whether you hate it or like it, I know a lot of people here watch. going to be a parody of Charlottesville in which I'm guessing it makes fun of both sides. can't tell from the description of the episode whether it's going to be funny or complete cucked. we'll see.
South Park new season tonight
Kill yourself.
Think again.
Show is literally made by a subversive kike and white cuck with a literal black wife's son he's raising.
Don't care about kike park. Fuck them for all their years of "totally ironic" ginger hate that resulted in white kids being mocked and attacked.
>people here watch (((cable television)))
Lets see…..
Yup it'll be cucked. I'm expecting full on interracial gay shit.
Who cares anymore honestly. South Park has just become: Controlled Opposition, the tv show.
So edgy, very brave.
Fuck off
So edgy, very brave.
this >10600482 (time stamp chk'd)
op, no one cares about southpark.
( id dubs chkd also )
fuck off op.
What, people that got flooded that are replacing what they lost?
Leave and don't come back.
More Jewish Garbage. Its always been pretty bad and got progressively worse but they've really been just full cuck Zio propaganda now
I for one am ok with this. I did like the episode " the snuke " where hillary had wmds up her cunt
this >10600482 (time stamp chk'd)
op, no one cares about southpark.
( id dubs chkd also )
fuck off op.
Wow, I forgot that this series never ended. They should've allowed the film to be the crescendo and drawn it to a close. That shit was back when Saddam Hussein was relevant. Remember how they depicted Saddam Hussein as a standard villain, and it was considered funny to use him as a punching bag? Red-pilled as fuck, brah! Or how they made the follow-up film with puppets where they lampooned anybody voicing anti-terror, anti-NK sentiments? Rad.
In seriousness, Matt & Trey are obviously pro-degeneracy; the show's frequent endorsements of anti-SJW views are essentially superficial. Why would you have to ask whether it's going to be completely cucked? Did you think the writers have been crypto WNs all this time, and in spite of making a dumb show for liberal morons all these years, they've been awaiting the right opportunity to red-pill viewers on FBI crime statistics and Culture of Critique? That in spite of rallying people against soft targets such as Scientology and (implicitly white) LDS, they were in actuality keeping their powder dry for an eventual push against white genocide? You can tell from OP's screencap that it's typical anti-white ruralite tropes.
South Park spent an entire series repeatedly telling us that they did not favour Donald Trump as a presidential candidate last time around. That was the entire premise, episode after episode after episode “hey guys, we don’t think DJT is a good candidate”. I wasn’t at the time nor am I now a Trump sycophant, a few well constructed Trump jokes along with an equal amount of Hillary Clinton jokes would have been fine, perhaps they could have Hillary blatantly murdering people in front of everybody and no one reacting, that’d have been funny. But no, it was just an entire series of them telling us they didn’t like Trump. Who cares, fuck them, I will never watch another episode again.
Thank you for reminding me why I ditched cable television OP. Can't wait for the shit tier memes this stupid fucking show is going to flood Holla Forums with now.
Does anyone still still watch this slop aside from fat balding numales who wear comic book tshirts and flip flops and can't get over their childhood nostalgia
No they don't, Gtfo kike
No one here watches this Jewish tripe.
The episode involves taking in refugees from Barbuda because white people "like" rebuilding homes. Only at the last moment do the adults realize the refugees are here to stay. Kyle gives a speech but as it turns out, the barbudans "hate" the cold weather and leave voluntarily. Randy is confused as to why the barbudans hate snow, he's a bit annoyed by it because at the beggining of the episode snow fucks his house and he tries so pretend like its no issue (as to avoid fixing the house himself or hiring help.)
Trash episode tbh.
Learn how to sage.
Gtfo (((Matt Stone))) no one wants to watch your cuck show!
Das rite. Whitey will save us.
This is the worst season opener in memory.
Actually I'm surprised how many people still watch movies in the theaters, and cable tv here.
You are wrong, but I wish you were right.
Fuck off Trey. Go be an Edgy Liberal somewhere else. I hope you get raped by a pack of Niggers.
I stopped watching after they trivialized NSA spying. That was quite a while ago now.
Fuck Zio fagget Trump
Yeah this was the nail in the coffin for a lot of people.
You know, instead of bitching here, we could be bitching to (((comedy central))) and spamming negative reviews everywhere. It will kill the advertising value for the show, which then causes it to get pushed to a shity time slot, which in turn kills ratings, which kills the show.
Stop shilling your normalfag show
Well this was underwhelming. Literally showing stupid hicks they've had since the begining protesting "Corporate Automation" by protesting against Alexa and Google Home. Then, the only thing about the Rebel Flag is "You wave that thing stupidly". Odd note was the court date after the protest. Randy, being a dumbass, sues the protestors for pepper spraying him and he was the only complaintant. Then, the rednecks win their protest and replace themselves with Alexa and Google Home. They offer their services. "Doot. Doot. I've added Correria-Subway Tile to your shoping list".
I think as a whole this shows the downfall of western civiliazation with the unneeded commodity of Alexa and Gogole Home as a whole. The sub-plot following Eric and his Girlfriend trying to make Cartman a sissy also is very interesting, as Eric doesn't want anything to do with it.
Really, the episode wasn't about our protest but the country going to shit as a whole and automated dumbshittery leading to the end of the world as we know it.
I know that this thread is dead but I'll comment anyway. Here's the entire episode:
Just watched it… wew, yeah it's cucked on steroids. It's basically just "DEY TURK ER JERBS" over and over and then the guy (Darryl) who is famous for that line just shouts that they should kill all the Muslims, blacks and Mexicans; prior to this the rednecks in town do the Charlottesville march with the "They will not replace us" chant but it's all over the Alexa and Siri devices. Darryl is then employed by Randy (who has his own renovation TV show called "White People Renovating Houses") as a human Alexa device (creating a new job for low skilled workers). Darryl gets angry with Randy's orders and angrily quits. Randy then helps him take down some load bearing wall in his (Darryl's) house because… walls? There's some really forced discussion between the two about "Things are changing, you have to change" and then it just sort of ends with Darryl's place being renovated and all the other rednecks come in and party. Meanwhile Eric completes his totally pointless dating storyline and breaks up with the reasonable girl.
"You're a retarded redneck if you don't embrace your ethnic replacement. Also you really need all of those Mexicans because you won't do low skill labour; being a human Alexa is totally a fair comparison to working in a restaurant or doing manual labour."
Mainstream media and most normalfags are going to call anyone who doesn't like this episode "butthurt" or "uptight" but this was seriously a dogshit episode. I don't even mean that in the sense that I didn't find it funny but simply that it was really poorly constructed and executed.
You'd have to be a masochist to subject yourself to this Jew and cuck bullshit. The entire SEASON is going to be about, 'White Supremacy'. A lot of people watch all the garbage on the Comedy Network. Most of them are high and retarded. Get this through your noggin OP, most people, DON'T COUNT. They're worthless. They do nothing. Never have, never will. Spics, niggers, other mystery meats, white trash that does meth and fucks it's sister while listening to rap music, I would hope you'd save a cat or dog from a burning building before one of those.
Remember, everyone, their season opener is the top content of the season. All other episodes this season will be even worse.
I have a friend who worships at the altar of Matt and Trey; they're his inspiration for getting into screenwriting. Shortly after last night's episode came out he hit me up and even he was like "What the fuck was that episode?" He's not even close to being Holla Forums-tier but even he thought that it was just plain terrible.
South Park, Family Guy, The Simpsons, they're all the same. They had their golden years, they are no longer popular, and they're in such decline it's embarrassing. Time to be taken out back and put down with dignity.
None of my normie friends watch any of this shit anymore - that's how irrelevant they are.
The main plank of the White Genocide agenda is the miscegenation program to interbreed middle and working-class Whites with Negroes.
They made the Alexas extra long on purpose. The hidden context (yet obvious to the seasoned Holla Forumsack) is that they are supposed to represent BBCs, replacing the poor Whites' usefulness (since the only thing of value a poor man has is his penis length). This is underscored by the scene in which the man waves the Confederate flag over the Alexa at the protest while yelling "You will not replace us!" at the Alexa, with the Confederate flag representing the White phallic object competing with the BBC.
In the opening scene you have a bunch of White kids laughing and enjoying the Alexa, oblivious to what it really represents and how it's going to replace them.
Also, I don't understand why these threads get bumplocked. Exploring the political relevance of South Park and other talmudvision programs does not mean you are endorsing their opinion.
In my experience, everyone with a south park profile picture has had autism.
I miss the episodes with chinpokemon and the chicken fucker. South Park hasn't been funny in nearly 10 years.