Ooohhh shhiittt


Other urls found in this thread:

Ur ready for that diverse progressive gameplay?

This is why western games are trash.

I mean all of them. No game without "progressive" bullshit or hand of sjw. Even Duke Nukem. Duke fucking nukem.

That's it, i am switching to constantly play japanese vidya.

That explains why the Duke 3D Megaton Editions were all taken down.


Really ? Wew.
I guess they didn't want people buying a cheaper version that rougly has the same content.

I had no expectations whatsoever and I still ended up disappointed.

They're just making fun of progressive thinking right guys? He's going to shit all over it…..right?

did anyone even ask for this?

Is everyone in this thread retarded? It says "progressive thinking" in a sarcastic way. I'm not going to weigh in on whether this shit will be pozzed or not, but that line right there is fucking sarcasm, you triggered faggots.


This is Gearbox we are talking about.

There's good and bad everywhere, for every Platinum or Kojipro game theres a bunch of weeb shovelware. If anything you should spend your time exploring for old games that you never even knew existed.

This is what I thought too, but then you have to keep in mind

Did any of you fuckers even watch the goddamn thing. It's just a joke.


What do you think

Anyway, this is going to be a shitty cashgrab that in no way will ever top Megaton Edition in terms of content, ME had all the expansions refurbished, as well as the older versions available for you to play, a level editor, and co-op. I GUARAN-FUCKING-TEE that Gearbox will sell these 20 year old expansions as actual DLC and thats why it isn't included in this release, a bonus episode with gearbox approved pozzed writing isn't going to make up for that

How come I'm not laughing?

I watched the Gearbox stream. With Randy Pitchford singing "The Bigot Song" because he was so hung over one tweet, I don't know what to think anymore.

So she's readind, painting, eating, listening to music and playing video games at the same time?

And Megaton was made by a fucking cripple, with a hospitalized wife, and he used the proceedings to pay for her medical bills.

But then Pitchford comes along, the slimy, filthy crypto-kike, and bullshits their contract away, doesn't give the guy a cent, and sends his internet followers to shit on the cripple for good measure.

Fuck Gearbox, I hope everyone there and their families dies of ass cancer.

It's a joke.
I swear Holla Forums gets triggered so hard by the stupidest shit i can't tell the difference between you guys and the problem glasses tumblerinas.

You both jack off to the same porn too, so what's the point of differentiating you anymore.

People keep on forgetting that Randy always plays the victim.

Lemme guess, it's just Duke3D bundled with EDuke32?

You're worse than Bethesda and BioWare fans combined.

Worse, it doesn't even have the expansions


Did even Duke Nukem 3D on XBLA pull that shit? Because I remember it costing 10-12 dollars.

It's too bad that jap games have been declining in quality drastically even without SJW bullshit.You fucking weeb

Is this revenge for laughing at that giant moneysink failure Stillborn?
Feels like it is.

Fucking Pitchford.

I hope you know Torgue is taking the piss out of that whole thing. Hes portrayed as an asshat that just believes anything you tell him.

What else is new?


I can't tell if this is sincere or satire.
Poe's law is muddling everything.

What happened to Megaton Collection?

The sad thing is, Western games use to be pretty unfaggot shit. Now look at them. I am glad I made an archive of all my old games. As for Japan, they are barely fighting back anymore.

Have to disagree. I am playing right now pirated copy of Atelier Sophie and i love it. Along with Super Robot Wars.

You just need to have good taste in japanese video games.

Gearbox shut it down.

Randy Pitchford is a subhuman piece of shit.

SJW or no, vidya is dead. You have to usually pay 120+ for a full game with little to no replayability and little gameplay to begin with usually only taking a couple of hours to beat and see everything. If the DLC is a campaign add another hour to your play time, if that.

That's why I don't really care to much about our hobbies death, it has been on the decline since 2010 and this years E3 was the equivalent of beating a horses skeleton.

I will never give up my old Japanese games AND more old western games. There is no reason to buy any of the new shit coming out let alone pirate it. Just have to keep digging for good games.

Gearbox took it down, along with a bunch of other Duke games that they dont own the rights to or cant make money off of.

Are you all on crack cocaine or shills trying to manufacture fake controversy ?

95% of the time, people talking about Poe's Law is codeword for "I'm too autistic to have any situational awareness".
fucking autist

It was pulled a couple days ago. Otherwise no one would buy this new, more expensive version.
They must've learned from the example of the Fable Anniversary edition.

Is it me, or do the new lines sound completely lifeless?

Nah, I already have good taste in Western games. Super Robot Wars is pretty good though

I still have no idea how "progressive thinking" can be interpreted as anything but sarcasm. They have duke do duke shit in the trailer right after the line, so clearly it can't be that they completely rewrote the game or anything and completely pozzed it.

oh my god. oh my fucking god i hate videogames.

John St. John is probably only doing the job for the pay check at this point.

Duke says 'Bazinga' for fucks sake.

sauce on the left image


GIDF please go


one of the gauntlet games I think.

no idea which one.

Can we ruin Pitchford's life, please?


I wish I didn't hear it.

Siri, how do I kill myself?


I feel hurt.


I did warn you.

Is this true ? It's like Gearbox got the IP only to shit on it. Megaton Edition was already enough as a remaster, it had everything you could want if you wanted to play Duke 3D in nice conditions.



Gear box I swear to fucking god don't you even think about making this slightly less convienent for me.

You tell me


Wait, it didn't for me
If you own Megaton you're getting this shit also?

There was a time when these shooting games quoted good campy action/horror flicks. Now they quote bad sitcoms. I want off this ride.

I want Holla Forumseddit to leave

How is this dude still in fucking business?

I don't know it won't even open a game page for it when I click on it.

Nice ID

Hey, girl, can I have some POCKYâ„¢ too?

They survived SEGA suing their ass for having curryniggers fuck up Colonial Marines.

My guess is a pact with Satan. Pitchford is into magic.

They are selling this game that is basically like a fanmade mod for 20 fucking dollars.
Duke nukem 3d is a 20 year old game

This a 20$ mod for a 20 year old game

Even ignoring the political shit this is a daytime robbery.

Yeah, I don't know why anybody would think Gearbox would shoehorn politics into their games.

Seems to me you've not seen the trailer you raging faggot.

Thanks, saw the link after posting, I skipped because I thought it was funposting. Beliebe it or not, Blazongo and Duke is the last connection I would have ever done before this post.




You are a colossal cocksucker.


I doubt they'll make a lot of sales with it due to all factors combined. The 'new' demographic they're aiming for isn't interested, the people who loved the old Duke already have it and the rest doesn't care because it's so expensive.
One can hope they'll go bankrupt.

There was a time I wanted some games to be brought back, but considering how just about every game remade has been a colossal disaster I say keep good games alone.

We are coming for you Holla Forums. You'll be the first ones against the wall.

That's the pre-sequel. Gearbox had nothing to do with it.

But it's so easy to make this game, they have next to 0 investment needed.

It's like blizzard making a couple of maps for starcraft 1 and releasing them as a game for 20 dollars.


The hypocritical backstabbing fuck is even using old 3drealms employees names as a selling point. I read the faggot claimed credit for maps developed entirely by levelord on the atomic edition back in the 90s.

It's a parody goys.


That's why I'm hoping they made it, they don't have money for anything else since Battleborne was a failure.



Btw, Blizzard is already making a remaster of SC1.


We've already had a bunch of JA reboots. They were all shit.

Let alone fucking DragonSpear.

So they actually got new lines, maybe even replacing some?

I completely forgot about Back In Action holy shit. It was terrible.
How did Flashback turn out ? I remember at one point the devs basically said "we're gonna add the features you want but only if the game sells".

Well at least they will pretend to redo some textures and plan to call it an HD version.
This is an outright mod with nothing new graphically.

It's still a shitty practice, like with AoE2 HD or Heroes 3 HD. But this duke thing is a new low.

I was under the impression that it was a good remaster? It's got workshop and it runs perfect on every computer I put it on, and it's pretty cheap while it comes with all the expansions and whatnot. Is there something I was missing?

Caleb is the only one they didn't buttfuck yet, but I guess it's just a matter of time.

i don't see what the big fuss is about for the love of god kill me now

Shit too. Basically, if you want anything close to JA2 all you have is 7.62.

Blood's IP is in limbo because Atari don't want to hand it to anyone, last I heard. Devolver approached them some time ago but nothing came of it.

I can easily see him trying to pull this shit.

Don't worry, Atari hoards all their IPs like dragons with the army of a thousand soulless lawyers, and proceed to do fuck all with it besides casual games.

You think they'll pull some Alone in the Dark Illumination shit on it?

How the fuck does Atari own Blood?

I thought the trailer was funny. Everything was sarcasm.

That bazinga quote isn't in the trailer.
Also I already own the other fucking duke modern port. Not I feel jewed.

The new Shadow Warrior was actually good and pretty faithful though, and SW2 has yet to release but it will ultimately probably be much of the same, unless you want to autistically go into details about the "botched" combat.

I need to know more about this. If there is not actual article about it, I need someone to write one full of sources so I can make sure everyone sees it. Because I want to counter every person who says "Man, I can't wait for Borderlands 3…" with how much of an asshole Pitchford is.

It's among the better ones but it's 20$ for the base game and the 2 expansions are separate one costing 9$ and one 8$.
And all of that so you could play as KANGS that really do reach the castle age.
Netcode is so-so in multiplayer. Some issues were resolved, some are left to work on.
As far as I'm concerned this is too much of a price for a game that old.

you don't understand goy, you can't even fathom the raw processing power it requires to hear Jon St. John saying newly recorded epic current year memes like BAZINGA xDDD!!1

Jesus, fuck I didn't know that. I bought that shit for like $12 max during a sale.

Shame. Well you're right, we can still replay JA2 or 7.62 when we feel like it but it's kinda frustating nobody doing worthwhile with the IP. Though from what we've seen from the last decade, this may not be a completely bad thing.

Besides drunk Slavs is there anyone in the industry left that gives a fuck about making complex games like Sir-Tech?

Seems to me all they shit out nowadays is sequels to shit games, walking simulators and pixel turds.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but was this the ONLY thing Gearbox even announced? A $20 remaster and Pitchford singing about GamerGate on stage. Was that the entire thing?

If Megaton is now gone from the store and the workshop is shutting down soon, is there a way to download all the workshop maps at once?

I want to see how bad its going to be now, are they trying to be as cringe-tier as possible?

To be fair, there wasn't that much on the workshop from what I can remember. A lot of boring shit that could be downloaded from any Duke fansite.


I think they are all on nexus and Mmob or whatever thee other site is.


Alright, I just didn't want to lose out on playing through a great map, forever.

I would play japanese vidya if any of them were fun.

Watched the shitshow yesterday and even twitch chat didnt buy this garbage, burn in hell gearbox.

One of my friends is going to buy the re-rape. Someone please post the fucking image giving the rundown on how that slimy kike Pitchford screwed the Megaton dev so I can fucking stop him holy shit.

You're probably right. Besides, a good JA-like game would require a good budget to make because you'd need :

And probably a shitton of other stuff. Hell I mean even the simple fact that the bullet physically travels after shooting and a hit depends on what's between you and your enemy instead of a binary hit/miss tied to chance to hit is something that hasn't been done for a long time.
I think our best bet if for a talented autistic guy to shit out mechanically sound game and rake in enough dosh to make a sequel which will by then be on par with the production values of JA2. Even if quality hit rock bottom, we still get games like NeoScavenger from time to time.


Any mapper/modder worth his salt wouldn't upload his shit to only one service. That's bonehead retarded.


All the autists are working on 1.13 though. There doesn't seem to be much interest in making a new game.

And honestly speaking, I'd pay for a few new campaigns based off 1.13.

[Makes Trump Joke]

Fuck Red Cross, seriously.

Professional Victims ladys n gents

True, good campaigns on 1.13 might be enough. Besides that way we know the gameplay won't be shit.

That was actually pretty alright.

Had a modest chuckle.

Who is this fag who constantly posts 9gag memes in every thread?

Randy made this song over this twitter spat.
Yes he is that pathetic.

He got fucking burnt for it on twitter

Do i report the game for hate speech or defamatory?

Did anyone even watch the video?
It seems to be just a repackaging of Megaton Edition mostly but for the retards who are upset that Gearbox has made Duke 'more progressive', did you even bother to check the video?
Is everyone here just playing along and I'm the idiot?

Idk, I think it's kinda cute tbh. Good changeup from the standard affair with reaction images. Why the fuck do you care? These meme types haven't been spammed since 2010, not even my mom fucking uses them anymore.

I wonder how difficult it is to read a thread.

At least not all the people on the Steam forum are falling for this cash grab.


Yes user, you are the idiot.


This is a board filled with nostalgiafags, yet here you are not applying that logic to memes. If anything, YOU'RE the faggot screaming the overdone "cancer" meme.

Just checking.

God, if you exist please kill this fucker. Please.

He'd have been better off dead.

Jokes on them, I already own Megaton Edition.

Gearbox needs to die, they have never ever made anything good since OpFor.


Christ, you're a faggot.

What a retard.
Do you suppose he ACTUALLY believes his own crap?

that's my view on pretty much every old IP now.

Literally not even grandparents like them anymore. If anything, they're bleeding edge in terms of irony at this point. Enough with your bullshit, you're clearly the type of faggot who thinks nigger memes and harambe are "le top kek worthy ecksdee"

Same here and to be honest I think everyone that wanted to replay Duke3D either got that or just pirated the game.
I just hope it bombs so hard Gearbox loses faith in the franchise and stop doing anything with it and maybe, just maybe, in 20 years someone that cares will buy back the IP and do something worthwhile with it.

We went from shit to double shit.

You were the same fag in the WEBM (?) thread a few days ago who replied with the "fuck you" WEBM, I know you posting pattern bitch


The only original game he made for the franchise was known for being terrible, and now he can't even do a HD re-release right.

Do you think the new levels will be easy to rip out and pirate to play with other versions of Duke3D? It was neat when that happened for Doom II's 'No Rest for the Living', bit I don't know how much easier/harder the process would be for Duke. I posted in the wrong thread like the retard I am

In 20 years, men will be illegal.

Not "The King, Baby"

What a fucking tool box.

I'm so close to doing it. Fallout is rape and dead, Baldurs Gate raped, The Elders Scrolls is just a fucking empty vessel, Kings Quest is raped, Duke is raped some more, Time Splitters is dead, Metal Gear is a rotting corpse, Resident Evil is dead.
Fucking kikes, all of them.

Every remake is sucks and everything is censored.
I want to die again and be reborn in a better place.

He paid millions to take a dump on his legacy you shitlord.


Okay great so Megaton Edition no longer works for me this is fine.

nigga, just play old games you missed. Old games are a thousand times better than new games anyways. Hell, I just played Thief for the first time and had a blast. Go back instead of looking forward because anything you were looking forward to will more than likely be shit. Really, these devs are doing their best to get you to forget about great old games.

No Rest for the Living was fucking terrible compared to its contemporary level sets on PC.

webm threads don't even work for me, and most of the content is boring, so I don't go in them. Even if I did, I couldn't give a rats ass about rulefagging or whatever you're going on about. You changed those goalposts pretty quick though, hoss.

What's that even supposed to mean?

normalfag crap.
Jesus Christ user. Are you actually a frequent user of this website?
How old are you? You sound underage.
Image macros are very much normalfag trash and shouldn't be used.
Please remove yourself from this site or an hero.

That movie should have been called "The Heart Of A Jew" fucking psychopath.

Fucking hell.

You'll still be able to play those games in one way or another so there's that.

Not arguing that, just asking if it would be possible for the important part of this abomination (the levels) to be pulled out so they can be played without giving Randy a dime.


What steam overlay are you using

If you kill yourself, the kikes win. If you decide to throw it all away, at least dedicate yourself to stopping them rather than taking the easy way out. Make them pay for everything they've raped.

Or, you know, just pirate the non-cucked versions and convince your friends to do the same.

Giving Randy a dime or using his shitty "Remaster", that is.

Dude nice!

You are absolutely pathetic.

Bullshit. Rocksteady makes good games. Insomniac too and Guerrilla too.

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

Would there be anything stopping you from just pirating the game if they don't run in eDuke?

That is like looking away and telling yourself nothing shit is going on. It's either them that need to be wiped away or gaming in its whole. But I'm fucking done, that is for sure

Reminder, Thief is also raped.

Technically he'd be called a sociopath, and it was alright. It was barebones in too many places and relied almost entirely on Gyllenhaal's character alone. It does a good job in terms of American Psycho-type character study though, I'm surprised it didn't get more popular.

WTF is this image?
A jedi can't fend off 100 blasters from all directions and tanks.

Shouldn't you have linked this
post? ;_;

I am fucking livid right now. I've been playing Duke Nukem 3D for 20 years now, and I can say that Randy has contributed nothing of value when compared to the Duke Nukem fans who made so many quality maps and mods over the years. They're the reason the game is still well-regarded, not that asshole Pitchford.

There exists an unfathomable number of good games out there. They still come out today, you just have to know where to look.

My friends are normal faggots that see Fallout 4 as a perfect game. No use. They tell me "stop being so picky and stop being such a fag for old games".
Its no use.


i'm fucking pissing myself this is so fucking funny
and pathetic
and depressing

There's no point. I can tell you this now: there's loads of good maps for Duke Nukem 3D that are a 100x better than anything they could fit into this box of shit.

If you like pachinko maybe, the ching-chongs aren't above this garbage though.


You mean the skin? Its Air Classic.

There is that fucking jew meme again.


Just tried it and it worked for me, must be on your end.


You don't even like japanese games, faggot, i'm sure the kind of pussy who sees a katana in a game and squirms, gets in fetal position and cries "too weeb for me!, too weeb for me!"

the "black twittersphere" and all those neat little twitter posts with the captions and funny reaction faces
So you're telling me you use the word "cancer" unironically like some youtube comment shitposter but "harambe is totes old"
I've probably spent more time on this website than any single video game that I can think of
ah here comes the underage meme
Again, you're living under a rock. The only place I can think of that still uses image macros is reddit, and that's only to make a text post into an image to get karma or whatever the fuck the points are called.
Speak of the devil, an hero is a phrase as old as image macros. How the fuck are you in any place to complain at this point?

They're both equally bad but you gotta you the correct words to define it, user. The dude in the movie was the implied bad guy regardless.

It's awful, but only because they're trying to resell it.

jokes on them, i have an atomic edition CD.

The only psychopath I ever knew ended up killing himself. He didn't really act the way Psychos are usually portrayed in the media.

Weebshit will never be superior to this.


Crisis is shit

Isnt the difference one is external and thee other is internal?

They're adding in a new episode

I wouldn't be surprised if they did add in PC bullshit, but just for that episode. I doubt they'd be dumb enough to redo the writing for the entire game

Then again, they did get St. Jon to re-record lines

I'm sorry, I just can't hear you over the sound of my


Can your weebshit suit do that? huh? didn't think so, bitch!

Geez, I wonder.
Folley deleted this tweet? That doesn't sound weird.
So "actually", actually, the tweet never existed.

Guys. Using Marxism in gameplay and pushing the idea that games should be used as learning tools doesn't mean we're trying to teach people Marxist ideology. Have some common sense. /s

this actually makes it look better. The "progressive thinking" is because he made an abortion joke. If he does say bazinga, then all hope is lost, and I wouldn't give gearbox money if they exterminated every nigger on the planet, but it isn't as bad as the thread makes it out to be.

Have you seen the gearbox panel yesterday? There is no hope

Kill yourself.


There are thousands if not millions of users who come here on a regular basis. And you;re trying to say you can tell a user based off "posting pattern".

Even if there WAS a posting pattern you completely don;t even rule in the possibility that maybe another, probably more users could post in a similar manner?

Were you born an idiot or did you have to work hard at it?

Thanks, love you too (((user))).
Good choice Randy, good choice.

Fuck this shit

Sorry lad, yes. You are correct.

I have no idea what you're talking about about when it comes to nigger memes.

To describe someone or something is a cancer is a meme older than the internet.

If reddit uses image macros, the following are true:
- It's probably a normalfag meme
- It's probably a shit meme (those two don't always correlate although they often do)
- It is used on many more awful pages

The implication that age is the only determining factor for the viability and greatness of memetics is ridiculous user.
"an hero" is very old but far from overused.

I'm just trying to help here user.
Posting shit memes is awful.

I don't get it.

Could be, but from what the article here is saying, sociopathy would describe the character way better than psychopathy. Not archived because fuck mark. I dont give a shit.

gg = good game
bg = bad game

If he does say bazinga

Stay awhile and listen to the horror yourself

10/10 OP

I was really trying to give BF a chance but nope, not now.

Fuck those pinko Swedes.



see this and die like I did

You going ham over my delicate research confirms my suspicions even more, that you are, in fact, a giant 9gagging reddit fag.

(np man)

is that mankind divided?

there's no passion in his voice for the new lines.

Every sane Japanese would love to play Crisis because this is greatest gook killing simulator available.

The game itself looks like shit though, this art and lighting is disgusting. The only thing worth waiting is EDuke32 mod made of this new episode with the rest new content. Megaton looked better and costed just 10 bucks while it also had all expansion packs.

I really hope it will be like Doomguy reference with bazinga faggot being headless. They tried to promoted Duke like Trump in that trailer, so maybe there is a hope.

Because they were dumb quotes that would be dumb if any stupid idiot said it.
And they were under context of how Duke would make a better president.

I'm not even trying to defend gearbox here, I already have the Megaton Edition and have no plans to buy the new one

I would if they offered a steep discount for owning the Megaton edition and buying it doesn't replace the Megaton edition, but I disgress


I hate admitting how much I gush over how pretty the game looks. It's such an awful and poorly optimized mess but it's what I've been asking for cyberpunk on a visual level since Syndicate 2012 gave me a taste of what COULD be with [current year] tech.

now all we need is some fucking gameplay for once.

nah, that is just not concerning yourself with shit that is going to be shit anyways.

Developers today are talentless hacks who are constantly trying to use the names of old IP's because they realize the best has already been done. Of course, in a perfect world we would have the release of these IP's spaced apart so developers could find ways to add to the core foundation of what made that game good… but that's not happening so why not just enjoy your hobby then get bent out of shape about games that aren't really even games and developers that aren't really developers.


I knew it was gonna be bad from the leaks but this?
Fuck off, I've dropped all to do with it already

My thoughts exactly. Also, just go take some pictures of flowers. Paint some surreal shit.

IDK if it's poorly optimized so much as it's just a demanding game.

And I've really been enjoying the game play. It has sucked me in, but I really enjoyed HR, too.

Different strokes for different folks and all of that.

While graphics alone do not make a good game, I think it's silly to pretend as though they do not matter. How a game looks is very important. If a game is visually unappealing, I will be much less likely to play it.

You know that in the eyes of Gearbox, Duke must be a misogyny, racist and violent bigot right?

I mean… seriously? You don't even get that it was a sarcastic jab at Trump?

Honestly, any references to the current election is tried shit at this point. You think there is hope with that level of retarded shit?

As someone who puts graphics in the backseat when judging a game, it doesn't suddenly mean you can't appreciate good graphics when you see them.

The problem is putting graphics as an indicative measure of good or bad quality of a game as a whole. Having a little brother look at Super Mario and say it's a bad game because the graphics look bad.

No, not really. It's just that I'm a huge fan of cyberpunk and I've always wanted to experience a lifelike version of it in an interactive medium. Deus Ex 1 is a great game that's pretty but ultimately it's been ~15 years since it came out and it doesn't exactly give me the "dirty cyberpunk" look that I've been dreaming about for years now. Again, if anything I actually want the majority of games to go BACK to being extremely simple and easy to run on every machine, but when an interactive medium can grant me the ability to experience something that looks fully realized, then hell yeah I want some of that.

Stop the shilling you fuck.

hey guys, check out how pretty the new Mankind Divided looks even on lowest settings. cyberpunk fans should get in on this neat looking game

eat shit faggot. the Holla Forums board is for discussing video games.

im gonna guess you never played deus ex

yes goyim, give us money for minimal amout of work so you can walk around this empty house for 2 hours and look at the pwitty graphics

This guy makes Mr. Shitface look like a rookie, because Gearbox expects you to pay three times for the same game.

I want to become a game developer. I want to make games actually worth playing without forced political horseshit. Then I remember I'm just 1 untalented fuckwit that could never making anything halfway decent on my own and I die a little inside.

Please explain what you mean. If you are accusing me of being a paid shill, you are wrong. I actually wish that I was. It would beat my current job.


is bust a groove good? it it worth emulating over my backlog?


Goons are trying to push this forced meme in Holla Forums as well?

I sure am excited for the another Dick Cuckem game!

fucking hell

You mean a series with one and a half good games and two bad ones?

just play it on Eduke.

As opposed to not buying a product that I enjoy?
This game rivals 99% of the shit out on the market now in terms of detail, the art department probably has the budget of a small country as well as some talented fuckers to pull something like this off. Not even most movies look this good.
The game is decent length, and the environments are fucking massive. I'm actually running past most shit because I simply don't have enough time in the day to experience it all.

Say what you want about the gameplay, but someone would have to be clinically retarded to not pay out a measly $60 to dick around in a place they could've only fantasized about.

I'm not sure what reality you live in where that's how this went down.

nobody wants games that are worth playing these days, what they want is a trained circus monkey that will dick around on social media 24/7. even if you manage to make a game that is actually good, it will still be a flop and you will die penniless and alone.

again with the (((graphics))) and (((experiences))). what if i want a tightly knit game with good game play and challenging difficulty? what happened to shit like Classicvanias or proper FPS like doom 2?

The first one is better just by the better soundtrack alone. They tried some new gameplay mechanics in 2 but the music was so fucking awful it didn't matter. Good luck emulating a rhythm game. Last I checked these were still a bitch to emulate.

>tfw the closest thing that I like that is being remade was the re-release of Way of the samurai

But that's a Sith.

What a visual mess. That looks terrible.

It's Vader, you faggot. Vader is badass incarnate and it's time someone, even the faggot writing this comic, reminded the goyim of that fact.


But it's the FUTURE! Fuck things like lighting fixtures and a solid flooring.


At this point i honestly believe its good that some good games never got a sequel. Imagine Ristar 3D with the quality of Sonic Boom.

Post smug anime girls if you own the megaton edition. I can't since I'm on my phone.


Don't, this thread can still be saved.

Entitled! Mandchildren! Gross! Haters! Toxic!

Anons, if you aren't writing a list and checking it twice, you're letting the cancer that is Twitter go to waste while it's still live.

I downloaded the soundtrack but the game never came to the west and I never got around to emulating it since ps2 emulation was garbage at the time. Fuck, I need to update my ps2 emulator.


I own it, but I feel like that merits any smug satisfaction considering you can still pirate it.

But I thought you guise liked the internet maymays

*that doesn't merit*

The only article I recall reading about this story is this one:

Like I said before, when it comes to actually good games with good gameplay, I actually WANT something with really low specs. I actually really fucking hate everything having really high graphics because it's a bitch to run. If you want good gameplay, play the fucking first Deus Ex because it's fucking perfect from a gameplay stance. BUT Mankind Divided is for people who want to dick around in a fucking beautiful sandbox environment. I'm absolutely not saying it's objectively good, but it's something I personally want and something I personally love. Are you done with your retarded strawmen and Holla Forums falseflagging or are you going to continue with your faggot spam?
Confirmed for being a complete retard who only regurgitates "hardkore gaymer" memes. Doom 2 is easily one of the worst fucking games ever made in terms of level design. The correct answer would be Doom 1. Please fucking kill yourself.

Oh, so you're saying that you've never once bought something you personally love even though you know it's bad on an objective level? Really now? Personal taste is just unheard of now? Fuck out of here with your hypocritical bullshit, you're the cancer killing this board.

Mister Pitchford? Shouldn't he change his name to pitchfork? Because he is a prick

Yes and yes.

I tried Undertale, which everyone raves about, but couldn't get past the shit graphics. I guess that makes me shallow.

Wasn't the original DE exclusive to PC? I didn't own a PC back then.

It's a ghetto of sorts for augs. It isn't supposed to be pretty.

source on this?

Thats what children who dont understand how to play vidya do.

>Requires over a gig while the Megaton Edition is

OC from the thread of last night or whatever.

There is a difference between pixelshit graphics and outdated/bad graphics
It actually had a ps2 port a few years after it was released on pc.

Sounds more like a personal issue to me. There is a difference between poorly optimized and having poorfag computer parts.


I don't spend 60 bucks on something to "dick around" a bit, chance are you won't even spend more than 30h on the game much less any sort of time that would justify that price tag
So yes you're a retard with less self control and braincells than money.

And to answer your question yes I have spent money on things that I think are objectively bad but I enjoy nonetheless, but only up to a and certainly not 60 bucks on something I'll rarely touch until I get bored.

I want the world to stop

Thanks, I do recall reading this. I'm curious what happened since. I figure Gearbox's lawyers bullied him into silence.

Can the designers at least make an attempt to make it look realistic and practical. For fuck's sake, I expect that sort of shit from Final Fantasy or some high fantasy cyberpunk setting.


The story behind that painting is depressing as fuck.

That's neat. I wonder if it was any good.

Progress is a stupid term as it implies there is a correct path to take that should be obvious to everyone.
It's just browbeating.

what the fuck kikewheels

The only thing it did better was have better mouth movement and i think better graphics on npc models. But the pc version is better.

True but since I bought it I helped out that cripple guy that made it by himself and his sick wife.

By that point there was significant evidence that Ivan had become very much unhinged.

That incident basically also ended his dynasty.

He wasn't "the terrible" back in his youth (not that "terrible" meant back then what it means today), he was seen as a forward thinking, benevolent ruler. Then someone tried to kill him.

holy fucking shit the doublethink here is uncanny. VIDEO GAMES ARE ABOUT HAVING FUN AND DOING WHAT YOU WANT. God DAMN, user. I wasn't even implying that the game was something like gmod, I meant that it lets you fuck around and isn't a complete linear mess.

Speak for yourself, I have a mid range rig that can play shit from 2014 at max settings yet can only run Mankind Divided and shit like R6 Siege at low-medium at best. Current year games are poorly optimized, fact.

That was only one of the reasons I bought it. You might be a poor faggot but I was able to get it as a gift, and something as rare as a "lifelike" cyberpunk game is certainly worth being gifted in my eyes.
Opinion discarded, only faggots value quantity over quality. You might actually be retarded. Probably the type of faggot who thinks Assassins Creed is god-tier simply because it has so much secret location bullshit map markers and pointless quests.
I buy games that I like and I don't buy games that I don't like. Is that not self-control? Sounds like you're just pointless throwing out insults because you lack an actual argument. The fact of the matter is that I enjoy the game and considering the circumstances, getting it for free is worth it to me. Call my opinion shit, but you can't call it wrong.
Who said I don't? I already told you that I enjoy it and getting my "worth" out of it. Why are you still arguing at this point?

But that's how it works.

I guess not, user.


isnt gearbox basically bankrupt after that shitty multiplayer game?

the reason why tumblrtale needs to be banned

You cant go around deus ex hitting everyone with the baton, user. You actually have to plan your build.
You are nothing but a child who doesnt have the mental capacity to understand that vidya has rules and not for dicking around how you please all the time.


You're trying too hard

between this and fucking with classic Doom they've more than ensured that I will never donate one cent to Red Cross.

if there were any justice in the world they would be

Hopefully. They can't steal anymore money from Sega, and even if normalfags don't care, other big publisher will be wary of them. I assume someone will still publish Borderlands 3 if they have enough money to develop it though.


I'm pretty sure anything successful that doesn't straight up say "feminism is retarded" gets labelled as pro-feminism. Because feminism is desperate for "wins". As far as I know about Undertale, it's a weird little game with Earthbound style humor.

Fuck, the biggest thing I hear about people when they talk about the game is the soundtrack. Not the "progressive themes".

its not from game imo. the VA does pay-for-lines
so you can have him say almost anything if you pay him

They think it's progressive because the most feel-good path boils down to "killing is bad, m'kay, let's all be friends"

fuck off shill

Not necessarily, no. The low-tech stat is pretty much useless, as long as you hit the specific hitboxes. When it comes to bosses, you'll have a bit of a problem. Regardless, I didn't mean "play your way" as in "act like a retard." No shit it has to be within a realistic boundary, stop being fucking retarded.
There it is, the obligatory "heh kid."
Well there you have it, the faggot user at this point has nothing left to stand on, so he switches the goalposts to "uh dude you just don't get there are rules. lmao what a kid." Thanks captain obvious, that wasn't even the argument. No shit vidya has rules. No shit vidya isn't bad for imposing rules. The argument was that Deus Ex 1 pushed creative gameplay to it's limit while still giving a challenge to the player with certain boundaries.

don't put too much effort into your posts now

I love how the creator was all "I just wanted to make a video game," and these chucklefucks just came barging in going "THIS GAME REPRESENTS MY PET ISSUES, AND I WILL SHOVE IT IN YOUR FACE WHENEVER POSSIBLE!"

stop shilling for this shit "game" faggot

There's a reason tumblr was attracted to the game like flies are to shit.

Where might one apply to be a shill?

I'm asking for a friend.

So it falls into the "IT'S PROGRESSIVE ENOUGH!" category?

Think about it though, Undertale is the ONLY game that didn't offend them AND was actually popular. Think they could get away with telling people how great Sunset did? Or Revolution 60? Once the game journalism clique said "all these games are BAD" they couldn't turn around and start praising them. Undertale was in the right place, at the right time, to get tons of positive media coverage (not that it mattered, because other "media darlings" prove gaming media can't sell a game for shit anymore).

Try digra. But be aware that the entry condition is to be mentally challenged

Oh yeah, no question. Not to mention the Game Theory fanbase.

kill yourselves shills

I never watch Game Theory, but everytime I hear about it, it's something about some stupid theory, the creator saying that's not true, and then bullshit. How often does this happen?

It happened with FNAF many times, and a few with undertale.

Fairly often. At some point, MatPat ran out of old fan-theories to make money off of and decided to latch onto flavor-of-the-month games with enough ambiguous backstory to talk complete bullshit about. Hell, every time he gets called out on his shit, he and his fanbase just respond "B-BUT IT'S JUST A THEORY!" Of course, that doesn't really work when people call you a self-fellating asshole for giving a copy of Undertale to the fucking Pope purely to make a clickbait video to brag about it.

WAIT! GUYS! What if "PROGRESSIVE THINKING" is actually foreshadowing for the fact that Flo from Progressive Auto Insurance is going to be a playable character…

I forgot about the pope one.

I am human being with feelings and demand to be treated as such.

Apologize for being mean to me, user.

Why would a car insurance company want to be associated to a game where the protagonist kills hog like representations of police officers and gives money to strippers for them to show their boobs?

I only heard about that, but what was the reasoning there? I mean, what was he trying to "teach" the pope?

Then I'd blast cum all over her.

The claim was that the game was "going to give the Pope the perspective to tackle current issues" or some stupid bullshit like that.

Oh, god, I hate that kind of shit. Towards the end of 4chan, when it was still passably tolerable, I remember people throwing a fit about JK Rowling saying Dumbledore was gay. It wasn't because they didn't want a gay character or whatever, but their argument was that fan interpretation was more important than the author's intention. Another gem I saw here on Holla Forums was when someone argued that there's no way to know what the creator of a work intended because only god would have that kind of knowledge. I guess tons of clues creators leave in their works and even statements by the creator himself means absolutely nothing here. This kind of shit really drives home how fucking stupid the average person is.

Shame jap games have awful gameplay.

This makes me chuckle.


What? Current issues like how to be friends with ghosts and skeletons in hoodies? Might as well have given the Pope Animal Crossing or something, at least then he'd learn about the turnip market and how to dress up a room.


Like I said, it was obvious that MatPat only did it to further his personal agenda.

Get your story straight user.

Who said anything about disregarding quality, if your only enjoyment out of the game is playing it once and dicking around (as much dicking around there is a do in a game such as this anyway) the no it's not worth full price period.
Also "you say X so you must like Y" is a shit argument, playtime doesn't come from filler by the way but from repeat play-though and / or trying to master the game which is something you do when you actually enjoy a game.

Did you actually know for sure you were gonna enjoy it before paying?
Did you actually bother going further than just looking at the trailers?
Did you even have the chance to give the game a try before you bought it?
Did you even bother checking prices beforehand?
Probably not because you bought it full price (if you even bought it at all since you can't get that straight).

If your definition of worth is a playthrough that's not even thorough and dicking around you're just easily amused and have little sense of what truly enjoying a game is.

Only if you apologize for your friend's shit tastes and falling into the artificial media hype.

I'm more worried about the hacker from system shock for fuck sakes, Night dive unfucked the IP from legal hell and want to reboot the game and the old looking glass boys put together a studio to make Underworld Acension and System Shock 3.

Newfaggot plz, there's like 2.5k of us.


These poor, unchecked trips confirm that proper grammar is important.