And To Think I Had Doubt

Make America Great Again

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I'm guessing all the DACA losers get amnesty then?

The tweet is a video snippet of paul Ryan cucking to POTUS demands. The Wall is going to get full funding, he's really panicing about it to, kek.

If it's in exchange for 1 million spics getting free amnesty yet a-fucking-gain then what's the point? Apparently anyone that does make it over the border gets free citizenship as a reward for illegally trespassing. The foot needs to come down on amnesty, since goddamn Reagan this amnesty shit keeps happening repeatedly (while all the presidents claim this is the last time for realz).

I'm going to wager that they receive residency, but not citizenship.

Now we just need them to not cuck on DACA and amnesty in general.
A tall order but it can happen.

Actually from the news I'm reading Dreamers are getting taken by Ice if they so much as have a single bag of weed they're not supposed to have. And this tweet is primarily about the upcoming budget, since Ryan and others of his ilk have careers at stake.

we'll fucking see the narrative changes daily

Yeah, man… Now all you have to do is pass the budget and win all those legal battles for imminent domain, which can take years each.

That's because it be impossible to tell whether he's /ourguy/ or a Zogbot because if he made it too obvious where he stands one of the two sides would have his head.

If he signs that bill declaring white nationalists "terrorists" like he indicates he will, I think we can figure out where he stands.

Walling you Nazi's in for genocide.

Here's the captcha I got when I reported you.
Now bow before the oven, kike.

You mean news that has been carefully curated for consumption.

when's the part where Mexico pays for the wall?

I'll gladly take salt as a form of payment.

youre a fucking idiot if you dont think the entire government is pozzed through and through with the virus that is jewishness.

Paul Ryan looks like he's giving a eulogy.

I stick to fringe sites.

Meanwhile in Mexico, the former president who bitched many times at Trump started to bitch again. This time being more of a faggot with the most annoying smug on his face, proclaiming himself on becoming the next candidate of US presidential elections.
No wonder that rat let his country be reduced further into a shithole and wants to escape to the US.

Boycotting the wall is antisemitism, goy.

We need 3/3 things from Trump to prove he hasn't kiked out on us:

1) No amnesty
2) Wall
3) Don't sign anti-WN bill the Senate just 100/100 approved

I'm quite concerned tbh

it's ok user I do it too

Pretty sure we are going 1 of 3 or 0 of 3 on those things, user.

Did they pass that law making it a felony to boycott israel yet???

Ryan cucked because Kikebart busted him for saying at a private dinner that "there will never be a wall". He's getting royally fucked here

Let's seehow he spins it when Mexico doesn't pay for the wall.

Our guy Bannon on the offensive. I guess he was right about being able to do more from outside the White House.


I literally fucking called it. I said that Trump was going to do that, and maybe even bake it into a "subsidy for Israel".

Although, the way I'm reading it, that just says that an Israeli company is going to be one of the eight competing for the bid. We'll see how well they do.

2 isn't going to happen. 3 is, and 1 has a slim chance of happening if we hold his feet to the fire.

If he gives them anything. He won't be re-elected.

Why would he want Israelis to build the wall? Can't Americans get the big infrastructure contracts and jobs for once?
He's gonna get ripped off on this wall either way, but I'd rather Americans at least be benefitting from it.

Fucking end yourselves already holy shit


have some oc

We need to build the wall to have a highspeed rail on top of it. That way the politicians would be forced to meticulously maintain it instead of letting it fall into disrepair or simply outright demolish it for virtue signaling.

We also need the equivalent of a Wall Commissar to make sure it get's completed. Look at how the cucks are doing everything they can to delay or stop the construction.

They know how to deal with brown vermin.

how about you remove the cucks from power?


If only he would actually do it.

He is either:
A) Cucking for Israel.

B) Forcing the Kikes to fight among themselves over shiny shekels and gibs.

Keep doubting. In complete seriousness I have had the exact same goal posts for Trump since he was a candidate in the primaries. Until I see the wall being built (without any cucking on immigration), removal of H1B visas, and renegotiation of trade agreements with China he is all talk. Nothing less than these three things will turn the economy around and unfuck the country. Even then, if he really is being serious, with all the drama and dick jerking by the time these policies are solidified, the bubble economy will pop and normalfags will no longer have the choice to wait for political solutions to solve their problems.

In every other thread they play the "wtf I hate Trump now" game.

oh thats a good OC
I request your next picture be skelies with trump hats.

I'd say the 3 things to prove his not a kike are:

1)Tell the truth about 9/11
2)Stop the (((war))) in Syria
3)no amnesty and wall

what a world we live in. daily reminder elections are meaningless

Jeez. Didn't see that one coming.

Zero reading comprehension.

I can't believe that this image takes all of ten seconds to read and people still jump to conclusions that Israel is building the wall.

The wall already had $2,000,000 aka one third of a holohoax set aside for it already.

Wait, are valuing a Jew at the rate of $1 each?

I want to believe.

I'll believe it when I see the damn thing built. Ryan is a fucking cuck and a snake. The fucking piece of shit democrats are masters at always finding a way to defeat shit in the most trivial ways, and the fucking republicans are the biggest bunch of cowardly cucks the world has ever known.

I want to believe. I want to believe. My heart is tell me maybe it's possible.

My brain is saying the spics are somehow going to get amnestied. Or some fucking judge will halt it somehow. Some fucking kikey way. Something is going to happen to fucking rip my fucking heart out yet again. As it happens every fucking time i think we get close to something.

I'm sure there are millions of Americans who would donate time and materials to build that goddamn thing.

I would literally take vacation time, sick time, whatever it took. I would be down there in 100+ temps in the fucking Mojave Desert laying bricks on top of one another, pouring cement, digging anchor points, surveying the topography —- alongside another fellow white man. I'd do for FREE. I'd even bring my own pallet of bricks or sacks of concrete.

Hell, I live next to some old volcanoes. I'd mix up the far-superior Roman Concrete now that they figured out how they did it. And have some Cali Anons truck over some seawater. Make that fucker last.


low efforT


Hey, shills work with what they have.




I'm waiting for labeling China as a currency manipulator, which they are. It's the single most important thing on the list for me. If that happens it sets precedence for stopping China stealing the west blind. It has to happen.

I've never understood why the label matters. I want to see tariffs, if it makes the chinks happy we can say they're not currency manipulators while we destroy their economy.

Because if they're a currency manipulator then that means that they've swindled all the money they've gotten from the currency manipulation. Because the kikes have moved the entire industrial infrastructure of the west to China, this means that a huge part of the debt most of the west have incurred because of this is void.

Basically it would be a way of setting a precedence that China has no legitimate basis of collecting much of the debts. As it is now, China is being set up to be the next feudal lord of the world because obviously the kikes plan to use China as their next parasitic host when the west crashes and burns into race-war and whites become minorities in the west.


I really hope that card has been thoroughly checked for hidden recording devices.


Jewing the jew.

Trump fucked up big time, there's no defending him pushing amnesty. He's sacked everyone bar Miller and I doubt Miller was involved

Because they have actual experience in doing so?

And you can get all the congressman on AIPAC payroll (so, most of them) to vote for it?

Going to cuck China on the prettiest wall.


Experience with what? A losing hand? Accusing everyone else of what they are guilty of? Hell, my boomer parents are wise to it now. Keep pushing, anyway.

Ths reeks of (((Ivanka))). Trump never poses a question in such a faggy effeminate way.

Disappointed tbh
What was the point of the republicans controlling all three bodies, when they still Kowtow to dems?

Nepotism doesn't work outside of trades/

These are Nancy Pelosi's words, it's blatantly obvious. Guy is retarded.

He was great when he was just repeating Flynn and Bannon though.


You're giving yourself too much. Nothing worse than an idiot just dumb enough to think they're a genius.

A speech written by Steve Bannon who's no longer in the White House.

It's his (((handlers))) writing the speeches now.

You are fucking retarded.

Pelosi has been getting Trump to tweet reassuring garbage for spics as part of the deal, he has never talked like that.

Just yesterday there was a story about Trump trading tax cuts instead of the wall for amnesty. Now it appears we are getting both tax cuts and the wall.

I'm willing to bet Trump rejects whatever new amnesty bill comes through now. He's gotten what he wanted, and now he can tell the (((Dems))) to eat a fat dick

He's fucking retarded for being so vain and not knowing the damage he has caused himself.

This isn't just a lack of obvious public information, right? Not like I want to bully faggots but it's all right out there. Most of these niggers seem more interested in bringing back /fringe/ and -

not knowledgeable on it tbh

He can't reject it you fool, it's quid pro quo

This feels like when HWNDU happened, this now with weather. And the kikes came along. How much of it is waterheads, how much of it is D&C?

He can do whatever the fuck he wants you nigger.

There are options, he doesn't have to suck up to the democrats.

He doesn't have to but he has been and probably will continue to

I heard 4chan really loves blackpilling niggers like you and (((ba34e1)))

Go back

I can't handle this fucking stress, man.
This whole administration has been one long roller coaster.

Don't you have a thread about Nazi tunnels in Antarctica to be posting in?



What? This is when it gets fun. Feels like the days before 9/11.

What the fuck do you think this is? He had NO reason to cuck over DACA. He wanted to, for whatever shit they offered him. He has to sign amnesty for whatever the bill on shitty border money is, or he has zero credibility.
He has no reason to ask for amnesty in the first place, so there is no excuse for this.



I guess the payment was a shitload of dreamers.

Fuck off, still sending me and mineown to fight for Mossad.

Any real source that the wall is happening?

Enjoy amnesty you spic

Reminder that the 88D chess isn't a meme, (((they))) have the "best" political analysts in the world trying to figure him out and he's always one step ahead.

It's been long enough my nephew is going out now.

Especially you, fuck off.

This is what I expected. The art of the deal.

Let DACA illegals in, get wall.

In one way, it's fucked up to deport kids (were they all beaners, can't they be whites from south africa?) that had no fault, but.. the wall is not enough to let them stay.

You seem upset.

Thank goodness I was kill before being called. When your family sees you back in one piece and their kids look at you to go fight for MOSSAD too.

I scare the little fucker. I give him the full story.

What was the point of the wall if you're just going to let them stay if they get in beforehand?
Why does he even need to balance the two out? Don't the GOP control both the Senate and the HOR?

Amnesty should mean no jail or fines for illegal border crossing. I would live with that as long as illegal aliens are still deported.

Apart from there being no wall. It's Reagan part II, end of a nation.

Can tell him a bit about operations. Without going full power level.


I think donators to the GOP have some businesses that pay DACA illegals minimum wage. They need them to stay.


and there's always this


How are there non-citizens in the military?

He's a hard kid, show him the photos and what a body looks like after four tours. I guess I have to just tell him about MOSSAD.

…whatever the fuck that is, it doesn't sound like a wall. I'd rather him just sit on his hands for the next 3 years than make crappy deals. Make the swamp pass this bullshit with their veto-proof majorities if they really want this shit, but don't put your name to it.


Really makes you think

What in the actual fuck?

Let me guess 1488 gorillion dimensional underwater chess? Fucking Reagan 2.0

This is before you faggots got wise and moved.



And of course, all of the replies are the leftists shitting on him. The same leftists that he's pandering to right now. Good one, Trump. Nice "pivot".

What wall? The wall that still has no funding? The wall that you can apparently just walk around and get citizenship the moment your foot touches American soil?

What response other than "We told you so" did he expect from the left for this absolutely retarded u-turn?


You gays were late, there were just fun OPs with Holla Forums before you queers realized how bad it was. Holla Forums was even ahead of you. You missed a lot of shit that is still stuck in many minds.>>10602920


The 'tism of mussing with somone's public project is golden. There was also that dumb game about getting long out enough to set a message.

You queers didn't jump on it bigger that Holla Forums.

Mouthness really did it for a lot of normalfags.


When was the last time you operated outside of photoshops? That faggot Mouthness dev had to (((fix))) it afterward.

Tay may have been the last.


A literal comment in cuckchan right now-

They're not even saying "we told you so". They're calling him Hitler and saying that he's "projecting his xenophobia". It doesn't even make sense. He's pandering to actual, literal crazy people.

Came here to post that, Trump really went full cuck with those tweets. What happened to keeping families together and deporting the lot?
I guess the wall was real in his mind.

Don't celebrate just yet, you fool. He's trading amnesty for border funding. But you know how this is going to work, right? He grants amnesty off the bat, and then he has to hope that congress continues funding security in the future.

What will really happen? We'll legalize these beaners, and then they won't uphold their end of the bargain and give us a wall. It's a BAD DEAL

Paying rats to build up fences isn't even a wall, the bastard sold us out.

What a piece of shit. The fact that they hold jobs is the ENTIRE REASON they need to fucking go.


All this whining.
I pitty the fool who doubts the Emprah

I for one still support him. Cue the moist whining. We will get the wall and spics will be deported. Mark these fucking words


Trump sees himself as "The Great Unifier" in a vein similar to Ronald Reagan. When in fact all he is doing is selling out his base no different than the last 8 Presidents. Trump will only be a single term President because I will simply "not vote" in the next US President election. God Damn fucking cunt

Trump would have you jailed if he could for the use of Nazi era images. You are a fucking cuck boy tool.

It'll honestly be interesting to see what Trump's 2020 campaign will be like without the massive grassroots campaigning by the internet on his behalf. If he goes through with this shit, I'm fucking done.

One of my heroes was jailed for his beliefs. He wrote a pretty good book too , you should read it. I would be honored to be imprisoned as a Nazi thought criminal.

Get fucked shillbitch

Serving in the military is one way foreigners can attain US citizenship. It's not a guarantee though, there are certain goals you have to hit and there are plenty of people who joined, served their time, never got citizenship, and then got deported.

This is how amnesty has always worked, and there's no evidence that Trump got any concessions for anything.

Yes I did want that because it's preferable to civil war.
Oh well. Dehumanize and face to bloodshed it is.

he can bill Clinton them. (after the regal amnesty where the Dems promised to enforce the border, bill Clinton stopped that enforcement.)


Dehumanizing is rough. For the longest time I thought we might be able to get out of this rut in a more civil way. These last tweets sound like we will get the exact opposite of all that was campaigned for during the election, a betrayal of the voters that backed him. The fuck is going on here?

Notice how shills were crying that thread should be removed.

Shoot the cucks blocking trump.

Once they are gone we get what we want.

How should I kill myself?

Suicide bomb a synagogue.

No, if one was inclined to do something like that, hypothetically of course, then they would want to choose a target that would produce larger ripples of chaos. Like a Fed Reserve bank, high profile CEO, et cetera. De-stabilization of the system is key.

Well now that all depends. The deal still has to be good for "both sides." kek.

some of you rabbis are alright.


If the wall actually gets built, who gives a shit who pays for it? The cost of the wall is peanuts in the grander scheme of federal government spending.

Many firms are constructing prototype walls. Building a prototype wall is part of the bidding process.

He still betrayed his intention. Anybody who ever speaks in defense of Paul Ryan should receive a permaban.

Find a way to die with honor and ascend to Vahalla.
Search your heart for that answer.

Why don't they go home and make their own countries great so they dont have to ruin the 1st world en masse?

Who so anti-semitic, goy?

Even if we accept the premise of educated third worlders who can make positive contributions to our nation, how could any "progressive" think it's okay to poach them from their native country, which surely requires their contributions more than America?

India has terrible public health. So if all of these Indian doctors in America are actually good doctors, shouldn't a white progressive want those doctors to remain in India instead of getting lured into America in pursuit of greater profit? Isn't improving Indian public health more important to humanity than an Indian doctor getting more money in America? Of course a "progressive" jew wants those shitskins to come to America to further white genocide, but why do the useful idiot white progressives think this is acceptable? They're very critical of capitalism, except when it involves "educated" shitskins abandoning their home countries and coming to America.

I just don't get that. I guess that's why they're called useful idiots.



Not even for novelty

Nobody here gives a shit about the twitter faggot.


Wait i'm confused, so is Mexico paying for the wall?

You guys tired of winning yet?


So we keep only the White ones.?

The wall is going up by armed militia guard if they think they have any goddamn say in the matter they are under the impression they are important.

G-men are worthless. It's all on the people. They think they have stature and status. They are just boys in a big guy's nation.

Nothing worse than a queer hiding behind paper.

How the fuck did you do the first picture?


Too many fucking ricenigger black widows ending clueless mayoniggers.

Holy fuck, shut the fuck up. No it isn't. It's not fucked up to deport children at all. There's just two, very simple things you have to do.

Wow, that was so cruel

Considering their success at keeping terrorists out - even preventing them from building tunnels - it'd say they have a great track record.

I will join
