There's no TF2 thread so I'm making one.
Why is Meet your Match so shit? Why is Mann VS Machine's matchmaking almost completely broken right now?
There's no TF2 thread so I'm making one.
Why is Meet your Match so shit? Why is Mann VS Machine's matchmaking almost completely broken right now?
I am so jaded as fuck towards this fucking game now. Everything is fucking shit now. But I can't stop playing this piece of shit because there's really no alternative to fill the void so fuck.
I know that feel man. I felt that way for a long time. Now I try to find others to play with to organize solid matches. Honestly I wouldn't be so pissed right now if Valve servers were still a thing, but alas.
I'll tell you man; the first thing I do whenever I get on any server is immediately mute every single player. Every vocal player is cancer now. a couple years ago you'd still get pretty cool players but nowadays you either get little kids or nuMales with nasally Jew voices using the mic to talk about how triggered they are towards Trump supporters instead of keeping their shitty politics out of the fucking game. The mic has been relegated to attention whores man
Man, it's unfortunate, I still use mic so I can instruct other players since I like to play support but holy fuck every server having all talk just ruins it. It's not like those Redditards will listen to me anyway.
I know that feel user. Used to stomp pubs with a few friends but then we just stopped. It wasn't fun anymore
Can I just say I love to have a night with engineer, I love to hear him talk in that southern tang and drink his words like a cold drink on a hot beach in the summer.
Hear discussion the amazing craftsmanship of his machines, the design, the structure, how that beauty works without failing even if the thing damn near broke.
I look into those blue eyes take a deep breath as he breaths on my face and tell him.
"Erecting an erection."
Underrated post.
Do we have a server or no?
if you don't play tf2c instead you might as well cut off your balls and sell them
TF2C is dead. Fuck off underageb&.
We used to. I run a pure server myself but I'm moving it to another machine today. I can shill it if you want.
Fucking put it up dickhead! What plugins do you have so I can fish them out of my directory instead of needing to download them?
I will in a minute. It's 110% vanilla with stock rotation.
Haven't seriously played this since 2011 - only picked it up again in 2012 for some MvM. Even back then, it already felt like a completely different game than the one I fell in love back in early '08. Every time I look at it now I can only see a depraved whore of a game, selling itself on cheap thrills, gimmicks, and flashy cosmetics at the expense of its core gameplay.
It's dead Jim. Unless you just want 4-way stalemates, knock-off Quake DM, and TTT.
I plan on adding some other cool stuff but nothing too offputting like ads and fast respawn. Any suggestions?
Ditch vanilla plugins, they're cancer.
Maybe get C_Hidehats so people who get triggered by the sight of a dr seuss hat can disable them.
The sad thing is that even then its still better than most of todays
Do you have anything to replace it with?
No? Fuck off.
No you misunderstand. It's not no backpacks, by vanilla I mean there's no server plugins at this time.
My bad, don't get any of those "vanilla" plugins that strip everyone of their loadouts. Those are exclusively for people too poor not to at least all the achievement weapons, or too stupid to rent from the mannco store for free
I'm all for playing stock TF2, but not as the main game. They've fucked with the stock weapons too much for it to be worthwhile. I like my loadouts. I just wanted a no bullshit server that people could use after Valve took down their official community servers.
Hey here's a question why are you bitching like all the, why is Holla Forums filled with people who bitch as much feminists and sjws, or I mean that's all I ever read half the time even the actual "discussions are mostly comprised of bitching or turn into bitch, my actual question why do you need a place to bitch whine and complain, when you have literally everywhere in both the world and internet to do so.
It's almost like a safe space for assholes.
fuck this thread tho
check 'em
I've managed to break the habit, but the damage is done.
Dudes transcended beyond human-like
I don't undertand how people can play a multiplayer game for so long.
Wouldn't it have gotten a little bit repetitive after the first 1500 hours or so?
Had dramatically better experiences since Meet Your Match myself. Average skill level is still shit, but it always was in quickplay, and at least people seem to be trying. No trouble finding casual matches, had two squeakers and one ragefag in 50-odd games, every other mic user has been chill or helpful. I get not liking the post-Mannconomy game in general, but I've had nothing wrong with this update in particular (besides the shitty matchmaking time at launch).
What the fuck happened to the new classes they promised, you know the janitor, another black guy, belgium spy and the scientist.
It's like fucking crack.
You need 10,000 hours to become good at something.
4000 to go!
how does valve manage to fuck up this badly?
Yes and no? It's hard to fill that void of "Let's fucking stomp for an hour or two."
It's just THAT game.
All good things.
Tried the cosmetic removal mod?
That might get you a few more FPS, not much though.
Performance is fucking garbage in this game, Valve's sphagetti code and retarded tier polycount on items doesn't help.
Checking valve's github page for source seems to imply they fucked up something major affecting a number of nvidia card models.
So until they unfuck whatever that was, nothing will improve the performance, because it's at the engine.
but why
Alright, I have successfully moved my server to the new machine.
Here's the server address. It may or may not go down for short bursts but I THINK everything is normal.
It happens to the best of us user.
Quickplay was removed, and Valve expect the community servers to pick up the slack when now they're mostly shit with plug-ins up the ass and idle server still popping up after valve had totally redone the drop system
On the plus side, i hope that this will make the community server's quality improve with vanilla or no-crit server popping up since people hated the matchmaking bullshit
There are people still playing MvM? i though that gamemode was dead since the Two-Cities update
fite me
Nah man, Sandman is essential to playing Scout.
Retard detected
What's that? I can't hear you over the Heavy I killed after stunning him and killing his medic, only to then shoot him in the back.
Any good servers with stock maps without plugins and no crit?
You wish.
Random crits are fair and balanced
I can understand not liking matchmaking or preferring quickplay to it but i really don't get why most people think matchmaking is so bad it killed the game.
What a shitter
Because no community servers in a rooster.
is there a good class to play coming off CS:GO?
I was more into spray control, can't stand AWPS.
I feel like they ruin the game.
gotcha, I figured as much but his bulk and hitbox sort of scared me. Guess we'll see how it goes. Thanks.
Pyro a cute
Comp is kinda wierd for me. Its always stomp or get stomped, tbh casual is more fun overall. In comp I never seem to get a good, close hard fought match. What do you think about Comp?
Also what is your fav class/loadout/cosmetics/modes/maps/ect?
Think anythings op or up?
Things you hate?
Well for one, playing as a sniper in TF2 actually requires you to have a modicum of skill in pulling off headshots, since headshots are sniper's main selling point (The only other class able to do headshots are spies but, it can only be done with one weapon) and the only way for you to be regarded as useful by the team
Now this would be seem easy but looking at how frantic and fast paced this game is means that some class could easily close-in the distance and pretty much murder you in close/mid range, and the way people move about in the frontlines means headshots are even harder to pull off
But a good sniper is a bane at long range, and will pick off high priority targets first
t. shitter at sniper
Doesn't crit chance increases the more you do damage?
Sure meatshots are rewarding to do time from time but why go through that hassle when you can deal a damage equivalent of 4 pistol shots per bullet with the shortstop?
Last I heard, probably back in '09, Crit chance is increased after a kill for a duration of two seconds. It does stack if you manage to earn multiple kills before the effect expires.
how to upload a vtf ???
I think 6v6 tends to speed things up a bit too much and every small skill difference means the better team will absolutely steamroll
Bear in mind he shoots out of his mouth, not his gun.
Think you're better than me, you little shit?
Last I heard, crit chance increased off of damage dealt, which is you engineers and medics always crit you whenever you get up close.
Did Valve intend to smother TF2 or is this just another display of incompetence?
TFW I have so many friends playing Overwatch I'm honestly starting to reconsider my stance of "Never Again" in regards to Blizzard products.
Oh, also, I can't join matches with friends anymore thanks to the necessity of using matchmaking to find players.
lol get a better computer!
No seriously, TF2 can run fine on high settings on my Core2Duo rig. On my i7 Skylake build I'm getting hundreds of FPS on maximum settings
Seeing how bloated Tf2 is though, I don't really blame you. Try convincing them to play CS:S though, at least.
Is there a server that runs on pre-F2P game settings? With weapon changes reverted?
Is such a thing even possible?
Overwatch is surprisingly good
It wouldn't have been successful if Valve hadn't destroyed TF2
The Cosmetic system is somehow less jewish than valves
It does require a 40 dollar payment up front so I have no intentions of buying in the near future.
If there's a free weekend, I'll definitely give it a shot, at least.
Ironically, it feels like the Matchmaking update did more damage to the userbase than just leaving well enough alone. There's no real enthusiasm about the game any more, it feels like the community is just going through the motions.
There's a free weekend coming up for Console only, as far as i know. Likely a PC weekend to follow soon enough.
It's filled the void that TF2 left in me, and more.
Wrong. It's actually Superior is a large array of aspects, Largely because of valve's inability to build upon TF2 without fucking up. As far as Competition goes, it's the better game by far, and it pains me to say it.
20tick is going to become 60tick very soon. As for custom games, there's been no word from Blizzard, but it wouldn't surprise me if it happens late next year.
overwatch now over 15 million players
Valve hired on b4nny for the update to assist with balancing and such and then promptly ignored all of his input. Heavy v. Pyro was almost certainly rigged in favor of Pyro similarly to how Soldier v. Demo was rigged in favor of Soldier. Matchmaking is a fucking joke and Quickplay was unnecessarily scrapped for it, to this day Quickplay was a better Casual Matchmaking than the actual Casual Matchmaking. Valve lied about Casual having an ELO or other skill-metric for matching players.
It's always been almost completely broken. Matter of fact it's gotten significantly better since matchmaking and MvM game-searching use the exact same systems, so any changes made to matchmaking's searching affects MvM and vice-versa.
Jesus that is a shit webm.
It's literally just two basic nude models, with mercy's shoulders, arms, and head all glue haphazardly to the top.
MvM is also dead and has been for months (maybe years) at this point. The only one anyone plays anymore is Wave 666. The game mode has ZERO support and Valve promptly forgot about it after Mannhatten.
Go on
I'm genuinely curious, is Valve not even the slightest worried that Overwatch was going to be serious competition? All the normalfags, as well a good amount of hardcore fans have moved on to Blizzard. I know that Valve doesn't care about Tf2 anymore, but to think they've spent 9 years developing the piece of shit, you'd think they'd at least try.
Depending on the time of day I can find an MvM game decently easily, though it gets a bit harder to find players for the more strategic maps. As well, there's absolutely no guarantee, regardless of time of day or how I get into the game, that my team won't be made up of total and complete retards who insist on playing Sniper because they get high damage output even though they're not helpful and that high damage output was spread out over maybe 20 robot headshots.
Last I checked TF2's player numbers are still pretty steady and it remains one of the highest-played games on Steam. With Overwatch's flavor-of-the-month nature, no player-hosted servers and (if I remember right) inability to mod it to any degree, I sincerely doubt it'll last longer than a couple more years. Likely Valve wasn't thinking of Overwatch as competition given the general IQ level in the company, but given the benefit of the doubt they may have thought TF2's been around long enough that they can afford to just totally weather the storm and not even acknowledge Overwatch on any official level. And they probably can, realistically.
I highly doubt that. Not saying that the game has the depth to be played for years, but Blizzard games tend to stay relevant long past their initial release, as long as the delivery wasn't botched. Also, normalfags seem to really, and I mean really, cling onto Overwatch. The amount of fan content for that game far outweighs any other flavor of the month game, reaching Undertale levels.
Holy shit why does this hurt my soul so much
Depends entirely on how long it keeps the attention of the e-sports crowd, if you ask me. If something better for the competitive-gamer MLG-pr0 types and the entirety of South Korea comes along then it loses most of its marketability and advertising from tournaments and other competitive environments, and with the next flavor-of-the-month will go the latchers-on who're the primary content producers. Trust me when I say people who don't play the games themselves are the ones who end up making up the brunt of drawing/music/writing/etc. fan content. Hell, TF2 had TF2chan where a bunch of thirsty 20-something women wrote yaoi and made art of the team members, and if I remember right even contributed voice-lines for some of the fem-class custom models, and none of them had played the game at all.
For some reason 99 percent of Mann vs Machine players are newfags (yes, there are still new players coming to TF2 apparently) and not just any newfags, I mean players who don't even fucking know they can upgrade engies buildings newfags, or players who don't know how to press "F4" (most players like this are fucking Macfags who don't know you need to press fn+F4)
I've noticed that myself that TF2 has loads of retards but MvM has absolute bottom-of-the-barrel retards. I don't typically notice anything over voice since I keep it disabled through a console command, why bother if I'm just going to mute everybody but I imagine it's even worse there.
You're not alone.
Have you considered a graphics config?
Small correction
Go join an actual competitive league or play lobbies instead. Valve comp is a mess, even after an extremely long beta where players gave a lot of feedback.
Uh, user? There's already custom games.
And I'm pretty sure they were in since day one or close to anyway.
You can also dick around with the rules. 0 cooldown on abilities, or only headshots do damage, restrictions on heroes, etc.
Dunno, never used it anyway.
Can't confim if 60 tick is in yet or not because it's not something I care about, but yeah, they did announce it and I think the PTR already had it, dunno.
You know, I've come to like Overwatch a lot. It's fun for what it is, and more importantly, it doesn't take 5 minutes to find me a match. The matchmaking fucks up everyonce in a while, but for the most part it actually gives me oponents near my skill level.
But I still miss TF2. I was shit at it but could still pub stomp. And every once in a while, sometimes an actual good player would show up. In the other team. And it no longer was good enough to topscore. I had to score higher than him.
You know that feeling you get, when you're cleaving through a team of retards like an hot knife through butter, and the guy is doing the same on his side (to your team) only for you to clash in glorious combat where you fight for a solid 30 seconds? And you die, or you kill him, and then repeat over and over again, and you can tell he's enjoying the thrill of battle since he keeps coming to meet your mettle and your resolve as you test your own against his?
Have you ever had that for a solid hour or two, non-stop, only for the time limit to end and seeing that you both scored 172 and the second player on each team scored around 30?
That was the reason I loved TF2. And I was, by all accounts a terrible player. I can rocket jump with a soldier, but I can't pogo or do any of the advanced stuff. Never did trickstabs, or fancy shit. I just duked it out to someone that might aswell have been better than me, but somehow managed to give it my all and come close or even surpassing them at times.
Maybe one day it will return. That feeling. That tingling in the back of your throat. The trembling of your hands. That tunnel vision when you spot the guy on the other side of the map.
Until then, I get to hook Genji's with Roadhog and hear the 15 year olds call me names in all chat. It's not the same. But it appeases my bitter-filled heart.
I wasn't planning on responding to the thread until I saw you're such a fucking liar. Overwatch has one of the most manipulative drop systems ever, restricting them to level-ups only, replacing dupes with a minimal amount of monopoly money, and shoving a whole bunch of useless sprays and voice clips in the loot crates they give you. TF2's system is much more generous and the additions of trading and crafting give you a hell of a lot more control than what Blizzard is doing where you just have to get lucky or pay them to get what you want.
Personally I don't think there should be any loot and microtransactions in multiplayer shooters, but I'd rather TF2's system than OW's since you have some fucking control.
If you like shooters that take even less individual skill and rely solely on team makeup. Where TF2 has the problem of classes have no definable roles and traits (thanks to the various builds they have) making team composition too muddled and confused, OW is on the opposite side of spectrum and has classes that are so strictly defined and pigeon-holed that they all just fill specific niches and the game becomes a challenge of out-counterpicking the other team or cheesing them with specific compositions that they're not prepared for. That's to say nothing about the shitty map design and lack of game modes.
how can you play for so long and not get all the achievements?
Let's be fair to TF2 as well, a lot of the maps are just shit. It usually boils down to the map design giving defenders way too much of an advantage, and that's not taking into consideration things like class stacking and the like.
A lot of TF2's shittier maps were added post-launch, made by fans or the few interns that Valve has run the TF2 development team now, all of whom have no design sense and didn't know how class abilities and advanced movement interacted with environments/map geometry. That's not to say bad maps didn't exist at launch (2Fort) but the majority of maps that came out of the original team were pretty good.
What's the best CTF map and why is it Doublecross?
The best maps in the game right now are 5cp maps made by the community (barring cp_badlands and maybe cp_granary).
user, that's the only part of your post I disagree with.
I want to trade an hat for an hat. I don't want to open a website and consult the daily price of a particular hat. I'm not playing an hat economics simulator, I just have a duplicate hat I don't want and an hat I want. Try to say that on any trade server nowadays without people laughing at you.
No user. Big, big no. To craft a weapon, you'll need 54 weapons.
In simple terms, unless you get lucky, that's an average of 8 weapons per week. That's 6,75 weeks, aka: 2 months.
Unless you pony up, you get a free hat every two months if you play the required 10 hours per week. And you have no control over what hat you're getting, since it's a random chance out of nearly all the hats available.
And what happens when you get a duplicate?
Tough luck, you can re-forge it (requiring a total of 18 weapons, or 3 weeks of play time) or go out trading. Refer to point one as to why that's a bad idea.
At least with Blizzards system, I was able to play for two months, and then say "I want to buy all this cosmetic shit for this character" and I had it, since over those two months, it dropped enough currency for me to pick what I wanted.
I liked how crafting worked in TF2 at first. Even some of the tweeks. I liked how the trading comunity behaved too.
I don't like those things today user.
To craft an hat, you'll need 54 weapons.
I'm looking for a comp team that isn't autistic
I'm a rank 11 scout main but I'd be gold if I didn't solo-que all the time or If I just abandoned every losing game when they didn't penalize your rank then.
My steam name is Lucart.
obviously looking for another scout
2 soldiers
1 demo
1 medic
forgot to mention I can't play till tomorrow cause of a random 24 ban
Because you abandoned a match
I did, about 4 matches before the ban happened.
That's only true if your dealing with unusuals. I've been able to trade hat for hat on most servers since the majority of players are typically not "muh economy" fags. Hell, just trading with friends is usually enough to get what you want. Certainly better than simply not having the option to trade.
Plus you'll get hats on random drop (though rare) and have the option to craft two unwanted hats together for a random hat.
That's another part of the fucked up economy.
I'm sure people who kept up with it know about it, but I didn't give a shit about the hats. I bought one once to make it a premium account and kept playing from there.
First hat I made was actually a coat for the Demo. Took two months to get a coat, instead of a hat. Then two months later I get the same coat. Unlucky me, I guess. I get on a trade server, and there's an helpfull guy telling me why I'm not gonna get much more than 2 ref for it. And I don't understand, because it took 3 ref to make.
So he tosses me a bunch of links to read. Or not, he did trade the coat with me for something else.
But when I opened those links:
The most I got was "you can apply visual FX to the unusal one's". What the fuck is "vintage" or "genuine"? Why does the same item appear but with a diferent frame colour and it's suddendly worth 5 bucks on the market?
It doesn't change it's function, nor the name an most important, the appearance itself.
A diferent frame in your inventory made the item worth 10x the original value? WHY.
I'm not saying the idea of trading or a sort of economy is bad. I'm saying that if you got on the game today for the first time and looked at the market, you'd spend the rest of your afternoon repeatedly saying "What the fuck."
And no, it's not complex or intricate or "too complicated" for me. The wiki offers a clear explanation for every item category. I know what each one means. What I question is WHY DOES THAT EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE.
It doesn't make the game more fun. It doesn't improve gameplay, fix maps or balance. It doesn't even do anything at all. It boggles the mind when you consider the thought process that created this: "Oh yeah, our game is already bloated to shit, what could we possibly do about it? I KNOW, MORE BLOAT!"
Genuine was meant to be awarded to players who brought the product the item was supposed to be advertising, for example, the new Prinny items are now genuine for the people who brought Disagea. This inherently not a bad idea as it allows the Prinny items to be opened up to everyone while those who brought the game got a special version of it, however, it shouldn't be tradable.
Vintage on the other hand is beyond stupid and only introduced to make people more interested in trading when it came out And this is from someone who is collecting Vintage Kritzkriegs
Collectors on the other hand is considered TF2 version of gold as there's 2 fags who has more money than sense buying them all for a set value meaning that as long as they're about, the value of collectors items will always stay around the 125 key mark or maybe even higher.
The economy is incredibly bloated right now, the ceilings of each "tier" of trading is ridiculously high and it's fucking hard to make profit now because nobody wants to buy
Well evidently you don't know what each fucking means you cock-gobbling mongoloid, because each of those categories of item represents a specific kind of origin or purpose that can be inferred from their category/title.
Vintage items are items crafted before the major crafting overhaul update, granted by steam support to replace lost items, or marked during certain, item-specific events that left them around as legacy items.
Genuine items are items gained through promotional or cross-game means. In both of these cases, an item being Genuine or Vintage means that it can be traded on the steam marketplace, which is a pretty notable difference from vanilla drops.
There are numerous other titles/quality that denote specific events (community), unique origins (collector/self-made), restrictions or modifiers (strange), and holidays (haunted).
This isn't some fucking arcane wizardry, it's a very simple color-coded system for organizing, recognizing, dating/proofing, and clearly interacting with these items.
How the fuck you can't grasp the purpose of something that legitimately retarded furries and brony autists can with flying colors is a baffling wonder of the internet.
shit game
I'm not saying that TF2 isn't completely fucked now, but Overwatch isn't exactly better.
Did you even bothered to read my post to the end?
I said I know all of that. I read the wiki, asshat.
I know what each category is, you're not telling me anything new.
I'm asking why does that shit even exist.
These are 4 diferent items (that would take 4 diferent slots in the inventory). Equip any, and all of them look exactly the same in-game. They play the same too.
Lost item? Give a normal one. Crafted before the overhaul? Still the same item. Promo-item? It's special by itself, doesn't need a category.
It makes no sense to say "Genuine Dildo" when all Dildos in existence are "Genuine".
The only major difference is that you attack smoke to the tip of the "Unusual" dildo.
Instead of having 4 diferent items that differ only in the frame in your inventory, they could all be just one item, occupying one slot: YOUR ASS.
Over all yeah that's true, but I would say that there are some easy ways of getting kills as a sniper.
1 Anyone leaving spawn are usually not expecting a fight so will not move as frantically and instead, more predictably. It is important to learn choke points on a map to make getting kills easier.
2 Heavys, snipers that are aiming and engineers that are building are the easiest to head shot
3 Any one retreating, odds are they are at low health and a body shot is enough to kill them.
4 Don't be afraid to attack engineer nests if you can see them and you already killed the engi, naturally you would usually be out of the sentry's range to take damage from it. Of course, this could take about 3 fully charged shots and this is more a task for soldiers or demomen, but if they aren't around and no other targets are in sight, then it can't hurt.
The cozy camper is the only item I would suggest going out of your way getting. I'm not saying the other items are bad, it's just that I really like it.
And I also think the razorback is a waste since a spy would just switch to his gun and shoot you dead.
Minus the frontier justice, that is how I always play engineer, so much fucking fun.
Woops, I fucked that up.
I was like that until my game died. I literally spent entire weeks including weekends playing it, eating and going to sleep only to repeat my routine for years and even if the game became shit a long time before dying i continued playing it and i feel a deep sense of grief
Why is it all Valve maps are laggy as shit? Just got out of a fucking match where my ping was in the green but every 90 seconds there's three seconds of skipping, I just can't handle it anymore.
I guess my craving is gone, so I can uninstall peacefully for a few months but it's just disconcerting to see a game abandoned so completely by its developer yet not even be a fucking ghost town. Fuck valves shitty business system for not having dedicated teams, what are they even working on over there?
How 2007 game can run this badly? I remember playing in 2009 and game run fine even on my Geforce 560
Nvidia cards have some serious fucking problem with it right now. Problem is on valve's side.