California To Allow HIV Positive People To Donate Blood
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Was there a (((pharmaceutical company))) representative standing next him cramming fistfuls of shekels into his pocket while he said that?
That is bold-faced fucking lie. While it's true that having a undetectable viral load reduces the risk of transmission, it doesn't completely eliminate the risk. Every good doctor and pharmacist counsels faggots to wear a goddamn condom every time they fuck someone.
(((Senator Scott Wiener))
Pure coincidence.
Jesus christ.
Torch the blood banks, kick the fags into firey pits. Nuke San Fran, and cut off California's water supply.
Sure why not.
Wait. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't companies, hospitals, whatever that collect donated blood ship that shit all across the US?
So in theory, some literally pozzed leftist could donate in Commiefornia and Bob Whiteman in a non-pozzed state gets t-boned by Tyrone drunk driving, needs a few gallons of blood, and then get infected by said pozzed fag blood?
And if this is correct, what would be stopping them from realizing this is an easy way to poison the well and encourage mass anonymous donations from fags across the state–hell, across the US since I doubt Commiefornia will turn down blood from Jew York if Schlomo is just 'vacationing' and just happens to stop in to give a quart?
That is the fucking point.
It is (was) a felony to infect someone because you knowingly shorten their lifespan and force them into having to take expensive drugs and (((treatment))) for the rest of their lives. Not to mention that if they didn't know they had been infected, they could have infected countless others–such as by donating blood.
Can you reject blood transfers in the US? In my europoor country they need consent before they do it. Very often they seem to do blood transfers when it's strictly not that necessary because it gives surgeons a safety buffer to work with. Perhaps the time will come when the risk of rejecting blood transfers outweigh the risks of the blood you get. I'm already skeptical of getting foreign blood as it is.
I'm wondering what the FDA thinks about this. I don't believe that they would accept pozzed blood. It doesn't matter if a state allows fags to donate, the FDA gets the final say as to whether that blood gets to be used.
I'm speechless.
It's OK, guys. Section 1, 1603.3. (a) (3) says: >That the donor blood or blood component that is found to have the antibodies shall not be used for transfusion.
So everything is cool. They take the faggots blood, but don't give it to anyone. Blood banks will just have some known HIV blood. Nothing illegal about that.
totally normal, goy
I think you have to consent if you're conscious but you don't get to pick and choose. It goes by blood type and whatever matches gets used. You can't say "Hey, can you break out the freshest sample from a young, white donor with low cholesterol? Also, make sure it isn't riddled with STDs, thanks."
You'd think that, yeah. But then,
So they might capitulate.
It doesn't allow them to donate blood, just reduces the penalties when they do. Still bad, but not as bad as the headline makes it seem.
So soon THESE people will be able to donate?
non american here i thought it was already legal
Why do you have that webm saved, user?
Meant for , I assume.
I share that feeling.
Sue the Californian supreme court for a federal crime?
fuck meant for
This has happened in the past, IIRC.
I don't think you know about how (((corrupt))) the fda is, or what they let slide *cough*monsanto*cough*
why would you taint your computer with that user?
Maybe they keep the poz blood to poz patients? More clean blood to go around for those deserving of it.
It makes the normies flip out.
HIV positive blood transfusion for the governor and senator first!
It makes me flip out too, user. Delete system32
Just when you think it can't get any worse in California.
This shit sounds like larp from those pozpig forums people post here for shock value.
I'll check those dubs but you couldn't pay me to click that spoiler, you hypernigger.
I don't even know what to say.
I'm already so mad all the time and seeing shit like this makes me want to give up on life.
Yeah, I hope. The question is, do you trust the FDA and the people taking donations not to do it? To segregate pozzed blood from non-pozzed, in a time when police are *voluntarily* deleting gang member databases and doctors no longer classify GID/gender dysphoria as a mental illness and instead prescribe hormone treatments and surgery to kids?
The archived link is the only one saying that the governor is going to sign the bill. Seems like fake news.
Serious question: why isn't he advocating the God-given right to spread Ebola?
Oh right, because he doesn't have that one yet.
If you donate HIV-positive blood, does that count as premeditated murder?
Yeah, I hope. The question is, do you trust the FDA and the people taking donations not to do it? To segregate pozzed blood from non-pozzed, in a time when police are *voluntarily* deleting gang member databases and doctors no longer classify GID/gender dysphoria as a mental illness and instead prescribe hormone treatments and surgery to kids?
It should.
Though, in this case, wouldn't it be more like walking into the ghetto and firing a gun up into the air? The bullets have to come down somewhere. You don't know who it will hit, or even if it will, but chances are that if it does it's going to be fatal.
Sounds like one of those stories were a guy said he put his blood in a slushie machine at a restaurant and infected hundreds of people
Is a free-falling bullet deadly though?
What a bunch of idiots.
Don't do it, user. Don't even think about it. Suicide is the most selfish thing you can do. If you kill yourself, the Jews win. Give 'em hell.
It's basically a rock falling at terminal velocity. It can and has left people dead or seriously injured. It's unlikely to hit anyone, but it has happened enough that there are laws against it.
Well, a 8 gram rock at least, assuming a 9mm. What would that be in joules at terminal velocity, like 15 or something? I'd say you'd have to be extremely unlucky for that to kill you.
This is a bit off-topic, but am I the only one who believes that laws primary purpose is not to reduce the frequency of something happening, but rather a statement from a society that said behavior is unacceptable? It's for this reason I support the death penalty, as well as why I feel multiculturalism is doomed to failure (conflicting ideals render most laws 'unjust' to some group).
People have been killed by falling .22lr
Ok, I do quick calculations in my head here so I might be off a bit, but a 22 at about 2g would have about 1 joule of energy at terminal velocity. That would be less than something like… getting a cabbage dropped on your head from half a meters height.
So I'd say you have to be pretty unlucky, or having a cardboard skull.
fucking wew
That's for a penny, but a .45 slug isn't too much heavier. It doesn't have much more energy when it's in free fall.
user, I. . .
The bullet has horizontal velocity in addition to vertical. Maybe the downwards force isn't lethal but if it was shot at an angle, the sidewards force could still kill you.
This is true.
Meanwhile in Africa, HIV is becoming resistant to antiviral drugs.
I can see that happening here now.
If the bullet is fired straight up, comes to a stop, and then begins tumbling on its way back down, it is non-fatal. However, if it's able to keep its spin along a ballistic arc it can retain enough velocity to kill.
This. Fucks sakes, at least take a kike down with you.
There is literally no excuses left to still be in that goddamn commieland as long as the rural country does't move to seperate it's electoral college from the pozzed city districts
Not understanding how fucked up these 'bugchasers' are and how desperate the 'buggivers' become to spread their disease. The felony prevented them, this low tier punishment will surely make them do the risk in the prospect of infecting several people in a large batch before doctors realize what has happened.
Even though it's likely jews have high priority pick-of-the-litter tier shit when it comes to picking out what blood they'll drink/inject, they're going to fuck up and grab one that has HIV
Don't have a series accident! While I'll assume on good faith that you're not a degenerate faggot, now surgery requiring transfusion could leave you with pozed blood coursing through your veins.
that's it, time to start killing (((people)))
(so to speak, of course)
About as much as I trust spoilered webms.
I almost got sick. I wouldn't cry if I kill them. Why did they destroy themselves for?
I think I remember this one, it's from a porno called Viral Loads. Some fag signed up to get himself poz'd on film. The director is such a degenerate even the LGBTWTFBBQ AND the Porno Industry bitched at him.
This happens while AIDS treatment drugs are actually failing and there are no new generation drugs with better results.
Each day I pray to God that he smite California.
California is going to become like some kind of hellscape out of that Edge of Tomorrow flick: if you get a blood transfusion, you're out.
why did I keep watching…
Hard to not be apathetic.
Blood harvesting +/- donation is extremely lucrative. The reimbursement of govt, insurance, and programs on procedures and supply codes is quite high. The media tears and cult of ads and virtue signal campaigns is even more lucrative. While this goes on, contrast this to the assorted idiots who give blood usually for a cookie (sometimes two cookies).
And then there's the highly hidden facts of where the material all goes. The useful retards, the easily emotionally manipulated, the boomers and cucks, all readily give. But with a shelf life of 1-2mo, blood must be consumed (cheapest, most profitable), separated (more expensive, less profit), or tossed (still profitable, but less than consuming it). The biggest chunk of the rolling donated blood by volume gets consumed by sickle cell (This establishes constant weekly 'normal' operation network; effectively making the volume 'floor' by which to trade on. A make-work program cycle that supports the 'constant' supply readiness objectives). Add kike cancer, and self-harming degenerate patients, and that's upwards 70% of blood donation by volume consumption (Only around 2% of blood by volume goes to trauma; Majority consumption is for the worst of society to gain regular extensions).
Now lets say we permit low energy faggots to lower standards. Such lowering of requirements has, is, and will continue to happen regardless. Permitting HIV infecteds to donate blood officially is more about image and memetic warfare - the real change will be in permissiveness, inclusion, globalist winning, etc. But this is par the course. See Obama-'care'. Nurses are being used as doctors, diseased patients are being used as donors, etc. The outcomes will generate: more make-work program reimbursement volume + more migrant MAs, foreign medical graduate MD/DO/PA/RNs, and leftist employment + more kike, designated, and snackbar business owners to profit + more ads and news materials for the cultists. Pharmaco and Labs will get to get more of the pie. As medical care for spics, nigs, and kikes is roughly three trillion of the central economy (by volume, by trade supplies consumption, by banking and reconciliation, and by services; Old people cares are just a bonus), there will be many who's bread is buttered by all of this. Too many for it not happen.
Guidance has been 'don't get sick' for quite some time for a reason. The trend was creating medicine, then it was creating make-work, then it was creating more make-work to limit disbursement by preventative measures (4$ sickle cell transfusions prevent 6$-7$ dialysis, 2$ therapy prevent 4$ scan diagnostics, ?$ prevent ?$$ entry into disease market capture, etc), and then it entered the removal of make-work limiting because muh economy/communists needed more socialized loss participation. This media shitshow is for feels, ads, medical industry, banking and chink trade, and general anti-white; It is not for medicine.
HIV treatment drugs.
HIV, or HTLV, not AIDS.
AIDS is an effect description.
There are no drugs for descriptions.
your gay mate
Disgusting kikes. This degenerate world needs to burn the kikes and especially the pharma kikes immediately.
Expired model. No one reads the law. Law is code and process for managing the State of work. That's it. It was moreso, but still is the majority.
The stating by society of virtues and vices -was- regular forums and regular family at meals, etc. Then it -was- plays, art, architecture, postings of happenings, and postings of law. Then it -was- printing presses and the art, architecture, plays, and postings of law faded. The inclusion of impostors/diversity is of course the lie that breaks every single one of these. News media and hollywood will continue to set their statements of society.
The horror of it was entrancing.
unreal, these jews have absolutely no respect for the rule of law and common sense. we really need to kill these people
I thought this was satire but unfortunately it's real.
I hope North Korea sends the Americans that nuke soon. Worst country to ever exist after Britain. They destroyed the sanity of the world.
fuck off kike with your D&C, you will not win here. expired huh? couldn't think of a better word? limited vocabulary? please explain to the thousands of prisoners how its sooooo (((expired))) you are a fucking moron and a kike shill. your people are going to pay a price for these actions
There is only one appropriate response to this news.
I think what he is saying is that the "law" now is just codified words and that the law has become whatever the "majority" feels is right. Yes there are shit loads of prisoners out there but lets be honest most of those numbers are for drugs. So that brings up an entirely other subject.
This lamented that law could serve as statements by society of how to behave. My reply was that used to be, but has been superseded by cheaper statement making methods, such as printing press shitposting. Shitposting, which is actually kikeposting, because diversity lies.
And then this said something about DC, prisoners, vocabulary, and jews. I'm not sure what happened. I thought we were on something something HIV requires capitals, otherwise it looks like hiv…
oh user i was hoping youd get triggered
Your users guide to DNA is wrong.
Let's all be retarded?
Bald-faced, moron.
As long you isolate Commiefornia and keep it as a prison state.
Watching entire population of Commiefornia dying of AIDS is a pleasant thought.
Damn, I read the headline and in my mind I just thought that California was allowing fags to donate blood. It took me a moment to finally come to the realization that they literally mean people with an actual HIV infection.
which is almost the same thing
Spread this to normieland.
Thanks again, liberals.
Isn't this the same jew that made it a felony if you don't call transgenders the right way?
Remember that Goebbels went through the same depression. Things can always turn around.
They're going to mix that shit in with the good blood at some point, so I guess I'll stop donating.
They'll use the same needles.
Of course. (((They))) have noticed that HIV and AIDS generally only affects fags, niggers, and IV drug users. They need more of the normal people walking around with HIV, enslaved to treatments and completely subservient lest they cut off those treatments and always voting for gibs. Look back at the 80s propaganda surrounding HIV/AIDS. It was supposed to be the plague of the 20th century, but certain people learned that by not being a chocolatier or a drug user you could go your life without it.
Nurses aren't going to use the infected blood because that means lawsuits agains them for neglect so they will move to other states.
They work for a fraction of the price anyway.
If you take the medicine while being HIV+ I thought the person would be non infectuous.
You can already donate blood as fag, how are you going to find proof if one is a fag unless he posts his social media accounts full of gay stuff. Even then it's too hard to investigate sexuality from someone lel.
I believe they do a HIV test among a couple of other tests before they allow someone to donate blood, and that's about as much as you can do.
I'm not sure if I'm following you completely.
What you're trying to say is that pharma benefits from it, which is obvious if they somehow found a way to make the hiv blood non infectuous (which is important otherwise hospitals will get claims and lawsuits filled against them).
I can see how pharma profits from it but I don't really see how this is anti white or pro diversity. Also I fail to see how banks profit from this.
They won't import from 3rd world since they have too low IQ to be medical professionals.
Third worlders are retards who can't even stimulate technological progression in their own countries let alone in first world countries. Not sure why people still spout the meme about migrants replacing work the only ones they might replace are people on benefits and burger flippers since that are jobs third worlders are able to perform.
Feels like I've seen this thread 50 other times this year. It's weird.
If everyone has AIDS, nobody has AIDS
Bugchasing is real and quite prevalent, despite fag-positive people and girls who have "gay friends" blowing their lids if you so much as mention it.
Video related: genuine fag spills the data on the parts of fag culture they would rather keep secret;.
Their specific diversity's social profit, facilitated by concomitant system's accounting profits, at white men's losses to both.
(8) Loss
0. Please re-read
1. Relevant; Growing, but not the focus.
2. Not relevant; No one actually cares.
3. Not relevant; Not possible at this time.
4. Not relevant; Will always happen regardless. (See: Diversity, etc).
5. Primary relevance; See system and state-evolution view
6. Profit by rate per transaction, by false underwritting loans/stocks, for all associated activities.
7. Primary relevance; The profit is for specific diversity.
8. Effect relevance; The loss is social/feels. The loss is also for system accounting, neither of which diversity has agreed to pay for.
Say it's child blood and give it to (((them))).
Everyone wins.
That is the claim, but it seems… suspect, to say the very least. Add to that the fact that HIV treatment requires a minimum of three different drugs and no one ever takes their pills perfectly, and that their is emerging resistance to a lot of HIV drugs…
That's not stopping the British.
No, its The Thousand Load Fuck, Treasure Island Media, Director (((Paul Morris)))
Have some dark research.
First one was meant to be this one
They didn't bitch at him for being too degenerate. They were angry because stuff like that blows their cover, same with Jews getting banned from banking. You can only conceal the ladder of degeneracy if you take it one step at a time.
Oh yeah, sure, what could possibly go wrong?!
That's the kicker here. They may let some places take all the filthy fag blood they want, but when it comes to handing that blood over to a medical professional or any hospital, they'll say "Fuck you. Give us some clean blood or this man will die."
This feels like assbackwards virtue signalling taken to an extreme level, but ultimately, I can't imagine any hospital that would risk taking HIV blood under any circumstance.
In some places deliberately infecting people with diseases is a criminal offence. Surely there is an opt out provision to stop this kind of madness.
Or is this just perverted virtue signalling where all the infected blood is destroyed after it is collected?
.t California
The practice being illegal isn't going to stop some kike or foreign doctor from doing it anyway and getting a slap on the wrist. The fact of the matter is that no amount of legal action will fix you if they really want you infected.
It's a win win for the commiefornian politicians. They get the brownie points and fag votes for allow HIV blood, and then they get to cry about how oppressed fags are when every bloodbank in the state and rest of the country disposes of the blood and tells them to knock that shit off.
I know common sense and speaking the truth is outlawed in California and other blue states, but nobody mentioned that this is taking a massive risk with people lives just to virtue signal to faggots? Even if they take the blood just to humor these faggots and then destroy it soon after, just allowing it anywhere in the system makes it very fucking likely to get mixed up with the usable blood.
I should have read the replies. Within a second of the video I had become overwhelmed by intense nausea.
I had to run and grab ice chips. I haven't felt this sick to my stomach in all the years of lurking and seeing some sick shit.
I think the context of the thread being about HIV and seeing that jar immediately made some connections in my mind which are beyond descriptions of disgust.
Jerry Brown should volunteer to take poz loads until he's veritably infected. Anything less is homophobic.
That may be the case, but I don't know when the last time you visited a hospital was user, because 90% of the staff is spics and niggers. Most of the doctors are asians.
Are there any organizations that allow you to donate blood TO YOURSELF? Set aside your own blood in (relatively) local storage for your use alone?
wait,so you mean to tell me I can't just suck dicks? There are rules I have to follow?
But why?
Why would i want myself or my child to get literally pozed if we ever require a blood transfusion?
Nice clickbait, Faux News.
I've got gay cancer, I'm going to die and so are you
user, all the doctors in california are third world poo in loos and chinks
sometimes i wonder if I should be so naieve to believe this kind of shit