Trump Bars Chinese-Backed Firm From Buying U.S. Chipmaker

Hillary would have made a fortune on this one. Haha.

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When I read chipmaker my first thought was wood chips. I swear I must be retarded. Anyway, have a bump for good news.

Fuck yeah!



It's a good enough topic for a thread that it doesn't need bot posting shitting it up.



Fucking chinks wish king nigger was still in office so they could bribe him with fried chicken and grape juice.


NO chip fa u!

Underappreciated thread. Bump.

So while Anons fail to ride the tiger plays out, Trump proves he is actually caring about national interests by stopping China from buying our tech companies.


Nothing good ever comes from dealing with antpeople.


As someone who learned to swim at about the same time I began to retain memories, I don't get how the fuck this happens. Is there a riptide I'm missing, or are they just that fucking inept with their 'muh 105 IQ'?

Average Chinese IQ rose by a tiny fraction that day.

Seems they only learn to swim if they're attempting to go to the Olympics.

It bothers me so fucking much.
You can float if you do literally nothing, how do they even manage to keep their heads underwater for so fucking long?
It have to be some bone density thing, maybe I only float so nice because I am fat

Unless they're fat, chinks have a very low fat to muscle ratio and will in fact sink.
t. white guy that sinks if he doesn't use his muscles to swim

what comes next? They buy up our sports clubs and females?

Dopey user Thinks I'm A Bot. Sad!!!

non-whites can't swim.

In Mainland China teaching kids how to swim (and adults too for that matter) isn't really deemed as important. They usually have to use a big flotation device just so they can go in the water, and when it's in the sea they stick very close to the beach. Many beaches and some public pools restrict swimming in open water because they're afraid of people drowning.

I think that 105 IQ number for chinks is gleaned from testing American ching-chongs, who (by virtue of their ability to handle emigrating to the US) are smarter than the average insectoid. Mainland chinks are probably just as retarded as high-end nogs.

This guy kept paddling the air like he wanted to fly.
He grabs onto a goldfish at 1:30

Not far from the truth. That's why I laugh every time an IQ expert cites the Chinese and East Asian peoples in general as being exceedingly intelligent and fawns and praises our glorious future insect overlords. It's as if these people have never heard of organized cheating on tests, and the problem that many Asian countries have in either looking the other way or actually trying to crack down on it.

Good. We've already caught the chinks sneaking chips into our defense supply. Some made it into stealth fighters a while back, there was a huge scandal.

We need to preserve these types of companies as critical infrastructure in case of war. If I was Trump I'd not allow any foreign-made CPUs into the defense supply chain nor would I allow any chips or devices even WORKED ON by a foreigner into it.

Initiate a project to develop a new architecture from the ground up for security, set it in stone, and basically do what IBM tried to do with 360 but built to last 1000 years.

Along these lines, no utilities should be foreign owned either.

Agreed. Nor should we allow foreigners to purchase property, just offer leases with perhaps a 10 year term.

Think about how many US weapons systems have hardware or software from China. Our financial markets, power utilities, everything is running on foreign-made equipment. Siemens, for example, could (and probably has) backdoor most of the US with its SCADA shit which is full of holes, gee who could have guessed?

Frankly it's quite alarming and a lot of critical infrastructure is so tucked-away and invisible that much of it would probably be missed in the event we need a big infrastructure audit.

Until a catastrophic event happens where everyone's toys are compromised, not a single thing will be done to address that. It's already too late for most.

Ontariofag here, did you know kathleen wynn(((berg))) our dyke premiere sold Niagara Falls power generation to the damned chinks. Even the normies here reeeeeee about this one.

Meanwhile in Canada they get whatever they want.

And to add when is the US going to see Canada as an enemy state?
I mean we are facilitating moslem terrorism and giving the chinks resources and tech.

Extend this to US-based international companies, like another chipmaker/memory manufacturer in the US. No use of products from a US-based company manufactured cheaply in a foreign nation.

Oh there's no reason to be so defeatist right off the bat. Trump's already making plans to move the Federal IT infrastructure into a unified Federal Cloud. Industrial control systems hackers have prompted some degree of improvement already, etc.

My point is that it's a huge thing and even if we devote a shitload of resources to addressing these systems and flaws, some will probably persist. But it can be addressed and has been, albeit grudgingly an inadequately, already.

You're probably right that it will take some massive attack to get things on the right track.

Didn't know that but I'm not surprised at all. The chinks could easily sabotage that shit just in case of WWIII.


Exactly, Lattice has A&D contracts for sure so the chinks can fuck right off.

Trump is a civ-nat. It's hardly disputed. He draws (deserved) ire here because he's not a white nationalist.

Almost anyone will sink if they exhale, everyone will float if they have air in their lungs. I know there are people who like to think they sink so they must be in great shape, the reality is you're just too stupid to breathe.

I go to a university that is infested with the slant-eyed vermin. Here are a few truths:

1. You can make a few hundred dollars a pop writing college entrance essays for the vermin.

2. The US takes the SAT's and similar exams before China, and the content is often very similar. An organized racket of US based Chinese students takes the exams here and feeds questions and answers back to China where they are purchased.

3. School staff and administration actively falsify test data. Underachievers do not take standardized tests in China.

4. The Chinese are soulless, filthy subhumans. I had to live with them for a year. They're more disgusting than Mexicans and almost as bad as Middle Easterners.

Of course you do, Shlomo.
So unlike Israel where everybody turns in a PhD thesis instead of a puny essay.
You are sick people.

What a waste of dubs, you haven't been around chinks or blockheaded koreans have you?

All the time. I love their food.

You still aren't fitting in.


No riptide, it just drops off really deep. The most disturbing thing is the men just sitting there watching them drown like its nothing out of the ordinary.

I guess I'm not as well-trained as you are at fitting in. And I'm a race realist, not a racist or supremacist. There's a difference between wanting to preserve your own race and looking down on all other races like you jews do.

Ok, shill.

Gooks aren't even people, just parasites. Further, chinks only help their own and since I'm not yellow their practices can only negatively effect me. How I've seen the yellow menace conspiring against the white man at work.

Are you even white?

And Christian.

I mean, Mongols, Japs, Laotians, Burmese, Bhutanese, Nepalese, Tibetan, Malaysian, Thai, and Vietnamese folks aren't bad, and I have faith that Duterte will make something out of the Filipinos.. Indonesians, Koreans and Han Chinese seem to be an exception though.

You've clearly never heard them speak. It's a fucking horrible mess of nasty syllables.
That's all I heard for two and a half years of community college in the Pacific Northwest.

I mean, Russian can sound guttural but that doesn't stop me from appreciating Russians.

He probably did.

Of course, I actually lived over there for a while, I know exactly how you feel. If any user wants to know what it's like, as a thought experiment just take everything in America that is good, decent, or great and imagine that it was extremely shitty. The only thing they can do better is ironically food delivery, and to a certain extent package delivery. Even in their own country the best thing they're good at is being a delivery boy. That's life in China. Horrendous air pollution, large scale government/corporate corruption rarely seen anywhere else, an education system that breeds literal autism and encourages cheating, an amazingly simple and narrow minded people.

It's not a slippery slope, there is no wake, and there are two people on the shore just looking on ever so casually, that's what blows my mind the most.

One of the biggest problems with high technology manufacturing in the United States is the lack of heavy rare earth element mining and refining. Rare earths are extremely important to high technology, and we have proven decent ores in North America, but we allow China to have a virtual complete monopoly on rare earths. They more or less DO NOT export the refined metals unless they are in the form of a product, and it is a serious issue for national defense. pic related, sorry low res

Very sneaky way to go about monopolizing manufacturing, and once they have the infrastructure, it doesn't matter that they are insectoids, anyone who wants to make anything high tech has the obvious choice of going to China to manufacture their products.

Wendover productions is a bit blue pilled, but very good information about the issue:

The usefulness of rare earths is vastly overrated. Thus far the rare earths trade has been a huge scam to drum up massive investment without returning much in the way of relevant manufacturing or technology.

Europeans most likely developed the ability to swim naturally via evolution. Look at societies like Greece where people dived impressive depths into the ocean without any assistive technology, to gather shell fish. It also coincides with the instinctive need to explore new frontiers that seem challenging. Asians on the other hand even in adulthood would rather rely on technology like flotation devices just to go in a medium sized artificial pool of water. This is what auto-domestication looks like.

Just because Chinks can't swim doesn't mean that this is the case for the rest of Asia. Korean women would dive in freezing water to harvest pearls for instance.

Don't know anything about controlled breathing, and probably sink because they don't know what to do. I'm guessing people who can't swim get in the water and panic, hyperventilating. Also, they probably don't know how to tread water and end up flailing around to no end.
Now you know how to stay alive.
My mom was an olympic diver turned lifeguard. I've been free swimming in deep water since I was 5. I can keep myself afloat with just restricted leg movement, controlled breathing is infinitely more important than any other technique.

This is just inexcusable. Even if he doesn't know how to swim, that pool is small enough and there's enough ledges for him to reach out and grab if he just moves a few feet to the side. You can see that he's reaching up, trying to grab (pushing himself further underwater, though).

Even if you can't swim, you can still stop yourself from dying in a fucking manufactured koi pond


They're soulless.

You have a point about the dog-eating. Cats however are numerous enough where I don't mind people having the for dinner - so long as they're slaughtered with haste. You could reform their habit of dog-eating by pointing out that the subhuman Chinks do it, and they'd probably lose their appetite. Otherwise, Vietnam is really shifting its way of life and the practice is already waning.

We have the biggest rare earths reserves but can't compete with China because they use slave labor and have no environmental laws. However, our largest rare earth mine, which stopped production a decade ago or so, has kept the pumps and safety operations going so that production can be restarted on a whim.

Either anons were right about the U.S.'s intelligence capabilities being entirely fluff or (((something else))) is at play.. And its bothering the fuck out of me that I cant decide which is more likely

ON the contrary that's how you keep the high IQ. Too dumb you die, welcome to China and this thing called natural selection.
Send all the niggers into deep water for ten minutes and see what happens.

bump to help americucks

Insectoid Riceniggers absolutely BTFO

for all the autist who can't figure it out, this is clearly a damn or some other control point for water run-off and they got sucked into a pipe or some opening.

How exactly do they stop them from buying it?

They can never be christian, you know that so why not kill them all and replace them with people who can be christian?

Human beings are only capable of so much caring for the other person. In large families, parents don't care for each individual child as much as a parent of one or two. Same goes for societies. When we hear 1000 people die of a flood we don't have 1000 times the grief as we do for an individual.
Same goes for Chinese society. There are just so many of them in such close quarters that they don't learn as much individual empathy as those who aren't living in such crowded countries.

A pipe or some opening would cause ripples on the surface. That surface had no such disturbance. The person wanted to die.


I still prefer "ant people". It's so fitting.

No white person gives half the shit you ants do to distinguish between a gook or a charlie, given whatever you blieve you arent all so different.

Really trying hard to play this cool here Tran. As if dog eating was the only stain on your outer shell. Without colonial powers and the UN propping ants like you up to immitate humans your hive would be just another precolonial India tier shithole shitting over itself all over the place.
Nice tricks Tran. Nice tricks.
Wouldnt be a true Viet without blatantly lying into the face of whites would you. Waning? Its grown so big you guys smuggle stolen pet dogs from your neighbors to Vietnam and even your officials still keep eating them.

No, I'm sure one couldn't swim so they panicked and essentially prevented the other from being able to swim/survive/save them both. If you rescue someone drowning, you must be ready to knock them out or otherwise incapacitate them to prevent them from killing you both.

Blame the Jew Goldstein for the communist cultural revolution.