guy has lost his fucking mind, what an imbecile
I wonder where his loyalties lie.
So big it's not even a wall.
Border security means nothing when we don't enforce it.
Need to fuck his shit up and call him Amnesty Don til he breaks
This is what you get for cucking and punching right on the nazi larpers like Kike Enoch and Dick Spencer.
1488 GTKRWN forever.
I gave this guy the benefit of the doubt over and over again. Ignored that he cannot handle Syria, ignored that he does nothing against Clinton and friends. Couple days ago he gave a million illegals a guaranteed 2 year stay, two years in which they probably will be made legals. And now he BLATANTLY tells you how evil you are if you want them gone. THIS IS FRAUD, TREASON! PEOPLE DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR FUCKING WALL YOU ASSHOLE THEY WANT THE TRASH OUT OF THEIR LANDS.
Donald Trump back at it again with the 88D chess! Gotta love /ourguy/
We literally told you a year ago you were all fucking retards for believing in this billionaire faggot. Call me a shill you weepy bipolar women.
Maybe the board go back to being good again.
I don't think any relatively smart person here on Holla Forums thought that Trump was anything more than a light conservative. also was the first outsider to make it this far into the race I guess Trump was only good when compared to the storm of salt and tears he caused among liberals and commies. He's an old has-been meme.
Yes, this please.
republicans want to screw america and have the same agenda as the democrats when it comes to diluting our phenotype in favor of cheap labor for their chamber of commerce puppet masters. So many republicans called for bipartisan support for measures taken to ensure that America gets a little browner, while failing to enact their own platform they've been talking about for a decade. if this is some kind of 325234534 D chess move (it isn't), then Trump will call the republicans bluff and the republicans will be more than glad to side with the dems in order to screw us yet again. Do not underestimate these whores' ability to take a gridlocked congress that moves like refrigerated molasses and turn it into a high energy dynamo exclusively made for fucking you and your future in the ass.
Call him "Benedict Arnold"
The (((mods))) are gonna have to work overtime to damage control this.
Maybe loud and vocal protesting against it can change his mind? He seems to switch positions on everything all the time so who knows…
He's abandoned his running platform with this.
He'll be lucky if he can get three in
eye color isn't inherited through Mendelian genetics. there are many genes involved that goes into what eye color you express, it is more complicated than just dom/recessive basics you learn in 9th grade
Yes anonymous internet user. You were right all along, great job. We should have voted for Hillary. Your trophy will be mailed to you shortly
That means Pence is running. Maybe Americans can still save something.
His media backers are telling him to go fuck himself. Who's gonna vote for him, spics?
Pence is just a Neocon stooge.
If Trump gives these DACA spics amnesty, Texas will go blue by 2020.
Well gents, we got 3 years to get ready for the next Dem president. Use them wisely because the next time the blue faggots take power, their revenge is going to be fierce.
All beaners will be gassed.
Next you'll rage about the chess meme.
Gonna need some quads to counter Trump's cucking and the new taco nigger overlords.
Yep. Triggering themselves with the chess meme.
Kikes are swarming this thread.
God damn Amnesty Don, get your shit together.
Of Trumpcuck tears.
What the fuck does this have to do with Andrew Jackson If you think the best president wasn't Jackson, Teddy or maybe Washington or Nixon then GTFO
He's worse than Trump. He literally called isreal "our greatest of allies".
Rule of Charisma mate, Donald has another 8 years because the dems have no actual candidate
The WALL, a renovation of old and existing fences and walls.
That's what it always was eh Kushner shills?
If you don't know anything about american politics I don't know what you're doing on this board.
I know about Maxine, but she's got a very slim chance of winning because she's got no charisma, less so than Hillary Clinton
The winner of every Presidential race ever since JFK v Nixon at the very least With many examples before hand too was the most charismatic, even more so after Clinton got in
Too old.
Rule of Charisma mate, has decided every single election for at least the last 50 years
I regret drawing this picture
When the Civil war comes kill as many jews as you possibly can. They're the ones responsible for most of the evil in the world.
Amnesty and the Wall were the two things he had to do. Everything else was a bonus. So its over.
What good will charisma do when he just crashed his voter base with no survivors?
it's like 5am in the morning in america, who the hell is making all these posts?
normies always vote for the flashiest git, even when shit is bad they still do this
aussies like me
You don't seem to realize you'd have to go through the dems in order to do that.
this was excellent baitposting, take note faggots
The Jew rats have officially subverted this Presidency. Even Ann Coulter is calling for impeachment on Twitter.
Say Buenos Dias to 5 million amnesty Democrats turning Arizona, Texas, and Georgia blue. Adios America!
Actual info. I apologize for my meta, I just wish Holla Forums threads were better at providing more info then going off of so little as of late.
Shameful from Trump, he had one fucking job
Why doesn't he just do a referendum on this issue instead? Is he retarded?
There won't be any important legislation until after the midterms. Everything right now is about trying to claim the high-ground and showing proof that you tried. Neocons are not going to go into 2018 with only amnesty to show. Yes they are cucks, but they only do shit like that if the consequences are delayed and they don't have to answer for it. Making the humanitarian argument when there is politically no way to do it, carves out the high ground and costs nothing.
The most important thing is you get to see all the neocohens reach for their golden trophy in public when they did nothing on Obamacare and then they can be purged.
Bottom line is you can't do anything legislatively without a serious fucking purge and gaining a super-majority.
wow those dubs are so natural and organic!
The referendum was 2016 election. Bannon leaves he white house and now it is just kikes in there. Read Gorka's resignation letter that got him fired
#AmnestyDon is now on the same team as Antifa.
today i will remind them
Ah, suddenly the Israel company thing makes sense.
After being alive for four presidents you would think I'd have learned by now that these people are never what they seem.
Over and over and over Trump uses the same damn move and every time mother fuckers forget. I know it's an emergency for shareblue to strawman basic strategy into some preposterous chess meme but Trump has written books on this. It's formulaic. He fronts a position without committing and it gets everyone to reveal themselves. Then, after that, he knows who his enemies are and destroys them.
Not only should you be able to recognize this by now, you should also be applying these strategies to your own life.
I want (you) to go out and kill judges and policy makers you kike you
Someone beat me to archiving these tweets. Good on them.
24k angry comments
she's leans whichever way the wind blows (Romney 2012!), so I don't care what that coalburner cunt says.
Trump needs to fuck right off with trying to "Art of the Deal" his supporters. Patching the shitty border fence isn't "The Wall" and keeping illegals is a non-starter regardless of whatever labels have been applied to sub-groups within their ranks…aka "Dreamers"
That's how civil rights legislation was passed.
don't trust people involved with jews
yea should probably just vote again…that'll work
power isn't given, it is taken
I am taking Queen Ann'a side. Remember what Ann said about the RWDS:
You do know this has to go through the Republican congress?
Trump threw a dynamite into the engine.
Makes republicans seem like idiots since he didn't include them.
Gives Democrats a little taste of victory and shows some weakness.
When it doesn't get passed, it's no fault on his part(can support his 2018 candidates), Democrats are incompetent and the Republican congress takes the blame as well.
We gullible goyim fell for it
Nice chess, but the republicans want amnesties too you know?
This would work if he wasn't also holding a stick of dynamite, or the fact that Senate Republicans want amnesty to (most of the GO8 are still intact)
Let them explain that to their constituents right before the 2018 elections as the bill will be churning through the congress.
You guys still haven't figured out that Trump's main goal is to replace the cucks in the party?
The whole fucking congress is his enemy. He's doing the only smart thing.
D&Cing the fuck out of them with things like DACA, Obamacare and taxes. Stirring the pot so the shit floats to the surface for the voters to see.
"what are you going to do? Vote for the democrats?"
Seems like he's just applying band-aids to all the failed Onigger policies. Let the "Dreamers" be deported, it was an illegal EO anyways. Let the Niggercare markets implode. Let people feel the pain. Embrace the chaos.
Such hard choices.
I see. If your enemies kill you, you win. ;^)
Ok I'll bite; do we even know who will be running in the midterm elections to (possibly) replace these cucked politicians? Have any of them shown that if we were to vote for them, they would actually work for the nation and it's people and not just say they will? Not that I've seen (not that Holla Forums has been doing anything to bring up or show which candidates would prove better than what we have. Just saying "wait for the midterm elections and things will get better").
Trump is useful regardless of what he accomplishes in that he points out the traitors in our midst and makes is apparent that there is no democratic solution. Winning in this system doesn't even matter.
What did you except? The Republicans do this every time they run for office. They put on a macho facade, wrap themselves in a flag, and put on a folksy accent, but when they finally get into office they're not much different from the Democrats. Hell, often times they're worse. And you fucking morons fall for it every time. People on here will probably shill for him again when/if he runs for reelection. Expect to hear people on here claim "the Democrats are to blame for Trump's cucking", "b…but the other guy is worse", "the jews and media claim Trump is an antisemitic racist, so it must be true", and "Trump's first term cucking was all le 4d chess to catch the Democrats and traitors in the GOP off guard. Now he's free to reveal his power level". And don't you faggots pretend there weren't plenty of people on here claiming Trump was sympathetic to our cause, a WN hiding his power level, or even that he was secretly Hitler reborn. So, Holla Forums, was amnesty Don really a step in the the right direction?
As I said during the election, you can never trust the Republicans or Democrats, and more importantly:
There are no exceptions to that rule.
This is literally the only way to win. They aren't going to blow up the filibuster. They couldn't even repeal Obamacare. Trump needs a supermajority and a cuck purge. Anything other than setting up the board to make it hard as fuck to get re-elected as a neocon is totally wasted effort.
He could have extended the delay passed the midterms. The only reason not to do that, is he is crashing the cuck plane.
They can all vote on it. Expose themselves and even get it passed. Then he can veto it with some pretense and watch them primaried by tea party boomers for trying to pass amnesty but not repealing Obamacare.
"We're going to primary you with a loyalist."
If amnesty is signed, I'm changing my party affiliation to Dem. Mostly to fuck up their primaries/ drive wedges within shitlib groups, but also for persec purposes. Amnesty is essentially game over, better to blend in and cause chaos from within
Some people never learn
Disgusting how many people blatantly from r/the_Donald are here behaving like cultists. Holla Forums is not /the_Donald/, you dumb fucks, we supported Trump because his ideas aligned with ours, not because of who he is. He may have balls and not be a stiff cunt who is afraid of bantering people and that's great, but that's not what you support a politician for. We'll support Trump's decision when they agree with our ideas, and not support him when they don't. Not to mention it's not even about what Trump wants as much as what he can get, democracy is set up so that regardless of who people vote, he won't be able to override the real rulers.
shills will defend this
They will because as rightly observed, they're a personality cult.
This. If it were up to me I'd end democracy completely, or at least only give the right to vote to white males as the founders intended. The problem is that everyone wants to keep playing the game thinking "this time it will be different". They need to experience extreme hopelessness and despair before they'll accept a real solution to the problem.
This basically sums it up, people really have to decide if they only support Trump because of a sunk cost fallacy/personality cult or if they support the ideas and principles that he campaigned and won the election on. Being loyal for the sake of being loyal is incredibly dangerous especially in the world of american partisan politics where politicians are constantly compromising their stances for praise, money, or favors.
ever watch Yes, Minister? its a rudimentary redpill from england describing exactly this
Right after the tweet in your pic, he tweets
WTF does he keep sending these mixed signals? Sounds to me like amnesty is coming.
You can tell who they are because they still believe after today. Yesterday, I was explaining that I was on board still because of things like the Supreme Court 's decision on the travel ban - but living in. Spic area surrounded by dreamers my whole life makes me fantasize about going to a lumber yard with my favorite piece over coffee. This is deplorable.
Who did he mean by (((we)))?
N-n-no don, great point.
When a country's demographics get this messed up, *someone* gets genocided. Will it be you?
once largescale violent genocide kicks off life won't be a comfortable and safe gig in european nations, and you'll see whites start removing subhumans
the only reason we aren't doing so now is that, unless we act against our gradual replacement, we're gauranteed a comfy life
guaranteed* i swear im not an illiterate nigger
No that's not the reason. The reason is fear of reprisal by our governments.
makes you wonder what the point was in leaking the call with the Australian Prime minister. Made Trump look tough on immigration.
Who knows what the hell really went on with all this. It's getting really ridiculous though, it's funny how some media commentators are saying the 'tea party faction' of the republican party are 'fringe conservatives' because they don't want to give the government a blank cheque to keep borrowing to infinity.
The mindset is just so fucked up. I just wish something would fucking happen. Who knows what the fuck is really going on there anymore all I know is it seems like whoever is above Trump in the decision making process is a super cunt or a bunch of super cunts. I pray something gets rid of them every night.
exactly my point, nigger. if you don't take an action to get mr law man on your case you're still almost certain to keep your bread and circuses. once either daily life degenerates to a point of insecurity or impoverishment, or legal repercussions for gtkrwn are removed, you'll start to see some serious shit
Reprisals are thoroughly uncomfy.
I'm so fucking glad my wife and I are going to have the ability to homestead soon. I'll just shoot any Mexican who steps on my property. My normie friends are even being turned to right wingers.
Absolutely shit taste
Again, no. Insecurity and impoverishment have nothing to do with it and we already have plenty of insecurity, impoverishment and unemployment.
The ONLY factor in whites rising up and ethnically cleansing is the government: is government still functional enough still powerful enough to persecute me and most importantly my family - yes or no?
So long as the answer to that question remains yes, whites will not rise up.
Look at South Africa if you want an extreme real world example. Incredible insecurity, impoverishment and discomfort yet whites haven't risen up due to the above reason.
Obviously but that's not the point.
If this is what 'winning' looks like nowadays I'm tired of 'winning'.
That's a disgusting betrayal.
Trump was a mistake. He was a blowoff valve that allowed TPTB time to assess the situation forming on the far right and neutralize it through platform denial and censorship before critical mass for actual change could be achieved.
you're right about the legal repercussions but youre wrong in that the primary factor is safety and comfort, which legal repercussions abolish. once either there is no comfiness to preserve or there is no threat to your comfiness upon forming a rwds you will see violent genocide
nigger-loving whites colonized africa to upraise the local fauna; its unsurprising that their progeny host the same idiocy
I'd rather be proven wrong a thousand times than trust a (((politician))) once and lose everything.
You're denying that we already have plenty of insecurity impoverishment and unemployment?
It isn't. If it were the case, whites would have risen up already in some countries.
Blatant lies. There weren't even Bantus in South Africa when they colonized it.
all these aussies who can't contain their tall-poppy syndrome long enough to get anything done.
Pol btfo
not as such. im denying that conditions are so bad that the large majority cant afford entertainment and are starving in the streets.
another nigger tribe was living there before them, so my point stands
Look at all the Jews, Muslims, Antifa and BLM rejoicing in this thread. "better drop Trump now fellow Goyim", the globalists have won. "Trump will never become President."
yeah, based amnesties.
Dems: Give us DACA and maybe we won't call you Hitler. We'll also think about enforcing the immigration laws we already have on the books.
Trump: OK, deal!
Dems: Thanks. You're still Hitler, though. Also, enforcing immigration laws is racist, hateful, evil, and stupid, so we're not going to do that.
House, Senate, and Presidency and this is what we get. What a great deal-maker we elected. The Repubs are unironically the Washington Generals of politics.
Let's take the third world then.
There you do have a majority of people living in absolutely terrible conditions yet they don't rise up and for the exact same reason: fear of government persecution.
No your point doesn't stand since South Africa was an empty wasteland before the European colonists came (the few Bushmen were living further north in Botswana) and since nothing indicates the colonists to have colonised South Africa to "upraise the local fauna". "White man's burden" was an Anglo concept, not a Dutch concept.
Dress up like a kid and film them raping you.
are you sure you're on the right website? did you mean to type reddit instead?
next you get 1 million african refugees from none-war zones.
part and parcel of living in a society full of white privilege
Exactly what any sane man should do if he discovers these sick fucks nearby.
Shitskins are extreemely aggressive, far more than whites. So if your theory of discomfort causing uprisings would be correct, they'd be the first ones to rise up.
That map is complete bullshit. The Bantu bullshit has already been debunked in the above link, Bushmen were few in numbers and come from Botswana which is outside of South African territory.
I-is he pretending that a wall is being built right now?
Seriously, this is quite a punch in the balls.
I thought this thread would be massive blackpilling and am pleasantly surprised to find (ignoring the obvious shills) that there is actual split opinion.
I mean really this shit is just politics. We all got so used to 8 years of unilateral executive governance that we maybe got too used to the idea.
Dubs indicate that I will have a 4 foot tall Mexican goblin for a wife and there's nothing I can do about it.
Remember that Gen. Kelly isn't allowing Trump to read Breitbart anymore. Trump is only permitted to read NYT and WaPo, and maybe a Huffpo article or two. Then he has to have his juice and nap before playing with his coloring book.
Oy vey goyim, those 2 million mostly black male refugees will be a huge boost to our economy! We need those 3 million refugees to stay competetive!
Demasculate yourself and face to bull semen.
Have a fresh one.
Tacticool squads
Thank you kind sir.
I delude myself I am currently shitposting at MSM spins, because if this is reality then we're in a nightmare.
You can't 4d chess a Congressional election. He's bluffing in a lose-lose situation. If only a third of the Republicans vote for DACA and he and the electorate whole their feet to the fire they will loss congress which in turn would fuck them on DACA anyway.
This goes back to why Holla Forums isn't pro democracy. We know that more than a third will vote for it(no matter what) because that gets them their comfy retirement job.
Why is the boarder wall more important than DACA? This doesn't make sense.
Ha! I've never seen that image before. Do non-Aryans (not being charioteers) lack the spatial intelligence to draw a goddamn swastika, or what?
Democrats, campaigning for your right to cheap labour since 1861.
Bleeding hearts who through dereliction of duty think it is better to be merciful now than to do the right thing by the law and by the People.
Posting in a shill thread
Rolling for memes
The border wall is more important than DACA because Israel is now competing to build prototypes for the wall.
We are getting a shit "wall" maybe, built by kikes and amnesty. I guarantee the only reason he hasn't backed off the wall because that Israeli firm is building the prototype and it's a way for him to line his kike buddies' pockets. Mark my words.
Seems about right. The wall is fucking pointless if the invaders are let through the front door.
Trump is Anti-White. He proved it. At this point whites can either decide to turn the back on the US and let it become a third world shithole or start voting with their rifles, executing non whites at random. You chose, fuck off, slavery of whites or terrorism
Who knows?
Maybe he wants us to react so it gives him more power? …right?
Go to /pdfs/ and download bookanon's collection of guerilla tactics books. He has some great ones that pretty much explain everything you need to know on how to wage conflict on the US government and win.
Make sure to download the ones on booby trapping and how to disable government equipment.
There are multiple firms doing preliminary walls.
Share the link please, I can't find it.
Come to think of it, he may not have the same collection I have. I have never posted on that board, but I will share the books I have in a separate thread at some point tonight.
I have a few created in the wake of Ruby Ridge that show you how to take out tanks, set booby traps and how to make… interesting devices… cough cough
Excellent, thanks.
Yes, the wall is real in his mind. In the form of renovations to an old fence.
You don't engage in "politics" with those very same people who imposed the 'unilateral executive actions' on you. It won't work as Trump will soon find out. Remember Hillary just actually endorsed 1984. You want to compromise with these people? They don't know the meaning of that word.
Stop with this masturbatory escapism. There is not going to be any violent reaction, just like nothing happened with Reagan selling off California. We need to come up with a plan that actually works in civil society, this isn't a comic book.
Nigger, we tried the plan that works in a civilized society. Trump was it.
Wew lad.
Look at all the endkikes.
I thought daca was about children. Do you amerifats have children in your military?
Reported. We’re going to slaughter you and your family.
DACA covers anyone age 14-25 or so. DACA isn't about children at all.
Yes, you do: what you need is
to force your will unto them. But every cuckservative is too naive and plays by the rules, inevitably gettin cucked in the process.
Yes, you do: what you need is
to force your will unto them. But every cuckservative is too naive and plays by the rules, inevitably gettin cucked in the process.
No, what you did is watch TV and learn that the candidates were such and such. Then you hoola'd for one of them, projecting all your hopes on him despite the fact he wasn't even remotely like you imagined. Eventually you woke up from the dread and got cold feet.
What you should have done, is convince a generation of young rightwing americans to say fuck you to the mind poisons that keep them cucked into a stupor. To A) rebuild a proper conservative party and B) have a protest force ready to go, just like the left has. While now, what you have is impotent conservatives who are too busy with work and too fearful to lose it, to show their strength.
Beautiful brown babies
only rdonald would shill for this faggot after this. enjoy his one worthless term while it lasts. tbf i'm still glad he won since he won on the promises he made sending a message tat whites are waking up but that's all he was good for. he's an absolute disaster.
Sorry, there is no more thinking in those outdated and subverted terms. You need to go back to reddit now.
It's memekids like you that bring down the quality of the discussion here. Gee poppa, don't you know democrats and republicans are yesteryear labels.
Meanwhile your best idea to get over the distinction, were kekistani flags and inaugurating the getting punched in the face sport season. Because for you, politics is escapism.
If you'd actually look into what's going on, you'd understand that they really are outdated terms. In collegiate political think tanks, what they call the CIAlt-right has largely already replaced the term "republican."
nope. he's right actually. the problem are these insignifacntly different options holding us back. even kekistan larping is a better alternative than this cucked af political postwar paradigm.
My hope for man is now gone, I fucking hate the feeling of hope and thinking positive about the world Trump gave me. This wound of betrayal hurts more then anything else.
Brown people don't want any of those things. Those are White goals.
San Francisco? That is the logo for the SF Giants, maybe he's a sports fan
These are the same retards that think cultist fawning over politicians is smart.
If there is no wall and DACA illegal invaders are allowed to stay then fuck the veterans fuck the government and raise hell. HEIL HITLER!
ITT: shills
Right okay, great plan Reagan.
Build wall pl0x.
Ah yes I remember the campaign where all those Trump supporters were shouting REPAIR THE FENCE
Are you guys actually surprised?
t. Hillary voter
Quick! Bump this three-day-old thread to slide the wrongthink!