Are they going to be using Norman Reedus' voice in Death Stranding or just modeling the character to look like him? His voice kinda sucks and I wonder what Kojima had planned for Silent Hills, since you never heard him talk during PT (unless you believe one of the 204863s on the radio is him before he kills his family).
Are they going to be using Norman Reedus' voice in Death Stranding or just modeling the character to look like him...
Who gives a shit?
DT will probably be about quantum immortality. Just my two cents.
OP you are the gayest motherfucking faggot I've ever witnessed. Seriously though only his walking dead voice sucks, and yes they will use his voice it's a shitton of useless work to lip synch someone's mouth correctly over someone else face.
But there's always the possibility that Norman Reedus isn't the MC.
He literally said multiple times that this has nothing to do with silent hills. It's going to be an action game.
To add on, yes it will probably be Norman's voice.
Low Roar have actually got some really great music.
So you're not Chris Benoit in this.
That was gonna make for a really interesting premise.
I dont know what the fuck Kojima is doing but it seems to involve black holes and alternate dimensions now, which were hinted at in PT but that doesn't really mean anything, certain unused ideas are expected to carry over for the "fuck you, Konami" factor.
"I keep coming" is a metaphor for Kojima himself coming inside your ass
It will be another meta-horror all hail Kojima's ego monument again.
There's really no reason to be jaded over MGSV. Konami made that suck, not Kojima.
Though to be fair, Kojima was most likely overspending on stupid shit, and dinners with his waifu.
We get it, Razorfist. You hate weebshit and want to claim the SJW that is Warren Spector is God among men. Now go back to liking the faggotry that is Stryper and let us enjoy the funny Japanese Grandpa in peace.
The plot was all Kojima, even with the lost mission it was still meta narrative that ruined it, the whole "no user, you are teh big boss" thing was stupid, there was no Naomi and Jaeger rescue, no Sniper Wolf rescue, nothing, Troy Baker was still there ruining Ocelot, Kojima still trying to make a "srs game" and failing misserably, still "nano-parasites son", I am beginning to think the even the Konami assholes knew the game would meet a large amount of criticism for all those aspects.
So anyone who didn't like Kojima's meta-narrative from MGSV is automatically a weeb hating Razorthing?
Fair enough, but did you play or watch PT?
Yes, and for a SH game it was the usual shit I could expect from people who didn't even know anything about the original games, and as usual, the Kojima style about "look for the answers outside of the game" which for a walking simulator is completely immersion breaking (the only thing those have in that case)
I'd like to see mgs done solely by kojima and all his funds.
They always do.
MGSV was good as a game.
So it wasn't really shit. If anyone cares for that fucking story, I pray for them.
Kojima will hide the theory of everything in the game's narrative and when people find it we will understand all of physics and become gods. His entire game's carrer and Konami stunt is all one big ruse so he can expose this to the entire world.
If he doesn't fucking die first that is, how old is he anyway?
The real question is will this game cost 80 million dollars and still be unfinished?
I pray for anyone who thinks any mgs has a decent gameplay
omg so many metaphors, so deep, Kojimbo is GOD
Can we clear something up once and for all:
A bunch of dead whales washed up on a beach.
Naked man is stranded on a beach. It's a stranding. A death stranding.
This is the most unoriginal "indie" shit I've ever heard
Actually, it's gonna just be like Stalker - it'll come really, really close to revealing the secrets of everything, but then all the characters/actors will just break down and it'll end in Kojima, on the verge of suicide, pleading with his son to not hate him.
Anyone got the rape scene on this epiosode but with Konami and David Hayter's faces while raping the Metal Gear franchise?
Kojima's gotta have an opinion about this Metal Gear Survive bullshit.
Konami's lawyers probably gave him another call. He won't be voicing any opinions on it.
Thing is that MGSV was the first time I played a MGS game for the gameplay and could not give two fucks about the story when it started to look like cutscenes are nothing but brooding, silent characters making weird expressions and all the actual story is in 10 minute long tape recordings.
But it was a damn good game, rarely in the last six years or so have I enjoyed playing as much as I did with this.
I bet MGS4 was also Konami's fault?
whatever happens I bet it will be cinematic
So far it's just Japs autistically making JoJo references.
Kojima dindu nuffin!
he a good boy
Somehow I get a Metachaos vibe from this.
That's basically all I gather since the Japanese always like to talk about suffering in the most obtuse way possible while trying to give quirky/fun moment as a break throughout the ride of viewing their work.
Kojima didnt even want to make it, he was somewhat energized again with MGSV since it was another MUH BIG BOSS game but Konami had their issues and it lead to MGSV never being finished and a bullshit ending being wrote in at the last minute.
If you haven't watched the Hideotube episodes, you'll notice instead of doing "Motion Capture", they do "Performance Capture", it's just motion capture at the same time, providing the voice acting.
I dont even think there's gonna be a lot of mecha stuff, it's probably gonna be psychological like PT was supposed to be minus the horror elements. or maybe it will be a horror game and kojima's a lying bastard. Maybe PT wasnt really going to be Silent Hills and it's just a ruse that it was called that near the end of Kojima's tenure at the company.
The trailer is not making me feel optimistic about the game at all. I know it's Kojima and everything, but I'm really at a loss here trying to imagine what the game could be like based on the trailer and how that game could be fun.
The setting is so god damn barebones from the looks of it, and we have this dude with a… baby?
It looks like an artsy fartsy San Fran game. I'd love to be proven wrong on release, though, I do hold a lot of respect for Kojimbo.
PT and Silent Hills is dead, user; the least you'll get is a segment in the game of what could have been and that's it.
Death Stranding will have lots of Mecha because Japanese Sci-fi influence, either that or lots of spaceships.
Nah I think it's gonna be more grounded dealing with technology that may be prominent in the next 5-10 years. Possibly involving black holes and dimensional breeches, based on the equations on the dude's neckplates. It's almost like he was part of some kind of experiment that went horribly horribly awry…or perfectly right since there are 5 figures over him at the end of the trailer overseeing whatever the fuck they just caused, one of them rumored to be Mads Mikkelsen, which should make for a pretty interesting dynamic.
the lengths to which kojimafags go to defend their prophet never ceases to amaze
Kojima is merciful and Big Boss is his prophet !
Do you say that well will get Half Life Solid?
Mikkelsen's Twitter account actually posted an article that stated he may be in Death Stranding.
I don't know if that's subtle confirmation or if his team (it states on the page that the account isn't run by him directly) is just trolling his fans.
yup, it looks like some quantum shit, probably just an exucse for the setup of the game tbh
I guess it never hurts to be optimistic lel