Spook mods deleted the last thread immediately so you anons won't see. Claimed it was a duplicate thread when it wasn't. Kept getting smug anime girls, sages and "check the catalog" reeeeeeing before it was deleted. That's when I knew something was up. We'll see how long this one lasts.
Senate Resolution Against White Supremacists Includes Expansions on Domestic Spying on Whites
Good thing we are orange right? This only applies to pasty Whites like Hillary and her daughter, right?
Archive + Screencap just in case
Doesn't the burgers legislative branch have no power to enforce laws? Only create them? That's what donald is there for, to enforce the law. Also it seems like this is a nothingburger just trying to strongarm trump into making a bad comment against his voting base. In the end actual actions like the wall getting built are all that matters.
Op you suck dicks original thread.
Mods are pozzed kikes. Especially ImKikey who is a turkroach shitstain and jew worshiper who cries himself to sleep at night because he knows he'll never be white, only cockroach.
Here's one of them now.
Why should whites even pay taxes at this point? We're being persecuted by the people we pay.
All this alt-right shit was going to lead to this. They needed a convenient excuse to up the ante and laws against us. Any criticism will be met with "you're not a white supremacist sympathizer are you?" to shut you up. Going to be fun with how this affects Trump going forward.
It does matter
You're right, if they just didn't wave those nazi flags, the Jews who control the government definitely wouldn't have kept pushing. Makes sense.
So DOTR when?
Updated archive. archive.is
This leads to.. when you post the truth you get spied on and framed.
Which should be all of the motivation you need to post the truth everywhere as much as you possibly can.
Where is the Resolution that 'Congress Overwhelmingly Approved'?
stop making these threads, lazy shill.
this is all just media posturing, you'll never notice it after America is made Great Again.
maybe you were never trying to make America Great Again, nazi LARPs have been posting anti-american shit here all eletion.
So that's what they've been busy doing? Because I was wondering why the interracial porn threads in the catalog are still up and being replied to.
Here's the text of the bill.
Build a bomb nigger
stop making these threads, lazy shill.
this is all just media posturing, you'll never notice it after America is made Great Again.
maybe you were never trying to make America Great Again, nazi LARPs have been posting anti-american shit here all eletion.
America was founded by freemasons you loser, this is what I mean by anti-american fucking LARPers shitting everything up. Take your conspiracy theories back to endchan and freech.
that's how you know this is an endkike thread
God help us
Build a bomb nigger
The likes and their anti American puppet politician butt buddies are trying to gain more power pre emptively since they know the communist train is about to speed up.
Fuck them all
There is nothing wrong with surveillance.
Because if we don't, the system we set up to ensure continuity of government (and keeping the government running through taxes is exactly that) will be turned against us. It's one of the big sticks they use to keep us in line.
For normies, having the IRS up their asses for tax evasion is a Bad Thing.
What do you think would happen if they found out that one of the people they were auditing was a "racist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic"(TM) bigot? The left would do the usual shaming bullshit, resulting in loss of job, getting blackballed, and all the consequences of defamation with none of the legal aid available to defend against it since it's true; while the government would use every terrorism law on the books to throw us in federal prison–if we're lucky. Gitmo if we're not and they want to make an example.
Do YOU want to be the next Bradley Manning, tortured and fucked with until you ruin your name for eternity by going tranny or some shit?
Jokes on them, I'm transracial :^)
what happened to the real thread and why isn't this shit stickied?
it proved our senate is 100% bent over for ADLBB
It's non-binding. The executive branch doesn't actually have to do anything.
Fucking this, why is it that no Holla Forumsack has label themselves as Hispanic? They wouldn't be able to tell apart.
If an anti-white law affects you, you deserve it for being more retarded than a nigger. From now on, I'm saying I'm Hispanic in all my legal documents.
Nothing in that bill is legally binding, you need to learn how to read legalese.
Well, it's been a hell of a ride, guys, but I'm punching my ticket before the termination.
-t. Dhimmicuck
If he signs it, he'll never be able to say anything remotely in support of whites or white interests again. It will be a huge step forward for white genocide, and lead to nothing but chaos and despair for the entire world.
Praying he will find a way not to sign it.
blackmail occurred
I don't blame Trump. I think washington is forcing his hand and he is possibly injesting more estrogen than he should be because they're tampering with his diet cokes. There are a ton of anti-trump memers rn, and a concerted effort to make it look like Trump is against white people and white interests, when it's still mainly coming from washington, like this bill, and any folding regarding Daca and Amnesty can also be chalked up to the extreme pressure he's under from the left and the media.
It doesn't have to be legally binding in any way, shape or form, its effect will be to largely eliminate all the movement on the Overton window that is supposedly Trumps sole saving grace if/when he cucks.
In less than a month, dude has destroyed any trust I had in him - he's pulling a Reagan on the DACA shit, while simultaneously joining the bipartisan Jew-owned Establishment cronies (who he decried the entire election, and now glad-hands with regularly) in basically saying White identity needs to be exterminated in the United States.
The symbolism of it all is incredible - if he doesn't realize what he's doing, he's completely retarded.
Then you're dumb, because you should.
Dude, no.
He's conspiring WITH Washington elite to take actions that harm Whites, which are by definition anti-White - there's no out here on the 'muh pressure' tip: he shat on the media the entire election, and on the establishment, so the notion that they're placing sufficient pressure on him to destroy the nation and betray his most ardent supporters is utter nonsense.
defending him DOESN'T fucking help
attacking him gives him an excuse to hold off
preventing the death and mongrelization of our people is important. how it personally affects me, my job, my bank account? No.
I don't care if he was thrown out if he stood up like a man instead of lying and betraying his peopleinb4 his people are kikes
He should have Veto'ed it because it didn't include the communist which would had been an excellent excuse.
The bill would die because the left wouldn't want their people to be touched.
Trump will either use the opportunity to act in our benefit or he wont. If Trump caves despite our massive support we will know Trump is not /ourguy/. If he uses our support to do what he promised we will know he is /ourguy/. Either way is a benefit.
infact this bill could be used to elimiate alot of commies in the education system.
kill your enemies. death. warfare. terrorism. tears. blood. victory. high level hits. target what is vital. be intelligent and calculated but ruthless. we dont have the luxury of mercy. it ends soon. no more treachery.
But it won't be. It says nothing about pinkos. It only addresses White people who don't want to die.
So, let me attempt to parse the new lingo…
Just being white makes you a white supremacist.
Oh, so you were born white? You are a terrorist.
Hey there, you look white, the statistical majority, you must be a terrorist.
The majority is now terrorist.
Orwell is doing mental kick flips in his grave at such tremendous nu-grammar.
gg Jews
Trump has assured he shall be remembered as nothing but a stepping stone. The march continues.
CIA niggers like you do that enough. A good cause doesn't bring terror to the innocent.
There's your problem, right there.
I see you've never had the full niggerdom experience.
We live in turbulent times but don't let it get you down. We will win. Dykes will continue to die young from obesity, gays from drugs and degeneracy, minorities killing each other, sjws from childless catlady syndrome, etc.
I have seen left wingers and antifa I knows health decline and some have given in to suicide. Their legacy will pass into nothing.
We are lucky/unlucky to live through these times. So long as we stick together and thrive where we can. Not as memes holding tiki torches, but as the true humans of this planet.
We have to have a homeland not flooded with niggers and spics and jew to do that, you fucking moron.
It's true. We will lead a mass rejection of ugliness and perversion of society. We won't simply watch the value of our lives reduced to shit. While they're making themselves progressively weaker and worthless we are being tested and tempered. We're forced to consider exactly what is meaningful and why. And our enemies' appalling construction of superficiality, insult, and crime is quickly unraveling even when they get what they want. Worthwhile people see through it, and they will certainly fail. The only question is how much suffering and further grievances are inflicted before then and what we could have done to prevent it.
Can we meme this as the cucked Congress starting the ball rolling on that anti-First Amendment hate speech resolution? People generally weren't happy with that, and this shit looks a lot like the first move to do the UN's bidding.
That's the spirit!
action is the best prevention.
Make sure your house is in order, then make sure your neighbors is too, then look after your tribe, then your nation. Vote always, speak out when you must, protect those that you can when you can.
I'm a better human than I ever could have been. I think it's pretty funny that shitlibs are the opposite of what you just said. They failed their race, their country, their town, their family, and themselves, and yet they think they're going to "save the world". Fucking, lmao.
Watching shitlibs is where I got my insight. They think they are being at their best when they "fight ebil nazis" and government but its sapping their health and their will. Its not making them better people at all. It never will
If he signs new spying against whites, we would have been unironically better off with Hillary because wed probably be in the middle of a full scale civil war right now.
Can't wait for this fat fuck to be humiliated even further and lose in 2020. Gonna be great watching his supporters boo him at rallies
He will just have the_donald get you outta there and pretend youre antifa.
Dude, how many more fucking lists can we be put on anyway? Fuck it, spy on me all you want faggot feds. Just do the smart thing and search on the deep web the spy shit people have released on you fucks, search for your name and take a long hard day of introspection on exactly what happens when shit goes kinetic. Courts are not exactly a thing in civil wars of the type coming, so no way to 'prove' you are not one of the bad ones, which means good fucking luck. Nobody really wants it to go kinetic or it already would have anyway, so go arrest some slimy corrupt politicians on trumped up charges, even if the DA drops it, if you keep doing it over and over and over it will start to allow some of the few faggot friends in your positions to rally around and cuck the system with fear of its own security forces should they let it go kinetic to retain their own power. Fuck, you bastards can do more to stave off whats coming than even the damned president at this point. Do YOU want this shit?
We cannot do shit to stop the tsunami coming you bitches. You at least have a hairs thin chance at maybe fixing some of it. Or you can just make another TSP report on your newest list of deplorables. That will help things clearly.
I never fill in race info on any document. If I'm forced, I select "other" and don't fill anything in.
the entire story is fucking nothing congress.gov
Notice how the 90 degree angle of the square doesn't line up with the 30 degree angle of the Star of David?
That's because your theory about masonry is force-fit bullshit.
Virtue Signalling: The Resolution.
What the fuck will it take for you cucks to wake up? The United States Government is the enemy of the White Race.
The FBI being this obvious… c'mon, really?
You're the FED here. At this point, terrorism is just self-defense.
Jesus Christ, kys. Redditfags confirmed shilling
You'll have to try harder than that. lol
>don't defend yourself as we replace you goy, that's against the (((law)))
I really hope no one on Holla Forums is cucked enough to fall for this line of thinking.
This shit is just obvious reddit-tier shilling.
shut up nigger
No, he's taken no legal action against Hillary. Only against us.
And on top of that, he wants fucking amnesty for spics.
This. The FEDs on this board are people like this guy: . It is their job to discourage white people from revolting and organizing against the government. Anyone calling people FEDs for taking action is a FED themselves.
wasn't a spic giving jobs to 8chners until some months back? That's how many anons stopped being NEETs. I live in Illinois, so it was impossible for me to go to Texas.
All this does is create more proof of how many hate crimes are hoaxes.
Woah I think this guy is really onto something. I've never thought of this before. You should start a blog, dude.
they don't need an excuse, they never had
Strange how most of the threads on this are being bumplocked. Eh, user? Definitely makes one ponder.
THE OWNER OF Holla Forums is more than Holla Forums – he runs many boards
You will never be as smug as me IMKIKEEEEEY!!!!!!!!!
You will never create false flags on Holla Forums!
fuck off kike
who the hell are those spics?
activates the almonds
In reality, there's no need to practice tax evasion. Just tax avoidance. And you should limit your exposure to the mainstream economy as much as you possibly can while contributing to the creation of a shadow economy. The government depends on the economy for its power. Try to weaken it in anyway you can while promoting alternatives.
I agree with this. I was trying to find ways to become a legal "Tax Dodger" and boy did the Rothschilds make it hard. Avoidence is the easier route.
That was actually about Jewesses and niggers, so it wasn't really Interracial
Sounds like Jews are scared. They probably don't think they can outbreed whites with the paradigm shift waking whites up all over the world. Now is the time to start heavily surveilling whites and vanning them if they have "dangerous" views.
This bill is very dangerous and pushes white genocide even further. But fuck it, 1488d chess god emperor is secretly Hitler, he's just going to pass a bill that condemns whites in their own country.
Indeed. This topic is pertinent and deserves serious discussion, but apparently there is no one left capable of civilized discussion anymore. Is there anybody willing to stop slinging shit long enough for constructive exchange upon the implications and meaning of this with best course forward for action?
Or is it going to be bumplocking, kys, and distraction from here on out?
Where is Western civilization? It's fucking gone dude. I don't see it. Call me black polled, call me shill, call me what you will, but there is no evidence of civilization here anymore like there used to be. Blame any group you want, but the fault is ours.
I'll make a thread on the subject tomorrow. Its suffice to say that creating a parallel economy that is independent of the government should be a major priority, as any sustained violent or revolutionary activity can't take place without economic backing.
Good. Kill them all.
I wasn't going to call you a shill until this point.
How about Liberty Dollars or Bitcoin? Personally, I'd trust a physical alt-currency like Liberty Dollars more than the electricity-dependent Bitcoin.
It's pointless, they just drown out everything with their screeching.
You're confusing the AstroTurf with actual Holla Forums users either intentionally or unintentionally. We've got a lot of attention right now, not quite sure why personally, but my guess it has a lot to do with the next stage of Zionist plans.
Believe it or not, we don't need you to point out shills. Shills are obvious. By pointing them out you contribute nearly nothing to the topic and mostly serve to distract and derail.
Also I was banned for claiming it's not the Jews. Seriously? Immature thought police! Focus!
Hood go. Do not discuss.
Please explain for me. I don't understand how news is Astro turf?
What else is on the catalog is so important right now that this topic is sliding? I'll wait.
I don't understand the bumplocks for this. Not at all.
A pot of honey. A jar of cookies.
Be careful.
Purely academic conversation is completely legal. Go be afraid somewhere else.
Forums are a medium of communication where we share our thoughts and spit ball ideas. Open constructive dialog is the cornerstone of civilization. If that's gone we are done. It's just chaos.
Don't fear the truth. Can we please fucking talk about this you boner mods?
Holla Forums mods are fags, abandon ship to >>>/new/ and >>>/polk/
other thread got deleted
jesus christ, and this thread is bumplocked