I expected a total shitshow but many seem to like it. I don't know what to believe at this point. I actually enjoyed MoP so my standards are not too high, should I buy it?
Is Legion any good?
It's probably the most fun I've had with an expansion so far. I'd say yes.
Careful starting a WoW thread through, it's guarented to be filled with shitposters. In seconds.
I liked MoP too. If you liked MoP, then you'll like Legion even more.
Oh man if people like it then it must be great. Hey have you heard of Undertale?
It's not buyers remorse, it an addict getting a few whiff after a long clean period, it seems so sweet but then they'll remember why they hated it and they'll start deserting it. Even if the planets aligned and the Blizzard's Shoggoth was satisfied by the virginal sacrifices it received and granted the devs with enough time talent and money to not make a shitshow like the last 4 expansions then there's no way Modern Blizz will ever be able to maintain a level of quality. Once the contents dries up they will leave.
Despite your inb4, I'm going to go ahead and call you a shill.
Bought it. Hopefully you are right.
lets make this a legion thread.. post screens… does it have customization like Gems/Enchants? WOD sucked ass ….
How sad.
Look at this bullshit there's like 3 of them.
i like profession quests. dungeons are fun. class halls are still phone game bullshit. world quests are meh. so far i'd say 7/10. if the raid is good i can see myself playing for a while.
also this is every realm during release day, i think
so, to sum it up
Those playing it have a positive opinion of it tho. Not only Blizzdrones or normalfags either.
People think it's good in the same way people with garbage taste in anime thought the World of Guns arc of SAO was good and 'redeemed' the series.
It's godawful and by virtue of being significantly less absolutely terrible than the previous iteration, it becomes gold in the eyes of addicts, terrible casuals, and people with no taste to speak of.
Look at all the sad shills
I liked MoP so my standards are not too high. If it is as good as MoP it is fine for me.
you probably would've liked WoW more before cata
I started in TBC, I absolutely hated Cata.
Whoa stop the presses
t. - a WoW addict
Give it a few months/a patch or two and they'll be complaining as much or more than they usually do. I expect worse as the time gate grind you can see on the horizon is absolutely disgusting but isn't in full swing yet.
Not necessarily true. I hated WoD since the very beginning.
I think it may be both. Locking new profession recipes behind quests, making it so recipes have ranks and the lowest ranks require exorbitant mats, those are just some of the obvious examples of Blizz trying to slow down character gearing and progression.
It's really fucking good. It's the most "adventurey" wow has ever been.
You mean the few who still play World of Warcraft? People expected shit when Burning Crusade came and they left. They left for WoTLK, so on and so on. Eventually your left with the least intelligent people playing this game, who lap up all of Blizzard's piss.
How's the class gameplay part of it?
I played a bit right before Burning Crusade 2 came out, and both my fury warrior and ret pally felt boring and uninspired.
Is it any different now or should I just continue to avoid this
honestly I don't mind normal gating like that where you can poopsock a weekend and max something.
Its the fucking BLATANT timegating like the 4-12 hour "missions" ripped straight from farmville where you interaction boils down to clicking and hoping your 98% chance doesn't fail by tomorrow or the daily quest rep grind with no alternatives ala dungeon tabards/grindable mobs.
If there is any proof of human weakness, then wow is up there along with alcohol and drugs. But at least alcohol can disinfect wounds.
Classes didn't have many abilities in the pre-patch as they were tuned and based around your artifact abilities. Before you had a 3-4 button class with cooldowns and now you've got a 5-6 button class with cooldowns.
What? Are you fucking retarded? They revamped player and npc models in WoD. The only old models you're gonna see are in BC and WOTLK zones.
low effort shitpost
They are doing exactly what made cata so shit, remaking all the old content when they should have been working on new content. Hopefully wow finally bites the dust and it can rest for good
You people are disgusting. A few new textures and you are already giving them cash.
Yeah fuck off the addicts went back hoping it would be like the good times again like the abused spouse consumers they are. In a month they will be saying its shit and if you arent a shill you know it. Dont be a fucking retard.
This is why we don't have WoW threads anymore.
I wouldn't mind it if the statements were true but it's just a bunch of shit, then if you call them out on it, they go "SHILL SHILL SHILL"
Legion's a good expansion, that's really all there is to say on the matter.
The Garrison shit is still there, and the plot is more or less retarded like the class reworks that ruined some classes (Warrior, lolMonk, Rogue, Hunter, Death Knight). Until raids are out, current endgame is fucking terrible.
Blizzard shills will still defend this expansion until Blizzard hits new levels of retard, but if you hate it, you're not going to like it.
I was looking forward to MoP. It's a shame that expansion sucks dick.
Why does Reddit come here for attention? Less competition for upboats? It's disgusting how rarely I find a good thread in the catalog.
The Garrison mobile app is indeed shitty
Been shitty since the first expansion. Why did we have to kill Illidan and Kael'Thas in TBC again? The lore provides a retarded justification for doing so. It is not a game you play for the lore ever since Vanilla
I liked MoP
You already avatarfagged so the ip change doesn't work.
The art in the new zones is better than most games even despite the low-poly.
Compared to WoD where you couldn't even get into any server without a 3 hour queue.. Oh boy, and even WoD was considered a flop.
Warrior is one of the many classes got jipped from the reworks, and Monk is just a terrible class that keeps getting worse (Monk was awful in WoD and even in MoP depending on your spec).
I won't lie, if the garrison shit wasn't in Legion, and most of the classes didn't get screwed over I would have given Legion a chance with a Gnome hunter/Belf Demon Hunter.
Monk was fun when you could just poke and instant kill shit and Chi Torpedo did damage/healing.
And i guess the later is removed because DH uses the same "mechanic" as its bread and butter with Felrush.
Seriously, DH feels like MoP Monk did, only with a triple jump and no POKE OF DEATH from what i tried of it.
And no, it isn't any good, it is the EXACT SAME SHIT as Draenor.
Wheres the realms kiljaedan & Sargeras? Those are both known full servers.
Illidan is also missing from your list. I mean, cmon user. We all know legion will be shit, theyre expanding on the garrison bs, not removing it. You dont have to lie.
Of course they do. They spent 40 dollarydoos on it and have to justify their purchase to everyone.
It seems to be better than WoD (which isn't hard), but that doesn't mean that it's good.
I guess if you ask the same question in around a month, you'd get a more accurate answer since it seems that a lot of people simply like because it's not WoD.
Those are EU servers, not US servers (where the pops are similar).
That said, leveling experience is pretty good overall. Dungeons seem to be mostly okay, but nothing revolutionary. Artifact weapon progression isn't total dogshit. Kara revamp looking bretty gud. Haven't touched Meme Hunter or world quests yet.
Time to leave shills
It's not the exact same shit; it's worse than Draenor.
Still looks like casualized shit. Lemme know when they fix talents and bring back the old talent trees from vanilla/bc/wrath and we'll talk. Also when they remove garrisons and other anti-socializing mechanics.
if anybody cares, you can just check the major WoW twitch streams.
hours upon hours of farming rep and some shit called 'ancient mana' (how fucking uncreative can you get, blizzard)
it looks incredibly boring
And Garrison-Facebook-Minigames.
it was a dumbed down version of a dumbed down version of MUDs. it was never not shit for casual plebs
just curious, why didn't you link to the guy's video where he's already 110?
that was only two days later. what value!
people are in the comments saying shit like 'i like [x] quests even though they're dull because it's nice to have longevity'. how fucking deluded can you get
Don't know, the same way as Warlords was adored on the first week. Which the possibility of the same outcome might happen
Got bored already. 90% of the models are reused and the environments are dull as fuck. 5/10 at best.
is beyond fucked. Legion is a bunch of dindu nuffin gud goys, Fordring gets killed in the most pathetic way ==THE LIGHT GURGLLLEL== just to give the faggot pallys the Assbringer. Vol'jin dies and sylvanas becomes the new WARCHIEF because she is stronk independent dead womyn who dont need no undead-man and because DA SPIRITS SAY DAAT and by spirits they mean the progressives. Varian is also dead where he could have not jumped like a fucking retard because the alliance's gunship was able to fucking outrun the giant fel shit or whatever. Every major character is made to be a retard just so the special snowflake players can feel important BUT YOU FUCKING CAN'T BECAUSE THERE ARE MILLIONS OF PLAYERS DOING THE SAME SHIT YOU ARE DOING
Elune is the only true goddess or someshit, Illidan is the chosen one, Sargeras dindunuffin good goy he was, and ==WHO THE FUCK CARES THERE ARE INFINITE UNIVERSES WHO GIVES A FUCK==
It is fucking shit. You have shit class toilet halls aka garrisons 2.0. Everyone is running with their own Assbringer now, dks have Edgemourne.
The only good thing is that they have finally started to think from their brains instead of their asses for once and seperate skills for pve and pvp.
On another retarded note, they have limited your camera view distance and they are taking away addons next patch. The world will be very dead soon because every faggot will be on the 2.0 garrisons.
Overall the game is fucking shit. It is not worth the costs, it is not worth the time, and frankly, there are waaay better fucking games that you can play instead of this shit. Holy God, how can you fucking retards buy this shit. This user is spot on.
If you really want to play wow, go play on a good vanilla private server.
so later i found out that that isnt the list of all the realms
i found out after the guy who originally posted that in a nost forums thread mentioned it wasnt all the realms
No it is shit.
You will see a big backlash in like 2-4 weeks when casuals caught up.
They just hided everything including profession behind long quest chains so you get the impression there is much to do.
I actually 24/7 it the past few days and reached this dead zone of nuffin to do anymore.
They mashuped D3,CoD and WoW.
>all specs dumbed down excluding shadow priest
If you just want to raid and do some daily quests like in every previous expansion then you will be fine.
this is straight up false, the follower missions are pretty much trivial now and the way to progress is world quests out in the world
At this point it's just a single player RPG. Why didn't Blizzard just make that instead of gutting all the social aspects of WoW?
2/10 apply yourself nigger
god bless you goblin ass dumper
It's like they only care about porn dumps, fucking faggots
I suggest an additional stipulation:
Porn dumps are allowed, but:
-Must be related to the topic(no dumping pokeporn in street fighter threads and etc)
-All posts made only to dump porn(no replies to anything or not adding anything to the thread) must be saged
Everyone loves porn, mods. C'mon just regulate those dumps a little better and there'll be no issues.
Cry more.
I just watched a short stream of legion.
I saw a healer and dps die really early on at a boss fight.
The streamer managed to win, without his healer and without a dps.
This is the most casual shit I have ever seen compared to vanilla.
What was the tank? DK and DH have good self heals. Was it just a heroic? Heroics are baby easy, Mythic dungeons are the new heroic level shit.
I couldnt see properly, low quality stream.
I only saw two health bars drop down and the streamer was complaining how brain dead some people are in WoW.
I believe the tank was a warrior tho, since he was leaping around.
either way it doesnt matter if it was heroic or not user, thats just horrid how casual that is.
wow is garbage anyway, and people who like it are garbage too, so the porn is the only good thing in this thread
what? source
If only they just had common sense when it came to when they should enforce it.
Rules are made to moderate a community, but increasingly specific clauses are made to moderate the moderators.
nice fearmongering. next time make sure to say the actual truth, that they're breaking the easymodo addons that took all the fun and guesswork out of raids back when they were actually hard
not trying to defend wow, just get your shit together
eu trash
I bought legion.
I haven't touched it yet
I'm alt tabbed in the wod garrison. I have no desire to play it. its the same boring shit as WoD leveling.
honoestly if you want raiding head over to ffxiv
Not the one who you asked but the blizzdrones are split on this, 80% don't care because they aren't no life hardcore raiders, the 20% that are complaining that their skill of farming, grinding, generally having a second job as a raider is getting harder without those addons telling them where to go and stand.
Blizzard's track record of well-designed raid fights has been off for a while, and it's more visible since MoP and WoD (Fuck Durumu). A lot of top raiders like Fat Boss hated Mythic Archimonde and the Furnace in WoD because a lot of those fights were full of bullshit that required add-ons and camera changes to even beat the fights (they had to nerf those fights because even hardcore raids were bitching about them).
The addon changes are going to make or break a lot of raid guilds and maybe Legion. I hope Legion's raids are good (they didn't get a lot of testing until the last minute…like in WoD).
wow players need all the help they get 12 years this game has been out people still somehow stand in fire
honestly, some of the most fun i had was raiding in vanilla and I heard BC was even better. it really encouraged and reinforced the social aspect - there would be a couple guys in there who were grizzled veterans who knew the fights inside out, and would explain the encounters to the newbies. shit, the guild i was in used the starting core hounds and the big hound bosses as ability checks for prospective guildies, since they were simple in theory but required some pretty fine control (cc'ing the hounds, proper placement during the big hound etc)
i dunno, it could just be nostalgia goggles but it was hard and it brought those of us who weren't too retarded to handle that sort of shit together, and that sort of thing made wow a better game if you ask me. an addon that just gives you raid notices on what to do when and where kinda takes the fun out of it. even needing to know what animation the enemy starts when you need to interrupt or something, it made you feel more important as a raid member
But back then, bosses weren't as overly complicated or retarded like post-WoLK (even WoLK bosses had some issues). Sometimes there's so much shit going on in some fights that you really need to change your camera view. The outdated, default shit doesn't cut it anymore. Also, top raid guilds insist you use deadly boss mods even if you know your shit.
Again, a lot of the more-recent bosses haven't been fully tested like they used to be, and Blizzard won't admit they really screwed up. The addon changes will make or break Legion (the last thing Blizzard wants to do is piss off the hardcore raiders again).
muh nourish and muh heroic strike?
There is no fucking world, there is only dungeon grinding. The world does not mean jack shit anymore. Keep shilling for this shit game.
WoD was the highest sub spike since Wotlk. It failed to retain players but it was in no way a flop.
Current WoW would be acceptable if it were free to play.
It isn't so it's shit.
It sure is nice knowing you can't even discuss the possible merits of the game without some autistic baby fly-in who grabbed one too many Holla Forums buzzwords screaming shill.
Stay golden, Holla Forums.
Well yeah, it's the beginning of an expansion, so people spam dungeons to gear up. It's been like that since BC. World quests give you a small chance per day to get a piece of gear from a reward chest, and you can save up those reward chests so you're not punished if you miss a day. Also the rep grind is back, and attunements for Mythic+ dungeons through rep grind, and you do those by completing world quests.
The world is fucking full of max level people doing quests in all zones. It's because the open world quests are useful to everyone, and all zones scales to lvl 110. Open world pvp everywhere tbh a ganker's dream.
The only reason anyone's defending this pile of shit is the last expansion managed to actually be worse than fucking Cataclysm.
These beaten wives haven't seen content in two years, poor things.
It is a flop. Blizzard said 6.1 was the best patch with a straight face, and all it did was add Twitter and Facebook features. No one with a Wow account thought 6.1 was good, and everyone bitched about the shitty content, pvp zone (Ashran), and professions being ruined.
The last WoD patch killed a lot of top raiding guilds because they got bored of raiding the same shitty content with shitty bosses that had to be nerfed because Blizzard didn't fully test them (Furnace and Archimonde).
WoD was a disaster.
WoD made people defend Cataclysm. It was that bad.
I thought I would never see the day Mal'Ganis would be a medium-sized server, but I guess Goon Squad lost it's influence over the years (SA-run guilds are horrible in every MMO, and I can only imagine how horrible the FF14 goons are).
Genuinely feel bad for the "whales" that Blizzard have their Jew claws, that will forever keep paying for this shit.
Its like Stockholm syndrome.
Why Legion is good so far
The bad parts of legion
the expansion isn't perfect, but it's still good fun if you can find a guild
They got rid of enchanting, and ruined Jewelcrafting?! I know they ruined Inscription, but what the fuck?
Weren't professions supposed to be getting a ton of focus after the shit show that was WOD?
Is BG pvp any good/fun? And, do I dare to ask, is there any resemblance whatsoever of world pvp in zones not specifically designated as such?
I don't, I've been playing private servers with Holla Forums, they aren't the best but it's generally fun to see the shit Holla Forums does, not to mention some of the guys are working on their own private server
Shoulda played beta and got it out of your system then. The xpac doesn't seem too bad so far but neither did WOD in the beginning. At least they solved the "single player mmo" experience that they ended up with in wod. Got a friend who's playing and he says it's really fun as well.
Thing is, tho, wow's too casual nowadays. It's got no substance. You'll play for a month and you'll do the quests which they've made a lot more fun over the years and there'll be a bunch of new things to find and do and you'll have fun exploring the surface of the expansion. However, after you've hit the cap and got familiar with all the new things, you'll start to fall into habits that the core game forces you to do to limit your progress and have you keep playing. You'll blaze through the interesting stuff and then stop at the "endgame" grind. This used to be where it was at but due to all the casualisation of the game, this is now the most brainless and boring part of the game. You used to have to really work hard, make friends, maybe even foes with other players and work together towards a certain goal. That's what made the endgame content feel amazing. The social aspect of the game as well as everyone's struggle towards a common goal. Even during leveling for group quests, you usually got familiar with the players alongside you at least in some way since you had to actually interact with people to find and recruit them and they had to interact as well. This is not how it works nowadays. People press a button on the keyboard and click another button in the menu that pops up and then they press the same button over and over again while browsing reddit until the raid is over. This is how the game's played today. If you look for group in the in-game chat, you get ignored. People will think you're stupid since you can just use the "everything-finder". Even if you do manage to find a group doing that, chances are, people are still just quietly gonna finish the objective and leave. The new system is "integrated" within the playerbase and it's also easy as shit so most of the time there's no real reason to even discuss tactics or encourage other party members after a wipe.
Anyway, I'm drawing this out. What I wanted to say is WoW is now a single player game but the multiplayer, social aspect that is key for good endgame is dead. It'll keep you interested for a month and you'll keep playing for another month because you'll be invested into your character but after that you'll realize it's just not worth it.
ruin arms warrior REEEEEEEEEEE
ruin crafting why
They managed to make Arms worse?
They hired Abaddon to work on the spec.
They really should have just removed crafting after what happened in WoD. I really think there's no saving it after that.
I miss the days of TBC/WotLK engineering. WotLK was probably the peak of crafting in WoW.
They didn't get rid of enchanting but MAN is it a pain in the fucking ass to do now. I don't mind going out and doing quests to unlock new recipes, hey, they did that shit to unlock new skills in vanilla, whatever. But god help you if you don't upgrade those recipes or you are going to be paying out the ass in materials. Also thanks blizzard for making all of those weapon enchantment transmogs drop from old dungeons WHEN YOU CAN'T APPLY THEM TO ARTIFACTS ANYWAY
I am sorry user, but you have shit taste
It's terminal
he didn't play vanilla tho. everyone who say that the game peaked in wotlk only played late TBC through lich king.
I didn't say that, please learn to read.
We are talking about engineering here user
And it was much better in TBC and WotLK.
can't wait to play with Khadgar and all my bros xDDD
I can't believe there's fucking WoW shills on fullchan.
Are you retarded
Why can't you idiots just see that WoW has returned to it's glory days?
Have they just stopped giving a fuck now?
Theres just so many of you playing right now!
Amazing, Simply Amazing.
Well, there's still Overwatch generals.
What? what are you insinuating?
Blizzard Entertainment only provides the *highest* quality in market- I mean…in VIDEO GAMES
They listen, and care! :^)
for WoW fans, the suffering is endless indeed
Well, I think I made my case.
WoW is back, and don't you nerds forget it! >:)
Thing is, raids back in the day would put a strain on players, both physical and mental.
Not everyone was cut out for raiding back then, even though the mechanics were simpler.
Nowadays you could probably solo most bosses.
Vids VERY related.
I don't think those are the same players, m8.
Well, some of the shiteaters probably are.
So I'm guessing a big part of the player base is just defending this through and through no matter what.
Any screen caps of the blizzard defense force in action user?
There is but it's honestly all the same recycled shit
you do though, because profession quests are gated there
seriously, it doesn't matter how many times the Defense force gets rebuked, they'll just keep repeating
I'd make some screencaps but I honestly just do not feel it's worth the effort, as it's all the same rehashed shit
you should really look for yourself, it's exhausting though.
You know, this is some gourmet shit right here. It almost feels like AN RPG for crying out loud. Ahh, godspeed manbearpig, godspeed.
Wow, this thread though, wew!
People still play WoW? Why?
For what purpose.
Also, gg for getting b& from a whole expansion. Good luck with the rep grind to neutral, if it's even possible at this point. I'm sure Cata and later expansion borked as much as possible of the old game.
Raiding is just the Heroin of MMO design.
Blizzard fucked up by taking something that should have been for 1% of the player population and putting about 100% of their time, effort and budget into making more of that. All the while twisting every other aspect of the game to force players into that content.
They needed to focus on lateral challenges for raids and focus on making the world a better and more engaging experience. As 'fun' as the 'leveling' quests are, they are also a poison. They lead you to simply complete an area and move on, never to see it again. It's taken them 10 years to finally at least try and keep all zones in the expansion viable. This kind of work SHOULD have started back at the tail end of BC when they had raid/group and class balance finally somewhat working.
Most of WoW's degradation comes directly from ignoring this aspect of the game.
Talents got taken away because there was always 'the best' build?
That was because the only content that mattered was raiding and that's a very specific type of content.
Crafting becoming mostly nothing?
Because you can't have an alternative route to the carrot, heaven forbid people not raid and instead spend time crafting and EARNING something.
Exploration and a sense of world completely gone?
Because why spend time implementing systems like phased towns that require player actions to grow or rewards for exploration or areas that legitimately need small groups to explore when that's time that could be spent re-re-re designing the classes so it's even easier to raid.
The worst part of all of this is the unabashed gall blizz still has. Still pretending like 'no, we don't need to re-evaluate ourselves or our design philosophy, it's the players who are wrong. You don't want what you think you want, you want what we think you want.'
I just want Blizz to go under so their art department can leave and join up with developers that know what the fuck they're doing. Christ if they can make the unbalanced shit show that is Overwatch look half mediocre they deserve better than what they're getting.
Go fuck yourself kid. Get a life and stop trolling people who want to playing a game.
It's funny how people were more interested in raiding back when it took either autism or a drug-tier addiction to clear everything than when all the raids were dumbed down to the point where everyone could clear everything.
No amount of "boss mechanics" and fire can make players invest their time into your game if the content is a breeze to go though.
After all, if it takes so little effort to do anything, then why even play?
The whole point to raiding was getting everything organised and going through with it perfectly with other people.
Exactly. It isn't like there isn't a place for that content in MMO's. There's a perfectly healthy place for it. That place just isn't 100% of the game.
It should be that massive goal at the end of the tunnel. Maybe not just 1% like how Naxx was, but closer to 5-10%?
Something like the gates of AQ at least where the whole server needs to pitch in to open the content. Maybe even dole out rewards based on how many supplies you personally put into the event once the raid is completed.
Like you saw, the biggest problem with Naxx was that it was a huge mental and physical strain on the players.
I could really justify nerfing things like trash respawns, because failing a boss and then having to clear that shit all over again is just insane. I also imagine that was probably one of the main reasons why many gave up on Naxx entirely.
Also, 10% of ALL players is a huge number, it shouldn't be more than, say, 3% for a final raid and even that might be too much.
For reference, Naxx was cleared by 0.1% of players.
It's fine if they want casual shit in their game, but it can't be bloody welfare epics like the Wintergrasp raid that was constantly being cleared by pugs.
you mean after they made all the vanilla stuff useless?
useful things in vanilla engineering that were made useless and never got replaced - gnomish cloaking device, goblin rocket helmet, gnomish mind control cap, gnomish net-o-matic projector, flash bomb (and that's just off the top of my head, i'm sure there were more)
NEW (not repurposed with a higher lvl cap), useful things in TBC - zapthrottle mote extractor.
yep, sure got better later.
I suppose you're right. I was just thinking it would be almost impossible to justify spending really any money on content intended for only 1% of the population in a competently put together game.
Of course, one of the biggest thing is the entire existence of 'casual shit' in MMOs as a concept. Cause it never refers to any content actually intended for the mass majority to enjoy in the game, but instead… well almost entierly the welfare epic and dumbing down of raids.
Or, god help us, hardcore solo content. The hunter bow quest in vanilla was a good start (if a little fucked because you had to raid to get to it) that put a neat skill floor to content.
I'm not saying that only a tiny minority should be able to raid at all, I'm saying that a final raid should really feel like a final raid. It should be something that you work towards for a long time.
Remember, about 900 guild killed at least one boss in Naxx, but only 23 fully cleared it.
That means a lot of people got to see plenty of content stepping into the tough shit.
The real problem with modern WoW is that it has no bloody content, so it is expected for them to dumb everything down.
If you only have 3 raids then there's really not much that you can do in terms of adjusting the difficulty if you want people to be able to progress without being forced to farm two of the three raids for a year just to be able to step into the last one.
Are you lost?
I just don't get it.
Lol.This happened during WoD when fanboys tried to defend WoD until 6.2. Months into WoD, more than half of them realized WoD was awful.
The problem with that Hunter quest was gold farmers and anyone else could purposely ruin it for you by stealing your mob out in the open. The Warlock green fire quest was close to what class quests should be like. Rogue wasn't too bad despite the places you had to go through were horribly buggy.
He's just baiting
The start of an expansion is rarely bad save for Blizzard's servers shitting themselves for about a week straight, but that's always been a given. The main issue if you still like the core game after what they've done to talent trees and rotations is in them constantly recycling content at best or just not putting any out at all for months on end. I honestly can't even imagine why all but the saddest people stayed subbed for the last half of WoD, there was absolutely nothing to do other than farm old content. Ask if these people are still enjoying new stuff 3 months from now, the answer will probably change.
i was thinking at one point that for each class to progress beyond level 50, they would have to kill a sort of boss by themselves; each class would have their own boss, and you wouldn't necessarily need to be a certain spec to beat it, but you would need to git gud into order to beat it
if any players interfere(including by buffing you), you fail the quest, and upon accepting the quest, all of your buffs(including undispellable ones) are removed and you aren't able to use any non-conjured non-equippable items other than rogue poisons, and you are removed from all parties and raids, and you are unable to join any new ones until you've abandoned, failed, or completed the quest
all class bosses are only hostile towards the one doing the quest and his or her npc companions
this has patch 1.12.2 content in mind
warrior: basically you fight an elite mob who enrages at 15%, I hope you're in full plate and have retaliation off cd with good weapon(s)
rogue: basically you fight an elite mob who can cast hard-hitting spells with >2 second cast times; the spells hit hard enough to kill you in one shot easily and the spell doesn't always deal the same type of damage, but its only one school of magic; maybe there can be a similar spell in another spell that it can cast
you've got gouge blind kick kidney shot and cheap shot; use em
mage: its an elite mob that hits hard enough to kill you; basically you kite it to death and don't even need frost spec to do it
warlock: its a basic elite mob with as much hp three elite mobs; basically you chain fear+shadowbolt it to death while your minion is on standby
hunter: an elite mob with the hp of 2 elite mobs that melees really hard and can use a charge ability with a range of 40 yards every 50 seconds; kite it to death and FD+freeze trap when it charges you
priest: you fight two elite mobs, and one has maybe twice as much hp as the other and they're both humanoid
mind control one at the start and have it fight the other one until it dies, then kill the other one
druid: basically you fight an elite mob
as feral, you can engage with pounce, then rake and rip then go bear form, or you can regrowth, rejuvenate, then engage with starfire+moonfire, then go bear form before it reaches you and bear it down
as balance or resto, you can kite it with entangling roots and nature's grasp
paladin: you fight an elite mob that hits pretty hard and enrages temporarily at 30%; save hammer of justice, bubble, and LoH for then
shaman: you basically fight an elite mob, but he casts healing spells with a cast time sometimes; interrupt them
also his aggro table resets every second, and he also generates 1 aggro on you every second
you may want to creatively use your totems
and i guess for the mage boss it could stand to sometimes cast a spell that does enough holy damage to oneshot you
and the rogue boss' spells would just only deal holy damage
hunters had something along those lines in vanilla (well most classes had some cool and flavourful class quests), but hunters had to go around killing a set of powerful mobs in a special manner using their abilities in inventive ways
i also think that vanilla might've been better off it had 2 or more raids for each tier like TBC did
i know, but that was a class quest for an epic bow and quiver that required you to beat the second last boss in molten core
this was for a late game thing as well more to your point, i think it was a special bow or unlocking max level for your pet or something
and loot an item from it
Mage one sounds atrocious.
Here is how you do it :
Boss has maybe 20k HP
He swaps freely between three damage types : Arcane, Fire and Frost
When he's fire, you frost him and use flame ward
When he's frost, you fire him and use frost ward
When he's arcane you interrupt his spellcasts / sheep him or some shit
the event abominations you fight in stratholme dead side just before ramstein the gorger and baron rivendare don't even 18k hp at the most
the final boss in zul'farrak, a level 42-48 dungeon doesn't even have 15k hp
i do think there could stand to be better mechanics for those hypothetical class bosses, but at least I laid down the concepts
Increase the damage they take by maybe x2 and have it be a slug match of managing mana.
But kiting is just ……………. eeeeeeeeeeeh
Also make arcane do some targeted aoe and so you have to LoS him.
if the expansion was free I would play it.
I'm not paying 68 euros to play a game for 2 months tops, because I don't care about autistic raids. Just dungeons and quests.
It's an MMO, not a single player game.
There is no reason why you shouldn't be able to get a group for your quest.
Besides, it sounds like an autistic mess and you wouldn't be able to turn casuals into something more acceptable like that.
Fuck this really makes me want to play WoW as a healbot again.
well i guess im not so sure about the stuff then
that server sucks
just wait for crestfall
maybe if you didn't raid
fishing gave you a good fish that when cooked gave a good MPx buff so it wasa bonus on healers and magic users in raids, combined with spirit and stam bonuses from well fed bonus
Meme servers and all that.
This one is real.
How does it suck and what's Crestfall?
or when you could sell fish and make assloads of gold. Not to mention savory delights.
I don't think theres much wrong with elysium other then server pop user.
I think it might have less bug issues then servers like nost and kronos.
But I don't see why you'd want to reroll another character again. On another server that will probably have low pop also.
It's practically a brand new server with a low population of about 1k people during normal hours and everyone is undergeared.
It has a few bugs from what I noticed and is being improved and the number of people is growing slowly.
Crestfall is some vanilla server that's been in development for two years or so.
Ask in the thread I linked if you want the full story.
To compare, Core "never ever" Craft has been in development for six years now.
"Just wait for X" might as well mean play in a decade.
We're not talking about a few months here, but potential years.
what is the big deal about corecraft anyway?
It's supposed to be the most accurate TBC experience.
That means fully scripted raids and quests.
There are some other details to it as well, but I wouldn't know them.
Just go to their site if you want to know more.
There, saved you the hassle
They actually attempted to do something similar to this for the artifact weapon acquisition chains. Several specs had certain abilities woven into their respective questlines: Balance druids had to use Solar Beam on a mob in order to pass through a corridor, while ferals had to use prowl to see a hidden trail that they had to follow. Unfortunately, due to the sheer number of talent specs they had to make quests for (36, to be exact), most of them really didn't get as in-depth as the vanilla Hunter quest, or even the Warlock green fire quest of MoP.
They really should have had quests like this for the different classes all throughout WoW. Maybe even using them as a gating mechanic to unlock some shit every 10 or so levels.
Or maybe even go farther and be able to register your party with your friends with an NPC guild and get party bonuses for every unique dungeon they've completed?
But you know what? Doesn't matter. There are millions of ways they could have kept the game not shit, the point is they didn't do it.
He's exaggerating a bit here. If you played enough to complete AQ40, there was nobody in the fucking raid that wasn't revered or exalted with the Argent Dawn to become attuned.
Furthermore, I had paths around EPL, Winterspring, etc. to farm herbs without dealing with any mobs before I realized playing the AH was more lucrative.
Also, we had two or three players in our guild that played the auction house hard and were at the gold cap so we had several guild bank alts that were loaded with consumables and more bought en masse off the AH and were distributed.
The biggest bitch was farming fucking Whipper Root Tubers and Night Dragon's Breath in terms of time because you couldn't play the AH, you HAD to go get it yourself.
Also, if some other assholes slung up Nefarian or Onyxia's head earlier in the day before your raid you wouldn't be able to get the Dragonslayer buff which was fucking annoying.
As for Naxx itself, it was the same thing as AQ40, Blizz released it with a boss everybody thought was impossible, the Four Horsemen. All the bosses dropped like they did in SSC and TK did in TBC, one after another day by day until everybody hit Four Horsemen which wasn't killed for a couple months because nobody seriously thought that Blizzard expected you to use fucking 8 tanks. After that Sapphiron and Kel'thuzad dropped pretty goddamn fast.
What I'm saying is that it's not that the instance was harder than later stuff, just that Blizzard released AQ40 and Naxx with impossible bosses or ones with absurd requirements. It must have been fucking awful to been in a guild that had their main tank transfer to be tank #8 for Four Horsemen. By that guy's logic, SSC and TK were harder because Blizzard launched TBC with version of Kael'thas and Vashj that were impossible so they're the hardest and best instances since they were released with the launch of TBC and impossible until patch 2.1.
They basically removed some of wod bullshit. Like garrison that provides you with everything except a couple of reagents, making harvesting professions useless. Also rotations (at least on my unholy DK) are better.
But everything feels short and stupid. Its basically quality of life patch with minor echoes of wolk. Besides quality of life improvements after wod, everything is worse version of wolk. Same looking locations, same quests, same bullshit. Legion is not even a focus of expansion. They exist like in 3-4 locations on the map.
And dungeons have only one difficulty + increased stats versions.
Nothing is as good as DK starting quest. Only a couple of poor parodies. Also lich king on player side now. But not Arthas, the cool arrogant guy who likes good jokes, but hurrdurr guy who sits on his ass and tells you to work.
The problem withb this is how the playerbase has shifted to a more casual audience with the massive popularity that WoW gained.
You can't have content locked out to the average player because it's "Too Hard" for them.
Albiet it, I played vanilla when I was 11 over 13 years ago, and I couldn't get into any raiding guilds because the age cap was around 18/16 at the time.
I still manged to sneak into guilds as a off heal with my shaman, but I was still pretty shit and doing it since I only ever did damage in vanilla.
So, being 12 years old and have no experience in raiding back then, I was actually kind of happy that they made that part of the content more accessible to everyone, since I never got to do that shit way back when.
Now that the playerbase is braindead, and I don't want to sit and act formal with a bunch of losers in a discord, AND I ALSO JUST WANT TO PLAY WITH MY ACTUAL FRIENDS, not weirdos, I'll still never get to to anything but LFR.
Every time, without fail. Every expansion.
Blizzdrones will not learn. They are the most cucked community of gamers I have ever witnessed on the internet.
Decline started at cata. Wow only lose popularity in past years.
Yes, but that massive spike casualized and turned it into a normalfag game, and the audience hasn't really changed since then.
They just keep making things easier.
It was always normalfag game.
i disagree. i believe the mundanes really made their presence felt in wrath due to bc's popularity plus mainstream attention in media and of course that southpark ep.
I am calling it, this is the most tsundere thread to have ever been created. I would bet money 90% of the people complaining have bought the game, have a max level character and are just trying to be part of the kool kids club. Its either that or blizzard marketing has stepped it up a notch by posting really stupid shit that is not true at all so that people correct them making it seem like there is a positive opinion about legion.
Now I am not saying the game is good just that you are so desperate for this game to fail you jump on any negative and dance around saying "look at me! look at me! I was right!" its fucking pathetic.
Yeah, yeah, everything you used to like was good before. it was only hardcore good players way back in vanilla.
It wasn't Ever Quest levels of autism, but it still had some depth back then
Last part of the paladin epic mount quest followed that kind of theme. It was a group fight though, because you needed to clear a fair bit of scholo to actually get there, and that made the event itself too easy.
Priest quest for their epic staff was something funky too IIRC, but never did it personally.
Interesting. I wouldn't know about vanilla raids since I wasn't active back then, but things are definitely different from how they once were.
Yeah, one button rotations were great.
Considering how some people would rather play vanilla instead of Legion, maybe they are.
Yeah, people who complain on the internet about good old wow.
I'd rather have simple gameplay in an engaging and challenging world compared to the slightly less simple gameplay in a lobby based rpg we have today.
not to forget all the kick ass flavor spells they culled so all the super casuals don't get scared off
I've been playing it every day. It's fun but I don't know what you're looking for.
Play real games instead.
They killed Varian. Fuck them.
>unless he comes back corrupted
If you're gonna sage bomb at least keep it hetero
Nigger you are so stupid, your shit will be deleted regardless if you spoil it or not.
post grills getting fucked by orcs
Can't see Rosalinda remain popular for long (was she ever?), since pic related is never ever gonna come out.
I would read an entire encyclopedia about the making of every Mario Galaxy level. I would watch a biopic for every one of the level designers.
Took care of the porn dumper, refresh the thread in two minutes or so
wrong thread user
good luck faggot, im behind 700 proxies
You said the same thing during WoD and MoP, didn't you?
I'm not touching Legion, FYI. Pic related.
Varian was a shit character from the word go. First they made him a Poor Man's Grom, then they made him a Poor Man's Thrall until finally realising to focus on Anduin. If only they could write…
That pic. I actually feel like there is more shit to do at max level out of the box than any other expansion.
The world quests are actually worth doing, and all zones scale to 110. That means there are tons of max level players running around everywhere and all the leveling zones feel alive. I see small skirmishes constantly between max level chars next to the lvl 102 trying to collect mushrooms.
The old garrison is no more, and is replaced by the less gay class hall. In general there are a lot of other improvements that make me like it more than cata, mop and wod.
I just want official legacy servers. Hurry up and flop.
Varian was an unlikable faggot. Fuck him.
Since we are currently on the topic of vanilla private servers, can anyone recommend a good vanilla server which has an increased exp rate? I ain't got any time for the vanilla leveling, and more so want to experience final level dungeons and raids.
There are some with instant lvl 60 like RetroWoW.
Never underestimate Matzens stupidity to bring him back corrupted
stonescale eels for raidin flasks, deviate delights for money, and i'm pretty sure you could fish up essences of water in azshara. additionally, i'm fairly certain the optional zg boss required a high level in fishing to fight.
A lot of people hated him for either being a warmonger against Horde aggression, inconsistent characterization, Orcs and Forsaken dindunuffin!, having a blatant Conan-esque storyline thanks to Walter Simonson(who also created that abomination Gary-Stu Medan) and a lot of players being Peacecraft hippies, all in all, it's typical Blizzard comic book storyline bullshit where a character's death will lose its impact after the first few weeks, then utterly forgotten after a year.
Oh, they're gonna make him into a Hero for HOTS assfaggots, and someone datamined something about the "Wolf Champion of Goldrinn" the same with Vol'jin becoming a Loa, good job Blizz! great storytelling!
You might have to wait. Legion sales up to and including the first day were on par with Cataclysm and WoD. Preorder bonuses probably helped a lot, though, so I wouldn't expect quite as many new copies to be bought in the coming weeks.
Never gonna happen
3.3 million sales of legion first day. Looks like a success.
Holy shit pandaria flopped hard. Didn't know.
It always sells well at first. That's what their modern expansion model is predicated on (churning them out quicker, with less content per expansion, as famously whined about in Warlords).
The only time I would ever pay for a legacy vanilla server is if it came with adjusted talent trees to make more specs useful in raiding.
They had like 10 million subs at the start of WoD, 4.3 million subs by the end of WoD, Pandaland had like 12 million subs by the end of it because 2 years of the same fucking raid, they had about 9 million.
Blizz still won't report the total sub-count, so only true believers are playing this, even new players are getting intimidated on all the fucking content they missed and the grindfest on everything else, so waiting on that player retention.
WoD < Cata < MoP < Legion < WotLK < Vanilla < BC
prove me wrong
Forgot pic.
Sales don't mean shit after a while when the subs go down. WoD lost ~6 million subs. Subs tend to drop a month into the release.
That would kind of defeat the point, wouldn't it?
Although I'd love to see a rebalanced legacy server.
anything after cata jesus I bet you still pay for subs each month
In terms of which one sucks the most dick, you're pretty accurate.
We need to purge this fucking board
Too late fag, go cry on Holla Forums about the jews
Fuck off, kike.
Crafting was ruined with pandas and ever before that.
Dunno what blizzards bone with crafting is.
Varian is better than the little faggot Anduin who has a hardon for a baby black dragon. Seriously, why must every faggot be such a pathetic, peace loving weakling?
wew way to contribute to the death of good MMOs that WoW completely destroyed by opening the floodgates of normalfags.
There's too many fucking night elves and Tauren. I hate all nature-orientate fantasy characters. Fuck them.
Tauren are the only slightly interesting race in all of Warcraft lmao.
What the fuck? How?
They're the least revolting and the most AESTHETIC.
They're stinky indians.
uwotm8? Indians are literally my most hated race on the planet and I see zero correlation between them and the Tauren.
Too many elves in general. Horde was bad before, being 90% belves. Edge Hunters have made things even worse. I've never met a Tauren player who was a bad person, even if they might have been a bad player, so they're alright.
Feather Indians, not Dot Indians
Oh, yeah I guess. I just like them because they're fucking hueg and look like minotaurs.
go back to Holla Forums
I've had the urge to play WoW again a few days ago, but don't want to see what has happened to that game.
I installed this:
It's alright, just needs a few tweaks from the default settings to be good.
Its how they think. Most of the people playing WoW today are too invested to quit. It doesn't matter that WoD had the least content of any expansion thus far at a full price tag. Each expansion is worth a buy just to try.
Well, they changed a lot of the things that made WoD shitty, that's a reason.
And WoD was supposed to change a lot of the things that made MoP shitty, whats your point? Each new expansion nowadays seems to be marketed on the promise of fixing the wrongs of the past. That's not a very good outlook if you want to retain and grow your playerbase.
Havent seen that gif in a while
Tauren players that are bad people certainly do exist, they're just not terribly common. It's mostly males that are the bad people. Female tauren, particularly healing ones, tend to be among the nicest people in the game.
Fucking furries I swear.
Well, from what I've experienced they accomplished their goal somewhat this time. I think the class halls are much more interesting than the garrisons, and you have tons of others from your class running around doing stuff in them.
One thing I think they did a good job with are keeping the zones alive. There are max level players out doing world quests everywhere which naturally leads to constant open world pvp. I'm not sucking the game's dick, after all the core is still just WoW so if you dislike that nothing will make you like Legion.
They raped professions. You aren't feeling it yet because you aren't to that stage in progression, but when its time you raid you'll be wondering where all the depth went. And I'll tell you where it went. It went straight up Activision-Blizzards big polygendered aracial asshole.
It seems like the only point for professions at the moment are specific mounts / pets.
Crafting bags is still pretty useful, but thats WoD content.
And whats worse, this is what Blizzard thinks they need to do to bring in the casual crowd.
Casuals will never be interested in a long-running MMO like WoW. Casuals are interested in low time investment games like Overwatch. All the pruning and streamlining just further alienates the core audience that Blizzard-Activision should be focusing on retaining and recovering. The fanservice of Illidan isn't enough if the game mechanics don't reflect a return to older core design values. Gimping professions is not the way to go, especially with how they were overhauled in WoD to be easily accessible.
lurk more
Did you forget your bait flag? Doesn't matter, I'll bite.
You forgot your fag flag.
At the very least they need to fix the hybrid classes. If only because they don't work as advertised.
I enjoyed Legion leveling more than any other expansion.
Witht hat said, it looks better than WOD but it will suffer the same fate of gated content and drought after 2 months
Id say if youre bored and have friends to play it sub in for 2 months to have fun, check the content out, the dungeons raids and what not, then peace out if you didnt make more friends to play or if you didnt like it. however there is content worth of at least 2 months to mingle on.
But it should be an experience to play with friends pref.
Is blizzard really thinking I'm going to pay 50€ to try this fucking expansion?
Yes, just like you did with WoD, MoP and Cata.
Yeah, hybrid classes got kinda boned. It became clear as time went on that "jack of all trades, master of none" didn't translate well into raid environments a lot of the time. They were there for ultility or to be extra bodies, at most. Increasing the debuff limit would be exceptionally helpful as well.
I never played the pandas, and I got WoD for 8€ using ribles
But yeah, I have spent more than 3k on wow over the past 12 years (2 active accounts for a fucking decade)
Druid is a pretty fun class to play though since it gets toys and utility out the ass.
And you can always go to Northrend and kill some DETHA.
Ancients are shit though, Celestials are the best Wild Gods, Loas are also cool but keep getting enslaved by the Zul of the Week trolls too much.
Naxx was wotlk tho
Boy you best be baiting.
ITT: retards who believe everything they see and confirmation bias
If WoW is doing fine, why don't they release sub figures anymore?
I wonder how blizzards pay model works in WoW. Undoubtedly it used to be subs=cash, but with the lower numbers after really short periods in each expansion, I wonder if the sales of the games themselves maybe once every year or two years is enough to be fiscally profitable as well as a better payout than the subscription model.
Wow has always had this thing where a massive amount of players come back at start then peter off fairly quickly afterwards. Like how WoD went from 10 or 12 mill to 4 million. The question is do those lower sub numbers impact them hard enough for each expansion to be a loss in revenue, or enough to worry investors if they find out.
what's the point in releasing subs when they literally just came out and said the total number of players on at the same time is the highest it's been since cata launch
and even in the wod slump, there were >5m. by far the most popular p2p mmo
At least Anduin was his own character. For that he has way more respect from me than Varian.
But they're all shit, so that's not saying much.
Considering how much content they make for those expansions, I'd say they're pretty profitable.
I don't care whether you're baiting or not, but watch the video if you can.
True. They could have a skeleton crew on the project year round now instead of anything worthwhile and have people immediately working on the next expansion. Would explain WoDs lack of any real content other than the two patches.
I'm feeling like I should just quit and wait 6 months for the catch-up mechanics
Subs have pretty much always just been a cash machine. The sale of the expac is generally plenty to cover all those development costs. The sub cost could go into customer support and perhaps some patching down the road, but most of the patching likely has been covered by the original xpac sale anyway.
Perhaps they would earn more if they made the game free and just sold an xpac every 2 years, but its a business, so they would rather look if they can't have both subs AND sell xpacs every few years. Which is what they do right now.
gating? those quests take a few minutes unless it's a dungeon one, and there's only like 2(?) I had to do.
the worst shit is the suramar rep grind
I hate to be the "muh-inflation" guy, but they haven't raised the cost of the sub so the profits they make from those dwindle while the number of subs also sink.
Crafting professions have like 20 quests they have to do to unlock recipes and get the max-rank recipes.
yes, but most of those are >go here, talk to this person
No idea what the actual numbers are but that case used to go towards server maintenance, which is now so cheap it's almost all profit now.
So if server maintenance dropped 95% in cost, they could lose 95% of their player base and still break roughly even.
Though I obviously have no clue what actual numbers were dealing with here.
Thats why im wondering about its profitability compared to before. No doubt with 4 million subs theyre still making bank, but its still less than vanilla numbers and theyre now developing new content too. Makes me wonder what their biggest source of income is after you factor in server costs, and everything else. Course then you got to wonder how many of those subs are chinese subs.
Why bother? They already have a cash shop on top of their expansions and subscription model and people still support them, i doubt they have any incentive to change. Which reminds me they also have the cash shops, so theyre definitely making money off that too.
IIRC server costs have decreased compared to how they were. The increased price would only because they have so many and if i recall correctly theyve merged servers together so they might be cutting down on costs already.
Took me around 4-5 days to reach this point of nothing to do. including everything in suramar+professions which was not gated behind rep
If you are past all those endless quest chains there is nothing to do.
That is the endgame.
They will only add Raids and Mythic+.
Mythic+ isn't really additional content tho.
The whole expansion is a bigger joke than WoD which is why i stopped early.
you're kidding right? I cant think of an expansion that had more to do on launch
Poopsocking through all the content tends to lead to these frustrations, and happens to be the problem that caused the MMO messes of today.
And here I thought the messes were caused by WoWs shitty mmo model, compared to the previous ones, like SWG and others. But apparently its the players fault MMOs lack content and replayability.
On the bright side, Monks may be decent right now, and melees can actually enjoy raids now.
From a strictly financial standpoint, sub count is no longer the sole determinant of how much money the game is taking in, although there is certainly a correlation. Speaking of, it feels like it's been a while since they've added any cash shop shit. Which I can't really complain about.
I'll agree that the Withered quest is some bullshit, and the world quests are dailies and will probably go stale rather quickly (They've started to repeat mere days in).
If another major tragedy happened, and celebrities pretended to care about it, chances are Bobby Kotick and Metzen will jump ship with new cash shop stuff (cancer-cause pets aren't making profits for them anymore). With the subs being pretty low, even they realized more cash shop pets/mounts won't bring back the lost 5 million subs.
pet shops and mounts are all profit, its about a week's work for a small team of modellers, texturers and maybe animators to make each one and they're bought by thousands.
Those thousands aren't guaranteed every day when the popularity dies down.