Mass Child Graves

400 children's bodies discovered in "mass grave" at Smyllum Park Orphanage.

google dot com/amp/s/

IT'S HAPPENING. They found the first dump sight. More to follow.

Other urls found in this thread:

You don't need to break links anymore, but your link is shit anyway.

Dump site of what?

Dead children.

top kek m8, its the UK. Nothing will happen. There have been similar far more contemporary discoveries and nothing happening, just like every single investigation into political child sex abuse. Nothing happens, if the evidence is so clear that a ruling of "no foul play" would be considered to absurd then the report is just ‘left on a train’ never to be seen again and the whole thing is just forgotten.

Just a totally normal mass grave containing the remains of 700-800 random children. ;^)

Well that was quick. Nothing to see here lads.


How many of those deaths were from the Spanish flu? 20-50 million died.


Who cares. 1900s facilities buried people all the time.

This is the first dump site of children ever found? I thought an ancient or Communist country would have been first

But muh catholic bashing

this is the kind of shit I would expect from 19th century orphanages.

look into the Duplessis Orphans if you want to see Canada doing the same shit

There was one in Ireland too.

>google dot com/amp/
Knock it off with this shit you fucking nigger.

Seriously kill yourself.

user, mass graves require the deaths to be relatively close together. It's a big hole that you pile the corpses in. Leaving the hole uncovered means that animals get in and you have a stinking pile of rotting corpses. Repeatedly digging up the same hole… has it's own problems.

Such as?

Oh you think?

Yes, nigger


This kind of stuff only happens in the past.

you're wrong about that, some things happen : investigators get suicided with a shotgun in the back of the head, every single time.

go dig up some freshly deteriorated bodies and tell me how fun it is

I wonder how they are defining mass grave though. The article compares it to another place, where they found 120 bodies buries across 150 compartments. That doesn't sound like what you would usually think of as a mass grave. "Mass grave" could just be clickbait.

user, sometimes I doubt your commitment to sparkle motion.
no sage because this is on page 3

We're going to find way more of these, a quite literal new rabbit hole to bring back pizzagate discussion. This is the missing piece of information that people were asking for. What happened to all of the abused children? This is what happened.

There was no, repeat no mass grave of dead children found in Ireland. That is fake news from the mass mainstream media.
A few years ago the international media went beserk over the news that "800 bodies of children"
we're found in a sceptic tank near a former
Catholic orphanage run by nuns in Tuam, in the county of Galway.
The only problem was, the story was bullshit. A local historian called Catherine Corless wrote
that she thought that there "may" be up to 800 bodies of children buried in a mass grave. She based this on a man who said he had seen bodies buried in a crypt in the grounds years and years ago. However, this man said in his interview that he had seen between 15 and 20 small skeletons, and contradicted the claim of 800 bodies as nonsense.
In the past, unmarried mother's were stigmatised, as they should be. Their children were put in orphanages. In Ireland the government did not provide any aid to unmarried mother's or their illegitimate children, this was purely provided by the churches, the Protestant and Catholic Church.
Illigitimate children tended to be from mother's from the rural poor, the urban slum dwellers, and Gypsy's, who were, and still are, unhealthy members of society, so there was a slightly higher death rate in orphanages. This was because the nuns were given children who had more health problems than average.
Anyway, did the Irish government thank the nuns and Catholic church for looking after illigitimate children for years and years, a thankless task?
No, they led the chorus of condemnation against the church, and seized the Catholic Church property in a sort of Nuremberg trial, and sold it off to provide compensation to the victims of "abuse". That's because they are a bunch of communists, Freemasons, atheist s, and Bilderberg pawns, who want to destroy all tradition and links with the past. The attacks on the Catholic Church in Ireland over the last 30th Years were the equivalent of the campaign in the US to remove Confederate monuments, in other words an attack on the past and tradition.

Exaggeration of body counts without sufficient evidence is a common (((MSM)) tactic, so in this case:


It specifically is. Pizza is the moon pie of Diana. Cheese represents semen. Sauce is blood, dough is usual grain symbolism. The pizza is eaten from the inside out. The entire dish has an occult origin. Pizza was used for ritual sacrament before it was used for food. When the cult took over early film they also included moon cheese imagery there. When the moon lights your eye like a big pizza pie that's a rape cult.

Why don't we break links anymore?

It's just fucking bread with cheese and tomatoes.

Theres an autist going through old Hollywood moves looking for instances of the Pizza code of Underage sodomy/masonic/crowleyan ritual murder sex cult. He did this entire dissertation on the connections between the moon, pizza, sodomy, and cheese and traces it's appearances all they back to the silent film A Trip to the Moon

Crap forgot the link:
Pizza Esoterica Part 5: When the moon hits your eye:

Shariablue practices blood libel and they also glow in the dark, sometimes.

/x/ here. Anybody got pics of the dead kids yet?

Yup. It's everywhere. A good modern example is Michaelangelo from the Ninja Turtles. Half his dialogue is coded in the new show, and obviously the movies are pure kike trash. Nickelodeon cartoons in general have a lot of PG symbolism in them. Like film, animation has been occult from the beginning. Look up Betty Boop cartoons for Masonic symbolism and on and on and on.

I'm sick and tired of these darn secret pedo blood cults I tell ya. Boy howdy.

They mention another site in the text here

"The revelations evoked comparisons to a home for mothers and children in Tuam, Ireland, where a forensic examination revealed 17 underground chambers containing "significant quantities of human remains," the remnants of young children of "unwed mothers" dating from 1925 to 1961. Estimates have put the number of bodies at Tuam at 700 to 800"

You're not /x/, you're /gore/

This shit's going to be memoryholed just like the girl(s) found on the queens property a few years ago.